Top 8
Pedersoli Bounty Hunter .50-Cal. Percussion and Flintlock Pistols
Pedersoli Howdah Hunter 20-Ga. Pistol
Pedersoli Harper's Ferry .58-Cal. Flintlock Pistol
Pedersoli Philadelphia Derringer
The .45-caliber Philadelphia Derringer is a true icon in classic gun history for its small dimensions and role in self-defense. A similar pistol was found in one of Ford Theatre’s boxes in Washington where President Abraham Lincoln was fatally injured by John Wilkes Booth. This reproduction has brass furniture and a case-hardened lock. The barrel has a brass V aiming rear sight and a blade front sight. The lacquered, one-piece walnut grip has crossed checkered details.Welcome back everybody back on the workbench again today i wanted to do a. Response video for a request I've had. I've actually had a bunch of requests to see blacker powder builds and more. Black powder guns in general and I've got quite a few so I'm gonna break out. My most recent build now this is. The gun that started out as this was purchased again from an auction like. Some of my previous videos that was. Helping out a fellow that needed some. Surgery bills paid so i assisted him by participating in. This auction as much as i could um this. Gun did not go for much this is just a. Kid gun that somebody had built very. Poorly very poorly being the. Philadelphia derringer I'm not even sure. The brand all this says it's paint on the barrel and I'm gonna guess that it's the jew car brand ju kar I've got some. Other black-powder firearms I'll show. You those one called the colonial pistol. I believe it was called you see lots of. Those around missing their front sights because people didn't know how to attach. That front sight well enough because it. Was actually had to be soldered into. Place so this one required a lot of work. And I'll show you this is just a photograph but I'll show you what i saw when i saw it on lines things such as the tang standing proud the crooked. Decorative surround on the pin for the. Barrel how proud all the metal was. You can't see in this photograph but none of the brass was polished out it was still pretty rough cast and you can. See hardly any shaping was done to the stock it was left pretty well as. It came from the fact smoothed out somewhat I'm sure because. Of the lack of lines in it you see all these lines that should be present they. Were sanded completely flat and then. Like most of these inexpensive kit guns. Let me pull another photograph here unfortunately i don't have any footage. Of these because i didn't even think to. Do it as i just dived in and was anxious to get going on this firearm but you. Again see how proud the tang of the. Barrel is how proud the fitment of the. Metal is here to the stock again. The bulbous stock and just a washer this. One is a recessed type washer to hold. The lock screw in place and you can see. Maybe in the picture just says spain here and a low so very low silat serial. Number and but i liked the firearm some. Of the more modern versions of these are lacking some of the brass on it and i. Decided well let's go ahead and buy this. I always wanted a little derringer these very small guns and that's a i could absolutely bring in what i ended up. Building here's the finished firearm let. Me zoom out just a little bit and. There's what it into that bad i finished. It quite a bit darker I'm still working on the finish to get it to darkened down even more takes time just do it with an old-fashioned oil rub and there's. Some other methods that we can throw in there to help darken it and let's take a. Look at what i did and bring it forwards. A little bit so you can get a closer look you can see the tang on the. Barrel is now fairly flush there were. Some fitment issues with the side. Lock which i couldn't really see repairing going into the they were cut a. Little bit wide on the lock various. Places i was able to straighten up that. Decorative piece that goes around the barrel pin reshape the stock. As you can see a little bit more of a derringer say shape a little bit especially on the rear end i bring it in. You can see how much irish aped it and. Brought the lines back out around. The lock then I'm going to have it and. Added a few derringer like fittings we. Polish the brass out got his smooth I'll let it tarnish down and you'll have a. Much better look once the tarnishes added a little typical derringer butt. Plate on it resembles it derringers. Usually have a shield up on top i added. My own version of that and then a nose. Cap this original barrel had a bunch of fillers underneath it just wood filler. And that wood filler had to come out and. The barrel lowered down into its channel that means these the pin that supports. The barrel had to be lowered which required filling them and i think it. Came out pretty good they're invisible for the most part i know where to look i. Can see where some of the fills are the. Screws i ordered as replacements. Replacement parts are still available and these were in steel rather than in. Brass which i kind of liked the look of. The steel screws and on the fittings on. The butt plate that was just a brass piece i made out of an old block a head laying or a lock plate had lying around. Shaped it to fit the the butt stock. On this gun and then screwed it into. Place i restored a 1967 jaguar e-type at. One time and that was a trim screw that was leftover slotted screws in wood. Screws are sometimes difficult to find for me living in a smaller town and so i. Saved pretty much everything and the same with that screw that's off that 67 jaguar e-type just. Shaped it to the shape i needed and used. It also i might point out this nose cap. I did not shape it's a very thick. Nose cap and that was from a original. Brown bass from the 1700s in though if you can see it there's a few cracks and. Stress fractures or just fractures that. Were there one was molded it was broken so no worries there i didn't destroy a valuable piece it was broken but i had. Enough of that nice brass left to create. This nose cap as an original. Derringer would have with something. Resembling it we also added a lock plate. The original derringer would have been quite a bit more elaborate than that with engraving but i added that give it. More of a derringer to look you can see how small the gun is it just a hair. Longer than my hand i can only fit two. Fingers on almost two fingers on it that's how small these little things are. This one is in 45 calibers it's not. Loaded so don't worry the bluing i over. Blowed it was not in bad shape when i. Got it so i didn't do much with that i was actually considered browning it like. Browning guns i will show you that some. Other guns i have browned in the future. We'll take a look at that and so that. That was a real inexpensive kit these are selling for in excess of 200 dollars. Pushing 300 dollars just for the kit and. For 40 bucks i figured why not make a. Shootable fun little pocket Philadelphia. Derringer. Spelled with two r's there and like the. Original which would have had just one or. So i just wanted to fulfill a few. Requests I've had to see some blacker. Powder anybody can do these the more. Time you spend the better they'll come out be aware of your lines on them again. If we go back to the picture see. Absolutely how that line had disappeared. And how i forced it to come back out see. There was none before and i forced it to. Come back out just with careful sanding. Not sure how much time i have into this not a tremendous amount of time it was. Really a pretty easy project and then getting rid of that bulbous rear end off. Of the back of it and giving a much more elegant shape much prettier eye i. Think so there it is the completed. Project I'm sorry i didn't give you a. Better feel for it is by recording it. Along the way but this is a good. Overview of a real fun little kit to. Build so this is a good way to do it find yourself some people selling some. Cheap old black powder firearms and practice on them one thing i didn't do of course was checker and as original derringer might have been checkered and my checkering skills i don't are not up. To that yet i have been practicing my. Checkering and it's one art form that. Has always eluded me i have tried and. Tried and i can mess gonna guns up quick. With checkered ink so i don't do it but. In small batches i have done some small. Pieces I'll show you in the future but. Not up to good enough standards to. Tackle a little project like this where. The whole butt stock would have had a band checkered here and then attaching. To two points that come up the backside. But anyway I'm pleased with it'll be. A fun shooter and until then next time we will be. Seeing some more of these black-powder firearms in the future so thanks for. Watching and we'll get back to some more mil syrup here coming up see you next. Time.