Top 10
Kelty Redwing 44 Backpack
Colors: Black, Twilight Blue, Ponderosa Pine.
Today of the Kelty Red Wing 44. This is a 44 litre backpack with hip straps. And a bunch of external pockets it's a relatively new release based on the. Most recent version of the Kelty Red Wing 50 which is a long-standing popular backpack on the market there's also a much smaller Red Wing 32 which is the 32 litre. And Kelty's got a whole range of products there's a. Few reviews of this backpack on YouTube but. Iwanted to give some personal perspectives. And also some up close you'll notice I'm actually quite zoomed in. You can't actually see the whole backpack. And that's on purpose. Because I'm actually well it's probably because of how my camera setup is here in my studio. And it's also because I'm going to be really focusing on a lot of the details. You can look at Kelty's own product video. Or other YouTube videos for what it looks like on somebody's back walking down the street but.
Iwant to focus on a. Few details and hopefully. This will be a pretty quick. And dirty review I purchased. This backpack just under a month ago so. Idon't have a huge amount of experience with. Ipurchased it initially. And used it right away for a week trip to Hawaii with my family. Iwanted something. That could basically be a carry-on suitcase bag. It does fit carry-on parameters. One pretty full as well as. Igot there a day hike bag. That wasn't too oversized. Or under sized as well as a diaper bag. Or just handling baby stuff which I've got going on in my life were. You know I may not need to pack a bunch of stuff for a six-hour day hike but. We might be just going to the beach. And there's big beach blankets. And so forth that take up a lot of space.
That would be too bulky for a regular day pack. Something is more of a backpack style think so. That was my reason for purchasing it. This video could be useful to. Anyone who wants to use. It for hiking or travel again. Because it's a sort of nice backpack but carry-on size for pretty much. Any airline I think would let. You on the plane with. You the basic overview again I'm going to start with I'm gonna focus pretty much on details I'm not gonna do. Everything that every other reviewers done but just. Some standout things. Ithink are relevant to a purchasing decision on. This pack because it's been very well reviewed sort of as a legacy of. All the great reviews of the Redoing 50 which. Idon't own, so I'm just coming to. It could my review is kind of next. You my feedback by the way.
This is orange tape here. And here as well as. This nite ize red plastic SP nor our add-ons. Everything else here is stopped so let. Me start with the straps. Most people most reviewers finished with the straps but let. Me start with the straps in general good lumbar support big padded hip strap with a good sized waist belt that's easy to adjust little manali type attachments on the waist on the padded portion of the waist strap so shoulder straps are nicely padded with load lifters which actually did work in my experience with. What little Hawaii load. Ihad for my trip chest strap is included pretty normal with the adjustments up. And down on the chest zipping right along pat pockets there are sorts of the visually defining feature. This pack is that there's. These vertical pockets on the left. And right both sides nice and spacious there's a pass-through pocket. That goes all the way through which. Ididn't really have much use for and put.
Some water bottle pocket the standard mesh pretty deep here from small to large there's a. What I guess people call an admin pocket with. All the various slots for pens. And notebooks in your iPhone here no little mini zip pocket but pretty packed admin pocket with a little key loop in the lid actually let. Me in the main compartment has. This top loader feature. You keep the compression straps. That sort of stops the top load. And just lets you stuff from above. You quickly undo quickly is the key feature here. You quickly undo it unzips pretty completely I'd say 80% of the way down to be a panel loader finally last but not least there's a little tiny pocket in the lid for sunglasses. Or your wallet keys. Or whatnot that's what I use.
It for and that's pretty much. It for basic specs and that's. What you'll see in other reviews let. Me point out a few specific features. That may or may not also be in other reviews there's a pretty heavy-duty handle here on the front for lifting this. More like a suitcase horizontally. Than typical backpack loop on top. Although as you saw with the orange tape there is a small issue loop on top as well so that's an interesting add-on. Idid use it's an iceberg I'll leave. Imentioned this briefly earlier but. Ididn't use this trip. Iappreciate it there being little sort of straps here for potentially adding pouches. Or just putting a flashlight with a little pocket clip. Something for hiking outdoors use also on the bottom of the pack. Each other and ears have mentioned there is also webbing two rows of webbing for a bedroll with lashing straps.
You really wanted to expand. This to make this up two. Or three day backpacking bags so those are nice the last little detail thing I'll mention. Idid find useful is on the backpack strap there's. This little elastic tensioner. Where no matter what your level of tightening of the main tie there's always a little tension because of. This elastic that actually very useful for keeping this functional as a chest strap as. Iwas walking along with a full load as well as the hip strap as well. One thing I will go over. Ithink is particularly relevant to folks shopping for this bag is water bottles for the side pockets. These side pockets scream out to be used with sort of your classic water bottle.
You can always put the things in the mesh pockets but a lot of people complain oh. If I'm packing along. II don't know this could fall out along the trail. Iwouldn't know till. Igot to my camp I had fallen out so people liked the idea of having the bottle storage on the side. It just seems common sense. You look at the design of the bag. However in their infinite wisdom healthy knowing. That there's pretty much. One universal size of Nalgene bottle made. It a little small sea. It is a little snug. It does fit that last little bend. And the zipper was a little tight. Iwill tell this backpack is empty. You have a full pack. Everything has bulged out. This is extremely hard to close. And actually risks damaging the zipper so. Iwanted to just mention a. Few things first they as well. Ihave a clean canteen here. That really doesn't fit. It sticks all the way out the top so. What I discovered well first of. All there's these little 16-ounce. No jeans and outfit no problem those are great.
You don't need a huge water supply but a solution. That worked you keep the 30 ounce sorry 32 ounce full liter capacity of the. Now gene of this guy but fitting in here with a little less hassle. Now gene makes these old school canteens shaped flat water bottles. And I'll tell you again. These fit easier as I'm demonstrating it. Because the pole pack isn't bulging at the seams but. This fits with a lot of room. And despair not a lot but. More room to spare less stress on the zipper. When you're loading up so. This isn't it's still sort of knock against the backpack. That the standard bottle doesn't fit easily.
This is just Universal among. Everybody but I know but there is a workaround. You still want a full liter water same capacity to fit in. These side pockets these pockets are also good for putting a little over shirt. You want to walk with layers. And not open your main pack over. And over again throughout the hike. Someone who's walking with. You unzip and take. It out for you or a hat without having to take off the pack. And break all down anyway water bottle holders for the side given. Ifound a workable 1 litre bottle. These pockets you got is. One of these one of these. You may be in trouble. You may have to use the mesh.
And the risk of falling out so. This pack is just straight from Hawaii. Ididn't wash anything my first general observation from the experience. You can see this with your own eyes here. Although the black is a little hard to see in the video is. It stays pretty clean the fabric is pretty good at standard distances a. Few marks but it down on the bottom not too bad unknown long-term durability again I've had. This just over one month. And really just took. One real trip to Hawaii not. That country hiking or. Anything but it worked good prose the main capacity main pocket capacity is very good it's shaped in a way. It bubbles out all the maximum cubic inches inside. You can use the water bladder holder. You want to I didn't use. That but it's its well-designed. And a compress straps at least the way they're designed to pull out.
And back to the four corners are good at holding the contents of the main pocket in as intended. Another Pro is that the fit. And weight distribution with the small amount of framing here with the aluminum rod. And the pack design. And the straps and the load lifters. All the strapping for me anyway was great for fit. And weight distribution. Ihad a pretty late load of mostly clothing I wasn't carrying and that'll cook kit for a backpack trip. Anything but I think for loads of. You know thirty pounds. Even forty pounds it's its a comfortable pack. Another pro the final. That I'll list is the looks. Or subjective in all consumer products but. Ilike minimal badging and labeling and reflective strips. And contrasting zipper pulls. And stuff this amount of badging just so. Icould see it on earth from a distance. And know it was my bag but really. Ilike the minimum minimalist look. You can decide in and other videos. You like the look there are. Some other colors but.
This sort of two-tone fabric. One is sort of smooth nylon. One is a little bit of a texture to. It is nice gives it a little bit of distinctive look but is minimalist which. Ilike let me talk about the things. And I'm rushing through here but let. Iwant to keep this quick let. Me talk about the things. Ididn't like about. This bag first and foremost the buckles. All the buckles seemed incredibly cheap in terms of the quality of the plastic. And the design these are guaranteed to break so the material of the buckles. Ireally don't like. And also the size these are the compression straps. It hard to even thread the tab into the slide. Many times it was just so small. Ifelt like I was threading a needle the chest strap which.
Iused every time it on it's a little bigger. Then the compression straps but. Ifound myself you know trying 10 10 times sometimes to get. It aligned and then. Ifelt like again it was so cheap. Ithought and didn't. And pushed I could very easily snap off. One of these guys the waist strap which is substantially bigger still feels for what it is super cheap. You just the hardware is like the material the fabric it's the fundamental of the bag it's got to work. Idid not have nothing broke on. This trip but is the first trip. Idid not have confidence in the quality of the buckles especially the compression straps which are tiny. And the chest rack which is still pretty small the other thing I did not like on the subject of small. And weak is the zippers. And the zipper poles are about as small as. You can get on a full-size pack again.
They work they didn't break this trip but. They did not inspire confidence a pull cord seems like a big cut corners. You know it's not so much an issue for. That in the pocket but. You fill out this big 44 litre main compartments let. You're really yanking on these zippers. You come around the corner in. This sort of s-curve to get the lid shut. It did not inspire confidence. It again made me feel like. This is gonna break sooner. Then later it's fine in Hawaii but. Iwouldn't want this to break. Either the zippers of the clasps in a back country hiking situation the last sort of con. That I'll talk about they're really left out at. Iwas using this bag for my first trip is. That the pocket capacity in the pocket design didn't seem great.
Icommented that the main compartment is great. Istand by it opens almost completely. It the sort of bubble shape of the pack. That sort of rounds. All serves to give the maximum capacity to the main compartment. This guy I feel like. Iput a shirt anything I mean there is like half an inch at the top of depth in. This bag and really not. That much at the bottom. Either there may be two inches. Ireally couldn't get. That much in here I couldn't access. Anything on the admin panels the other thing I'll say is. Itry to flip this open as. You would do in an admin panel situation trying to give it. Something this thing shut every time. Icould like jam and open but eventually. It going going it would just shut on. It was like someone was putting a prank on. Something every time. Itry to open this thing and again. Iwanted to fall back. It what's in here it was doubly hard. This goes for the top lid compartment to the pockets not.
That small but the opening is inexplicably small. They could have just made the zipper curved around just a little. You could get in there but again the pocket is maybe an inch deep at the front. And tapers to nothing at the back so you're just really excite. When your wallet or sunglasses not getting a lot of. Anything in there it seems like it's just a little. More thought of the design. These various issues. These various issues could have been addressed. One small break that won't really say it's a complaint but small bright. Idon't know if it'll come during the video is on the back you've got. All the padding for your back you've got the padding on the chest strap.
You got the padding on the waist belt the padding this won't come through in the video but the padding that's on the back surface is a nice sort of closed cell foam feeling like. You would expect in. This kind of padding however in the belt the waist strap. And the shoulder strap listen your. That crunchy it's like. They crumpled up a bunch of saran wrap. Something I mean there is foam in there but it's like it's somehow it's not just. This kind of traditional nice soft plush. Yet firm padding they just use. Something different in Enix Lucas inexplicably thinner. And a little noisier. Idon't know it didn't it's not a deal-breaker for me but. Ithought I'd point. Ihaven't seen it in other videos. Idon't know why there're two kinds of foam. If there's just some other shape holding material in their anyway not a pro definitely at least a grape so. Some pros and cons. And a grape again sorry. Iput the clothes up here by the way the s beaner from night eyes. This is the number for size fits perfectly in the two lower loops here.
You want to have something to easily attach a couple doodads to just a little backpack hack. Icame up with after purchasing the bag okay bottom line Kelty Red Wing 44 it's a good basic design. Isee why people like. Ilike the idea of outer pockets. And the mesh pocket. And multiple pockets in the main body of the bag the carry system is relatively sophisticated for a moderately priced bag. All the adjustments in the strap. And load carrying system are pretty good I'll give Kelty credit for. Ihave to say the zippers the material the clasps my gosh the clips are just. Idon't want to say unacceptable but just inexplicably low quality. And not confidence-inspiring for a bag of. This cost I got a deal on Amazon. Iwas sort of watching prices go up. And down as they do on. Any Amazon from about a hundred.
And twenty-two ninety-nine to. Whatever this bag on a day. It was actually about $80. Few cents and that's pretty reasonable. And I'll have to say for $80. This is a fairly priced bag. It does have quite a bit of capacity. It does have the weight bearing carry system for if. You are gonna go backpacking with. This for 80 bucks it's a reasonable value. Ican recommend I don't have a comparison with. Another bag of similar costs but. Ithink for 80 bucks its fair for a hundred. And twenty whatever else it's been going for even a hundred. Even ninety I don't know. Ijust think the materials are too weak to take. And carry out on a plane to go on vacation with your family in Hawaii maybe it's not a big deal cuz. If a clip breaks oh well. You just go down the road to get a repair. You went back home on the airline with a broken buckle but.
One of the very essential zippers. Or clasp break in a backpacking situation for which. This bag was designed that's no good. You can't do your compression straps. Or get your chest strap on. When you're carrying your load to pack out of the mountains. If a zipper breaks you can't. Even keep a flap closed. Ijust think that's unacceptable. Iwould not recommend. This really at any price certainly not over $100 to. Someone just going to use. This for backpacking use. It in the city use it for air travel use. It with my little water bottle hack for not breaking the zip. Or getting your bottle in. And out of the side pocket. You know as this sort of backpack diaper bag for a vacation. That worked for me I don't think I'm going to use.
This for its secondary intended use of hiking and backpacking and camping which. Ihope to use it for but it's just not up to snuff that's. This review has been helpful again sorry I'm sort of zoomed in here. This is kind of how my setup was but. Iput the black bag. Everything I wanted to be able to gather enough detail to show. What I was talking about with. All the various pros. And cons I've talked about what's important to. And relevant based on my use of the bag for a month tell. What you think in the comments. You disagree or agree. You have a different Kelty bag of different attributes. Or weaknesses another brand. You think I should try. Idon't want this for backpacking would love to hear comments.
And get the dialogue going if. You liked the video. You like my other videos like comment. Or subscribe love feedback. And we'll see if the next video.
Ascend® Mission 75L Trail Pack
Color: Green.
Kelty Redwing 50 Pack
With spring upon us the weather around. Most of the country well it's still a bit cold but it's warming up soon. This means those mountain turtles will be calling and. You may be in need of a new backpack to tackle them with the Kelty Red Wing 50 is an entry-level backpack. That may just be the. One for you and we'll tell. All about it my name is Chris. This is gear cache we'll start with a quick tour of the Red Wing 50 weighing in at 3 pounds 13 ounces. This pack features 8 compartments. And 50 litres of storage the pack is constructed with a nylon body. And an internal frame consisting a hard plastic foreign plate with an aluminum stay opening the pack up. You will find a small instruction manual which is nice. This details how to adjust the straps proper care. And cleaning and information on the lifetime warranty. Now the Red Wings main compartment is accessed through a hybrid top. And throw opening panel. This makes it easy to load. And unload the backpack the zippers feel plenty strong.
And include very easy to grab pull strings as well within the main compartment. You will find an internal pocket for a hydration bladder along with the pass-through at the top of the bag for the hose the hydration pocket was given. Some extra padding allowing it to use. It as a lock top pocket as well moving on to the outside of the pack at the very top there is a small pocket. This can fit some travel accessories such as a map compass snacks keys phone. Whatever you want further down the pack there is a stash pocket with no full closure. This is an excellent place to store spare layers of clothing such as a windbreaker. Or pullover securing the hook at the top will ensure. That your letters do not fall out but allow. You easy access to them the stash pocket is integrated with the front. Most pocket this pocket has a.
Few organizational dividers within. It for keeping your stuff nice and neat the largest of these pouches. Even has a soft inner liner making it suitable for a tablet. Or phone moving around to the sides of the pack. We have two mesh water bottle pockets on. Each side and too roughly. One liter size pockets as well. That cover storage but we're not quite done. Yet the Red Wing also features a. Few attachment points to hide away daisy loops on the back allow. You to hang extra gear as well as a series of loops on the bottom of the pack which allow. You to attach bulkier gear. If need be now for larger items the pack does have loops for trekking poles but. You want to soar tent poles. Or fishing poles the side pockets do have a pass through passage behind them so. You can slide these items through there. However keep in mind. These will end up using the water bottle pockets underneath them okay so. We covered a lot then eight pockets ample expansion but. What about comfort well Kelty's perfect fit system has.
That covered as well with. Several adjustable straps an adjustable shoulder height the red wing fits quite nicely. This system is a bit complicated to set up. Iadvise having someone help. You with the initial fit as the number of straps. And adjustment points can get a bit daunting but. Everything is set up the fit of the bag is quite comfortable. And the weight is distributed evenly. It is worth mentioning. That Kelty claims the waist belt to be removable. This is technically true the process is far from simple as the waist belt is integrated into the internal frame of the backpack keep. This in mind you plan to use the pack for airline travel the removal may not be a quick simple task. You can do at the airport before your flight so the red wing is a comfortable fitting pack with plenty of storage options but of course there are.
Some downsides I have to talk about first. And foremost front storage. Neither the hip pads. Or shoulder straps include. Any storage of any kind. This is in my opinion. One of the most important storage options. Iwant to snack I don't want to stop. Everything just in grab a canola bar. You can't access the water bottle pockets easily enough. And with enough practice. You could reach through behind. And grab from that top pocket but. Even just one front storage pocket would have been greatly appreciated the second downside is neck rub. This issue is not going to affect everyone's but. That the shoulder straps came a little close to the neck. It was starting to rub after a little. While but depending on your body type. And clothing choices. This may not affect. All so take that for what it's worth.
And lastly the rubbing has no water protection. Now the bag is nylon so it's going to have. Some natural water resistance but there is no official water rating nor is there. Any included ring cover. You get caught in a rainstorm your gear is going to get wet. This is an entry-level pack but. Some budget ones included rain cover so. It would have been nice to have but. Even with those complaints they're red lien 50 is still a solid choice for a backpack. It has a very good just will fit to make. It nice and comfortable is not going to join your savings. And gives you plenty of storage options overall. This backpack is a great choice for someone looking to get serious about backpacking but still needs to watch their budget well that's. It for this video guys.
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Ascend® Backpack Covers
Color: Grey.
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Sea to Summit® Medium Pack Cover
Color: Pacific Blue.
High Sierra Pathway 70L Backpack
Hey guys this is Jason from my 10 feet. And today I'm going to review my new backpack with. You well actually is not. That new I've been using this backpack for the last four. Or five months I already want to live like seven. Or eight different countries with. And Samantha I we've been using it. And it's a great product in. Ithink the four or five months of use actually continuously used actually. This is my house right. Everything I own is in here will give. Me enough knowledge do. You know to give you know a best a good review okay so let's start with the brand it's a High Sierra actually my previous backpack was a High Sierra. Istill have this brand it's a really good brand. Something different. One of those huge backpacks. You know like the 50 60 leaders so. You sometimes know your shoulders get tired so. Iwas like okay let's go. Something else you know. You know whenever you have like those big ones. You want to like take. Something that is in the middle of the backpack. You have to take everything away so it's freaking messy. You know like you have to like take. Everything out and then put. It back in but with. This back but you just have to open. And there we go that's. It so the first attribute of. This backpack is it a carry-on size so. You can bring it with. And then whenever you go to an airplane, so I'm gonna be put in a list of. All the airplane models. Ihave used for the last three months so. You guys will see on which one's fits very good. And other ones we have to like take.
And the front is out but. Iwill give all the information ok so first the beauty about. This backpack is well like. Isaid it's a carry-on backpack so. You can see the sizes are perfect for carry-on but. This top part you can actually remove. This part and I'm telling you right. Now the backpack is full so. Ididn't want to like make a review without. Nothing inside so we just arrived here yesterday so. Ihave an impact I wanted to give. You know like a full backpack reveal okay so let. Me just move the camera a little bit so. You guys can see what I'm doing okay so here. Ican take this front part away. They have a zipper right here. You can take it out so your backpack automatically converts into a day backpack. You can see you can take. This out and then you can just carry. It carries on Isis the election is very comfortable.
And you'll be amazed of. All the stuff you can fit in on my last events I've been using it, so I've been carrying my laptop inside is a 15 inches laptop. If it's perfectly actually. Ican feel like a bigger. All the cables I already. Iput always my rain jacket so as. You actually I'm gonna open. You guys can see I have a lot of a lot of crap inside right. And it's all my cables mouse actually. Some medicines. Ialways carry with. Me just in case and then in the front pocket see. Igot my sunblock I have my waterproof cover. And then you can have like pans here. You can put your cell phone. You can put like all your work stuff here then on the sides. You can put like bottle waters like. These ones see it fits perfectly so. You can actually have two so that's a really good thing so. You can have liked you know like. You carry on then for your day fact. You can use you don't have to carry. One then with the backpack itself. That brought this out. You can have a right here.
You can feel like you don't know. Anything you want and here on the top. You have the handle so. You can pretty much just carry. Whatever you want if you're in the airport. If you're on the streets. You can just carry you know yeah I'd be using it actually. All over New York carried. And the wheels work perfectly. Whenever you're in the airport are not noisy at. All they're very smooth. And very stable the handle is a case made by aluminum. And so far I've been using it like. You know super long. You know the handle. He hasn't broken yet, so I've been ain't no gonna broke it's very stable. You know the materials. All good so as you can see. You just take out in an hour desk. You can have you can just close. This zipper so you hide the handle then. These are the wheels right here I've been using them for like. Isaid for months like almost every day. They still look very good.
They haven't get stuck. They still roll like very good so no problem. Iwill show more pictures on. And the post so you guys can see like. More details and then. Another great feature about. This backpack is this just look so. You can just take this down. And then you just put. This here you just tie. It up here it has like a Velcro. He doesn't like a Velcro thing so just put. It right here you go quick. And then you'd have. Another backpack here so pretty much. You are in a place where is very hard to roll your backpack. You can just like you know like open. And carry on as you can see so. It works very well and of course. You can wear whenever. You have like the outside part too so that's a great feature of.
This backpack because pretty much. You can have like a three backpacks in. You have like the day backpack. One right here then. You have the rolling backpack. When everybody's look just like. They hang out and then. You can just wear that's a big. You like a lot of options like the other day. We were into a ferry. You know close to the ocean. We were just making the line. It was impossible to roll. It was a lot of scent so it's perfectly just take. This out you just you know. You just wear on your back. You know like a normal backpack so it's very good. This space inside I'm gonna just take the camera. You know as you guys can see. This secure things right here. These lots so in case. You have a lot of stuff it's not gonna break open. And I'm telling you it's very messy okay so.
This is a few of the clothes. We got actually we fit around 20 pieces of clothes here. You have this stripes here. You can just like tight. You have a lot of clothes but. You mean as you guys can see. You can fit a lot of stuff here. You will be able to carry. It on an airplane so. You don't have to pay for it check back. You don't have to deal. You know with the earnings loosing your bags so. This is a great item. Ihighly recommended for travelers. You can use it for different purposes like. You know like we are always traveling so the item was perfect. Ihave use several times so. If you're looking for a new backpack. Irecommend you to use. One it's very good the price is good. Ican tell you the qualities is its perfect. Imean it's not like no like. II have it just for four.
Or five months but so far it's. Nothing happening and. You know everything is. It looks just like new so. You want more details about. This product just check the post. You have any question just feel free to ask.
Alps Mountaineering® Cascade 90 Pack
Alps Mountaineering® Red Tail 80L Pack
The Alps Mountaineer mountaineering redtail 4900 talking about in the podcast as a front pocket we're actually talking back as a sleeping bag stuff area so. You can let leave off the stuff sack have two nylon tops is on the side for holding water bottles. It has various almost too. Many tension straps adjusting straps the top is very interesting it as. Iwas mentioning it not only does. It strapped to the top but. It turns into a big kangaroo pouch in the inside there are it's a full belt strap so. You can use it as a fanny pack. That just pretty well. Once again it has very well-designed very well thought of the inside has double closing straps shall. And so keep water out. And keep everything in. You can please it is pretty big on the inside be back as full padded back. And have pretty fit lots of tensions lots of straps in the front. This really is not a.
What I would call a very light. Imean it's not one of the lightest ones will ever see out there so don't think about. If you're an ultralight backpacker has a really cool port here on the side for you to put your hydration pack on the inside again there's a little slot here for your hydration pack so. You can put the bladder right in there. And then the tube comes out. That side very well thought of very well-designed been always a very big fan of Alps mountaineering I think they're. One of the more unfortunately underrated maybe. They don't advertise tremendous amount but. This backpack is available. You can go to scout direct calm.
They run specials every. Once in a while so. This is the Alps mountaineering redtail 4900.
Gregory® Denali 75 Pack
The top-of-the-line mountaineering and Alpine expedition pack from Gregory the Denali 75 has a load of Mountain friendly features a heavy-duty suspension system. And an overall design. That caters to those serious alpine adventurers the Denali 75 carries weight so well. Because it's equipped with Gregory's fusion flex pro system. This grants load support. And stability through two aluminum stays an anti barreling horizontal stay. And an integrated frame sheet the back panel is built of molded evie a foam. And the harness automatically flexes to move with the user the pre curved hip belt is designed to move with. And conform to the shape of the user the aluminum stays. And the lid of this pack can be completely removed for even. More minimalist lightweight carry loads of features line. This pack including a dual layer laminated front panel for crampons ice tools. Or snow shoes the compression straps can help cinch down a smaller load. And also double as ski. Or snowboard lash straps there's a removable bivy pad for alpine. Or mountaineering use. And there are attachments on the belt to use with a mountaineering sled let's take a.
More in-depth look at the Gregory — Natalie 75 the pack is constructed with two 10 D. And 420 D nylon ripstop fabrics so. It is still a lightweight fabric but. It is very durable and abrasion resistant the bottom. However is reinforced with a six thirty high density nylon so. You get really heavy reinforcement on the bottom of the pack so. It down pick it up set. It down again and again it's really going to help. That to hold up over time. This pack has a really nice beefy suspension system. And that's how it's going to maintain comfort with a heavy load it's using Gregory's Fusion flex Pro suspension system. It is a very fully featured suspension system we've got two aluminum vertical stays from the top. That bring the load. All the way down into the hips there is a horizontal anti barrel stay in there so. That to stabilize the load.
And there is an integrated frame sheet so that's also going to help to stabilize. That weight the back panel here is a molded EBA back panel. It is very thick very well padded. You can see that there's no real mesh here. Anything like that's designed for those snowy adventures so snow has nowhere to build up. Or kind of get caked into you've got a really smooth panel it'll help to shed. That snow that ice the harness is an auto-adjust harness so. Each shoulder strap will adjust individually so it'll automatically adjust to the user it'll work with the user. And it'll move with the user so it'll provide a really good amount of comfort throughout a long hard hike the hip belt is an auto can't hip belt as well so. It is individually flexible it'll move with the user again it'll still transfer. That load to the hips comfortably but it'll allow for a lot of movement a lot of mobility.
And flex with that hip belt. It is pre curved it is a unisex pack so. It is designed to fit a wide range of different users. Some neat features about. That suspension system those two aluminum stays can actually be completely removed so. You have a lighter load. You don't need that extra support. You can take those stays out. You can leave them at home there's also a removable bivy pad inside the back panel of. This pack so in the main pack body there's a sleeve. That bivy pad rests there. It acts as an extra padding for the back panel here but. You can simply take. That out you don't need. That bivy pad as a knee pad. Or just to sit on when you're in the mountains so. Some extra convenience in. That aspect there are a number of features right on the hip belt with. This pack that make.
It really great for those mountaineering expeditions you've got a small hip belt pocket that's great for some emergency items. You need it but on the right side here we've got a gear loop that's a great place to clip. Some extra carbines. Some ice tools you need. Some emergency cord. And there's also a slot in. That hip belt for an ice tool holder so a little ice clip carabiner. You can slide that right in there have your ice screws ready at the ready for when. You need them there's as well. Some loops at the backside of the hip belt. That are going to allow. You to attach a mountaineering sled so for those really big expeditions. You can easily attach a sled to.
This pack comfortably so. It rests right around the hips so. It doesn't add any unnecessary pressure I'm going to turn the pack back around. And take a look at how. We access all the contents so. This is a top loading pack the main access point for the pack is through the top. You have a really spacious lid on the pack. You do have some additional storage on. That lid but you don't need the lid. You can take and leave. It at home it's really easy to do. That you've got two buckles on the front you've got two buckles on the back. You do have an additional strap on the back as well. That will let you simply take the hood off. And leave it at home. You need to there are two pockets in. That lid you want to use them but otherwise. You don't need you don't want. It the pack is accessed through a large top collar you've actually got two collars on the pack so you've got the main color here. And then you've got an extendable spin drift collar above. That so it'll actually allow.
You to over stuff the pack. You need to get that full capacity so it's really convenient. It adds a lot of extra space. And a lot of extra organization. You choose to use it there's also a side entry point on the pack so on. One of the sides of the pack. You have a large vertical zipper. That will allow you to get into the side of the pack quickly. And easily to access. Some of those middle contents. You need them there's no bottom access on. This pack so there's no sleeping bag compartment on the pack. That allows for a lot of extra durability. It keeps a lot more streamlined down low so keep. That in mind with the Denali 75. Some other features. That make this pack ski. Or mountaineering specific the front panel here is heavily reinforced so. You can lash some snowshoes to the front.
Some crampons that material is very abrasion resistant. It can certainly hold up to those items. We have a slot down low for some ice axes. You choose to use those there. And you've got gear loops as well. And velcro Luc's to tie those off right at the top of the pack we've got upper. And lower compression. And those compression straps can extend around the front of the pack to act as ski. Or snowboard lash straps so it's really easy to bring those straps around the front of the pack to lash down. Some of those items. We also have dual bottle holders. Or gear pockets on either side so at the bottom right under. That bottom compression strap there's an extended pocket. You can store water bottle there. You choose to some additional gear those pockets are fairly large. And on the side instead of having another access point we've got a small pocket that's a great place for small maps. Some emergency items things. You just want have quick access to on the outside of the pack finally for some additional gear lashing you have a lot of options on the front you've got a ton of loops here to lash.
Some additional gear. You need to you've got a couple loops down at the bottom of the pack to attach. Some extra gear and on the shoulder straps as well there are. Some extra daisy chains so. You can certainly lash. More gear there you choose to. It is a hydration compatible pack there is a hydration sleeve inside but a reservoir is not included so. You would have to purchase. That separately there's a sleeve on the inside. You can hang and there is a port on the back here. That tube can come out keep in mind. If you're using it for serious alpine use. You might want to have an insulated tube those would be sold separately as well overall it's super heavy-duty it's really rugged holds a lot of weight comfortably. And is great for mountaineering and Alpine expeditions it's the Gregory Denali 75 thanks for watching if. Any additional questions about the gear. You just saw feel free to visit back country edge comm to get in touch with.
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Alps Mountaineering® Caldera 75L Backpack
Hey guys I'm Mason from Sierra Trading Post. This is the Alps mountaineering Denali 5500 backpacks the Denali has enough capacity to handle a multi-day backpacking trip. All the features of packs costing much. More the internal frame design has dual aluminum stays. And a fully padded back panel. And waist belt the suspension system asar offers height adjustment. And the waist belt adjusts as well so. You can get a perfect fit the floating lid has tuck away waist belt straps to convert into a fanny pack. And the spin drift collar has two draw cords. And extends to provide extra storage space inside there's a pocket for your hydration bladder. And an exit port for the two the front panel has two zippered pockets. And daisy chains for clipping gear. And the sleeping bag compartment has a draw cord divider. That lets you access the main compartment from the bottom there's to exit pockets. And two compression straps on. Each side more compression straps on the outside of the sleeping bag compartment. This is the Alpha mountaineering Denali 5500 backpack check. It out at Sierra Trading Post calm you.