Top 11
Backpacker's Pantry Fettuccini Alfredo with Chicken
Wt: 7.5 oz.
Review on the backpackers pantry fettuccine alfredo with chicken a lot of people have requested. Ishow the nutrition facts, so I'm gonna show those real quick hopefully. Ican get it on camera there. It is for you can pause the video. You like and read them. And the list of ingredients so let's get. Some water on the boil. And let's get this started let. That set for about 13 minutes okay for the moment of truth. It set for a while open just like. Iwould at home sometimes. If you're cooking any sort of pasta the cream will get a little bit. Creamier we're gonna test. It out rights it fares. Ihad the opportunity to sample about a third of. Imust say I would give it five stars. It rehydrated very well the noodles are just the right size to. They plump up their full sometimes. Some of these dehydrated foods.
They just don't reconstitute well. They taste like cardboard. This actually tastes like cooked noodles the alfredo sauce is very good it's creamy there's just the right amount of spice in there. You can really taste the chicken so. Ithink you're getting what's advertised with. Idid purchase it at REI it's a little bit pricey it's about ten dollars. And fifty cents as opposed to the mountain house which usually runs about 750. Now I've cooked mountain house before. You get a clump of the spice packet. All the way at the bottom so those last couple spoonfuls are pretty powerful. One doesn't seem to be. That way it's not quite high-end restaurant quality but for coming out here backpacking hiking camping putting in a survival kit. Icould see myself doing this the backpacker pantry is definitely a thumbs up in the wing man project as always folks thank. You very much for watching if you're not a subscriber please subscribe.
You liked the video give it a thumbs up until the next video folks take care.
AlpineAire® Foods Strawberry Granola with Milk – Two Servings
Wt: 6.5 oz.
Mountain House® Freeze-Dried Two-Serving Entrées – Beef Stew
Flavor: Beef Stew.
Available: Individual, Six-Pack.
You do there you walk up on. They want since here let's do a real quick taste test on mountain house beef. And stew / good things about. This so we're just to give. That a quick chart today boys be using my comon maxxtow very happy with. This product pick it up original of reasonably cheap. And come with a good kid got the hot sports on their go. And light that up from fast yeah according to the instructions we're going to need 16 ounces of water as. You see on the cook MITIC they've got. All the ounces mark. And milliliters marks is very easy to read so basically don't bring a major good about 16 ounces we're going to let them boil ezek say rip up to roaring boil let's go ahead. And check that snow along it's always very important take the dry pak out. These are not very tasty be careful. You pour the water in there I've noticed. That his handles get really hot on. This cook kid, so I've got my gloves on today that's probably helped out a little bit. And of course it did not we're going to break out the trusty town God take a look in there. That beef stew now using my trusted sport we're going to stir. Ithink I'm just going to throw a little pepper in. This time spice it up a notch that's near. That in there according to the instructions takes probably about six seven minutes to rehydrate so break out the trusty phone we're going to start the timer.
This rehydrate wife yard as. You can hear timer says the food is done so let's give it a try oh wow. That looks really tasty ok never used my skill system. One bitch tubing of course 10 min hell yeah fully disk in. It is very high I'm impressed hang on a tick. Another bite just to make sure I'm at. That thing nine plus. Once again Mountain House beef stew.
Mountain House® Bulk Freeze-Dried Foods – Chili Mac with Beef
You never know when an emergency will strike and leave you without usual means of food storage and preparation. Just add water to these freeze-dried Mountain House Foods and you have 10 servings to feed your family and others. Shelf-stable for 30 years.
Available: Chili Mac with Beef.
hey YouTube. This is easy proper 101. And today we're doing another taste test of the mountain house. This is the chili mac with the beef. These we're part of the ones. Igot a deal on then. Idid a video for so I'll put. That link in the description down below. Ikind of got a couple of chili max. Some beef stroganoff for a really good deal but um. You know for I think. Ifeel like choose something where for 25 serving which is really cheap as. You can see there there're nutritional facts. And then how much water. How much time that you're gonna need to cook. This so right what we're gonna do is we're gonna get the water boiling, and we'll be right back well. We will be opening us opening this up. And putting the water in okay guys. We got our water boiling in here so. Now just going to open. This up actually looks pretty tasty so. Now get the, so we're gonna do a quick little stir here. What we're gonna do is we're just gonna we're gonna let. This go for four minutes we're gonna stir. Another four minutes. Because they're saying total of eight to nine minutes, so we'll be back after the eight minutes is up alright guys it's been a total of two eight minutes. We actually did it for nine minutes. We actually stirred. This at the four-minute mark. It smelled really good. And my wife was helping me film. She said there's almost smells like the chili. She makes so she's really curious to try. This too so we got our bowl right here. That actually looks.
And actually smells really good, so we're gonna just dump. This into our Bowl here. You know for 25 you know servings. You definitely get a lot out of. Now granted the other thing you know for a chili as long as we're not enough emergency situation. You could use you know crackers. And cheese or whatnot so. This a little taste see. That is really good definitely gonna have to pick up. More of the package. If not buy like the big cans. They have of this definitely. Something you know to have it's always good to have a soup in a way like chili. And stuff like that so definitely. This is definitely gonna be a must I'm definitely gonna add to my book as a meal. Iwant to add to my supply so definitely thumbs up for the mountain house freeze-dried chili mac with the beef so definitely. You guys tried you guys like. This writes this in the comment section down below. You actually like if there's. Another brand out there. That of the chili Mac. You think is better. You know let me know I'll definitely want to try to kind of compare the two so.
You like this video hit. Me the thumb give me the thumbs up. You haven't please hit the subscribe button thank. You guys so much we will catch. You guys down the road
Mountain House® Bulk Freeze-Dried Foods – Noodles & Chicken
Available: Noodles & Chicken.
hey YouTube. It is easy prepper 101. And today we're gonna be kind of starting a new series of doing a taste testing of a lot of the freeze-dried foods. You can get at some of the stores like Walmart. Or Meijer Bass Pro Cabala's. And stuff like you know stuff. You maybe want to put in your bug out bag. If you're going on a hiking trip. You just are prepping for a rainy day. If you're kind of what happened to. Few years ago when the algae bloom happened. All the food went bye-bye in the grocery store every. All the freezer items. All the canned foods. All the stuff these types of packaged foods was gone so. What I kind of want to do is. This kind of start a series of doing a lot of taste s of these types of foods. And other foods of other brands out there to kind of say do. Something I want to have in my storage. Or in my backpack too. Many times I talk with other people who are going camping and. They just buy they think they're gonna like. They don't do their research to say hey. Ireally don't like.
And then actually knows they're starving so my goal is trying to help those people out there. That maybe is just are beginning to be new to prepping or new to camping, and they're just trying to go easy. These mountain houses there're tons of other brands out there. You can get but what we have here is — freeze-dried rice. And chicken one serving I picked. This up at Walmart for four dollars. And 48 cents which is not. That bad of a price. Now granted the bigger pouches are a little bit. More but do your homework on what it's a good price to. You know it sets there's. Some bigger pouches. That Walmart carries that's a little bit cheaper versus of. You go to Meijer it was almost a dollar difference from the two serving pack versus the. One serving pack the two serving pack at Meijer was like almost nine bucks. Ithink at Walmart it was well under 8 bucks so definitely do your homework do your research especially. If you're out shopping one real quick just can.
They kind of flip this over just to give. Some nutritional facts here as we'll push. This there as you can see calories is. One pack 270 10 grams of fat sodium of 750 carbohydrates is 41 grams. And only six yeah six grams of protein. And the directions to cook. This is very simple as. You can see open the packet tear a notch remove the oxygen absorber carefully add 2/3 cups of boiling water stir carefully. This is optional you can stir. It after four minutes. And then let it let stand for eight to nine minutes. While keeping the pouch upright so. What we're gonna do right. Now is we're gonna put. Some water in the microwave to get. It boil then we're gonna add. It so be right back. All right I have my measuring cup right here. Ialready got two-thirds of water. This is ready to go. One spoon to stir this up so. It is we're going to crack. This open there's a tear right there pop. It open right on top is the oxygen absorber so.
Now pretty much I've got the water in their stirring it up. And right now just from the initial actually smells pretty good. Now I'm stirring this very carefully sorry. Iprobably got my hand in. That sorry about that but that's. What it looks like right. Now with that two-thirds water not much water so. Now we're just gonna seal. And then we're gonna let. This sits for four minutes. And then we're gonna stir. And then we're gonna wait. Another four minutes. It should be ready to eat come back to. You in four minutes. All right guys we just hit the four-minute mark. We are actually going to do the optional of stirring it. This time we have to try not to get my hand as. You can see the rice in their pretty good just to kind of stir. This pretty much at. This point right now I'm gonna try to get. This rice off is at. This point at the 4-minute mark. All the water has been absorbed up into the rice so.
Now pretty much another four minutes. We got my timer here then we're going to go. And we're gonna come back after. This four myths that will be the total eight to nine minutes. We will give you a taste test of how. Ithink of the freeze-dried rice. And chicken all right guys. We just come back from the last four minutes so. This is ready to eat. It actually smells really good, so we're gonna do a taste test right here I'm not gonna show. Me stuff in my mouth with. This but let's see this tastes actually not bad actually like. One we're gonna put. This for you I think of. It I'm gonna dump this out so. You guys can kind of see exactly. You see the bag is empty. What you get you know it's its not much but it's. One serving so this is kind would be kind of like your lunch especially. If you're camping or.
If you're doing a day hike. You know something quick. And easy if you're going to be expending like a lot of calories then. You maybe want to get the pouches. That maybe has two servings especially. You know you're gonna need. It depend on your. If you're hiking if it's. If the terrain it's gonna be rugged but. If you're gonna be camping and just hanging out. And you're just trying to make your life easy. And packing and you're just gonna go to the store buy a bunch of these. This was definitely would be a good idea so that's gonna be. It for this video definitely for me. What I'm gonna be doing is I'm gonna be keeping a log of what mountain house foods the foods. Some other brands so. When I'm prepping to put. These in my bug-out bag. Or in my storage on my shelves gonna have the foods. That I'm gonna like so definitely the rice. And chicken is definitely a good. One to have in my book so. That is gonna be it for this video please write. Any comments down below.
If you've actually had tried the rice. And chicken to let you guys liked. It hit the thumbs up. You liked the video. You have it please hit the subscribe button thank. You guys so much we will catch. You guys down the road you.
MTN OPS Ammo™ Protein Meal Replacement
Flavors: Chocolate, Strawberry Cream, Vanilla.
Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AlpineAire® Foods Three-Cheese Lasagna – Two Servings
Wt: 5.1 oz.
MTN OPS Blaze™ Energy and Focus Shots
Flavors: Berry Blast, Pineapple.
Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Redy Eruption Free Testosterone Booster
Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Redy Tuff™ New Zealand Whey Protein
Flavors: Vanilla (35 oz.), Cinnamon Bun (41 oz.).
Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
You hate you get done working out. You have to fill your gut full of liquids. You have to drink plenty of water to replenish the fluids. You just lost and a protein shake to make sure your muscles heal. And grow properly sure. Both serve important purposes but the last thing. You want after exercising is to feel bloated well it's your lucky day. It turns out our new zealand whey protein drink can accomplish. Both of these crucial tasks so how's. This possible well we really didn't believe. Either until we read the recent study by. Some British sports scientist. They took 10 student athletes. And have them work out on a stationary bicycle. And high heat 35 degrees Celsius. You were wondering until. They have lost one point seven percent of their body weight through perspiration. They did this twice but. They were given a different beverage to drink after. Each instance for the first go-round the students simply received water on the second attempt. They receive water mixed with 20 grams of whey protein isolate. Both times the athletes had to consume 15 times as much fluid as. They lost so what happened well. It turns out that the students bodies were able to restore the hydration. They lost at the same rate.
They were given the plain water. Or the water with the added protein. And the scientists even measured their fluid levels for a full four hours after the workout why does. This matter well it means. You don't have to overflow your stomach after. You exercise instead of drinking water to keep your fluids in check along with a protein drink to make sure your muscles get as toned as. You want them to be. You can simply enjoy. One protein pat glass of deliciousness so. Ineed to do well that's the easy part step. One workout as much as. You want step 2 drink our new zealand whey protein beverage step 3 see your muscles get bigger without worrying about dehydration. However it's important to note. That in order to get the full benefits of hydration. And muscle building you should stick to the. One scoop serving of. Iso XP offering up to 25 grams of protein. That after every workout you'll feel invigorated refreshed.
And stronger than ever you.
AlpineAire® Foods Cheese Enchilada Ranchero – Two Servings
Wt: 6.25 oz.