Top 11
SafariLand Speed Loader Holders
Featuring durable epoxy-coated steel construction, these speed loaders firmly clip onto your belt when out in the field. The CD-2 is for medium-frame revolvers and fits onto any belt up to 2" wide. The CD-6 fits on large-frame revolvers and is designed for 1.75" belts.maglula Wide and Narrow Magazine Loader
- X10-Lula™ and V10-Lula™ – Fit Ruger® MK I, II, III, 22/45, Browning® Buckmark/Challenger, Beretta U22 Neos, Colt Woodsman/Cadet, High Standard .22, S&W 22A/22S (only X10-Lula).
- T12-Lula™ and X12-Lula™ – Fit Walther P22/G22, Ruger SR22, S&W M&P .22, Colt 1911 .22, Walther PPK/S .22 (only T12-Lula).
Caldwell® AR-15 Mag Charger
We have 250 round boxes of ammo. And three mags let's see. How fast we can get. This ammo to these mags. You can watch below. That was a government surplus there's a bankful other day nag magazine kind of hard. This is a brainy mags action first time I've loaded. It alright hey you tubers. Ihave a new product here from Caldwell. It is their ar-15 Meg Carter. You have probably seen. It around it's a pretty sweet product here's the charger itself. And here is the tray. That comes with it works best. You have ammo that comes standing upright kind of like Black Hills ammunition comes in a trade styrofoam tray like. You can just take that tray. And directly feed it in here. If the trace its point up. You can do if the trace it's point down then. You just transfer that tray to. And then put it in here. You just have standard boxes of ammo. You can just set them in here the 50 rounds. Or 20 rounds however much. You want to load 30 rounds. Either way it works great. And setting them in here is still. Though it's a little bit. More time-consuming than Tina directly from the box to the charger still a lot easier. Than loading a magazine. Some other loaders out there. It works much better. Than those here is the box. It comes in says it works on.
All AR mags from mil spec to aftermarket so out of the moose ammo. This is the loading process. One thing to keep in mind with. You pull this out you don't have your hand here to block. And there's no ham on here there's. Nothing to keep this from shooting out. You don't want to do. And to properly open. What you do is you actually have to push. It in so you just leave. This it's fine but yes. You have to push it in to get. It to release and then. You pull it just shoots out. And like if your hand isn't there to block. It will shoot out. Iactually did not read the instructions the first time. Iwas so excited to play with. And it's exactly what happens. It shot out it's its not good for it so the Lowood. You simply pull this out here's the ammo. And there you go that's. It's ready to charge.
You can feed one directly into here. It on the side because a tip so. You start here go up your hole like. This with this on its side to. Ihaven't done that way. It seems like that would be a little bit. More tedious so I haven't tried. Now what's cool about. It round down this EXCI. It locks in like it's in a mag well. You can't pull you have to press. This button like a mag release get out so the magazine is in their firm. And then to load you simply push. This in to disengage. All the way it go as long as there's ammo in here will not shoot out. All the way that's it magazine loaded actually got extra rounds load into rich magazine so my first time using this magazine it's a D. Iguess a couple extra loaded in there. Many pumps one round. One extra round so there're 31 rounds in.
This magazine so it happens. You don't count or pay attention. And just to show what I was talking about. If you're going to load them. These are icy off you would load. It just stick them in just like. And that's its pretty straightforward. This is a mil spec magazine here so kind of shows. Ihave loaded Magpul pmags. And mil spec mags he usgi mags. It has worked flawless. Ihaven't added any issues with. It flawless with one magazine. Ihave had an issue with. And I'm not sure why I just got. These excuse me HK magazines. And for some reason in. This HK mag it does not like. This little tray you can use. Idid to load them but it's primarily its intended purpose as. It is a inverter so. If your ammo is pointed down. It needs to be pointed up. You can take it rights from your ammo box. It in here and then put. It in here the MSRP on. This is $8999 but you can find it online for usually anywhere from ten to fifteen dollars cheaper. That but you have a your box ammo.
You can load and load your magazine in like 10-15 seconds. It takes no time at. You know I had them in. This tray you know. It only took a few seconds so it's really fast. And it's efficient it works great. You know you have gloves. If it's cold weather or in. Any weather condition. You know it's not going to bust your fingers up trying to low the magazine by hand individually as I've said in. Some of my other reviews of Caldwell I'm a big fan of theirs. It seems like everything they put out is really well-made. And well-thought-out well-designed. Everything they make is very beneficial to. Me as a shooter this here is the same thing this is a very awesome product.
You know even MSRP of 80 bucks. Iknow it's to me anyway it's well worth the money. It simplifies the hassle of loading magazines. And like I pointed out to. Some other people on other reviews I've done of loaders. If you're if you're just loading one. Or two mags it might not be a big deal to sit in load sixty rounds but. You are loading you know three four five ten fifteen magazines. Many you're doing still like. It saves you a lot of hassle. Iwould highly recommend. You have any questions let. Me know semper fide.
SafariLand Speed Loaders
Made of durable, reinforced injection molded plastic, these speed loaders fit small, medium and large-frame revolvers. The Comp 1 features a small, low-profile twist knob for maximum concealment. The Comp 2 has a medium knob for maximum speed and easy reloading.maglula UpLULA™ Pistol Magazine Loader
• UpLULA Pistol Loader – Loads many 9mm, .357-, 10mm, .40- and .45-cal. magazines. Also fits both single- and double-stack magazines of all manufacturers.
Colors: Black, Dark Green, Orange-Brown, Purple, Lemon.
• 22UpLULA™ .22 Magazine Loader – Loads .22 LR converted single- and double-stack magazines. Narrow metal beak designed for .22 LR rounds.
• BabyUpLULA™ Magazine Loader – Loads many .22 LR to .380 ACP (9mm Short/Kurz) single-stack narrow magazines with normal to moderate angle of lips.
• 1911AI Aligner Insert – Assists in loading single-stack magazines in the UpLULA and 22UpLULA. Eliminates magazine wiggling.
Welcome to the urban Gunners we've got a quick video for you on the mag Lulla I'm going to cover just a. Few features and benefits hope. You enjoy I'm actually utilizing a Smith & Wesson nine-millimeter as a Smith & Wesson shield 9-millimeter. And it's a little tough to load the springs pretty tight which is good but. When you're coming up against. These edges and you're loading it makes. It very difficult one of the reasons. Ilook for a loader. This is the mag Lulla it's the number. One selling uploader in the world. These are made in Israel it's made out of a polymer Palomar so it's a plastic but it's light but it's very durable so let's show. How to work that so first thing you want to do is. You want to get around in okay. You want to get it in on. That follower so that's your starting round the reason why you want to do. That is just so that that feed ramp. That beak won't do any damage to your follower. You have you just simply slip again. That direction and then just slip. That on top of their just like. What I'll do is I'll put. It on the table it to write. And then I close the beak just close. That push down drop around in. That close it throws up pop. It in real comfortable real easy no pressure on the finger next thing if. Iwant to extract these rounds again see. That right there okay.
That little clip right there little piece there. What I want to do is. Ijust want to put that up against the round. What I'm going to do is go to the other side so. You can see it a little bit better. That up against the beat. And then I just strip the rounds out very easily just rip them out. All right here's the Glock nine-millimeter. This is a 31 round mag. This is really nice and. When we're out, and we're shooting our steel plates. This a lot of fun but. When you're trying to load 31 rounds into a magazine. You can be a little bit tough. Now Glock gives this little piece here. And it's nice and it's a nice gift so let. What it's like to load with. This okay first thing you should do is. You should always okay get your starter round in again protects your follower slip. That over okay and same thing you're going to push down then you're going to butt in. And then you push in put in lift. And then you kept it kind of have to use your hands to do.
You have to lift and drop. That in load a few ins here using the mag Lulla way okay but out slip. That on top of their okay. And then what we're going to do is we're. All we're going to do is. What we did before we simply squeeze. And pull down squeeze pull down drop in look. How much easier that is squeeze pull down drop in squeeze pull down drop in squeeze pull down drop in squeeze pull down drop in squeeze pull down drop in. You know you can do. This by hand right. You can man up a note it's not going to kill. Because on the Glock. They have the plastic there so. It protects your hands a little bit. More okay so it makes a little easier to load so. You wanted to load by hand. You could simply do. That push that down use your finger. More pressure there. Or set in but the you get in right the.
More difficult if they're hot like. They are today your hands are a little bit sweaty. You can get the men but. It just takes some time the other thing is. You were female you had fingernails. All right you had fingernails boy that's really tough for the ladies right. Because those fingernails would be right up against there. They would just scar those up so ladies just going to save your fingernails big time okay. Because you're just going to simply drop. That over like that there're no fingernails involved so you're just simply going to put. That in there and you're going to drop those rounds in there no fingernails involved leave your fingernails out of. You can preserve those nice fingernails. And for guys you know. You don't want to be. All macho you just want to be a speed look. You just want to speed load. It done so you can get back out shooting exactly.
It just like and at the end of the day. When I'm finished okay same thing my indicator there that's. Iwant the direction. Iwant my rounds to go as. Iextract them that little extractor there on the back of the Mac Lulla okay. Ijust stripped and empty hope. You enjoyed the review. You found that helpful go ahead. And give us a like comment below for any other videos. You would like to see. And remember to subscribe for upcoming videos.
Caldwell® Mag Charger® Universal Pistol Loader
today Charles wasn't gonna shop today I'm going over that's Caldwell pistol magazine loader it's. Something new we just got in stock will fit multiple magazines. Anything from 380 to probably a 10 millimeter fits different widths of magazines but using these wheels on. Either side of the loader just by rowing these. You can adjust it for different thicknesses the magazine. And that's course this piece on the back. You put your magazine in here. This will tighten down. And lock the magazine in place. Now we're going to use a 1911 magazine. It is preset to accept. This mazing drop magazine in their like so. It said we're going to need a side adjust for the thickness of course. This back will lock. It in place tightens. What you want to do hold. It like so and then. You take your round the loading gate right here on the side. And the nose of the bullet. You can see this little great plastic piece for treating down inside the nose of the bullet has to go in behind lack load in like so. And then just squeeze. This piece presses that round up. And then I'm off doing.
It presses in on that that pushes. It up into the magazine just load them in there. This worked very well for someone who has. You know limited hand strength has a hard time loading those magazines rounds in the magazine with their phoneI've also use. Some bubbles stack magazines seems to work well with those also very good fully loaded magazine ready to put in the handgun. And fire said we've got. These in and gun so come visit. Some store because it's. All done gun calm thank. You have your day
HKS Revolver Speed Loader
Don't waste precious time at the range by loading your revolver one cartridge at a time. With one slight twist, the HKS Speed Loader loads all chambers simultaneously. Strong metal points hold cartridges securely in the loader until you release them into the revolver with a turn of the speed loader knob.NOTE: If your revolver is not listed, the speed loader may not fit correctly. Check with the gun manufacturer. If the cylinder dimensions are the same as the listed revolver, then they may use the same speed loader.
Hey folks it's Trevor again in my last video. Ishowed how the Lula mag loader worked for the two three five six rounds for an ar-15. This video I'm just going to show. You a little bit about the HKS nine-millimeter speed loader so. It here just a little plastic thing of a jig it's got a little lever here. You push down on their's a. Few slots down here for I think different sized mags so that's just. What it looks like you can see it's made by HKS. And right here I have a Beretta nine millimeter magazines as. You can see come on focus there. All right so basically. This is the front of. You do is you sit your magazine with the bullet facing out. This way and then you're going to take your rounds I'm just using some Winchester 9 millimeters here. All you're going to do is you're going to use. This lever to push down on. It you're going to insert the round into. It you're going to let go. And then just kind of push the round back so. We move over here and show. Is here a little bit better so here.
We go we're just going to use. That to push the rounds down insert the round push. It back push it down insert the round push. It back push it down into the round let. It go push you just repeat. That process for the entire magazine which in. This case this is a 15 round mag so. You know again this is just a very simple product. You probably pay between. You know around 15 bucks for it but. It makes it a lot easier to load nine-millimeter magazines. You know I would just. One of those things. You just really need to spend the money on. If you're doing a lot of shooting so yeah that's at the HKS mag loader for nine millimeters. You enjoyed the video. And happy shooting Cheers.
Caldwell® Mag Charger™ Tac 30
maglula SR25 .308 LULA™ Mag Loader
maglula AK-47/Galil LULA™ Magazine Loader
maglula AR-15 5.56/.223 LULA® Magazine Loader/Unloader
Everybody how's it going so. It was a lot of videos out there on. This product but I thought he'd do a quick. This mag Lola five six two three magazine loader common little novelty I'm not like loading magazines is a chore but. Ithought it was a invention. And again there's a lot of people out there. That are putting videos up about. Ithought I'd follow suit. And just put one up showing this little item so let's. This art comes packaged. And a little plastic blistered pack, so we'll open. It up take a look at. It comes with a little instruction card here showing you. How to use and really pay the attention to. It so let's see if hard enough to figure. It put off the bat that does come with the little t-handle stowed so. You can pull the handle up here stow. This handle to give it a smaller signature. You want to put it in the bag. Something so slowly spread Tory the little latch on the side clips on the side of your magazine then the handle is right here. What I've seen before is. You just take around put. It in push the handle down so it's kind of interesting and. One thing I thought was is. That not only can you load with. You can unload so you know but my daughter my wife for loading magazines.
It saves them getting their fingers pinched so anyway thought. That was pretty interesting so to unload the magazine clip. It back on so anyway Oh clip anyway that's. It the mag Lulla two to three five six loader interesting cute little devices anyway hope. You liked this brief little video like. And subscribe and hope to bringing you. Another video game real soon take care.