Top 10
Ruger® American Rifle® Standard Rimfire Bolt-Action Rifle
Ruger introduced its American rifle a little over a year year-and-a-half ago. And it's proven to be as good as anticipated. And the reason it's so popular for one thing is. This suggested retail price is only about four hundred. And fifty dollars that's an inexpensive rifle the other reason. It sells so well is it's proving to shoot much better. Than an inexpensive rifle the first time. They were prototypes. We were down at the FTW ranch in Texas shooting long range steel gongs. This with Workaday factory ammunition think 39 times on targets as far as six hundred yards away before. Imissed one folks. That wasn't that was their rifle. These things are really remarkable. This is a 306 they come in a standard length actions which would be the 36 into 270 Winchester they're probably a. And they've now made. It into a short action so it's. Even shorter and lighter. And that'll be the 308 length of cartridges. Several ins and they're starting even make rim fires. Now the whole idea is to build a rifle. That will shoot well shoot accurately no fancy bells. And whistles but it doesn't sell for a lot of money, so they've simplified. All the manufacturing costs so it's mostly tubes tubes keep. Everything simple and round. Now you've got a full diameter bolt as. You can see the bolt body itself is the same outside diameter as the three locking lugs so the lugs. And the bolt body itself are. All the same diameter so.
You don't have to have. Any raceways carved inside there you've just got the receiver which is a tube. You may get a nice straight concentric circle. And the bolt slides right into. You don't get a lot of binding on. That bolt because it's the same size. All the way through. And they've got a little groove along the side. That the bolt stops slides in. You can see it's got a plunger system like the model 700. And a lot of others it's a push feed system. And the extractor is a hook with a spring behind. It set inside of one of the recoil lugs. It just seems to really make for an accurate little rifle synthetic stock. This thing is flexible little move a little bit on. You but it's free floated. It seems to always be consistent every time I've checked. This a couple of a couple of bills sliding up. And down that probably enough to keep. That barrel from vibrating against the stock. You shoot now there's. Some special things inside. That bed this to the receiver. And it's kind of unique system we're going to open.
And take a look it's a couple of metal v blocks. That the round bottom sits in. That helps maintain a consistent bedding pressure. That helps with the accuracy too let's take a look at those like to put including 45. And 65 inch pounds of pressure on my bedding when. You have a consistent aluminum to aluminum bedding system the way. They do on this rifle. It really helps with your accuracy. And here you can see you've got. These notches on the front of the round receiver bottom. And at the back and those V notches made up to. These aluminum v notches. That are sunk right inside of. That molded plastic stock. And the bolts the screws comes right up through the bottom so as. You can see they're pulling. That action consistently into. That hard metal surface so it's metal the metal every time. And a nice tight fit inside of those grooves. You can see that they're not going to be a lot of slop going on in there.
And those actually function is your recoil lug you'll notice. You don't have a separate recoil lug out in front of the barrel. And the receiver like. You do in most rifles nor is there. One built in as an integral part of the receiver which is an expensive proposition the way. You get with say a Mauser. Or a model 70 Winchesters. It seems to really be consistent. Ican crank that betting pressure down feel good 60 inch pounds which is just about as hard as. Ican crank on it with a screwdriver of. This size I feel no bend in the receiver. Ido the rear batting screw which tells. That it's good flattened level I'm not pulling it down I'm not sucking it down. And bending the receiver which can impact your accuracy yeah that's nice and tight the shoots as well as before. Icleaned it should really shoot well. Iput about 600 rounds through. This thing and never cleaned. It was consistent the whole time. Ididn't do any accuracy tests on paper but boy. Iadded long range on Gong's.
Iwas hitting those 9 inch plates out to 600 yards pretty consistently 30 out 6 factory ammunition that's pretty impressive the clip magazines here detachable magazines are made of kind of plastic nylon material they're quite rugged. And durable and it's amazing how consistent. This thing is I have never had a feeding problem I'm going to try for it feels so easy hi. You a lie it takes four not three I'd forgotten that's pretty impressive a small light little magazine. It takes four rounds at mans its easy so simple to load do. That okay two inches low. One inch to the left.
Savage® Arms Mark II .22 LR and 93R .17 HMR Bolt-Action Rimfire Rifles with AccuTrigger™ and Weaver® 3-9x40 Scope Combos
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Savage® Arms Mark II and 93R17 Stainless Steel Bolt-Action Rimfire Rifle with AccuTrigger™ and Bushnell® Scope Combos
Ruger® American Rifle® Rimfire Bolt-Action Rifle with Threaded Barrel
Henry Golden Boy Lever-Action .22 and .17 HMR Rimfire Rifles
You cock 45 with a golden boy from Henry repeating arms yes. You have requested and here. One yes a viewer lent. We certainly appreciate. This is a very popular lever action. These days you see a lot of around Zi long the gun shows gun shops. And in people's hands at the range I'm sure of. That's because they're really a prolific company let's lay down here take a look at. It so gorgeous gun there are not 49 different companies. You know making lever guns. This happens to be one that's doing a good job making a lot of them. This thing comes in various calibers. Iguess links comes in a round barrel octagon barrel comes with a brass looking frame with a regular frame so just a lot of different configurations. And it's not a big secret. Most people are familiar with them. Ihave fired on it's been. Several years ago and a friend of mine had. And his boys and John was with. All shooting the thing on his farm. It seemed to do really well but. That has been at least 10 years maybe longer. And there's their just really going strong. Ilooked at their website. They offer these things. And just all sorts of configurations as. Isay 44 Magnums and the larger ones. Icalled a big boy this is a golden boy but 44 Magnum 45 colt 357 Magnums there's. Even offer 4570 I noticed. Ididn't know that so look at the wood on. One beautiful the Sun is messing with. Is but there's a gorgeous piece of walnut on. That thing I don't think they're. That pretty but one is really good-looking gun in its American walnut. And that's one of the attractions of the gun a lot of folks there are an American company every.
Ithink as I understand. Everything in the gun is the rifle is american-made so that's that's an attraction to a lot of folks. And it's kind of nice. Somebody or is making these. That said a lot of people have the impression. This is a this is kind of like a Colt Single Action Army. You know it's been made since 1873. This is really not the gun Tyler Henry design. You know he's working for Oliver Winchester back in the 1850s making early 86. You know the Henry rifle okay but. It is similar it has the look. It definitely does but. This is a newer company. This gun looks a lot like. It's not a reproduction of the Henry rifle just get. That out of the way. You want a reproduction of the Henry rifle. That was used actually in the Civil War to. Some extent and was the processor to the. Iguess the 1866 yellow boy with a brass frame. And of course the 1873 those. All those guns all shared. Some similarities but they're different from.
This gun you can get reproductions of those guns. Even of the Henry as. This is not really a true reproduction of. That exact good but. It does look a lot like. It really does and has a. Some of those characteristics it's a good old lever gun, so we're not going to give Henry repeating arms a hard time. You know for using the name they're doing a good job. And they're offering lever guns. You know these are great there's so much fun. You never had a lever gun. You need to get this like I'm yakking at. Now it's also not brass it's. They call it a brass light. Something and it's as. Iunderstand why don't. Something strife shorts just for the heck of. While we're messing around there's always.
Few different things on. We haven't tried the short. Ithink we'll see if they function but recycle but it's a. Some kind of zinc alloy. That the receiver is made of. Many criticisms of it being weak. Anything I don't believe. And then I guess it's. Some sort prior to formula as. You can see there we loaded. All those little shorts off cameras a long time. They must hold a million over mic. It puts make a push them in. If need the container it's supposed to hold 21. Ididn't really count them but. It felt like 21 maybe 41 we'll see okay that's. One so let's try something over their kind of fun — it's almost like a compressor see. Where to hold that red plate probably hold a bit higher that's funny. Ithought it was a dud. This about close you folks can get to a suppressor. You don't want to go through. All the paperwork you know an expense of a suppressor is get.
Some 22 shorts let's try. That pot over there on the barrel I'll hold on top of. What I think that sounded like dirt oh. That sound like barrel there's a little higher okay come on there. We go it's all chip fallout yes. Ithink I'm chipping away at. It lets's try something a little closer here like. This 2 liter this small down let's see. What a short does to a 2 liter Oh create a fountain I'll get the guys gun wet for soft drink let's see. We probably have 20. More shots but try on these clothes pots here bucket well yeah. Idon't know the sides well enough but see. Ican pick off that 12-ounce peeking out of. That pot there.
We go open him up for the bugs. You really can't tell much different put his snaps on an empty chamber between. It fires so well yeah little drink over here didn't. We okay pretty near so that's. One of the another versatility of the 22 just is pretty cool by the way. Iwas firing stingers on the first round. We opened here forgot to mention. That so those were you know I've noticed those are pretty warm there what's 1640 feet per second. They truck on out there. Most of what we shoot are. You know standard CC eyes. Now you've heard me talk about. That trying to use better ammo. Some of these little baby so. These are essentially just the cap let's try a couple of those. Ialways put a couple in curfew.
And they're even lighter. Than the shorts all kinds of possibilities with 22. Unless it's a semi-automatic not quite as versatile. You know they can be a little finicky in terms of what they feed but. You have a 22 revolver. Or a lever gun and the lever gun can be. You know finicky in terms of what it will sometimes cycle but there's. More options that we'll try a. Few of these you just want to give. You years of rest don't take my ears off here I've got the lever up. Nothing in the chamber the. One thing about a tubular magazine is. You feel a little bit less safe. You end up it's very difficult much heavier your finger in front of the muzzle to. Some extent and that's. One of the advantages of a magazine fed gun butt. Once you're safe you're careful there's. Nothing in there and the seat. You do the first cycle.
Nothing goes in and the second time goes in alright so let's see. How mighty these are like I'll try. It on these clay pots here. This will be really quiet yeah so breaks. You basement shooters. This officers from hospital oh. Isee a bowling pin see a little window of opportunity between the tree limbs doc Kemper oh there's a Woolite there beside him. And wonders will do to him yee-hah creates a nice path that's. Me let's see one over. That big pot we were working on well. Ireally dropped I'm holding high — check out. It may be using Kentucky wind age of course. Ithink it's legal to use. That in Tennessee I fear hitting anything if. One of these on the red plate oh. We haven't shot the gong. Yet speaking of that was. Even chewed low velocity on. One over flank right okay let's get.
Some regular ammo right here. What we usually shoot just a standard CCI. You know we've got we got 12 35 feet per second 40 40 grain ammo. What I've gone to for most of my 22 shooting as. Imentioned earlier. Ithink especially in videos. Ijust don't want to have. All the hassles and malfunctions. And miss fees than is necessary we're going to generally be CCI ammo. Most of the time you load a tubular magazine. If you've never owned. On a little bit old school. Iguess like a little model 60 Marlin. Many others my bolt action rewards Western field I'll load the same way so. You want the action open. They turn and your first clothes. You know it doesn't really pick. Anything up and the next time. We know said earlier let. What happened it seems like. You fill it may be a little too full. Idon't know pull it back a little bit. It didn't want to it was sent.
It aimed upward, and he's doing it again okays I'm not sure. That is its good ammo seem to want to do. It on the first round maybe. Even the second we get my ears in let's work on. That pot more over there. Some real ammo in here yeah real am of don't have to hold high ok hold right on nice fun let's go the gong. You know one thing I didn't mention. This thing has a buttery smooth action. It really is I it's smoother. Than Marlon, you know. Ilove the Marlon 22. This is actually smoother. It isn't really buttery it's just no doubt about. That it's a it seems like a nice cut. Ihave researched these a little bit off. Idon't see much negative about them okay. You chime in what your story is on them. You probably have most people like them. Most people get really good service out of them. You just over and over. And over you hear about. You know they work. They just tend to work.
All american-made people like them. They work some arguments. And criticisms of the materials used. Isaw on a farm somewhere people arguing about what's the receiver at Lane a different thing that's not real brass. You know that but that's. How they're able to hold the price line on them. You know there's a trade-off with. Everything and also with real brass. You know after about the well. Or two trips to the range. You know what happens to brass. It gets very tarnished looking and doesn't stay. This shining I think. This might hold it's look a little bit. One externally I didn't really meet. This probably I think that's that's. That weird feet on the first round let. Me see yeah I was going to do. It again it doesn't want. That last round in there may be. You know just have to. And uh just have to check yeah there might be. Something I don't have the manual on. It there might be something in there about.
Idon't know but after. It seems to work just fine. More targets here need to be chewed up right here let's talk the hammer. It might work alright nice ah here's a tin can. What else do we owe there's a 12-ounce. Ididn't see there oh wow oh the gong. And the red plate Suns coming in on. Me here playing with. Me a little bit coming in from the West today for some reason. Inoticed it's been setting in the West lately so it's a little bit of a obstacle to so anyway. Idon't know what else. We want to do anything it is a cool gun. Iforgotten to tell. You about this thing beautiful walnut holds. Ithink 16 long rifles in 21 shorts. Ibelieve is what the literature says the website. And again it's not real brass. It is a brass light. They call it looks like really shiny well cared-for brass. Iread to you know the there's your serial number. And that's not a part of the receiver in terms of the cover. All scratched up you know from battles.
You know that sort of thing you could. You can actually replace. It could just be you know order. It could be sent to. You know because it's not an FFL issue there's no serial number on. And it's a it's a cover. Or less for the receiver so that's. Something of importance to. This is the octagon barrel version of course. One of the I say the premium versions. You know with the brass. Or the brass look and the octagon barrel is are. More expensive to make. And get really nice wood on. Everything in a smooth smooth gun which is just a couple. More rounds and no fire. Something here fairly quickly. And I'm just going to put about 10 in. Iwill see that cures the issue there.
Iwas getting a occasionally with a really full magazine let's see. Some older 22s you can cram as. Many ins there as you want. And actually an extra. One things like and it'll still work might be hard to get the plunger down but let's see I'm gonna stop right there let's see of course. This is a fairly new gun. And the owner has had really good service out of. He said he's just not had problems with. It my ears in here they could shoot at. Something here maybe. She passed you know got here in the shade I'm gonna hold. It up like this make sure it's not a gravity issue there. We go okay so it was my trying to get. That extra round in possibly. That created the issue from. Some motorcycles all right go Gong honey cowboy oh yeah. You have not experienced the joys of a lever gun. You need to you really do a semi auto. And fully autos slick fires. All those are fun but. These are special they really are lever gun. And then this is a nice.
One I've had a little bit of a metal block against. These I'll have to say. Because I'm a bit of a traditionalist. You know if I'm going to have a Henry rifle. Iwant a real Henry. One that's made exactly like a Henry so lay down a little to Ely just in. That regard a good old 22 rifles. That works looks like a Henry an original Henry. You know to some extent actually looks. More like an 1866 yellow boy really but. You know ain't all bad okay. And especially if it's made well. This seems to be made well. You know so you know. More about them I do probably from. What I have seen and heard people are getting good service out of these they're good-looking guns. You know they are hit in New Jersey they're based in New Jersey so somehow they're allowing them to make. These in New Jersey that's pretty. Because they're lever guns maybe Now so a pretty nice gun.
And anytime you can go out on a pretty day fall day like. And enjoy a lever gun. You know that life is good.
Henry Small Game Carbine Lever-Action Rimfire Rifles
The Henry rifle company has really brought quality back into the lever-action world. You know lever actions have been popular for a number of years in fact since the 1800s in fact Benjamin Tyler Henry who developed the first repeating rifle developed the lever action. This is inspired by Benjamin Tyler Henry. Ihave a number of Henry rifles. Ireally love the way. They shoot I love their the way they're finished the materials. That are put into, and they're just beautiful guns but. What I really love about Henry is the heart. One of the things they do is made in America are not made at. This particular rifle is the 22 small-game rifle. And it's actually in 22 Magnum which. Iam particularly fond of. It has a lot of the same ballistics as the nine-millimeter. Yet it's still a rim fire cartridge of course is a much smaller bullet. And we'll talk a little bit about ballistics in a minute but. This in a rifle barrel really has. Some incredible velocity. This comes in the 16. And 1/4 inch barrel. They do make a twenty. And a half inch barrel. It does feature the Octagon barrel which was the original design really our bull barrels were inspired from the Octagon barrels. They were made to dissipate heat a lot faster of course in 22. Even 22 Magnum it's not as important to keep.
This barrel cool but. You get up into the higher calibers. It definitely makes a difference but. It the beautiful thing is it's really reminiscent. It really gives that vintage look. These barrels are made from high-grade steel in fact. What Henry calls it their gun barrel steel. These are going to last a long time they're going to retain their accuracy longer. And they're just really. They are very accurate here's your aperture sight. And then of course at the front there. You have a bead post. These really work extremely well got a couple of groups here from 25 yards here. Iwas shooting with my safety glasses but not my regular glasses my magnified glasses did a really. Iwas really pleased with. This group and then brought in. That bead it just toned. It in aimed right for this Center. It the bead filled up. This whole little area right here. It just really put them in their very good, so I'm really pleased with. This little group. This was using the CCI. This is the 22 Winchester magnums.
And of course this little rifle does great using easy to see targets at easy to see calm just going to give. You a general idea of your calibers. You have your 22 short 22 long rifles. And 22 wmr or 22 magnums your 22 short is usually about 29 grain it's eleven hundred. And thirty-two feet per second with 82 foot-pounds your 22 long rifle. These are the mini mags which are fairly high velocity 36 grain bullet twelve hundred. And sixty feet per second. And a hundred and twenty-seven foot-pounds go to your 22 magnum it's a thirty green bullet. This is the tnt green which is a lead-free it's two thousand fifty feet per second. And it's two hundred. And eighty foot-pounds so you're getting at a considerable amount.
More ballistic capability with your 22 Magnum. And a lot of that has to do with the capacity. You can put in here with the powder. And that's one of the reasons why you can only get seven in the tubular magazine on the carbine. And 12 of the 22 long-rifle. It does have the skinner peep sight which. Ilove a lot of the Henry models have the Buck horn sights which are great but the little skinner sight with the aperture. It really helps you to get really on target quickly. And the front is a little bead post the stock is made from American walnut beautiful Henry American walnut. They import this from a number of states. All the machining there at Henry. They are out of they own new jersey. They also have another facility in Rice Lake Wisconsin which does a lot of the machining work small game models have the large lever loop really smooth action man.
This lever it's just smooth. And slick with the extension here course with gloved hands. Or to be able to get. This really quick I'm so used to the small but man. You can just get in here it's very forgiving and with. This Lake little action man. This is just a real pleasure to shoot. These are fed by tubular magazine. It is a brass magazine very beautiful spring-loaded makes. It really nice brass really slides in. And out a lot better. Even steel the tip is knurled very nice easy to come in. And out has a little locking feature. That just closes into place. It does hold seven rounds of 22 Magnums. This in the 22 version. It holds 12 rounds the barrel band keeps the barrel. And the tube really tightly together the receiver tang comes at the bottom. And here at the top. One of the things too. You close it doesn't close. All the way against.
That tang so it doesn't mari DUP like. Some lever actions but again smooth is butter the hammer has serrations makes. It really easy to be able just to grab pull back. Even with a scope mounted. These does have the scope mount integral right here with the top of the receiver. And there are sir a scenes. That go down to keep the glare off. You are using your standard sights plastic butt plate. And of course with 22. And 22 Magnums that's not really a problem as far as recoil. They use extruded steel to make the bolts which makes them really strong. And again with the machining they do on these it's really slick. All the parts again are made right here in the USA. All the way down to the last screw. And pin the balance really exceptional. It points right you want. And it's just a really nice feel to. This gun then and with the 22 rim fire.
It makes it really nice. You can make it into a compact package. You know guys I shoot a lot of semi-automatic rifles a lot of different modern firearms. You know what this is. What I love to take out to the range. And shoot it just really slows things down a little bit. This is very quick to load. It just makes it really nice to really take aim to make your shots count. This is a great rifle especially for young. Or people that are just learning how to shoot the over are linked to the carbine is 33. And 3/4 inches it weighs 5. And 3/4 pounds very handy again very well-balanced the retail price on the 22 long rifle version is $499. Idid see them in a number of places for around the 385 dollar mark for the 22 Magnum which is a little. More expensive $590 full retail saw those in a number of places for 436 so a very reasonable price for a really high-quality rifle you're not going to find a better 22 lever-action rifles for this kind of money.
It is an exceptional with the American walnut the gun barrel steel the extruded bolt. And just all the fine quality. That goes into this really it's so slick. You know something. Iwould say is a negative. Ijust don't really have. Anything this is a design to spin around since again the late 1800s. They were introduced toward the end of the Civil War. It was a big part of the gun. That won the West not necessarily a 22 Magnum. Or 22 but 45 long colts. And then 45 70 which. They do make those models as well so it's just a really it's just a beautiful piece again made right here in the USA with American labor. One of the great things too about Henry. Ido like is they have an excellent customer service. They are really on it in fact a lot of times. You get in touch with Henry you'll get in touch with Anthony Imperato directly who is the owner.
And founder of the Henry rifle lines of today. And just an excellent Bini like. IsayI've got a number of these. Ijust can't recommend. These highly enough. If you're looking for a really nice lever-action rifle to take out. Whether it's hunting plinking or. Some larger caliber self-defense you're going to really be able to rely on the Henry rifle yes they're a little. More pricey some of the baseline rifles but guys. Ireally think that it's worth. It the Henry rifle lever-action 22 Magnum thumbs way up be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic holds nine rounds. That right the tube itself is a beautiful game hey hot breath that's quite a punch.
Than the 22 long rifle.
Henry Frontier Model Long-Barrel Lever-Action Rimfire Rifle
Henry .17 HMR Rifles
Henry Varmint Express® .17 HMR – Packs 11 rounds in its tubular magazine. The 20" barrel, comes with a Weaver™ base built into the rifle and checkered American walnut Monte Carlo-style stock. Like all lever-action Henrys, the action is incredibly smooth. Engineered to take full advantage of the .17 HMR with regard to velocity, trajectory, wind drift, richochet resistance, quietness and accuracy. A great choice for all kinds of small game, pest control and varmint hunting.
Henry Golden Boy .17 HMR – Readers of Guns & Ammo magazine selected the Henry Golden Boy as "Rifle of the Year" in 2001, the very first time a rimfire rifle won the prestigious award. It’s a masterpiece of fine gunsmithing and any shooting enthusiast who closely examines one is immediately impressed with the excellent fit, finish and overall visually elegant design. 20" blued octagonal barrel, American walnut stock, brass buttplate and gleaming Brasslite receiver. Adjustable buckhorn-type rear sight. Tubular magazine holds 12 rounds.
hey YouTube so. Ipicked up a rifle. This summer I was up at gopher fast is the Henry here. This is the varmint lever large loop in 17 HMR no. Ido the maintenance 17 anymore. All the other larger calibers in the 22s but so. This at a gun shop up in Dillon Montana. We were up there this is a beautiful gun there's a large loop hopefully the lighting is doing something here as a fiber-optic front sight adjustable rear turn. That little screw right there. You can move and down. It does have left and right listen the screw here. You can do it your left right front it's not adjustable let. You there's a reason Henry's. Or at the top of their game they're not as expensive as Winchester but. They are Oh that rear sight is also fiber-optic. It is green sorry in the front is red they're just smooth. Imean the action on these is without a doubt smooth trigger pulls nice and crisp breaks really nice but just the quality of these rifles.
Iwas gonna look at getting something cheaper but. You know I think of lever-action rifles. Ithink a Winchester in here people's Winchester's are a little. Both my pay grade for now I'd love to have. One but Henry's there they're excellent rifles super accurate super-powerful with the 17 HMR. Idid was basically function tested up their shoot. Some targets I didn't take out. Any squirrels with I have my Ruger 10/22. Ihunt with I just didn't want. This getting all beat up. And scratched up there. Because the way. We go about doing that is pretty hard on the rifles you're setting them down you're moving them you're moving constantly not.
That I'm opposed to. Iwant to put a scope on. You can't put a scope on these. And then next year I may be shooting this part of the time up there for gopher fist open sights. We were ringing killing Gophers up to 150 yards. And that's legit actually got. One shot I had a friend use his range finder on 201 yards with the Ruger 10/22. Ihad him range it first shot the covert. And then he arranged. It again to verify that far. That is a long-ass shot with scope I'm using wasn't too difficult it's pretty dialed in at 50 to 75. And then I can drop the no dots either to take him out but. That was the one time. And the longest shot. Iwas doing pretty well at 100 yards 125 yards consistently with. You could reach out there but yeah anyway Henry oh my god. These things are awesome I've gotten into lover guns got. Another Henry I'll be doing a review on probably at the end of the month. Iwouldn't share that with. More videos to come.
More rifles to show. More pistols to show. More hires have a gear flashlight stuff like. That well hopefully over my hiatus of not doing videos. And yeah get back into the swing things 17. Or 12 rounds sorry 12 rounds of 17 HMR in the tube. This is tube fit and just an awesome rifle hopefully I'll get out. Some shooting videos of. Everything I've gotten especially the Henry's. Igo through phases pistols rifles types of rifles types of pistols. Now I'm into lever action phase it's addicting and probably see. More lever actions coming from. More lever action videos coming from. Me for sure these are just fantastic rifles thanks watching so you're very calm subscribe we'll see.