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Hornady® Lock-N-Load® Die Bushings
Lock-N-Load bushings are the easiest way to get the most out of your reloading press. Hornady’s Lock-N-Load quick-change bushing system is strong and simple to use. The Lock-N-Load concept is based on the positive locking action of the bolt-action rifle. Once dies are adjusted for loading, these settings are locked in place on the die bushing with the die’s lock ring. By keeping the die in the die bushing, it remains set for future loading and removal with a simple twist. These bushings will also fit other reloading presses using a 1-1/4 - 12 thread.Lee Deluxe Carbide Pistol Four-Die Set
Built to last, Lee dies deliver improved reloading with less hassle and consistency that improves accuracy. Features in each die set includes an unbreakable decapper, built-in stuck-case remover, free-floating bullet seater, finger-adjustable locking rings and a fitted storage case. Shell holder, powder dipper and load data included. Includes a contour ground carbide sizing die that doesn't need case lube, plus a bullet seating and feed die, a powder through expanding die and a carbide factory-crimp die.RCBS® Tungsten Carbide Pistol 3-Die Sets
Dies are the heart of the reloading process. Engineered to the highest standards and manufactured to the tightest tolerances, they’re constructed from case-hardened steel, precision-drilled, reamed, polished and hand-inspected twice before leaving the factory. RCBS dies can be counted on to produce consistent and reliable results for shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their firearm. Includes plastic storage box and loading data table. Full-length sizer dies for bottleneck cases have vents to prevent case damage from trapped air and excessive lubricants. Seater dies have a built-in roll or taper crimper. Large, easy-to-adjust hex-lock rings. Eliminates the need for case lubrication, and cases don’t need to be cleaned before sizing. Full-length carbide sizer die with decapping unit. Diamond-lapped tungsten carbide inner ring is so smooth cases won’t stick. Also includes expander die and a bullet-seater die with roll (RC) or taper crimp (TC).RCBS® Neck-Sizer Dies
Dies are the heart of the reloading process. Engineered to the highest standards and manufactured to the tightest tolerances, they’re constructed from case-hardened steel, precision-drilled, reamed, polished and hand-inspected twice before leaving the factory. RCBS dies can be counted on to produce consistent and reliable results for shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their firearm. Includes plastic storage box and loading data table. Large, easy-to-adjust hex-lock rings. The Neck-Sizer Die resizes case necks to exacting tolerances while preserving the fire-formed shoulder dimensions of the cartridge from your rifle’s chamber. Extends case life while producing greater accuracy potential. Includes expander/decapping unit. Available in many popular calibers.RCBS® AR Series Small Base Two-Die Rifle Set
Dies are the heart of the reloading process. Engineered to the highest standards and manufactured to the tightest tolerances, they’re constructed from case-hardened steel, precision-drilled, reamed, polished and hand-inspected twice before leaving the factory. RCBS dies can be counted on to produce consistent and reliable results for shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their firearm. Includes plastic storage box and loading data table. Full-length sizer dies for bottleneck cases have vents to prevent case damage from trapped air and excessive lubricants. Seater dies have a built-in roll or taper crimper. Large, easy-to-adjust hex-lock rings.Makes reloading easier for AR style or semi-auto shooters. A must for the progressive reloader. This set contains a small-base resizing die and a new taper-crimp bullet seating die. The taper crimp is more forgiving when various case lengths are loaded at the same time, especially in a progressive press.
Hornady® Universal Shell-Holder Pack
A set of five popular universal shell holders precision machined from solid steel and heat treated for optimal performance. They fit Hornady’s case trimmer, handheld priming tool and other accessories, as well as most popular brands of reloading presses. Includes No. 1, No. 2, No. 5, No. 16 and No. 35 shell holders.Hornady® Pistol Bullet Feeder Dies
Engineered with a twin-collet system for reliable feeding of one bullet at a time. These case-activated solid-steel dies with 7/8"-14" threads are compatible with any progressive press.Hey guys i want to show you something that's an alternative to the mister bullet feeder it's about 160 bucks and. From a tip that i got from a fellow person at our forum I'll leave a link. Below i was able to put together some. Very similar setup for about 80. Bucks so right here is the hardy bullet. Feeder lock and load for 9 mils sits. Right there that station and this is the. Lis multi feeder die i guess or bullet. Bullet feeder it's pretty good. Setup got the tubes right here and it's. Actually not very long maybe about a. Foot and a half long the problem was how. To set it from here and could not get an. Adapter until somebody turned me on to this well-made cnc'd aluminum so pretty. Well made and it just slips right over. The adapter the bullet misses a nun. Adopter rather and this stable part up. Here makes it so that when you set the. Lis multi feeder bullets nice and stable. Okay. The adapter comes with two inserts one. For 9-mil and I'm gonna probably surmise. That this is for the bigger bullets maybe 40 or 45 right there okay see you. In action. And when your run out of bullets in the. Turret and the tube just twist this over. And the new one just drops in just like. That holds about a hundred rounds this. Multi tube feeder sure beats putting a. Four-foot to my home a good alternative. To the mister bullet feeder.
RCBS® Rifle Die Sets
Lee Pacesetter Rifle Die Sets
Built to last, Lee dies deliver improved reloading with less hassle and consistency that improves accuracy. Features in each die set includes an unbreakable decapper, built-in stuck-case remover, free-floating bullet seater, finger-adjustable locking rings and a fitted storage case. A progressively honed finish eliminates waves and ripples for industry-leading smoothness. Includes a full-length sizer die, a factory-crimp die, a bullet-seating and roll-crimp die, a shell holder, powder dipper, load data and storage box.Note: Select models do not include the factory-crimp die. See chart below.
The li pacesetter to die set is your. First choice for semi-automatic weapons this die set produces factory. Dimensioned ammunition that reliably fits and feeds in any gun full-length. Sizing die is included and is a must if. You are reloading for more than one firearm or reloading mixed range brass. Full-length sizing die features a. Built-in stuck case remover others charged nearly $23 for a kit conventional bullets eating die seats. Your bullet in place and puts on a slight taper crimp or full roll crimp depending on your adjustment depth includes free shell holder some. Manufacturers charge over $14 for this necessary part dye instructions feature. Comprehensive load data that lists virtually all powder company published loads along with suggested starting loads and a free powder dipper be. Assured of the longest case life and best fit in any standard chamber when cases. Are sized with lee dies. You.
Hornady® Cam-Lock Bullet Puller
This tool will save you time and money and eliminate wasted brass. The Cam-Lock Bullet Puller is the quickest, easiest way yet to pull bullets with your press. Capable of pulling over 300 bullets in one hour. Compatible with any standard reloading press, it screws into your regular press. Just clamp on the bullet, pull down on the handle and the bullet is removed uses standard bullet collects (sold separately).Today's video we'll take a look at the hornady cam lock bullet puller it's a. Really handy little device it's biggest. Advantage of speed i your time that. Takes me to put a bullet in i want these. Kinetic pullers and hang it on something. And get the bullet out of there and in the case i can do five or six cartridges. With the cam lock bullet puller so that's. The biggest advantage of speed you're pressed to pull the bullet instead of. You know banging it on something and these things tend to break I've been through a few of these that's why i always keep two on hand in case one of them breaks and i can i have something. To pull bullets with now the cam hawk. Bullet puller comes in three pieces. That's what you have your die body you. Have your and you have your cam lock or your can device which includes this. Little pin here which is the push pin those are two pieces to come with. The cam lock bullet puller then you'll also need the appropriate. Call it for the caliber you're using now. This particular one is number thirteen there's 13 different kaulitz available. For different diameter bullets number thirteen is for forty-five caliber and. You'll notice that it goes on a 45. Cartridge perfectly and stops at the case neck here so that's number thirteen. Is for forty-five number seven here is. For 308 and 312 caliber bullets so what. You do to then just set this up is you take the cam lock assembly off of the. Die body you put the collet in with the openings. Down and then you screw in your. Can lock assembly now the instructions. That come with this thing are confusing. At best and almost impossible to. Accomplish at worst. I had just mine a little bit differently here you can see i at the end here i see. If you can see this on the video if you. See that as i turn the handle the can. The collet in the end there will come forward and compress what that does then. Is it compresses it around me that's in. Focus or not but it compresses the collet then around the bullet and then. When you lower the ram of the press since this is grabbing onto the bullet. It'll pull the case away from the bullet. So the way i adjust it and this is. Totally different than the in the instructions I'll take the kinloch. Bullet puller off the press all together I'll take I'll put the collet in and. I'll take a cartridge that i want to pull and I'll just sit it on there on. The collet and they call it the. Cartridge will be stopped by the collet grabbing on to the case mouth here. So I'll put it on like that and then. I'll work the handle if the handle won't. Turn and I'll unscrew it a little bit or if i can't turn to you know lever the handle I'll turn it a little bit or unscrew it and try again if i can get it. Down to a 90 degree i can check to see if the bullet is being held in place if. It is maybe I'll screw it in just a. Little bit more and see if i can get it to a 90 degree there i can't so I'm. Going to undo it maybe about a quarter. Turn to an eighth of a turn i can get it down to a ninety degree the bullet is held in place that means. I've got my cam lock assembly adjusted. Properly so I'm going to take my locking. Ring here and rock lock it to that in that position okay so next step then is to go. To the press and adjust it okays to. Adjust the die into the press again. I do this entirely differently then hornady does when put my lock and load bushing on there uh what I'll do is I'll. Take cartridge that i want to pull the. Bullet on by the way i swap these cartridges together just for this video you'll notice that some of them are had. A spent primer some don't have a primer. At all so you're wondering why I'm using. Beat-up brass and beat-up bullets because i just put these together for. The video uh what I'll do is I'll take a. Cartridge i want to pull and raise the. Ram all the way and then I'll screw the. Cartridge or the die down over the. Cartridge so it comes in contact with. The neck of the case right there and. Then I'll lock that down now then all. You need to do in order to pull the. Bullet is you bring the ramp up to the top keep this straight up turn the. Handle lower the around and boom and you bring. You handle back up and it'll drop the bullet out for you put the next one in. And boom bullet pull okay raise the. Handle drop the bullet out for you so as you can see i can whip through these pretty quick much faster than a. Kinetic puller in fact I'd still be fiddling with the kinetic puller to get just to get one cartridge done now this only really. Works jacketed bullets cast bullets all you're. Gonna do is squish your bullet i. Don't think it'll work let me go ahead and try a cast bullet here. It shouldn't good yeah. Can't quite grab onto that yeah all I'm. Doing here is scratching the scratch in the lead so won't work with cast. Bullets but it works great with what. Jacketed bullets very simple to use simple to to set up and that works great. Be careful with this handle here if you pull this handle you know to the side. Too much I've heard that they'll break off of there so when you turn the handle. Make sure you're going with the. Rotation of the handle and not not against it just to make sure you don't. Break the handle off they do sell these handles separately which i assume is. That's the reason people tend to break their handles off so just be. Careful with that than that it's a handy. Little device goes real quick that's all. For this video i hope you liked it and so please click the like button maybe even subscribe to my channel thanks for. Watching and happy reloading.
Lee Universal Shell Holder Set
Sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 19.
Shell Holder Calibers
1=22 Remington Jet, 256 Winchester magnum, 38 S&W, 38 Colt N.P., 38 Short Colt, 38 Long Colt, 38 Special, 357 Magnum, 41 Long Colt®
2=22 BR, 224 Clark, 22-250 Remington, 240 Weatherby, 243 Winchester, 6mm Remington, 244 Remington, 6mm International, 6mm-284, 6mm-06, 25-06 Remington, 250 Savage, 257 Roberts, 6.5 Carcano, 270 Winchester, 280 Remington, 7mm-08 Remington, 7mm BR, 7x57mm Mauser, 284 Winchester, 300 savage, 308 Winchester, 30-06 Springfield, 7.7 Jap., 8 x 57 Mauser, 8mm-06, 35 Remington, 35 Whelen, 358 Winchester, 357 Auto mag., 44 Auto mag., 45 Auto
3=22 Savage, 219 Zipper, 25-35 Winchester, 6.5 x 55 Mauser, 7 x 30 Waters, 7.5 Schmidt Rubin, 7.65 x 53 Argentine Mauser, 30 Herrett, 30-30 Winchester, 32 Winchester special, 32-40 Winchester, 356 Winchester, 375 Winchester, 38-55 Winchester, 458 Winchester magnum
4=17 Remington, 204 Ruger, 221 Fireball, 222 Remington, 223 Remington, 222 Remington magnum, 7mm TCU, 32 Short Colt, 32 Long Colt, 32 S&W, 380 Auto
5=223WSSM, 243 WSSM, 257 Weatherby, 264 Winchester magnum, 270 Weatherby, 270WSM, 7x61 Sharpe & Hart, 7mm Remington magnum, 7mm WSM, 7mm Weatherby, 7mm Reminton Ultra magnum, 300 winchester magnum, 300 H&H, 300 WSM, 300 Weatherby, 300 Remington Ultra magnum, 308 Norma magnum, 303 British, 8mm remington magnum, 338 Winchester magnum, 340 weatherby, .338 Remington Ultra magnum, 35 Winchester, 350 Remington magnum, 358 Norma magnum, 375 H&H, 375 Weatherby, 375 Reminton Ultra magnum, 416 Remington magnum, 458 Winchester magnum, 475 Linebaugh
7= 30 Carbine, 32 Auto
8=33 Winchester, 348 Winchester, 40-82 Winchester, 45-70 Gov’t
9=41 Magnum
10=220 Swift,225 Winchester, 6.5 Jap.
11=444 Marlin, 44S&W special, 44 Magnum, 45 Colt, 454 Casull
19=30 Luger, 30 Mauser, 9mm Luger, 38 Super Auto, 38 Auto, 40 S&W, 10mm Auto, 41 Action Express
The li universal shell holder set includes 11 of the most popular sizes of. Shall holders covering over a hundred and fifteen cartridges includes an extra spot inside the case to store an extra shell holder not included inside the kit these shell holders will work with all. Brands of presses.
RCBS® Nonheaded Decapping Pins – Per 5
Nonheaded for older RCBS dies.Sizes: Large, Small.
Hornady® Custom Grade Pistol Dies
- Series II Pistol Three-Die Sets are available for most popular straight-walled pistol cartridges. Includes a titanium-ring full-length sizer die, pistol-style expander die and a seater die.
- Series II Pistol Taper-Crimp Three-Die Sets seat and taper-crimp bullets in a single step. Includes a titanium-ring full-length sizer die, pistol-style expander die and a taper-crimp seater die.
- Series IV Pistol Three-Die Sets includes a titanium-ring full-length sizer die, pistol-style expander die and a seater die for special or unique pistol chamberings.
- Series V Pistol Four-Die Sets are for some of the larger pistol cartridges. Includes a full-length sizer die, pistol-style expander die, a seater die and a die for finishing roll or taper crimps.
Hello youtube re loaders thanks for. Watching hornet loader here my standard. Disclaimer i am not an employee of quantity manufacturing nor do i have any interest financially or otherwise miss a low quantity products I've been reloading for almost 35 years and for the last 20 years I've been using hornady equipment almost exclusively hence the name orange loader the winery. Logo is a registered trademark of hardy manufacturing grand island nebraska this. Video be a quick examination of hornady. Pistol dies we buy the dies in three die. Sets you get a sizing and decapping die. And expander die and depending on which. Sets you buy you either get the standard. Seating guy or the taper crimp seating. Guide I'll talk about those in just a second be sizing and the capping die has. A gold ring it's a titanium nitride ring. There it's harder than carbide and it's very slick very smooth ii won't scratch your cases it's great for reloading you. Don't need to lube the cases gives you a. Good size the decapping spindle here. This is the zip spindle it's actually. Threaded so you can adjust it by. Screwing it in or out you loosen the. Lockout here and you screw the zip. Spindle in and out to get the decapping. In about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch below. The bottom of the die it comes with. Extra decapping pins you can replace the. Pin in there in case you break one it's not like the old decapping spindles. Where it was all one piece and if you break it you had to replace the entire peace now they come with you xers the. Fact that it's threaded the old ones weren't threaded they were smooth and you just kind of pushed in and out to. Adjust it, and they had a tendency to slide when you were decapping your cases. This one since it's threaded it's got. A positive lock against moving so they. Don't they don't slip anymore okay. That's the sizing and decapping die you. Expand or die that's all it does is. Expands the neck of the case so that you can get a bullet down in it i rarely. Ever use these because when I'm loading pistol ammunition i have my quantity. Powder measure with the powder through expander in it so the charging the case. With powder and expansion the neck happens at the same time but if you. Don't have that yeah it does the pistol. Die set comes with a an expander die. Now the bullet seeding dies whether you. Get the standard seating die at it doesn't roll crimp or you get the taper crimp die they come with the extra seating stems. 1/4 ball ammunition or around those. Ammunition you would replace the seating. Die inside the die the other scene stem. Inside the die there and this one's for. Ball and if you're loading a flat point. Like this around us flat point here it. Comes with a flat seating die so that. It you know works a little better on flat nosed ammunition the standard. Seating guy that comes with it gives you a roll crimp and you adjust the entire. Die down in order to determine how much. Crimp you get the taper crib guy has. A separate adjustment knob so that you. Can adjust how much taper crimp you. Get using the adjustment knob here instead. Of turning the entire die down they both. Have a same kind of seating stem at the. Top or seating adjustment at the top. Unfortunately the unlike with the rifle. Dies there's no micro adjustable seating. Adjuster for the pistol dies and the one. That come for the rifles won't work with the pistol size so you don't get as. Precise a seating adjustment as you. Would with say rifle but typically. With pistol, it's not the hair off by. A thousandth it's not that critical and. That's really all there is to the. Pistol dies of hornady they do have an. American series which is a less expensive version of the same thing pretty much although i don't think it comes with a tapered eye when you buy it. Dies if you're looking for a tapered i look for the set that has the taper die with it you can buy the taper dies separately but if you don't plan on ever using the standard seating die then it's a. Little more expensive that way that's. All for this video i hope you liked it maybe you learn something if so please. Click the like button maybe even subscribe to my channel thanks for. Watching and happy reloading.
Lee Carbide Pistol Three-Die Set
Built to last, Lee dies deliver improved reloading with less hassle and consistency that improves accuracy. Features in each die set includes an unbreakable decapper, built-in stuck-case remover, free-floating bullet seater, finger-adjustable locking rings and a fitted storage case. A contour-ground carbide sizing die that doesn’t need case lube. Includes a bullet-seating die, a powder-through expanding die, shell holder, powder dipper, load data and a storage box.Hornady® Powder Cop
Install on your progressive press after the powder-drop station to automatically check dropped charges. Checking powder charges on a progressive press can be difficult without such a tool, but it’s wise to do. Works with all powder types and cartridges. For use with progressive presses only.Today's video will be a quick look at the horny powder cop I've used it in. Some of my other videos and I've made mention of it a couple of times so i thought it might be time to go ahead and. Show you basically how it works and what. It does essentially all of this is a. Tube with a rod coming down the center. Of it the idea is as the case goes in to. The die the powder that's in the case. Will push that rod up and give you a visual indication at the top here that. There is indeed a powder charge there if the rod comes up too far that'll tell. You that there may be a double charge in the case for example if you double. Stroke the case when it goes into the. Powder measure now it's not very useful. On a single stage press it's really designed to be used on an auto progressive press in the station right. After the powder measure so that the. Case first goes into the powder measure then immediately comes to the next station and goes up into the powder cop. To verify that the powder measure did its job properly so single stage press. It's really not necessary but when you're another progressive press and you're cranking out rounds sometimes you. Don't always see the powder clearly. You know to see how much powder is in the case or if there's any powder at all in the case so this just gives you a safeguard to verify your powder charges. So set the powder cop up initially what. You'll do is you'll screw the powder count down such that when the ram is all. The way at the top the bottom of the. Powder cop will just touch the shell plate and that will guarantee that the case has gone as far as it can into the. Powder cops you get a better indication. Yeah once I've done that i need to. Adjust this rod now what I'll do is I'll. Move the white oring down the rod of waves and that'll hold. The rod up for me and I'll put a case in. An empty case no powder charge and run. The ram up to the top and then I'll simply push the rod down until it comes. And comes in contact with the bottom of the case and at that point then the. Little o-ring is adjusted so that when. There's no powder charge the o-ring will not come out of the top of the powder cops oh no o-ring no powder charge now. I'll put a powder charge in the case. Here normally I'd run it through the powder measure first to get a proper. Powder charge but I'm just going to the. Purposes of the demo here I'll just put in what looks to me like a proper powder charge and then I'll run the case up. Into the powder cup and you can see that. The rod comes up you can see the little. White ring here and what you want to do. Is before you start a reloading session is get an idea of where that oring or how far up that o-ring comes when you have a proper powder charge what you. Also want to do then is double charge your case or put way too much powder in. There put more powder in this case and. I'll run that up into the powder cop and. You can see how far up it comes when there's too much of a charge basically. Right now looks like about twice it comes up almost to the first little. Groove in the rod here so that's a. That's a double charge there and it just. Comes up you know about that far when there's a proper charge so before you're reloading session you want to get an idea how far up the rod comes with a. Popper charging with a double charge and of course no charge at all you won't see. The o-ring at all now an important thing. To remember this rod here needs to be as. Free as possible to move up and down especially when the case comes down out of the powder cop you want that rod to go back down so. It's ready for the next case if the rod is getting stuck on you or that kind of thing you need to make sure you clean keep this clean keep the interior of the powder cop clean and you want to keep it lubed with a dry lu not not a oil-based. Or wax based move what i use i either. Use the horny one shot gun cleaner and. Dry lube that'll put like a teflon very. Thin teflon coating on the rod you can. Also use the hornady one-shot case lube which has the same kind of dry lube on. There you know the tri loop so you want. To use a dry lube so that it doesn't contaminate your powder because the. Thing is going to come in contact with your powder so don't put any kind of. Well-based or liquid kind of oil on this. On this rod or that could get into your powder now in the configuration that. Comes when you buy it you know right out. Of the box the problem you'll find is. That the bottom of this rod the plate or. The part that goes into the case and. Rests on the powder charge is too thick. To fit into a 223 cartridge it's as well. Just barely enough or small enough so. That a 308 cartridge will go in it so. Really it's its only useful right out of the box for pistol cases however what. You can do I'm going to take this little. Overhang off the rod and that way i can. Drop the rod out the bottom and remove. It and what I'll do or if you'll notice. That the button this is the bottom here that's what's normally the bottom and. That won't fit into the rifle cases but. It'll fit fine into you know anything from a 380 to a 45 caliber. Case what I'm going to do is I'm going. To put it in the top of the powder cop. Upside down so that the what's normally. At the bottom is on the top here okay and now i have the thin portion down at. The bottom before i do that though what. I'm gonna do is put the little white bow. Ring on to the shaft here all the way up. Until it touches the bottom piece here and then I'll put that in and then i can. Adjust it the same way i can put a case. In a rifle case and move it down until. Until the rod touches the bottom of the case and adjust my little o-ring there so that i can tell when it's has no charge has a proper charge or has an. Overcharge so that's how you would. Configure it to use for rifles now. You'll notice that the bottom of the rod. Here does fit into a 223 although it's a. Very close fit so when you're bringing the ram up you need to be conscious. Of how centered the your cartridge is on. The shell plate you have to bring it up kind of slow just to make sure that the rod is going down into the case so that. It can measure the powder charge or rest on top of the powder charge in. The case so you'll get that that visual. Indication for 308 cases it fits just. Fine i shouldn't have any problem the. Only problem you'll have is when you have 223 cases you have to make sure the cases is going into or the shaft is. Going into the top of the case just. Right so that it can give you that indication that there's powder charge. That's all for this video i hope you. Like it and so please click the like button maybe even subscribe to my channel thanks for watching and happy. Reloading.
RCBS® Headed Decapping Pins - Per 5
These RCBS Decapping Pins are headed for new-style RCBS dies. Five per package.Hornady® Custom Grade Rifle Dies
- The Series I Rifle Two-Die Set includes a full-length sizer die and a seater die, and is available in most popular bottleneck rifle calibers.
- The Series II Rifle Three-Die Set is for straight-walled rifle calibers and includes a full-length sizer die, a pistol-style expander die and a seater die.
- Series IV and V Rifle-Die Sets are made for specialty, wildcat and more-unique rifle calibers. Sets include a full-length sizer die and a seater die. Some sets also include a pistol-style expander die. The .450 Bushmaster die set a fourth die (Taper crimp die).
Hello youtube re loaders thanks for. Watching hornet loader here my standard. Disclaimer i am not an employee of quantity manufacturing nor do i have any interest financially or otherwise miss a low quantity products I've been reloading for almost 35 years and for the last 20 years I've been using hornady equipment almost exclusively hence the name orange loader the winery. Logo is a registered trademark of hardy manufacturing grand island nebraska. Today's video be an examination of. Hornady rifle dies now you're probably. Thinking really what's to know you get a sizing into capping die you get a. Bullets eating die what else do you need. To know well a little more to it than that now the hornet ii dies come in three. Different grades there's the american series which i don't have a set of those. But you can see in the inset it's basically a sizing decapping die and a. Bullets eating die they're run about $25.00 roughly, and they're compatible. With products that are out there on the. Market from other manufacturers now the. Custom grade dies of hornady which i. Have here also come with a sitting decapping die in a bullet feeding die. These are set up so that they can use. Some options and accessories that available from hornady start with the. Sizing and decapping dies the full. Length sizing die it has what they call their zip spindle which is the decaf. Indle the zip spindles actually thread. It so you look and loosen the locknut. Here and then you can actually. Screw these zip spindle in and out you can see it going in and out to adjust. The decapping pin down here now there's. A zip spindle the oh the old spindles were smooth you would just push that you unlock them the locknut and then you just kind of push them back and forth or in and out until you got them to the right length. The decapping thin on the old spindles. Was actually a part of the spindle so if they be capping pin broke you'd have to get a whole new spindle whereas with the. Zip spindle this elliptical expander. Here can be unscrewed and the decapping. Pin can be removed and replaced trust me. It can be removed it's a little sticky in their ain't it but you can get just a replacement to. Capping pin then and put your put it. Back in your expander and then screw it. Back on to the zip spindle. Like so let's get it on there and then. We bring the zip spindle back in. Adjust it then once it's adjusted to the point where we want it we adjust the we. Tighten the lock screw down and i won't. Move now since it's threaded there it won't move the smooth sided spindle. If you had say the military crimp on you. On the primer or a primer that was. Particularly hard to get out the cinder. Would actually kind of push itself out whereas with the zip spindle that's not a that's not an issue and there's a. Spindle by the way you can buy separately so if you've got one of the older dies with the older spindle on it you can buy just the zip spindle and. Replace it with the new one so you cannot have a six mendonsa the old. Smooth sided spindle now the bullets. Eating die is basically just a tube all the action happens on the inside up here. Is your adjustment stem down here is. Your alignment sleeve which goes in and out of the die I'm going to take. This apart here you can see the insides. Are what's on the inside this is just a. Screw adjustment screw inside there is a. Seating stem and I'm going to pop the. Alignment sleeve off here you have to pop this wire off like so and then the. Alignment stem will come out what. Happens the seating stem goes down into the. Alignment sleeve like so now what. Happens when you're seeing your bullets in your cases is the bullet and the neck. Of the case will enter the alignment. Sleeve and note that will do is that will align the bullet and the end the case so that it's got some sort of. Concentricity that's the bullet is going straight down into the k the end of the bullet goes into the hole. Here at the end to bottom of the seating stem which helps align the alignment and. Then as the whole assembly has moved up. Into the die eventually it comes in. Contact with the seating stem and that. Will then push the bullet down into the. End of the case see here the end of the. Seating stem goes over the end of the bullet okay so that's what's happening. On the inside basically you have everything lined up like that on the. Inside now I'm going to go ahead and put. The climate's lead back in and to lock. That in place put the spring back on. And i lox the linemen stem back in and. Then i can put the adjustment stem back. In the top when you first buy a new set of dies you want to do that you want to take it completely apart like i just did there and use a cleaner and lubricant on. It they come shipped with a rust. Inhibitor coating on them and that gets. Kind of sticky it makes it gums up all the works i use a hornady gun cleaner and dry lube. That will clean off that rust inhibitor. And they'll leave a nice teflon lube on. The surfaces so everything will work. Nice and smoothly and I'll also act as a rust inhibitor. Now using the dies like this is. Perfectly fine you can get nice accurate. Loads but if you really want to improve. The accuracy you really you're going to create some match-grade ammunition you. Can make some modifications to these first modification is you get rid of this altogether and you replace it with. One of the match-grade dies usually you. Have a next size die at a full size die either one you can use to bump the. Shoulder down the full sized die i typically use when I'm when i have a. Brand new set of a box of cases they've. Been Never fired or if i have cases and then fired in another rifle I'll use the. Full sized i also usually when I'm. Reloading for my ar-15 or semi-automatic. Rifle I'll use my full size die too to. Help with the feeding mechanism for my. Bolt-action if i have some fire forms cases for my bolt-action I'll use the. Next size die this will also allow you to bump the shoulder down if you need to essentially match-grade dies. Come with some instructions this is the. Match grade next sizing die comes with. Some extra decapping pins also you have. The option of either using the. Elliptical expander if you're going to if you need the neck expanded slightly to make it easier to seat the bullet you can use this expander or you can just. Use the decapping piece for instance if. You are going to be sizing your. Neck down for a specific chamber you. Don't want the expander to mess that up so you can just do the decapping by itself so you have the option you can use either one comes with several extra or a couple extra decapping pins in case. This one breaks you don't have to replace the whole stem now you'll notice. The stem is not the same as the zips. Spindle that comes with the custom. Grade dies the. The capping pen is adjusted by loosening. The lock knob here and then you can. Screw it in or out. Using the adjustment knob at the top and. If you can see that is coming out there i can and pull it back in a little bit. So i can adjust it to where i need it in order to properly define the case now. The other difference with the math grade. Dies so it allows you to select the size. Of how the neck of the case is sized for. Example if i take a fire form piece of. Brass this is fired in my Remington 700. If i measure this it comes out to 338. Thousandths know what i want to do with this the neck here I'm going to do the next sizing so. To leave the case alone as far as. Sizing it up or down but i do want to. Size the neck down by about mm well what. To do is you buy the appropriate. Bushings this one is three hundred thirty-six thousand so since the. The fire form neck is three hundred thirty-eight thousand i can buy the three and thirty-six thousand bushing so. That i can size the neck down to three. And thirty-six it will fit my chamber a. Little better what you do is you take the bushing there's a thick side and a. Thin side you put it with the thick side down and you place that in your die. Then you replace the decapping stem. Now when i size this case it'll size the. Neck down to 336 thousands and that will. Be just a couple thousandths off of the actual size of my chamber so it'll it'll. Fit my chamber a little better give me a more accurate load so that's the match. Grade diets if you get the next sizing. Or a die or the full size die both of them will allow you to bump the shoulder down we'll talk about bumping your shoulder down when i get to the loading for accuracy series of videos now i. Replace my sizing and decapping die with. A match grade die so I've improved my accuracy there i can also make some. Adjustments to the bullet seating die. Now you'll notice that the adjustments. Down at the top here has fairly coarse threads so it's not as easy to adjust. The bullet seating depth you know. Down in it by thousandths of an inch. It's a little more difficult what i can. Do is i can replace this with a. Micrometer seeing's down basically i. Screw this in and in place of my course. Threaded adjustments down and now what i have is a very fine threaded adjustment. Here it has a micrometer on it that. Allows me to measure exactly where my. Seating stem is or how far down the seating stem is so that i can repeat the. The depth for a particular bullet or for. A particular rifle particular load whatever i can use. These number don't know if you can see those numbers on there on the. Video but they're there trust me i can. See them just fine so now i have a much. More precise way of seating the bullet. Now the member of the seating stem. That's in there the seating stem that comes with the die. Is good for just about any spire point. Bullet but laundry makes a specific. Seating stone for there a max bullets. The rifle they also have a seating. Stones for their ft x series the bullets. For handguns so if i remove the. Alignment sleeve i can replace the. Seating stone with a seating stone. That's designed for the 308 a mac specifically let me pop that out here. And this one fits the a max bullet just. Perfectly so I'm going to replace the. Seating stand in the alignment sleeve. With that one and then replace my. Alignments down their line the sleeve rather put the spring back in there to. Hold it in. And there we go now I've got a seeding. Stem specifically for the bullet that I'm going to be using for my accuracy loads or my match grade loads. So there's the custom grade dies or at. Least one of them that have been. Accurized basically they've been turned into match grade dies instead of just. The standard custom grade now a pair of. Custom grade dies will run about 45 50. Bucks the masquerade dies are about 45 50. Bucks by themselves so you can either. Buy the custom grade dies and then. Replace the seating and acara. Sizing and decapping die with a masquerade die for about 45 so you're. Talking about 90 bucks there or you can. Buy just the custom grade seating die. For about $25 and buy the match grade. Die for 45 so you've got an investment. Of about 70 you can save yourself a little money i like to buy the set of custom grade dies so i have it the option of either using the custom grade. Die that came with the set if I'm just going to put some ammo together for. Plinking or if I'm going for accuracy then i can. I can use the match grade die so i like. To do both the micrometer bullet seeding. Stem will run about 25 dollars and the. Seeding stem for a max bullets is right. Around twelve dollars so you know you can spend as much or as little as you. Want on a set of dies but i usually go. All out when I'm creating my competition stuff. So that's basically all there is to the. Quantity diet as you can see it's more. Then just buying a set of dyes and using. Then there's a lot of options with the. Hornady dyes that's all for this video i. Hope you liked it maybe you can learn something if so please click the like. Button maybe even subscribe to my channel thanks for watching and happy. Reloading.
RCBS® Decap Die
This Decapping Die quickly removes primers from uncleaned, unlubed cases prior to cleaning. The .22-.25 caliber decap die will handle most cases. The .27-.45 caliber decap die is designed for use on military primer crimped cases larger than .27 caliber.Well I'm finally reloading just deep. Rhyming now with my our cbs universal deep rhyming die I've modified it and. Taking the our cbs lock collar off and put the hornady locking collar on there it's a compression fitting with a set screw going across this way from one side of the clamp to the other as opposed to the rcbs going back in screwing tight right up against the threads of the die i think our cbs were. To adopt a hornady method of doing that and in also I've got to hornady lock and load system i modified so instead of. Screwing my die in it's literally as you can see they are one sixth of a turn and left the die right out really a slick operation got that on all my rcbs dies. You get the rcbs lock and load. Conversion kit that has three of these die bushings and one press bushing for. About 20 bucks don't know why somebody wouldn't do that.
RCBS® Die Lock-Ring Wrench
Replace inconvenient adjustable wrenches with one specifically for adjusting die lock rings. This 1-3/16" wrench slips over the die lock ring. The handle pivots for leverage from any angle.Hornady® American Series Die Sets
Hey youtube it's chris here with almost precision with a video tonight on these a hornady american series dies so i made. An order offs the graphs last week and i. Just um saw these dyes they were cheap like 30 bucks mmm. Figured i couldn't pass that up so i got them, and they get here, and they're in this freaking blister pack so fine. Example of me not reading the description when i order some shit get. These and I'm like whoa where the helps the red case yeah horny guys usually. Come looking like this it's like what. The heck well turns out these are there. Economize dyes and yeah so let's take a. Look at what's in the blister pack and see what i got all right so rip and open. The blister pack here hopefully without. Having to use a knife free shell holder. That's one thing they advertise with it. All right this is the decapping guy and. One of the unique things about it is the. Sizing ring there is titanium nitride. Coated you know ten they call it kind of. Like your ar-15 bolts then your belling. Die noticed on here while it was in the. Blister pack it had some machining marks. On it. No rough finish whatever economize and. Your seating diet they also claimed and. Boast love they'll give you a couple free decapping pens couple spares and. Supposedly this thing is full of. Reloading information. A lot of general info here's the actual. Info they have for 9-millimeter which is. What these dyes are not a lot of. Information there. Literally one load data point oh that's. Why we buy books right so 33 bucks so. I'll have to find something to put these. In not gotta keep them in the blister. Pack obviously that's going in the trash. Not a bad deal don't know if I'll buy. More of them though and definitely gonna. Try to read the description more often. As always this chris if you like the. Video please comment and subscribe and. I'll see you all next time.
RCBS® Universal Shell Holder
The RCBS Shell Holder grips the shell securely and fits into the press firmly so you’ll have no headspace and sizing problems. Fits all major brands of reloading presses. Crafted to the industry’s tightest tolerances. Available in a wide variety of calibers.Well shooters and re loaders out their fortune cookie 45 else take a minute even hot lads own and you know how i. Like to have a good assortment of these. Universal loading trays on my reloading. Bench these red ones are the mtm and. Blue ones are the newer frankfort arsenal they're basically copies the. Frankfurt arsenal's a copy of the mtm. And they both work well they work well. With the wsm short magnums they work. Well for us with 223 nine millimeter 45. Disguisting and they even work well with. The 8 millimeter mazal so you see the. Important thing is when you wiggle these they go back to center, so they stay. Vertical and the frankfort arsenal does. The same thing now the frankfurt are so is a little less expensive than the mtm. Now the back side does the 9 millimeter. And 45 acp only the front side gives. More versatility but how versatile are. These let's find out you know how much i. Like to load the 45 colt when you put the 45 colt in here it doesn't want to. Stay vertical you see it doesn't return to center and. The same thing is even worse with the. Frankfurt arsenal which is a little bit soft or plastic then you see that will stay vertical we don't really like that. It doesn't work as well now here is a. 7.62 by 54r russian round and when you. Put it in there you see again it doesn't want to come back to vertical you see so. It doesn't work as well with that popular going to a classic american rimmed round the 3030 winchester forget. About using this on the other side 45 9. Millimeters died no chance you put this. In here and again they don't they don't. Go vertical so that's not the best. For our popular 3030 loading and here's. A real problem with these types of mtm. Frankford arsenal's universal trace our popular 4570 forget it no chance and. That's why as you recall i actually made. My own 4570 out of a 2x4 and a drill. That i drill holes in to get this to fit. And of course there are other trays that load this and perhaps that's why i. Searched for another one so this review is on this is the rcbs. Universal loading tray and it's as well. Made in china of course but still this. One is a very fine moulding you don't see any defective mold in there's. No little flaps or little tags they're. All perfectly clear receptacles in this. Rcbs loading tray but how good is it as. A universal let's find out is that the 45 colt in the rcbs is self-similar we. Like that it's a good one for the 45 colt 3030 winchester see how itself. Centers that's good in the winchester. Short magnums very nice fit now when you. Turn the rcbs over the short magnums. Also fit not quite as good but they fit. But look at the 7.62 by 54r nicely self. Centers that's really good and then look. At the 45 70 perfect that's what i was. Looking for something that the 4570 would be handled and here's our eight. Millimeter 30.6 308 this kind of thing. That's good and of course your 223 is a. Very nicely handled fit with the rcbs. Tray so i must say this is a nice trade. Only reason why i didn't this before was this cost it's about two. Eight something dollars compared to the. Six something dollars for the other two. Underneath and this one's really cheap tis this frankford are someone is $6.99. Or something of that nature so this one. Is like $6.99 this one's 8 something. $8.99 this kind of thing well these are. On sale at midway usa this week for 761. And for that price i decided to get a. Couple of them and I'm actually glad i did these are nice trays in fact for 761. I wish i had bought these instead of those but no matter a couple of these. Will do nicely and these are still good. Trays so these are cbs aren't bad if. You're in the market for some more trays. You might wanna look at these for 761. Has a little more versatility than these. However i am not unhappy with these than. A la reloading with these mtm s and as well. Using these now from frankfurt arsenal so these are three great trays for your. Reloading bench and with the rcbs. Reloading tray good reloading to all of you out there take care of see you next video bye for now.
Hornady® MicroJust™ Seating Stem
Replace the standard in line seating adjustment stem on any Bottle-Neck New Dimension seating die with Hornady's MicroJust Seating Stem to achieve accurate bullet seating. Allows you to precisely set bullet seating depth in .001" increments for benchrest accuracy and consistency.RCBS® Shell-Holder Rack
Forget about manually sorting through a box of loose shell holders trying to find the one you need. This handy organizer has room to hold up to 24 shell holders, as well as a place to store up to six Trim Pro® Case trimmer shell holders. The cover keeps dust and dirt out. It’s configured for mounting to a wall, reloading bench or pegboard so you’ll always know where your shell holders are. (Shell holders not included)Hornady® Match-Grade Die Bushings
Hornady's Match-Grade Die Bushings feature self-centering, interchangeable neck sizes that ensure precise alignment without the risk of oversizing your case necks and overworking the brass. Bushings interchange with Redding, Wilson and RCBS Bushing Dies. Per each.Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Dies - Pistol and Revolver
Built to last, Lee dies deliver improved reloading with less hassle and consistency that improves accuracy. Lee Pistol Crimp Dies make it impossible to buckle the case as with regular roll crimp dies. Even bullets which have no cannelure will shoot more accurately if crimped with this die. Makes powder selection less critical. The carbide sizer, which was made to fit most popular pistol calibers, sizes the cartridge while it’s being crimped, so every round will positively chamber freely with factory-like dependability. Adjusting screw easily sets the desired amount of crimp. Crimper cannot be misadjusted to make a case mouth too small for proper head-space. Revolver dies put on a roll crimp and Pistol dies put on a taper crimp.RCBS® Competition Rifle Two Die Sets
Dies are the heart of the reloading process. Engineered to the highest standards and manufactured to the tightest tolerances, they’re constructed from case-hardened steel, precision-drilled, reamed, polished and hand-inspected twice before leaving the factory. RCBS dies can be counted on to produce consistent and reliable results for shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their firearm. Includes plastic storage box and loading data table. Full-length sizer dies for bottleneck cases have vents to prevent case damage from trapped air and excessive lubricants. Seater dies have a built-in roll or taper crimper. Large, easy-to-adjust hex-lock rings.For bottleneck rifle cases. Includes full-length sizer die with expander decapping unit and bullet-seater die with a bullet-seater plug for seating and crimping bullets.
Hornady® Universal Decapping Die
I've already done to setup the die but before I get into that one thing I forgot to mention in the unboxing of this die is quite a neat feature that actually made me go with this one over
RCBS® Small-Base Rifle Two Die Sets
Dies are the heart of the reloading process. Engineered to the highest standards and manufactured to the tightest tolerances, they’re constructed from case-hardened steel, precision-drilled, reamed, polished and hand-inspected twice before leaving the factory. RCBS dies can be counted on to produce consistent and reliable results for shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their firearm. Includes plastic storage box and loading data table. Full-length sizer dies for bottleneck cases have vents to prevent case damage from trapped air and excessive lubricants. Seater dies have a built-in roll or taper crimper. Large, easy-to-adjust hex-lock rings.For sizing cases to minimum-specified dimensions in the body and shoulder for improved feeding and proper function in semiautomatics, pump-actions and some lever-action rifles. Includes small-base sizer die with expander/decapping unit and seater die with bullet-seater plug. Not recommended for ammo to be used in bolt-action rifles.