Liberty’s new electrical outlet kit is awesome plug-in lights dehumidifiers. Even computers and hard drives 3 110. Outlets along with usb and ethernet cat5. Connections are built-in it even has a porthole for safe alert antenna to run out the back of the safe this new high-tech outlet kid is factory installed on all Franklin lincoln presidential and national security safes built between april 2007 in april. 2014 requires drilling out a small section of the fire board installation videos are available online at liberty safe comm.
Handgun hangers are also growing in popularity there are four versions first. Is the over/under available in a 2-pack it’s perfect for handguns with optics on top and regular handguns underneath for. Those only wanting to utilize the space under the shelf we offer four pack versions of the front under like this and a two pack version. Of the back under like this the fourth version is also in the back of the shelving its our two pack version of back over they are perfect for handguns with optics and longer barrels increased. Long gun capacity by 50% with rifle rods. Simply attach the velcro on the underside of the top shelf and you’re ready to go slide the rod into the. Barrel and connect the rod into the velcro it’s that simple.
Hi I’m randy i sell safes liberty safes. The best safe on the planet with a liberty safe you can keep your valuables safe things like your drill your lunch your taper or other stuff precious. Family heirloom has control or other stuff stupid stuff your cleaning supplies a fold-out chair smart exercise equipment or other stuff stupid exercise. Equipment cords your balls tomatoes or. Other stuff oh it’s so heavy how do i. Get a whole randy no worries free curbside delivery come. See me randy the safe guy at liberty. Safes of Chattanooga.
Hey guys its eric with bulldog i have the tsa approved steel cable lock so. Anytime you’re flying you need to go with firearms you can put this lock in your luggage it’s tsa approved it’s got this steel cable to keep your valuables safe combination access there you have. It put it on your luggage and you’re ready to fly.
What’s up guys if you’re looking for a great way to keep items like this and. Your safe completely free from rust at all times stick around okay guys welcome. Back this is gonna be a quick one this is all i have to show you right here this is the evident of fire and it’s. Pretty straightforward as you can see on the front there’re some rocks and. Crystals in here I’m not sure exactly what they are silica or something like that but right now they’re blue okay. When they’re blue obviously you can see that they are dry okay over time over a. Couple days maybe a couple weeks depending on where you live you’re gonna see these change color they’re gonna go you know pink kind of clear but once they get pink that’s when you know you need to turn this thing around and plug. It into the wall or maybe like eight hours ten hours and these are gonna go. Back to dark blue these crystals and this does a great job of keeping all the items in my safe very dry at all. Times I’m actually thinking about getting a second one so i can swap them out and rotate them as they kind of fill up and get wet with the moisture in the air but a great way to keep the things. And you’re safe nice and dry and free from rust all. Right i hope you guys found this useful i hope i helped you find a solution to. Maybe a problem you’re having or something you were thinking about working on fixing if you have is you have a safer about to get us safe I’ll. Put the price down below these are great. Like i said I’m gonna buy a second one please if you like this video if you. Enjoyed it if you found it useful don’t forget to like subscribe and share and i will see you guys soon.
Protecting your valuables from moisture buildup is critical especially if you. Live in a high humidity part of the country the peat dehumidifier is liberty’s top-of-the-line and standard in all presidential and national security safes this dehumidifier gently. Circulates warm air 24 hours a day through a convection process reducing relative humidity and keeping valuables dry liberty’s dry rod is our most. Popular electronic dehumidifier and is standard on all lincoln and classic safes the rod heats to around 110. Degrees to allow warm dry air to circulate inside the safe on a 24-hour. Basis the 12-inch model is standard but. We also have an 18-inch model for bigger saves liberty offers some moisture. Absorbers as well the ever dry is one of. Our best-selling because it requires no power and is a hundred percent renewable refined silica silently absorbs moisture. And an indicator turns pink when moisture needs to be removed simply plug. In for an eight to ten hour renewal process and it’s ready to go back to work average lifespan is 10 years and comes. With a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty the 750 gram desiccant box 450 gram can. And the 40 gram mini canister worked the. Same way once full of moisture they are renewed by drying them out in an oven.
It’s mark with the safe house something we want to talk about today is i get a lot of questions from customers about how do they control moisture inside their safes and it’s really a simple thing to control moisture in your safe if you do it with the correct product one of the easiest ways to control moisture in your safe is with a silica. Gel product or something similar that’s. Going to absorb moisture and there’s. Companies that make all kinds of ways to do this you have like the liberty and the browning they’ve got this little cardboard type product that absorbs. Moisture and you put it in the oven and bake it and dry it out you got to be careful that you don’t overcook it though the other product and one that i recommend I’ve sold thousands of is this little product by ever dry and the reason that i recommend this is to reactivate. The beach when they change colors to let you know that it has too much moisture in it and it needs to be regulated you take it out of the safe plug it in the wall and leave it in there the. Designated amount of time which is 8 to 12 hours and it dries it out you put it back in the safe so it’s very cost effective lets me save money when i save money i have more money putting my sake so those are easy ways to do one thing i. Do not recommend putting inside your safe. Is any kind of product that goes into a bowl and you pour the beads in it and it collects some oysters and it’s sitting there in the bowl because that’s very caustic and if you spill it on your guns or anything like that it messes up the stuff in the safe so be sure to don’t use that another way to control moisture. Inside your safest eye getting rid of it is a product that’s a metal bar like. This dry rod works really well but this dry rod which I’ve sold for years and years and years it heats the air up it stays plugged inside safe so you have to have electricity to use it but it stays plug up inside the safe and it heats the. Air up and the premise behind it is it. Tries not to let the air reach this new point where the moisture collects on the product where it’s guns paperwork any kind of product inside your safe and a. Lot of people make that browning offers one there’s one called a goldenrod that’s been sold for a long time too so you can. Either heat the air up suck the moisture. Out with a desiccant product or this. Little peat dryer which pitch prior you may know them they make boot dryers they have this product that also heats up the. Air and controls the moisture inside the. Safe now I’ve had a few customers through the years that had a severe problem say in a basement in a garage or something where the temperature changes back and forth a lot and ever dry there’s other people that makes products like this but a little powered small. Dehumidifier that goes inside the safe. The only thing you need to be careful of with this is you don’t need to dry the air out too much inside your safe to. Protect your guns and stuff because you. Do need a little moisture to keep gun stocks and stuff like that from getting messed up, so we’ve got the moisture. Absorbent we’ve got the product that moves air around one other thing you can do is you can get a good sock like this. And put on your guns and they have. Material in the fabric that keeps rust. From getting on your guns and stuff so I’ll hope this helps you out answers a few questions about moisture control inside your safe if you have any questions of course i always give us a call here at the national showroom or. Check us out online on national safe house comm.
Mit freundlicher unterstützung der shooters corner aus butzbach habe ich. Hier zwei kurzwaffen halter zur. Verfügung gestellt bekommen, die ich euch ganz kurz vorstellen möchte und zwar geht es hier um den sexualmord pistor. App für insgesamt sechs kurzwaffen und. Hier nochmal dasselbe für bis zu zwölf. Kurzwaffen ihr seht hier ich bekomme hier sehr problemlos. Insgesamt sechs kurzwaffen in den. Kleinen rein ich habe die möglichkeit sage euch das hier an dem 12 die breite der mündung. Die ja wo sie aufgelegt wird auch durchweg nehmen diese einzelnen lamellen. Durchweg schneiden auch für breitere mündungen diese entsprechend anzupassen. Ich kann es natürlich, auch wenn. Erforderlich hier business wegnehmen man kann das also komplett so bearbeiten. Wie man es selber benötigt ist jetzt. Hier zum beispiel der 12 zu breit oder. Ich habe ein waffenschrank wo ich vielleicht zwei mal sechs stück unterbringen könnte dann kann ich hier. An der seite diese plätzchen herausnehmen müssen wir. Sowieso dämmplatten scheiben und dann. Kann ich anfangen dieses system einfach. Auseinander zu nehmen nach Bedarf und nach platz man kann. Nicht hinten einfach diesen kunststoff starb, der da drin ist, wo das alles eingefädelt ist sieht man hier hier. Vorhandenen also drei kunststoff steht wieder durchlebt kann ich dann mit einem. Seitenschneider und einfach abzwacken. Und dann wieder die plättchen zur. Sicherung darauf machen und fertig. Ich habe jetzt aber mal probiert. Und habe hier meine sechs primär kurzwaffen reingepackt wir haben die glocken die cz wir haben die pk 380 haben die pro7 kadett war revolver und am 08 dieses paket wie es jetzt ist, wo ich. Vorher vier wochen nebeneinander mit den. Ordner kurzaufenthalter reingekriegt habe bekomme ich hier problemlos ohne. Das ding auch nur im ansatz zu verändern alle sechs kurzwaffen in einfachem eines. Regals im waffenschrank. Passt wunderbar und die waffen sitzen. Auch ziemlich fest hier vorne wo die mündung reinkommt sagt man jetzt eine glocke oder die cz sitzen der richtige preis drin genau so auch die gpk 380 und. Die pro7 revolver ist ein ganz klein. Wenig lockerer wird arbeit durch den druck der anderen waffen die alten ein bisschen kräftiger sind gehalten und. Dasselbe gilt, dann halt auch hier für die b 08 also könnte ich jetzt zum beispiel die pro7 nehmen mache die p 0 8. In die mitte das hier einfach ein bisschen besser gehalten wird nehme die peter 7 und packte sie an den rand und. Damit ist, einfach ein bisschen mehr druck auch auf dem revolver preislich bewegen uns hier durchaus in einem mittleren bereich der arbeit in meinen augen durchaus gerechtfertigt ist der 6. Gang model piste liegt bei 41 euro. 50 beim schultes korn und der zwölf. Liegt bei 78 euro 30 absolut. Gerechtfertigte preise in meinen augen und man muss ganz ehrlich dazu sagen es bringt wirklich ordnung im winter waffenschrank anstatt dass sie waren irgendwie aber nur angelehnt liegen oder wie auch immer ich finde dieses system sehr praktisch und kann es absolut wärmstens empfehlen das sind die modelle pistor ex abba 46. Einmal von 12 vom schuh das korn aus. Butzbach.
Hey guys I’m here again with a product. That i previously purchased i mainly. Person purchased it for my gun safe that. I have it’s a stack on the humidifier. It’s the motto 1500 so i mean it’s its. Fairly it’s fairly a good diminutive. Fire it says right here on the front the. Dry and wet so it indicates you that the. Rocks should be orangish kind of for dry. And then when it’s wet it should be you know greenish so you would like to obviously be on the dry area. Obviously this one it’s pretty much it. Pretty much covers the moisture of 100. Cam your feet so i mean it’s its. Something have to tell you guys is right. Here in the back all you have to do is just pull the knotch look it into the wall charge it at least. For 24 hours before using it and then. You know once you see that the rocks are. Wet you plug it in for 24 hours at least. And then pretty much the rocks will owe. Man it’s a dryness it would have sort of. Wetness and a lot of stuff and are. You go do is plug it back in and then keep using it afterwards it does not. Require batteries the moisture gauge on. The front like i was saying it pretties much indicates you when you need to be recharging the unit and it can pull. Pretty much access of 100 roughly 100 cubic feet for even for four to six. Weeks before it needs to be even recharged so that’s that’s really nice of this one right here so yeah i pretty. Much purchased this through Walmart and. It roughly like 25 or maybe 30 bucks i mean. It’s a good deal it’s a good deal and. It’s its its amazing how its last for. At least four to six weeks so you could. Put her on your random stack on save or you know i body because i have Stockholm but you can put it on a stack on say for any other stack bombing on the end of their safe in other words and it will pretty much cover the whole safe and it will keep your handguns secure. Meaning it will keep them dry and it. Will keep the moisture out of there you know every gun safe in other words. It has you know it’s been a grooves where the door panels are at a little. It’s just something like that where you know certain air could go and enter the. Gun safe but i mean people use this form. Anything people use for storage unit people use in the car if you think about it people use this in a closet for. A lot of main things but i mean mainly i. Personally use it for my gun safe itself so you know i like my guns to be in. Good quality and not have the corrosion. Of rust or didn’t like that maybe you know wetness or the fan going to hire. The coldness too much in the room and you know it ventilates to the gun save. Itself so that’s why i purchased this one like i said this is the model thousand five hundred it was roughly 25 to 30 bucks so yeah it is pretty. Nice back here you just get like a little hose in the back where the heat. Goes away when you charge the unit i. Kept saying you press here and then you connect it to what went 110 outlets so. You’re gonna do typical normal outlet so. Yeah it’s a it’s a it’s a household used. Only but hey i mean people use it for many other things you know like I’m like i was saying for the car for the storage. Units for a little storage not a unit also like a. Little one maybe a little cabin at the back of the house a storage facility you. Now some stuff like that even in the grow up you use it so yeah it keeps your. Clothes and whatever other you know. Valuables dry and in a good condition. For just what 25 30 bucks so yeah guys. So my guy said stack one thousand five hundred models five hundred really. Recommend it if you guys what i would. Really appreciate if you guys would like my video and subscribe i think you. Appreciate it.
Anyway i want a quick review of something that people i said you can’t see this. This is my stack on its a rechargeable. Dehumidifier and i found that it works quite well so it’s got the crystals. Inside the absorbed water plug right. Here and the color coding to follow my. Crystals are kind of light blue right now so there’s probably a little bit of. Moisture in this once a month i usually. Pull the power of ro plug this sucker in and through the beds of course the. Community comes out so there are the. Balls now i hope that’s going to focus well so after about an hour there’s. Paper on the window I’m going to let. This continues to discharge humidity for. About one more hour and then let it sit. For a couple hours to continue to vent. Off this is a great little product think. About how much money that you have in products inside your safe cost of this. Is negligible twenty thirty dollars. Depending on where you live and certainly. If you don’t have power in your safe what a wonderful little option this is. Thanks for watching.
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