Top 19
Cabela's Shooting Mat
Unrolled: 73-1/2"L x 35-1/2"W.
Rolled: 35-1/2"L x 8-1/2" diameter.
Weight: 6-1/2 lbs.
Caldwell® DeadShot® FieldPod
Colors: Tan, Camo.
Maintal von timmins egal ob sport schützt oder jäger wichtig ist immer dass der schuss ins Schwarze trifft eine hilfe dazu wollen wir heute immer vorstellen nämlich die zielhilfe die firma goldbeck schauen uns mal an was diese zielhilfe kann die zielhilfe ist aus aluminium gefertigt und für 360 grad drehung gedacht sie klappen das stativ nach unten und haben jetzt die möglichkeit jedes einzelne bein in der höhe zu verstellen so ist die höhe einstellbar von 51 bis zu 107 cm bis aufstellen ist denkbar einfach, die klappen das stativ aufpassen ist den boden gegebenheiten individuell an und fixieren dann die auflage so lassen sich zahlreiche einstellungen am stativ vornehmen man kann zum beispiel die länge des stativ verstellen die neigung der auflage natürlich auch die richtung und so kann ich auf 360 grad mit dieser cd hilfe arbeiten durch die variable höhenverstellung kann ich es einsetzen zum beispiel in cannes zelt aber auch knien oder liegend im freien geeignet ist eine solche ziele für vor allen Dingen zum einschießen kontroll schießen aber natürlich auch für das long range shooting zum transport gibt es einen passenden trageriemen stets eine sichere kugel und viel waidmannsheil wünschte ihnen das ziel ins.
Site Lite SL-100 Boresighter
Before you head to the range, get superior boresighting accuracy using the latest laser technology from Site Lite. Super-strong magnets in the arbor securely center the laser in the muzzle for consistent accuracy. Unique system of adapters and O-rings fits all .22- to .50-caliber handguns and rifles; 20- and 12-gauge shotguns and muzzleloaders. Designed so no metal touches the rifling of your firearm. To boresight, place the target 25 ft. from the muzzle and center the laser on the target. Dial in the scope's crosshairs and you're boresighted for 100 yards. The included Alignment Verification System Reflective Target lets you quickly verify scope alignment in the field according to your recorded information.
Iplay 100 lasers bore sighting system. You get the package home I'm going to open. It up here give a little walkthrough what's in the box basically you're going to open. And inside here let's get. This organized a little bit you're going to have the laser bore sighting system itself which is pretty simple. It comes with batteries preinstalled simple on/off switch here will turn. And then at the tail end here you've got. What they call their Oh ring system. And in the box you're going to see a bunch of these o-rings here which fit a variety of calibers there's also a couple of different adapters here a rifle adapter. And then there's also a shotgun adapter here as well. This piece here on the end is going to be probably. You know if you're putting a new scope on. And you're trying to get a bore sighted in. What this does your first step is going to be aligning your crosshair so it's perfectly vertical. And horizontal to the plane of your rifle. And that's what this adapters here is for when. It turns the dot into a flat edge laser. What you do is they provide a target here so. What you're going to do. You won't see and I'll put in. Some supplemental video. It shows a little bit better but you're going to basically a tweak your scope until you've got. It aligned vertically you've got your crosshairs aligned vertically. And horizontally the cool thing is on. This target they actually provide a level. And also in the package.
When you're ready to start bore sighting you've got. This target here what you're going to do let. This adapter off you're going to find the appropriate oring adapter for your caliber you're going to insert. This into the barrel. Another nice thing is. This adapter part here is also magnetized so as. It slots in it's a very tight fit but it's also magnetized so. Once you've got it in it's going to stay it's not going to fall out which. Ithink is a very cool thing and then. What you're going to do is according to your instructions you're going to set up your rifle 25 feet away. And you're going to put the laser in the center the target there. And then you're going to adjust your wind age. And elevation x' on your scope so. It meets the crosshair here. Because you're only 25 feet away that's why there's the difference. And that's critical don't you're not going to target the laser. And your scope crosshairs here like.
Isaid laser points going to go there crosshairs there. And again this is set up at 25 feet according to their instructions. You go through those steps keep in mind it's not going to. You know you're not going to be able to install. And do the basic bore sighting and expect to walk out to your range. Or walk out the door. And go hunting and be zeroed in. You still have to take. It out to the range to finish your final zeroing in my case as an example. This on my new Sig 5 to 2 22 rifles. And went through their instructions took. It out to the range. Ithink my groupings just my first three shots. Iwas about 2 to 3 maybe 4 inches off my bullseye so basically just keep in mind. What this is going to do it's going to get. You on paper hopefully. And then it's going to you're just going to have to adjust from there. That it's big its advantage it's going to save.
You ammo you know you just throw your scope on their head out to the range you're probably going to spend 3 to 4 times the amount of ammo getting it sighted in first using a system like. This question you have to ask yourself is. It worth this particular setup like. This is a sight light 100 retails. Ithink around $99 there are cheaper versions but the problem. Ifound I've used the cheaper ones. And instead of using this o-ring system. They have adapters you screw in. And I've never on those cheap. One to be able to get a tight fit into the barrels of the firearms I've been using it on in. This case like I said between the o-rings on the. This part being magnetized very tight very good seal on the barrel but again getting back to the cost. You know you're going to see them online. And again the one thing I've noticed too is. This particular brand is OEM doubt — I've seen Cabala's brand which is basically the same exact border sighting system except. It just labeled as Cabala's I've seen.
It at a couple different sportsman stores with their labels on. And again it's the same exact brand. Ithink in my case actually. Ipurchased this the packaging was an OEM package from compells but. You open it up it's. All site light so just. Something to keep in mind. Iwould again it just depends on your needs. If you're changing scope salon. You know you're doing a lot of adjustments. Ithink in the long run it'd be worth. It just in the cost of animal you're going to especially in your higher-end calibers with the price of ammunition. These days it might be worth the investment. It again like I said its just going to save. Some time and aggravation. You get out to the range excuse. One other thing it also includes adapters for some. Most of your pistol calibers. One thing I used it for will show my M&P; here.
Ihave a stream light tlr-2 on my MMP. It comes with the laser but again. You have to adjust this out at the range so. What I did before even took the laser system out to the ranges. Iuse the bore sighting system to zero in the laser. And again it's not going to be perfect but. It does give you a general ballpark vicinity into the target like. Isaid on my 522 rifle. Iwas within three or four inches. You know within the first three shots so in. That case you know again. You know I'm not under 22. You know that's not a big deal but. Ithink like you get in your higher calibers. You — 23 s and above. You know you're looking at the cost of ammo. And sighting in as a matter of fact. Iwas there by 5:22 a gentleman next to. Me had just brought out his deer hunting rifle. And had to stop he ran out of ammo. And didn't have enough. He still didn't have. It sighted improperly. Ithink in that case. He probably would have saved a lot of time a lot of expenses in ammo by using a system like.
This but like I said it's up to. You the way the cost verse the. How often you would use. They also include adapters for 12. And 60 in this particular version 12. And 28 shotgun adapters. Ipointed out or that's. What you would use this particular adapter for so there. Ican't really make a judgment on. It for me it seems to work so. Ican't complain it's a sight like 100.
Site Lite SL-500 Ultra Mag Green Laser Boresighter
The SL-500 is the ultimate boresighter. It uses an ultrabright green laser that can be seen up to 100 yards and is up to 50 times brighter than red lasers. This unit is pinpoint accurate and works with rifles, pistols and shotguns. It fits all calibers from .22 to .50 caliber, and includes 20- and 12-gauge bores. No optional arbors are required. It comes with the SLR-100 Scope Reticle Leveler allowing you to precisely level the crosshairs of your scope. Scope reticle leveler included - a $19.99 value.
Iplay 100 lasers bore sighting system. You get the package home I'm going to open. It up here give a little walkthrough what's in the box basically you're going to open. And inside here let's get. This organized a little bit you're going to have the laser bore sighting system itself which is pretty simple. It comes with batteries preinstalled simple on/off switch here will turn. And then at the tail end here you've got. What they call their Oh ring system. And in the box you're going to see a bunch of these o-rings here which fit a variety of calibers there's also a couple of different adapters here a rifle adapter. And then there's also a shotgun adapter here as well. This piece here on the end is going to be probably. You know if you're putting a new scope on. And you're trying to get a bore sighted in. What this does your first step is going to be aligning your crosshair so it's perfectly vertical. And horizontal to the plane of your rifle. And that's what this adapters here is for when. It turns the dot into a flat edge laser. What you do is they provide a target here so. What you're going to do. You won't see and I'll put in. Some supplemental video. It shows a little bit better but you're going to basically a tweak your scope until you've got. It aligned vertically you've got your crosshairs aligned vertically. And horizontally the cool thing is on. This target they actually provide a level. And also in the package.
When you're ready to start bore sighting you've got. This target here what you're going to do let. This adapter off you're going to find the appropriate oring adapter for your caliber you're going to insert. This into the barrel. Another nice thing is. This adapter part here is also magnetized so as. It slots in it's a very tight fit but it's also magnetized so. Once you've got it in it's going to stay it's not going to fall out which. Ithink is a very cool thing and then. What you're going to do is according to your instructions you're going to set up your rifle 25 feet away. And you're going to put the laser in the center the target there. And then you're going to adjust your wind age. And elevation x' on your scope so. It meets the crosshair here. Because you're only 25 feet away that's why there's the difference. And that's critical don't you're not going to target the laser. And your scope crosshairs here like.
Isaid laser points going to go there crosshairs there. And again this is set up at 25 feet according to their instructions. You go through those steps keep in mind it's not going to. You know you're not going to be able to install. And do the basic bore sighting and expect to walk out to your range. Or walk out the door. And go hunting and be zeroed in. You still have to take. It out to the range to finish your final zeroing in my case as an example. This on my new Sig 5 to 2 22 rifles. And went through their instructions took. It out to the range. Ithink my groupings just my first three shots. Iwas about 2 to 3 maybe 4 inches off my bullseye so basically just keep in mind. What this is going to do it's going to get. You on paper hopefully. And then it's going to you're just going to have to adjust from there. That it's big its advantage it's going to save.
You ammo you know you just throw your scope on their head out to the range you're probably going to spend 3 to 4 times the amount of ammo getting it sighted in first using a system like. This question you have to ask yourself is. It worth this particular setup like. This is a sight light 100 retails. Ithink around $99 there are cheaper versions but the problem. Ifound I've used the cheaper ones. And instead of using this o-ring system. They have adapters you screw in. And I've never on those cheap. One to be able to get a tight fit into the barrels of the firearms I've been using it on in. This case like I said between the o-rings on the. This part being magnetized very tight very good seal on the barrel but again getting back to the cost. You know you're going to see them online. And again the one thing I've noticed too is. This particular brand is OEM doubt — I've seen Cabala's brand which is basically the same exact border sighting system except. It just labeled as Cabala's I've seen.
It at a couple different sportsman stores with their labels on. And again it's the same exact brand. Ithink in my case actually. Ipurchased this the packaging was an OEM package from compells but. You open it up it's. All site light so just. Something to keep in mind. Iwould again it just depends on your needs. If you're changing scope salon. You know you're doing a lot of adjustments. Ithink in the long run it'd be worth. It just in the cost of animal you're going to especially in your higher-end calibers with the price of ammunition. These days it might be worth the investment. It again like I said its just going to save. Some time and aggravation. You get out to the range excuse. One other thing it also includes adapters for some. Most of your pistol calibers. One thing I used it for will show my M&P; here.
Ihave a stream light tlr-2 on my MMP. It comes with the laser but again. You have to adjust this out at the range so. What I did before even took the laser system out to the ranges. Iuse the bore sighting system to zero in the laser. And again it's not going to be perfect but. It does give you a general ballpark vicinity into the target like. Isaid on my 522 rifle. Iwas within three or four inches. You know within the first three shots so in. That case you know again. You know I'm not under 22. You know that's not a big deal but. Ithink like you get in your higher calibers. You — 23 s and above. You know you're looking at the cost of ammo. And sighting in as a matter of fact. Iwas there by 5:22 a gentleman next to. Me had just brought out his deer hunting rifle. And had to stop he ran out of ammo. And didn't have enough. He still didn't have. It sighted improperly. Ithink in that case. He probably would have saved a lot of time a lot of expenses in ammo by using a system like.
This but like I said it's up to. You the way the cost verse the. How often you would use. They also include adapters for 12. And 60 in this particular version 12. And 28 shotgun adapters. Ipointed out or that's. What you would use this particular adapter for so there. Ican't really make a judgment on. It for me it seems to work so. Ican't complain it's a sight like 100.
Site Lite SL-150 Ultra Mag Laser
Before you head to the range, get superior boresighting accuracy using the latest laser technology. Site Lite SL-150 Ultra Mag Laser boasts an ultrabrite 635nm laser for increased visibility. Runs off of a lithium battery, extending battery life to ensure years of reliable use. Super-strong magnets in the arbor securely center the laser in the muzzle for consistent accuracy. Unique system of adapters and O-rings fit all .22 to .50-cal. handguns and rifles, 20- and 12-ga. shotguns and muzzleloaders. Designed so no metal touches the rifling of your firearm. To boresight, place the target 25 ft. from the muzzle and center the laser on the target. Dial in the scope's crosshairs and you're boresighted for 100 yds.We all have the same problem when it comes to mounting scopes. They just don't go on straight. The included Reticle Leveler helps you get it right the first time. Its two-piece design allows it to be used on compact scopes with very low mounts as well as with 56mm objectives on very high mounts and everything in between.Cabela's Professional Chamber Pistol Boresighter
- 9mm
- .40 S&W
- .45 ACP
Cabela's Clear-Shot Value-Pack Targets
- 12" Bull's Eye– 12" x 12" targets with green bull's-eye. Per 36.
- 12" Sight-In – 12" x 12" targets are perfect for sighting in your rifle. Each target sports four mini targets in the corners. Inch marks give accurate feedback from the bench. Per 36.
- 12"W x 18"H Torso – 12"W x 18"H torso-shaped silhouette provides instant feedback. Ideal for competition and self-defense practice. Per 24.
Caldwell® Stable Table® Shooting Bench
Wt: 60 lbs.
Wt. capacity: 275 lbs.
Cabela's Armor Xtreme Lite Tactical Case
Interior: 36.5"L x 13.5"W x 4.5"H.
Exterior: 38"L x 15.8"W x 5"H.
Wt: 10.7 lbs.
Cabela's Armor Xtreme Molded Double Long-Gun Hard Case
External dimensions: 53"L x 18.5"W x 7"H.
Internal dimensions: 50.75"L x 15"W x 5.75"H.
Wt: 24 lbs.
Caldwell® Matrix™ Shooting Rest
Ultrarigid U-channel frame quickly adjusts up to 4-1/2" in length to stabilize any gun, from a handgun to an AR-15. Open center channel provides plenty of clearance for high-capacity detachable magazines. Removable lid on the convenient storage area in the front of the base adds additional clearance when detached and doubles as a rubberized rear support surface when firing handguns. Front elevation system has a spring-loaded tension mechanism and height-adjustment knob for precise one-handed elevation adjustments. Remove rear portion of the frame to convert it into a compact front rest.Length: 21-3/4" to 26-1/4".
Width: 19".
Dimensions: 6-1/2"H x 16-1/2"W x 19-1/2"D.
Front cradle height: 7-1/2" to 10-1/2".
Approximate weight: 5 lbs.
Everyone one today I'm going to be reviewing the matrix shooting rest which is made by cod well really truly amazing shooting rest on. Iactually like it a lot for the money. You can't go wrong one of the first things. Iwant to start off reviewing is the adjust ability as. You can see you have adjustments here. This is for depending on if. You have a long or a short rifle. You can pull this out that's. You have a long rifle. You need more space. You could just put it in their personally I'd like to keep. It out in the middle. This works for what I have. And then to tighten. It you're just going to come in here you've got. These little knobs here. That takes care of that the next adjustment. Iwant to focus on is the up. And down I've never actually seen. Anything so smooth it's. One of those things. Where you'd have to actually see. You know feel it to believe. It but literally the slightest touch just moves. It which is good if you're trying to really get. Some precision shooting in. It will let it very easily gets.
And down as you can see it's also got a really far range of motion three. And a half inches which. Icould say is if you're shooting sure. It works for both short reigns. And our long range even at short range at 50 yards. That movement could literally have. You go from aiming at the ground to well above the target at ranges farther. That it's even better. Even have more range. And then this adjusted to. You want you do is tighten. And you're good that's not going anywhere. Another feature that's really good about. This rest is this part right over here is removable not going to lie it's a little tricky to get. This actually know it's not too bad so.
You may be asking what is the purpose of. That is for this works perfectly with an AR style rifle. You know typically people with ar-15s have trouble on a wrestler on a lot of rest because of the fact of the extended magazine. You will not have any problems um. Ihave my uncle use his ar-15 on. It worked otally fine as. You can see it goes down pretty deep in there so for you guys. That have ARS you're actually going to love. This rest the next thing I want to focus on is 13s it's pretty sturdy. You can see non pressing on. And not really a lot of movement seen with the rifle sitting there very nicely without a lot of movement overall it's really good. Ihave her complaints of people with the heavy Magnum rifles I'm saying.
It kind of moves a bit. You know I've shot a couple high-powered rifles off. It in the 308 39 6 range. It seemed to do fine with. You want to step up. And maybe go to like a 300 Win Mag. Something like you know. You could always put. You know put some weight in here but. Ithink you'll be fine with almost just about. Any basic rifle you know again. What those more powerful ones. You will be fine all on there's. Nothing I really have. Nothing bad to say about. You could pick these up I've seen them as low as like $4000. Ibelieve from Amazon. You can a lot of times find them. And like Dick's Sporting Goods. Or Bass Pro Shops you'll normally pick them up for about between 50. And 60 dollars I could say in my opinion is. This thing a 5 stars 5 out of 5. Iwould definitely recommend. Whether you're a first-time shooter. Or intermediate you're definitely going to enjoy. This it's got a lot of great features as.
You can see and it's really put together well alright it's easy to transport so that's really. What I got to say about. It maybe in future I'll do a video of myself actually shooting off. You can see what it's like. Ido want to thank you for watching everyone.
Cabela's Clear Shot Targets
- 12" Bull's-Eye Assortment – per 6.
- 12" Bull's-Eye – per 6.
- 12" Sight – per 6.
- 18"H x 12"W Torso – per 4.
This is a Cabala's their target. And for about three days shot a fair bit seed self-healing we have. One peekaboo through their shooting 355 green arrows. And a 70 pound bow it stops in pretty well kids love. It dogs loves hanging out with. It looks fairly realistic been fun for the backyard the body heals up quite well it's been hit a couple of times. And the arrows are too bad to pull out. If you've got some Lube on them. If they're dry carbons. It can be a little bit hard to get out see I'm getting these out on camera. Most too much effort my little bad little target kinda makes things a bit. More fun in it doesn't. It alright I'll see. It holds up the next. Few weeks being shot a fair but it's a replaceable vital shoot from. Both sides even comes with pegs.
AR Caldwell® Deadshot Combo
Wt: 7.5 lbs.
Kestrel 3500NV Weather Meter
Magpul Core Precision Rifle Data Book 2.0
7"H x 5"W.
Caldwell® Crosswind Professional Wind Meter
8"H x 7.5"W x 1.5"D.
Kestrel Elite Weather Meter with Applied Ballistics
Colors: Black, Olive, Tan, Orange.
Hey there Sam Millard here from Panhandle precision comm. This is going to be a field review of kestrels new 5700 sportsmen. You are familiar with the kestrel line of meters. They are pretty much the gold standard of environmental meters. They read things environmental conditions. They have to do with the weather. Ilike barometric pressure temperature humidity heat index things like. That from a long-range shooting standpoint we've been using them for years to come up with conditions. We have to enter into our ballistic computers come up with a firing solution namely air density affects the drag on the bullet on sway to the target the other thing we've been using Kestrel meters for it is to read the wind. They have a built-in impeller here on top. That will give us an accurate wind speed. We can input into our ballistic calculators ok the thing. That sets the Kestrel sportsman apart from a standard weather meter is the fact. It has a built in ballistics solver in. If you're using a meter before an ax ballistic solver. You would normally get your conditions off the meter. And then you would input them. It separately into a ballistic solvent with the Kestrel sportsman it's. All built in and because of. That it's automatically feeding those inputs to the ballistic solver.
It uses the applied ballistics ballistic calculator. This ballistic calculator is very accurate. And has a capability of giving you a firing solution out to 4000 yards sportsmen will hold three gun profiles those profiles. You can build them with a g1. Or a g7 ballistic coefficient. You can do muzzle velocity chirring with. It to validate your trajectory. It pretties much has the full-blown apply ballistics solver in. It with a few exceptions is. Than enough to make a shot out to the transgenic range of the bullet. You know where the bullet starts to go subsonic as far as the hunting a long-range hunting meter. This meter does it very well. It unlike the old sportsman. It accounts for Coriolis. It accounts for aerodynamic job spin drift those kinds of things. That were missing in the first generation of sportsman.
These meters has basically done for me. Everything I used the elite meter for as far as long-range hunting this meter showed up. Ithink two days before my daughter. Iwere on our way to Wyoming to go on an antelope hunt. Iput a battery in I did a compass calibration on. All up with my preferences. Iuploaded three gun profiles from my phone onto. It turned it on turned on my Leap meter. And checked them both for a 1500 yard shot with my 300 Win Mag. They were identical. Both amused g7 ballistic coefficients. Both amused everything. That I'm concerned with. And making a long-range shot it's a very accurate ballistic solver I've had no problems with doing trajectory validations with. Ithink I've had to adjust my velocity 20 feet per second on average across. All of my rifles all of my load Kessler meters are tough they're designed to be out in weather like. This wet cold heat everything they are waterproof they're shockproof they're just ready to rock.
You don't have to worry about hurting your meter take. It out in the elements get. It wet get it could freeze. It doesn't really matter. This is a really tough meter. You aren't gonna have. Any problems with now in the 5k series of 5700 series they've really improved the screen the resolution is much better it's roughly double of what the 4k series were the screen the material. They use on the lens itself on the screen is incredible. Idon't have a single scratch on. This meter after three months of hard use. Ialso have the elite which is basically the same meter. And I've had it for over a year. And don't have any scratches on its pretty amazing so it's a very durable unit it's light it's just a little bit over four ounces.
It runs on one double a battery. They recommend a lithium battery. Ido too it lasts for a very long time. Ithink it's rated for 400 hours. Iwould have to agree with. It lasts for a very long time to get to the battery. You had a 4k series. You knew you had to open up the bottom. And then they had a little separator deal. That was separate the two triple A batteries. It was no fun at all on the 5 K series like on. This sportsman there's. One latch that latch. This whole door comes off the back. One double a battery sits right here it's very easy to maintain. And the battery lasts a very long time yeah keep mine in. This Tyr case this is just a real simple Cordura case with. Us velcro opening on top it's very easy to get in. And out of keeps the meter clean. You know safe from any kind of scratches.
Although that screen is pretty tough. Idon't know how it's gonna get scratched but anyway. It protects the screen. It has a way either hook. It onto a belt somehow. You can hook this into Mali webbing it's been a real good case. Ihave the same one for my elite. And I've had't had. Any problems at all with. This is a link model. This is the kestrels new low energy bluetooth model. It will allow it to talk to a lot of different things. You can sync it up to a smart phone. And use the weather side of. This remotely so you can read weather conditions. You can record weather conditions. You can run graphs you can come up with. All kinds of data on. That side on the ballistic side.
You can slave this to a phone put. This in a remote wind vane mount. And actually have this five. You real-time wind speeds away from your shooting position. You can run everything you need to run right on your phone it's a really good deal. Ireally like the link set up I've had. That elite 2 for a year it's very handy to have. You can also use the link to upload. And download gun profiles Kestrel sportsman also gives. You the ability to shoot with a wind bracket meaning you can have two different wind speeds entered in. It with two distinct Corrections for the shot typically you'd use. You have a steady low speed wind. And then occasionally. You have a high gusting wind. Either average the two out. You can shoot in one condition. Or the other it will put. Both Corrections right on the screen for you at the same time. He has a demonstration.
Iset up a six hundred yard target with the 260 Terminator. It a wind speed from three o'clock a wind direction from three o'clock. And two wind speeds. One for three miles per hour which would be a steady wind the other. One for eight which would be a gust. Iexit out into my firing solution. It gives me two different Corrections so the wind. Ineed to dial right on. Both of them for a three mile an hour wind. Ineed a half minute of Correction for the eight mile an hour wind. Ineed a two-minute correction will show. Some screenshots later but just to go over. Some highlights of the meter. It has a built in red.
Or white back light you don't have to order. Or the other anymore. You can toggle between. Or the other the white backlighting is incredible. You can see any condition bright sunlight. Whatever the thing I noticed about. This meter though is. That the font on the display on the numbers. And the letters everything is very easy to read. Even in direct sunlight as a bronze tint to the screen background here. It just makes those black letters pop out so you're not gonna have. Any problem reading this okay ballistic solver includes a lot of the advanced features. We used to take long-range shots like Coriolis spin drift aerodynamic jump. It can be used for all of those things to take really long shots but it's very easy to use to take the short ones too so. If you're hunting say with a deer rifle like. This 260 with a 10 power scope. You can use it very well for. That for shooting out across the clear cut at five.
Or six hundred yards. All the way right up to a full ball. And long-range precision rifle to shoot out to a mile so it's a very good meter for the guy who wants to get started but does to have. All the advanced extreme long-range stuff for your solutions. One target to work with. You can have three different gun profiles loaded onto. One time it includes a moving target profiles so. You can come up with a solution to shoot moving targets. It would be a real ideal PRS type meter as well kit will show a. Few different screens here on the Kestrel sportsman. And later on I'll have a whole series of how-to videos. And setting it up and actually using it but for now we'll just go through a.
Few screens this is the power button. You fire it up that's a start up screen. And it's gonna go right into the ballistic screen which is. Imostly use it as a ballistics solver pushing this button will let. You go from ballistics to weather. It set on wind speed. Because that's what I use. Most for but you can scroll. And show all the other weather features on here. They have user screens. This is a user screen. You can put three different values there's. One okay let's break out of their go back to ballistics. This is your targeting screen. You would do all your targeting information direction of fire. And clinician degrees. You can use a cosine target speed target Direction wind speed. One wind speed — next. One is the wind you actually change your wind. You can do your different directions here.
And then you would play with your speeds next. One down is your gun. What ever gun you're using at the time it's set up for the 260 Terminator. This is the environment screen. This shows all the conditions. That you're shooting in. That the meter is reading automatically. You update it by scrolling back. And forth you turn. It on to update it's reading real live data. You turn it doesn't move at. If you're in the Sun. Something like it won't heat up the sensor. This is your latitude for shooting Coriolis Corrections temperature station pressure relative humidity. This is a density altitude number spin drift is on. You can turn you want that's. That screen next one is the ballistic screen. This shows you basically. What the shots going to be so it's a 600 yards. We need a nine point nine seven minutes up elevation up wind direction. When speed two this is the lead for a moving target. This is a remaining velocity at 600 yards remaining energy at 600 yards.
This is the range that that bullet goes transgenic under. These conditions this is your managed guns. It shows the three different gun profiles. You can store in you can turn them on. And off so you don't accidentally have the wrong. One turned on when you're making a shot. Ijust leave them turned on. And that's that screen okay let's show. Some display options okay. You can set your display preferences. And display screen you scroll down to. It there's display as an auto shutdown feature so. You can set it for off meaning it'll stay on forever as long as. That the power is turned on. It automatically shuts off in 15 minutes 30 minutes 45. Or an hour this is a contrast. You can adjust this I've played around with. This quite a bit on the sportsman. And the elite I found tend to be perfect. This is your back light so right. Now it's turned on to white. You can just turn it on to red. Whenever you want and back so.
What I'll do is I'll shut the lights off. And show what those two screens look like okay it's set on white right. Now so we're going to exit out. This is the targeting screen I'll take a second for the camera to adjust for it but that's. What the white light looks like so. Ican back out of here go back down to my display scroll to red. And that's what the red. This is the night vision screen basically back out. What targeting screen looks like with red. You had the old four case series Sportsman I'm gonna go over a. Few differences between. And the 5700 first of. This is a completely different meter. It the screen itself is different the. You know the resolution in the screen is roughly twice. That of Dilla 4k it's a little bit bigger it's much easier to see the background is. That bronze tint to. That really makes this black letter stand out the material. They use is some kind of ballistic lens material.
That doesn't scratch easily I've had two of these meters. One for over a year. It has no scratches on. It whatsoever the other difference is. Either get a red and a white background in the meter anytime. You want you don't have to order. Or the other it has nine keys on the keypad. Now instead of eight they're a little bit easier to navigate. That make a little more sense to. Me at least the processor is much faster the memory is hugely better. And bigger than the old 4k series is just a better meter. All around alright guys. That does it for my review of the Kestrel sportsman. Ithink you'll really like. This meter you know it's got a lot of value a lot of performance built into.
You have an environmental meter. You have wind reading capability. You have a top aligned ballistic solver. It doesn't get much better. Iappreciate you spare the time watching my videos look for some how-to videos coming out on the Kestrel sportsman soon until then thanks for watching you.
Kestrel Drop 3
2.4"H x 1.8"W x .9"D.
Wt: 1.2 oz.
Color: Tan.
Kestrel 2500Nv Weather Meter
4.8"L x 1.7"W x 0.7"D.
Wt: 2.3 oz.