Top 10
Pedersoli Rocky Mountain Hawken Rifle
Traditions™ Kentucky .50-Cal. Percussion and Flintlock Rifles
We have here is a Kentucky rifle picked it up the other. Day it's a 50 caliber it's a thirty. Three and a half inch barrel she's a she. Got quite a stretched over this one and. They're very well. The price is pretty damn it i think i. Paid around this one was 360 before tax. And i got the so called wholesale over. There I'm going to see their name who. Knows but i was really taken with the. Was this thing was put together you know. For the price it's a beautiful wood and. I always liked the older full woodstock. Rifles as you can see it's a flintlock i. Haven't put a flint in it yet that's not. Bad you know the fit and finish on this is pretty decent as if you know for what i paid for it the only part that is. Hurting is this figure i mean what it. Takes to make a trigger take that's. Pretty pathetic but strangely enough the. Release is quite decent line so i kind. Of later I'm going to do something with this take it apart the mechanism is. Quite simple I'll push that i think so. It's all i tell you i mean that's about the only bad thing i can say about it. Prior to shooting it of course that's. Quite happy with that chaparral rifle it. Was turned out to be a turd but this is. A real nice looking gun i have a fine. Log pistol by traditions and fires great. And it's quite accurate I've looked up. At some comments and some of the things. That are whining about this rifle. Huh some folks are saying it shoots slow. Well has this high-tech actually front. Sights i wouldn't take much to file that down to raise the barrel and it's only. Stamped in there you could like what i. Probably might do if it is off a lot is. I'll just get a in italian front sights. A form the lineman or something a little. Fit in their rare sight it is a bit of a. Turd but again you know for what you pay. For this thing I'm not going to I'm not going to hit this stuff to urge 400. Meter shots which is all I'm going to be. Doing whether to line your up at 50 you. Can make the adjustments with a file in those plain cites traditions does have. An adjustable rear sights like a boat. Spring loaded job with a screw in the back that you can adjust your elevation. With it be as simple as replacing that i would probably fix up all your problems real easy and you know it's going to fit. The with the read size dovetail on. It's got another 'full brass buck play. On it and it goes all the way up here. The fit and finish you know is actually. Quite nice the italian articles. Tend to be better in that regard this. One is pretty good you know for what i paid for this gun i am quite pleased. With the overall quality of it you know. For less than 400 bucks well then you. Now it's pretty nice that another one i. Forget the name of it but it's covered with brass the brass in here pat's box. The brass going up here so six thousand. Seven hundred dollars and I'll tell you. The finish on that one isn't half as. Nice as this one here for some reasons all nice and shiny pat's box the hinges would be here. It was pretty crappy fit there so i. Looked at this i has a really long rifle. And i was quite taken with it so i. Brought it home so now i could do now is. I think we'll just have to take it out. And do some shooting look so your great. Day for shooting sun's out it's not. Wendy. Hmm. You.
Pedersoli Blue Ridge Flintlock Rifles
OAL: 55".
Weight: 7-1/4 lbs.
Barrel finish: Blued.
Tell us what we got here joe this is a. Pierce away ridge it is except right now. I gotta get this going, so we get some power in the pants back up. I think it's frozen i think you might be. Right it is 16 degrees out here today there's. A ball butters just a touch that's all. You need yeah it's like it all right this first. Shot it's on half-cocked. We're gonna go 25 yards 16 degrees out. Here at a hooligan ville we'll see if it goes big just for a. Shot-for-shot let's make white smoke set. Trigger okay definitely wet bag it went. Bang it spit fire out the front. Okay which one's set trigger the. Backpack one so I'm going to pull that one then this one just touch the front one no you just touch the front one and what i had to do is set it back on the next part holy mack trek please and. Click the back one that gets it ready. And you want it to be tight in your. Shoulders oh you're alright stand your. First shot safety glasses ears full cock. Full load pants full prisons down the. Bottom target i said pull this one. Didn't do anything but it clicked just. Sensitive on that front one oops. Nope weight-wise jala. Boom yep powders coalesce all nice flash. From the pan. You.
Traditions Kentucky .50-Caliber Percussion Muzzleloader Do-It-Yourself Kit
Pedersoli 1859 Sharps Berdan .54-Cal. Percussion Rifle
Pedersoli Kentucky Percussion Rifle
The renowned Kentucky rifle was a direct descendant of early, expertly crafted German hunting weapons. It became one of the most common weapons used in the American colonies. Since it was lightweight and extremely accurate, it developed into the most popular American rifle of its day. This detailed, authentic reproduction of the Kentucky Percussion rifle sports a deep-blued, 1-in 48" twist rifled barrel, polished brass fittings and a fine, oil-finished walnut stock. Right-hand only.Okay what i got with me today you know. If you could see or not she's gotten dirty i bought this gun probably a year. Year-and-a-half ago and it's the. Traditions Kentucky rifle I've done a. Couple of videos with my other one now the difference is the action here. I felt the other one was getting lonely in the safe so i bought another. Kentucky rifle this one's a percussion. And the one i used in the other videos. Is a flintlock of course and today's his first day i. Took this one out after running it for what a year your half anyway maybe two years and i brought her today to site. Her in now i have had a little medical. Issue and the doctors didn't really want me firing guns and no if you watched my. Other videos my mugs a little mesto ak. See more of it's working now that's a 50. Caliber rifle and i just did half dozen. Shots and it really feels good to be. Birthing smoking flames over the place. Again nice gun just like the other one. Though it'll punch you in the cheek when. You're on the rest so the help i get the. Rest a little bit high just saying a bags i did forget my gunner ism yeah i find it you're raised it a bit and you. Just kind of be careful you get position your head you want punches the thing is. Brutal accurate layer down here. I'll give you the ask this gorgeous thing looks like nice price let's talk. On it and the beautiful wood. It's hardly but it is stained. I say it's long enough saying it is it's. Just these they darken it up but stain so otherwise it would be a blond. Boom stick and you see it's got the. Nice original style percussion action. Honor and not not rocket science and how. These things are converted nice brass. Trigger guard usual traditions fluffy. Trigger i think i might spring one of. These just to make it nice and what is nice about these you can't adjust the trigger this thing's got a bit of a pull on them when you get it just a plain old. Sights you can see i got some brass marks on it too for the wind age some. Shooting 9 inch to the left and a half. At both 30 meters that's roughly 30 yards it's been nice. Brass end cap and the wooden ramrod i. Did not use leave it there strictly for. Looks so it's yeah it's a nice looking. Gun and it's a lot of fun to shoot and I've. Heard how much fun it was shooed. — 70 grains i seem to me like i was. Doing better with 70 that makes a. Difference. Any difference in that kick that's resort can't believe how much of a. Little low a little left getting dark to. So it's getting a little harder to see. Yeah it's not bad. So fifty sixty i guesses not really making. A lot of difference a little higher i guess what take my sunglasses. Off maybe a little help because the sun. Is pretty much behind the clouds oh this. Time i thought is shooting at three f. Apparently not. And the right of the center bar. Four inches over just gave her a. Scrubbing with the brush i used to take. A patch wet patch and run through i find. Just brushing it over every fire six shots for me anyway I'm not not laying a. Competition shoot here in france every. Four or five shots i gave her a run the brush through it was good enough well i. Had a couple of times has plugged up the passage of the nipple there so after. I brushed it out now i run a cat towards. Just to search clear shoulders getting. The sore there's lying one thing left to do go up to 80 greens that's what i just. Did again it's two left's punching them. Pretty good. Did make a difference. Hello and right this time. Things just too much fun 90 grains a2f. This time more is better. It certainly is more fun. It's that beautiful plume of smoke down. The right side again no far right and. See where i hit the tip of the star. There. Once again the chi credi keep it this. One. A taper offs no it looks like it's up top. And the left and the small target there. And the top left i think so you're it's just taper off. I'm starting to lose track 2f 3f not. Getting that mixed up today yeah so i. Put down to seven degrees to rehab. And he would see it as much difference i. Won't be able to tell until i look at the video. Don't seem to be reading the top of the. Left small star top left tagged her. Right there so a little bit all over the. Place sorry didn't chew him to get all. Kinds of wonderful excuses missing that. Bozo think he what i found. Thanks only real bullets 240 greener. Said i just happened to find him my kit. So I'm gonna stuff up down her see how. She works it out here. Amusing. Or butter is lou and the pine-scented. Stuff I'll never buy again the whole kit. Stinks like fake pine. Yeah some news i want a reduce load of. Course. To west. You know. Whoa it's stuck to the end of the ramrod. Yeah it's not shallow enough that things. Set up for a rep conical has more. Painful grabbed onto the end of the. Bullet kind of watch that to you. You'll see it happens here. I should have benched that just to see. What the difference is bottom left. That's where she went through what a. Different jag flattering on her. So I'm still using 50 grains 3f. Venturous at this time to see where. We're at. Harder and harder to see you here. Hi and left say the targets getting. Blurrier all right is a bit messed up. That's not hoping i hear panem fletching. Because my shoulders are sore just keep. Shooting don't we love that echo seem to. Like that spot high in life but again. That's standing. Yeah one percussion cab left in that tin. No sense taking that homie that's there. Ball. I love these black power guns here's out. Cheek and a sore shoulder and not bad. It's getting barreled. I'm very dirty and cited in traditions. Kentucky cushion rifle 50 caliber and. Just like the flintlock of course they're identical other than that action. That one gorgeous right they are a. Beautiful looking gun. While wood the full woodstock is that's. Half of what makes these things i think. It's getting dark as you can see and. She's quite gorgeous.
Pedersoli 1863 Sharps Sporting .54-Cal. Percussion Rifle
Pedersoli 1816 Harper's Ferry Colt Conversion .69-Cal. Percussion Musket
Pedersoli Cook & Brother Artillery Carbine .58-Cal. Percussion Rifle
Pedersoli Brown Bess Carbine
Scottie a little shooting demo here this. Is my brown bess musket it's a reproduction made by petter slowly which is an italian base company it's great. Quality productions this was the primary musket of the british military for well over 100 years saw conflicts sy using. Conflicts ranging from french and indian war the american revolution war of 1812. Napoleonic wars it's got a lot of history to it see here this is 75. Caliber or says oh this is a ball of. Sheets it's about an ounce of lead this. One's a 68 caliber diameter looser-fitting in the bore i understand a bit here how it works you. Got a few components that's the flash pen basically it holds a small amount of. Powder and there's a hole that leads into the barrel which leads to the. Main charge so cameras pull back for. Cocks soon as the frizzen hits the strands the flint hits the frison creates a spark ignites the main charge it sends a flame through the barrel and. Ignites the main charge very rust very. Simple but work for a very long time so. I'm actually loading this musket using remeasure paper cartridges which is. How they would have done back in the day as well powder on top all on the bottom first start off by opening the cartridge. Pouring the powder down the barrel now. The paper actually acts as a wad. Separate the powder from the ball as well. Makes a tighter seal to increase pressure hopefully increasing accuracy a. Little bit a mental harmony as you can. See black putters extremely dirty fouls. That's all part of the fun and now i got. To do is prime the main charge. Rip it up outer in their close the frizzen red fire very smoky. All part of the fun sois cups target. That double tapped it they're not. Particularly accurate because they are smooth bore so there's no rifling it allows you to shoot a lot of shots consecutively but also means not going to hit very much history.