Top 12
Pflueger® Supreme QRS Fly Extra Spool
Redington® Crosswater Fly Reel
hey I'm Jeff with avid max. And todayI've got the Eddington cross water real with. It is great real it's. One of the entry-level reels from Eddington. Though it's one of their entry-level reels. It still comes with a lot of nice features. That you're gonna find on. Some higher-end reels so it's made out of a really durable composite material which is going to be great as its going to kind of resist. Some of those Nicks. And scratches and really still be able to hold up for you pretty well. You can tell here as well they've also tried to make. This a little bit of a larger Arbor reel so that's going to help. You be able to draw the line in a little bit faster. And it's also going to help a little bit with keeping some of the memory out of the line. This reel is going to come in a couple of different sizes so. If you're going for a little bit smaller fish. And got a little bit smaller rod size there. It comes in four five six weight design. If you're going for a little bit bigger. Than like, it also has a 7 8 9 size to. It as well these reels also come with interchangeable spools so. If you've got a couple of different kinds of fly line maybe sometimes use a floating and sometimes a sinking you can order.
Some extra spools as well. And just pop those off real easy. And put them back on then. You can also see as. You take that off this has a nice sealed disc drag system. And on the back here we'll just put the spool right back on there on the back here it's got a pretty easy to manipulate knob there that's going to adjust the drag for you. You crank this down. It really does have quite a bit of drag with. And then there's a lot of play in between. Where the drag is all the way on. All the way off and that's going to help. You move from maybe hooking into a pretty big fish then maybe the next. One isn't quite as big you're going to be able to adjust. This pretty well specific for. Each different fish. That you're gonna be catching there. It also comes with a kind of great little cloth bag here. That way at the end of the day after. You take this off your rod.
You can throw it in their then it's not going to get dinged. Or scratch as it in your truck car. Whatever you have on the way home there it's also pretty easy to convert. These from right-hand retrieve to a left-hand retrieve whichever one's going to be easiest for you'll be able to do. That real well the other great thing about. These reels is they also come pre-loaded so. You want to take some of the guesswork out of which line. You should be ordering you can just order. One of these kits here that's going to come with the reel as well as the right kind of line. And leader as well already attached. And tied on to it there. You need to do is string this through your rod tie a fly on. And you're good to go so. If you're just kind of looking forward. That reel that's going to get. You into fly fishing or maybe just kind of entry-level real that's going to be great for kind of all-around use. This one's going to do the awesome.
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Redington® I.D. Fly Reel Decals
Who are you? With the flat black surface of Redington's I.D. Fly Reels, you can answer that question and personalized your reels with these I.D. Fly Reel Decals.Note: Compatible with Redington I.D. Fly Reels.
Sage Spectrum Fly Spool
Colors: Platinum, Black, Lime, Blaze.
hi David Lance here with stage here to talk about a new real family. We have here at stage called the spectrum comes in three different kinds of versions. We have the standard version which is the spectrum. Some features of. This large arbor real. One revolution drag knob basically throughout. This entire series we have stages filled carbon drag system so that's shared between. All three and basically as. You move up the line its application specific so. You want a lighter weight version of the real. Or a heavyweight version of the real so the next. One which is kind of our ideal trout real setup is the spectrum LP so again same sealed carbon drag system but. You have more porting on the arbor. More defensive about forty D tents to choose from on here with half d tents in there so. You can really dial in. And know what kind of number. You want to fish at so.
One of the advantages of. That is like if you're on like a 3. You know that 6x breaks a 3. You know exactly at what point. That tip is going to break on. You so it's one of those things. You really need to try out. And fish for the first time to understand. You actually do fish. You kind of never want to go back to. And then if you're going into. Some saltwater fishing or. Some bigger two-handed stuff. We have the spectrum max so again same steel carbon drag system in. One revolution dragon odd-numbered drag knob but. This is a really strong frame to school connection it's a conical system so really stable real again perfect for any of your saltwater applications.
Or 2nded applications.
Hardy® Marquis Lightweight Fly Reel
Featuring an improved range of adjustment, updated styling and an indented regulator button, Hardy's Marquis Lightweight Fly Reel is an excellent remodeled classic. Strong yet lightweight barstock 6061 aluminum construction ensures long-lasting performance. Modified porting reduces weight. Made in Alnwick, England.Tibor Everglades Fly Spool
Increase the versatility of your Tibor Everglades fly reel by adding a spare spool.
Hi Joe from red fly shop here shooting our first ever product review on the roof of the fly shop isn't. It beautiful up here so today I'm talking about Tibor reels Tibor tabor potato doesn't matter. Irecently had a seal drag system real implode on. Me in a faraway place. And fortunately the back of real but. It was a sealed drag system. Iwasn't able to see. What was going on in there in a DAB so the failed. Once water was sealed in. That stayed sealed in. Now that's not to say. That sealed drag system reels aren't great but I'd like to have a non sealed drag system. Some research some gray-haired friends of mine about great saltwater eels Thai boars. What popped up, so I've got here a new time. Or Everglades the time. Or real company was always kind of mysterious to. Ithink that's why I avoided them for some time. They named their reels. Than number their reels which is super cool. You know that but I was always confused. Once in Everglades what's a Riptide what's the tailwater. What does this mean but the tie board company has been building reels since 1985. They build every single part. They started out as a tool. And die company they build every screw. That goes into your reels right here in the US. These things are handmade — very good tolerances they're made with care. And pride so the other neat thing about tabor is there's. Some customization options which. Ithink is super great. And the non steel drag system which I'm going to show.
You don't need to be scared of. That it's a presidentially a maintenance-free option so. Iget rid of the Box get rid of my bubble wrap. Ihave open Israel before. This isn't a true box opening it's been sitting on my desk. And I've been reaching out. And playing with it making it make cool noises. All the time while I'm working on my computer but there's my REO comes with a real boot. Each real serial numbered. One of these is made with a lot of care by hands. They can keep track of them there's. What it sounds like the Everglades is designed for seven to nine wait rods I'm going to put. This on my go-to bone fish rod a couple of things. That are neat about the Everglades. And the Riptide some of the bigger reels in fact. That their Everglades the Riptide the Pacific. And the Gulf Stream are. All essentially built on the same chassis just different sizes the Everglades is a seven to nine so. Igot Joe's reel right there so my friend stop messing with my reel.
When we're on vacation. And think they can borrow my stuff. And frankly I've got a lot of fly reels. Ijust wanted that was kind of custom the first trip I'm going to do with. This is Christmas Island I'm going to go after. Some bones fish, so I got a bone fish engraved right there on mine that's. What the real sounds like. Now talking about the drag system. These are essentially a maintenance-free reel. They do come greased. And I'm going to take. This apart here these are built on kind of true axle system as the way. Ilike to think of it, so I'm going to take. That off there's a there's a drag knob keeper back there. You can loosen it up with a penny screwdriver sometimes your fingernail. And then you just mmm to get the spool off I'm just going to loosen. That drag knob pretty much. All the way out I don't plan to take the spool off very often but the relationship between our reel. And a spool is very important. That spool isn't rotating in perfect harmony with the reel alright let.
Me just get all the way off there, so I'm going to go ahead. And take this apart on video scary concept but let's take a look inside the reel right here. And there's the cork drag system. Now the only maintenance that's required of. This is just rinse it off with fresh water after use the maturity. And of the guys that build. They have control over every part. That goes into I know it's going to be corrosion free so. Ihave to do if I'm concerned is just rinse. That off with fresh water that's the only maintenance. Ineed to do in ten years. Imight buy some lube from Tibor. And apply it really is a maintenance-free project. That axle back in there. You can feel how precise. It feels pretty good. Iput that's why you don't do the standing in the water.
Idon't know why you'd want to change you're still standing in the water anyways but. That axle back in there. This reel together you realize. This is not just another run-of-the-mill fly reel it's a tie border it's built to exact tolerances absolutely excellent reel but. Iwant to take that apart just to show. You guys there's nothing to be afraid of. You see the diagrams of these. This schematic it does look a little complicated but it's as easy as. That so that's the type. Where Everglades really excited about. And again the Riptide is just. One size bigger the Pacific's. One size bigger and then the Gulf Stream is. One size up from these online at Red's. You can get lots of different colors lots of different engraving options.
You can check out a hundred percent online. Even type your text in there. That you'd like engraved on the side but. These are a pretty special reel it's pretty neat to know. These guys build them. One piece at a time down to every screw in every part right there in Florida. And I'm excited to have a tie. More finely and I'm excited to go out. This thing loose on.
Cheeky Boost Fly Reels
Loop Evotec G4 Spare Fly Spool
Colors: Orange, Black, Blue, Green.
so this is an interesting concept for us on a fly rod range. What we have here in. One range comprehensively in dividers. We have three option tempest. And denoted by the color. This mustard color here is the slower action the medium option quite a traditional option lovely silky smooth like arson rods. We start off with ultralight child. They will move up to small double Hardy fly rods as. We change color we go to a graphite gray. Unless the nose the medium Frost action which is lips. And haven't been this is the biggest section. And less range of fly rods. Because as a demands the user frame the feel of every single rod in their strange as. We move forward the last range here it's the fast action rods. And the fast action rods. You have a light right size right through the full-blown double handed fly rods for migratory fish the fast action. That extremely responsive. They will give you the distance. And the tight looks. That you're looking for when the situation demands you.
Loop Opti Fly Reel
Douglas Argus Ported Fly Reel
Tibor Signature Series Graphite Fly Reel
hey listen we're over on the fly-fishing side of the show I'm in Berger from the tackleberry coast after the man who's standing next to me really doesn't need any introduction if you're in fly-fishing if you pull back just a little bit Rob see what it says back here are the
Tibor Frost Silver Signature Series Fly Reel
hey listen we're over on the fly-fishing side of the show I'm in Berger from the tackleberry coast after the man who's standing next to me really doesn't need any introduction if you're in fly-fishing if you pull back just a little bit Rob see what it says back here are the