Top 10
Cabela's Elk Prime-Rib Roast
- One 2.5-lb. Elk Prime-Rib Roast
Cabela's Outdoor Burger Medley
Cabela's Smoked Pulled Wild Boar
Available: 3 lbs., 4 lbs.
Cabela's Smoked Pulled Pork
Available: 3 lbs., 4 lbs.
Cabela's Prime Rib Roast
- One 4-lb. Beef Prime Rib Roast
- One 6-lb. Beef Prime Rib Roast
Hey guys welcome back to smoke meet with Jeff today we're going to be doing a prime rib on. This brisk morning and let. Me put in a qualifier by brisk. Imean California brisk we're not talking Montana. Or South Dakota brisk but I'm about to go out on a heavier shirt t-shirts not going to do. It today with my goosebumps but let's get to. This prime rib of course make sure. You grab yourself a cocktail got myself an elder flower old-fashioned so. You show how to make. One of those one of my other cocktail time videos prime rib perfect for obviously the holidays family gatherings. Any time of year typically the best time to get. It is going to be around holiday time. Because that's it goes on sale a. Few words about prime rib doesn't matter. It is it's going to be about four to six hours on the smoker regardless of the size so. You can get one that's eight bones long four bones long cook time is about the same. And there's about a bazillion different ways to season. And I'm going to show. How to do one of them today but there's lots of other options as well regardless of how. You season it cooks time. And the process is pretty much the same so let's get on to. Some basic ingredients. This thing on the smoker so. We can have a spectacular dinner. This afternoon let's start off with the non-food ingredients. Because the food ingredient ingredients will pretty much base be based on how. You want to prepare yours so for any prime rib you're going to need of course a sharp knife you're going to need.
Somewhat's called butcher's twine for tying this thing back up after we're done with our prep work baby. You can get a hold of. Something small and cheap get yourself a spray bottle you're not going to use. This just for doing the primary. This a lot in a lot of my smoke recipes to keep the nice the meat moist wallet is cooking let's see. And then as far as food ingredients of course. You need a good size prime rib I've got a four bone prime rib here tried to pick. One with some pretty good marbling the. More marbling and fat. You get into this into. This prime rib the better the flavor is going to be so find yourself a really good piece of meat to work with seasoning today I'm just going to do a very basic olive oil. Some of my homemade US spite uh salty.
And smoky rub on the outside of. You can do just about. Anything I've done it down with mustard. And spices you can do a bacon weave over. This thing just straight pepper garlic. And salt a million different ways rub. And butter rub and horseradish. All depends on the flavor. You want to go for but I'm going to do a basic olive oil. And pepper order my salty. And smoky homemade rub. And then I'm going to be spraying it today with got. Some apples juices some maraschino cherries here. That I'm going to harvest the juice from to create a nice little spray. That I'll load into my bottle. And spray this thing down about every hour. Or so let's go ahead.
And move on to the prep work it's actually not. That difficult to do. It just takes forever. And today I'm going to be smoking with cherry wood. Because I'm going to be sticking with a cherry theme with my maraschino cherry juice to really give. This thing a spectacular flavor for this afternoon so let's get onto the prep work prepping our prime rib with. Any primary of your going to do. Whether you're doing it in the oven the barbecue the smoker. You are going to want to take. These bottom bones here. We are going to cut just above the bones right about here to separate them from the prime rib not. All the way you just want to cut them down so. That they're basically hanging on their then we're going to just slide our knife in here.
And separate this is going to take. Few minutes so it's going to speed. It up okay so there. We got the bones separated nice and nice. And deep, but they're still on there we're doing this for two reasons the bones are going to basically serve as the rack. That we're going to be cooking our meat on so you're getting the meat direct off of the direct heat using the bones as an insulator but then. It also allows us to really get our flavorings down inside here as well so. That the flavor comes in from the top. And the bottom this thing is cooking the best thing you can do. This prep work at least the night before so. This can rest in the refrigerator. And allow whatever flavor. It is you're putting on your prime rib to really soak down into the meat a little bit get a good start so seasoning is very straightforward. All you're going to do is just apply your seasoning I'm just doing my little olive oil today.
And my rub and we're going to coat. This whole thing even the ends so let. And then we'll come back. And I'll show what I got going, and we'll work on getting this thing onto the smoker. All right scratch that before. We get too far go ahead. And season the inside portion of your meat like. Ihave here then we're going to tie. This thing up because it's easier to tie. It up before you put out your seasoning on there. Because you're going to be handling it quite a bit tying it back up with your butchers twine here, so we'll get. This tied up and then we'll season. It otherwise it the other way around. That beautiful seasoning on your prime rib handling a lot to get. It tied up you're going to have to re season.
It anyway so I'm going to get. This thing tied up, and then we're going to season. It okays we've got our roasts. All tied up so that that platform meat is back down on the ribs. Now time to just season away starting with the bottom. And then we'll flip. And then season the top. And it'll be time to start getting the thing on the smoker spectacular alright. We have our prime rib. All seasoned ready for the smoker tied up ready to go. We get to the cooking part. This is going to be very important. You want to get your smoker up really hot we're talking in the 300 degree range 325. Or so really stoked. That fire we're going to put. This thing into the smoker.
And then shut off the vents so. This thing sits in that 300 degree. Or so temperature for about 15 maybe. You know about 15 minutes we'll do. We really want to seal the outside of. This thing by searing it kind of shop cooking it so by cutting off the vents that'll get the meat in. That high temperature but then the temperature will start to come down. And eventually we're going to want. This thing that around 225 degrees after about 15 minutes. And then it's just slow cook for anywhere between four. And six hours depending on the conditions. That you're working with today we're probably going to cook a little bit longer. Because I've got the wind kicking up today which really makes. It hard to really maintain. That 225 degrees with the wind blowing down the smokestack. And about every hour. Or so we're going to spritz. This with our apple. And cherry juice mixture.
That we're going to cover. That here in just a minute after. This thing on to the smoker so it's time let's start cooking so the delectable slab of meat is. Now on the smoker ready to go let's turn our attention to our mist spray so you're going to need about a cup of apple juice. And then just take a standard jar of maraschino cherries. And we're just going to drain out the juice don't need the cherries just the juice then grab your spray bottle fill er up look at. That beautiful red color right there, so we're going to have. This next to the smoker about every hour. Or so we're going to give it a good spray there. We go just to really get. That cherry flavor going and keep. That slab of meat nice and moist so let's check back in a little bit don't put your meat probes in.
You want your meat just be on the smoker for a couple of hours before. You put your meat probes into. It so see it about an hour. Or at least or my time a couple seconds your time okay we're about for a couple hours in let's take a look at how we're doing so far oh that's looking good got my apple. And cherry juice ready to go let's five. This thing a spritz look at. That coming along nicely so. That we're a couple of hours in. You are using a meat probe. You can go ahead and insert. Now into the thickest part of the meat. And then close her up. And check back every hour. Or so give it another spritz until the internal temperature hits 130 degrees that's our target temperature. And then we'll go ahead. And pull it off so let's check the back in. It a little bit about an hour. Or so later so let's check.
This out how we're doing that's coming along nicely nice and. Another spritz of our apple cherry juice. And make sure you keep your water dishes underneath the year your smoker grate down. And they're full of water. You want to make sure. This is a nice moist environment, so we're doing pretty good see the meat is currently at about a hundred. And five degrees or so remember our target temperature is 130 degrees well. We will pull it off at 130 which will give. Is about a medium rare. And then we're gonna tented foil. And it'll continue to cook a little bit from. That point on so be back in a little. We have about let's see right about 105 right. Now probably got another hour. And a half two hours to go. Because I'm cooking this really low. And slow at 225 oh boy look at.
All baby, so we've reached the final internal temperature of 130 degrees, so I'm going to go ahead. And move this into. Another tray tent it with foil. And then we're going to let. It sits for about anywhere between 20. And 40 minutes that are typically until dinner's ready. And the internal temperature will continue to rise. This is done to about medium rare. And that's gorgeous oh. It smells amazing so at. This point it'll just be a matter of clipping off the twine. We use to bind it up finish cutting off those ribs on the bottom. And of course save those ribs those are a delicacy with. And then slicing it up. And having dinner, so I'm not going to get to the slicing of. This for you but we'll get. Some pictures right at the end of. This video so this is Jeff with a smoke meet with Jeff have fun on your smoker make yourself a prime rib. One of the best things to pull off your smoker until next time.
House Of Smoke Ultimate Elk Meal Package
- 8-oz. smoked roast
- Three packages of smoked sticks
- 6-oz. salami
- Two 10-oz. sirloin steaks
- 2-lb. shoulder roast
- Four smoked bratwursts
- 1-lb. stew meat
- 3 oz. of jerky
- Two 6-oz. filet mignon
- 12-oz. liver
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Nebraska Star Beef All-Natural Wagyu Package
Note: Never thaw in a microwave – it can damage the product. Always thaw in the refrigerator or a pan of cold water. Do not remove Cryovac packaging prior to thawing completely.
Cabela's Smoked Sausage Variety Pack
Note: If you order after Tuesday at noon, you can expect it will ship the following Monday.
Nebraska Star Beef All Natural Angus Classic & King Cut™ Steaks – Package 5
14-oz. preparation method: Pan sear.
Oven finish: 12-13 minutes at 400°.
18-oz. preparation method: Pan sear.
Oven finish: 24 minurers at 400°.
Note: Never thaw in a microwave - it can damage the product. Always thaw in the refrigerator or a pan of cold water. Do not remove cryovac packaging prior to thawing completely.
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Nebraska Star Beef Steaks All-Natural Angus Beef Petite Cut™ – Package 3
Recommended steak preparation method: Pan sear.
Oven finish: 12-13 minutes at 400°.
Note: Never thaw in a microwave - it can damage the product. Always thaw in the refrigerator or a pan of cold water. Do not remove cryovac packaging prior to thawing completely.
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