Top 14
Spot Trace™ Anti-Theft Tracker
2.69"L x 2.02"W x .95"H.
Wt: 3.1 oz.
Garmin® Montana 680T
2.9"H x 5.7"W x 1.4"D.
Wt: 10.2 oz.
This is a new Montana 680 T from Gamin. And it's our new top-of-the-line full-featured handheld device got a nice bright four inch touchscreen display the other thing like. Most cell phones is its dual orientation so. You can look at it vertically. Or horizontally 100k topo maps preloaded in of the entire United States those are great to know what's going on around. You in Cline's you see lakes streams trails roads. That information is literally at your fingertips with a touch screen display it's also got bird's-eye satellite imagery subscription for one year basically. What you can do is you can download. These high-resolution satellite images of the location. That you're hunting so. It will give you game trails. It will give you tree lines. And will give you building structures GLONASS satellite capability. That is another constellation of satellites so. You turn this device on its going to acquire a fix. And it's going to keep. That fix much more clearly. If you're in Si a deep canyon. Or a heavy tree cover the six ATT also comes with an 8 megapixel camera built into. It the nice thing about. That the unit is waterproof therefore the camera is waterproof. You can save all your pictures on here. It automatically marks. That location is. It was taken it's the new montana 6 ATT from Gamin for more information on. This product and others go to Gamin calm.
Nite Ize® Clip Case Cargo
Sizes: Extra Large Tall (6.7"H x 3.7"W x 1.9"D - external), Wide Load(5.9"H x 3.7"W x 2.4"D).
Camo pattern/color: Mossy Oak® Break-Up®, Black.
The night eyes sideways clip case for features a rugged construction elastic side panels to fit a variety of phones a Velcro closing flap. And an interior pocket for storage the case provides an easy to access quality design for a variety of phones as well as a small pocket on the inside to store cards. Or other items the night eyes sideways clip case for compatible phones you.
Garmin® inReach Mini Handheld GPS Satellite Communicator
Spot™ Gen3 Satellite GPS Messenger Personal Tracker
3.4"L x 2.6"W x 1"H.
Wt.: 4 oz.
Color: Orange.
Hi it's John here from GPS training what we're going to do in. This short review is look at the spot Gen 3 which is a one-way satellite communicator on personal tracker so the key thing is a one-way tracker. We can send messages. Or people can see where. We are, but we can't receive messages back from the master key thing so overall build quality is very good it's just four hours in weight with the batteries. And I really like a nice compact unit very simple also to use. This strap it is really good. Because you can attach. Either onto your belt strap onto your looks extra so in entry so. You can see by the size of my hand it's not very big at. All really nice and simple just a number of buttons so on/off button on the side press the on/off button on the unit switches itself on. When it's on we just get. This flashing light at the top. That shows is that's on. And when the key things with. This is actually it doesn't actually get a satellite thing until. You send a message and. This how get such good battery performance get really good backup for us they're saying. That if you have 50 percent clear view of the sky the four double A batteries will get a. If it's switched on 24 hours a day we're gonna get 13 days. And continuous battery life. Now we're going to switch. It on/off it's very rarely. We have it on continuously we're 24 hours a day 30 hours by the four double A batteries lithium batteries. That you get with it just normal lithium don't double A batteries so again it's its fantastic performance.
That you get with the unit so overall was. It comes out New York eight coming in recommended retail price about 129 pounds just very good value for money. And then we need to get ourselves a contract until. That he's our service plan so again depending on what service plan. You get it's a power 160 pound a year for a service plan in the UK to. You to use this product is they've quite unfair to compare. It to other units no we've done a lot with the Gamin reach stuff. And really like that to a communicator brush that's four times the cost so. Isee it's very unfair to compare. That with it with this. Because this is more. Than the base end of the market batches were discussed really good performance on the batteries so setting up the unit plug into our computer. And we said they're quite a nice easy simple process to do. One thing about it — Mike. We have three hours wanted set. It up to actually get activated by the sunrise. Because needs get activated again cuz there's no way of telling you.
It just kind of fired into life two hours. Ithought I said no but I'm ready to go. It took me a few hours to do. That it works from the global star 24 low-earth orbit satellites so again it's not the Iridium satellite alarm the Sabbath at. This sat phones went from it's the global star therefore we're not getting a hundred percent worldwide was getting very good coverage America you're open. And a majority, but we're not talking on percent coverage like. We do some other products currently on the market. What I like about is the simplicity really simple unit SOS button don't. Where you can't accidentally press it's hidden under a little flap there got ok getting you set up.
All these messages online. What you would say ok I've just set up so everything's okay. This is where yeah tracking button again you're going to start tracking which then other people can see. Where you are or you can see your track. You just hold down the tracking button for four seconds again. You can say preset message button so can. You set up everyone's. And then we have like an internal help. Is which are is like an internal help button which again of. You when I'll notify your friends. And family that even a problem. You can use that now the nice thing about. All this you set all. These up online so you set up the actual messages. That you do and you can go to up to ten email addresses. And or mobile telephone numbers. Now one of the key things.
Ifound is actually only the emails give your exact location as a link to a map. If you send a text message just gives. You a Latin long which is quite pointless really telling with people. We are supposed it isn't an emergency but. Iquite like where there's Nemo. It gives you a link. Where people can click on. It sees where young. And Google Earth so. How do we just do. Anything we just hold the button down for four seconds we're going to send a message to our beers okay hold down the message bear press wasn't for four seconds okay there. We go it's now in deactivation mode so. What it's doing is looking for a GPS signal as. You see the GPS button is starting to flash red shows not going to start light signal hopefully.
Iget warm and then. When he's getting one will see the message being sent. And this is the key thing. That I mention is actually it's only in the satellite signal. When it's looking to send. That message and therefore. It does take a lot longer. Then some of the other products on the system but again it's 119 129 pound. And recommend retail prices so. Now if I'm a GPS signal it's getting its location. Now it's got a GPS system. And it's gonna wait. When we send the GPS isn't. It will then send the message again it's taking time isn't. It so some statistics they're saying. That once you press. It all messages will be received 97% of messages will be received within a 20-minute window.
Where again when we used to instantaneous text messages it's not instantaneous text message okay it's. Now sending that message so the third light is. Nothing so it tells. Is our powers on a GPS speaks of where. We are and now it's sending. That message so it's quite steady performance that's. All I can say regard to. That isn't it see it's not instantaneously. And it's quite an effects. You see a lot of reviews online. When people reviewing it. You know I've added. This again from the same location. It would do it gets a lot quicker. Because it knows where. We are for what I found. When I'm out walking it took a. While to send that message I'm moving all the time actually my satellite location is moving all the time so. It was taking note many minutes not tens of minutes to send.
That message so you can see. That it's still sending. That message now again. Imust note I've just moved to new locations for this video so it's taking a little. While to do it so it's just about with sending. That message tracking key thing of. This is tracking also so people can see. Where you are again depending what plan your do a trap point every like two minutes ten minutes half an hour again battery life is key whole thing to track is people see. How you just hold down the tracking button. And you see it goes into tracking mode little life. Everything down for four seconds ago in tracking mode get a look of a GPS signal really it's a GPS signal.
It will send a message of my current location. And that will do that every. How are you set up. This unit and every ten minutes every half hour again. It depends on your battery life. And it will do that. Now I like that appears on your computer. And it's a really nice feature. And to stop anything sending a message. Now about current location I'm going to stop. This because again we're under a tracking hold on. Most of the four seconds. And it stops you see a little red light flashes to say it's not tracking okay quick look at the SOS button the SSRC has a lift of little flap. When you press it links into the g oz system which is a worldwide rescue international rescue.
It responds we repress. That again it's equivalent name on. One or 999 in the UK an emergency response again. Ithink it'd be quite useful but. How do you know you got there's no response back from. You always middle of. It I think I would be tempted to use. This a little bit more know. This notifies friends. And family that you've got a hunch problem. Now rather then manage. And speak to a human. And manage my emergency response then a summary over in America which. Idon't even know I've received the message so again. Something just to a bear in mind so raw want to think of. It I really like the build quality. And the size of it I'm a bit. Then sure about just selling off message not getting anything back so. We I would use is if you're walking in the UK. And you have a mobile phone signal for 50 percent 25 percent you're walking and it's a really nice addition.
Because only in those mobile phone dead spot. You can use this spot. And use it to his full potential but actually would a rely on. This if I had an accent on. Iremember my group had an accident. Iwas in the UK I would try. And move to somewhere a mobile phone signal. And wanna communicate direct. It was someone to hear back what's happening when the emergence of is a. Rather than pressing a button sending signal ass only a message that's only got a 96 percent success rate within 20 minutes ascending and. Idecide I know what are. They people gonna come Hyena come no is. It go be helicopters like a flying from the sky. And you read these stories online. That's what yeah but.
You need a lot of the stories online. That's not the response. You get is helicopters don't come flying from the sky so it's nice about tracking its nice. That you can send messages. That keep going back it's a hundred. And twenty quiz just over a hundred quitters no so actually. You get what you pay for a really nice introduction into satellite GPS personal tracking communication of. It but actually it was an explorer. Iwas going into the Alps. It was doing quite serious walking I think. Iwould like to look at spending a little bit. More money and getting something. That really has that two-way communication so actually. It would press the SOS button.
It was a two-way communication device they'll communicate with. Me I'll communicate back with them. This the instant they see. What I have a lot more confident. And just press the button. And sitting there waiting.
Garmin® inReach Explorer® +
6.5"H x 2.7"W x 1.5"D.
Wt: 7.5 oz.
Everyone review today on. This guy the Gamin inReach Explorer plus, so I've been interested in doing this review for a. Iwas just gonna check. How long I've had the item okay, so I've had. This since June 2018 so not quite a year but. It has seen some pretty heavy use so the let. What I use this particular unit for then we'll kind of go over the details of what it is so. Imentioned in the past. Any digital marketing business. And part of we work with a lot of realtors in doing property shoots. Ireally enjoy doing a lot of the vacant land shoots here in northern Arizona. We have quite a bit of just open space. You know parcels 40 acres 80 acres 120. You know tons and tons of parcels everywhere. And people need those photographs. Or sometimes people want to go look at parcels but. They don't necessarily know the area well enough, so we'll go out. And help them you know track those things down. Icame across this. This Gamin unit actually. Iwas on a Wallace on a buffalo bison hunt here in Arizona with. These guys lost back Arizona in a particular a good friend of mine named Russ Jacoby who guides bison hunts near the North Rim of the canyon the Grand Canyon.
He uses he's all the time. He gives each of these to his hunter. He gives one of these to his hunters who a lot of times are out sitting in blinds. You know with a guy waiting for bison. And there isn't good cell signal there so. They communicate this allows them to do. What the garment in reach Explorer plus is basically it's like it's a normal Gamin. You right all the mapping but. It also has access to the iridium satellite network. You can actually text on. It use the satellite next I'm sorry iridium yeah. Igot the name right. You can text on it to people who have cellphones to other. You know garment in reach users basically. You are able to receive texts. Either through cell phone. Or through you can communicate through text messaging not through audio it's not a satellite phone technically it's a satellite texting service. Ithought gosh that is a really interesting unit. Ican do the mapping I can stay in touch.
It has an SOS feature alright so. You can access the gos emergency responder system network which is a global network. You can do this anywhere in the world. You have the unit you can gain access. You know to the outdoors. And access to the satellite network so. It for this purpose as a real estate photographer hunter long-range shooter. Ifind many uses for my Gamin in reach Explorer plus. Most frequently it for the tracking the SOS. And mapping features let. Something about the tracking what I mean by. That is the Gamin allows. You to basically set kind of breadcrumb feature. Or a tracking feature.
You can text and email friends. Or family it will send them a link which will then take them to Gamin's cloud-based mapping software. They can see they can see your waypoints as well. You have a lot of choice in terms of how. What you want to share with people but usually. Igo out I'll share a text. And email with my wife. And with my dad so if I'm out. You know in the middle of nowhere. Whatever check-in in a particular time they'll know exactly. Because the coordinates will be there the map. That to be really useful so that's the track. You featured them as. Isaid there's an SOS feature so. You can call for help it's nicely kind of protected to avoid accidental activation so. You pull this back. And there is the SOS feature right inside so it's hidden well protected well from accidental engagements. All that's very good. And like it the SOS feature connects to the gos network which is an emergency responder network.
They will in turn contact local first res ponders. You end up being needing help. And then there's also just kind of standard Gamin mapping software let's see. This is gonna look a little bit crazy but. Because I've been out. And about today but. It just has normal kind of Gamin mapping software on. And, and so I use those three features primarily so. It to find locations. And then to be found in emergency situations of. All kinds folks I forgot to finish. This sentence especially. When cell phone service is not available okay so. All that's really important for me. Because I'm out so low in a lot of remote places. Where there isn't cell phone access. Ineed to you know find places. That are normal GPS Google Maps isn't really going to help.
You find you know because we'll have to locate in the hunting context maybe we'll have a particular place. We want to go glassing for animals. Or a place we want to explore. And look for animals. Ican plug you know. Ican find it through the mapping software. If there's a particular parcel. Ican plug in maybe the northeast corner of the forty acre parcel. Ican then navigate to. That location so very versatile in. That regard let's go just to the Gamin homepage really quickly make sure everything's good to go okay so. They have kind of whole section on the garment for inReach in particular the inReach global satellite technology. They basically have three units. They have the inReach se the inReach Explorer plus. And the inReach mini I'm not going to go through. And kind of you know describe the differences for me.
It made the most sense to do the in reach Explorer plus. You can sort of click on. It will tell you know. What the differences are so for me. It was you'll notice. That the main difference between. These two has to do with the mapping I wanted the topo maps in part. Because like I said I'm doing I'm doing real estate photography a lot. And also hunting a lot. Iwanted to be able to look at sort of topographical features as opposed to just having navigation. And tracking so that was important for me in reach Explorer plus for my purposes. That was most important the mini is interesting the mapping is obviously not there. One advantage though of the mini is. That the mini as I understand. It syncs with some of the newer Gamin watches. Some of those watches do have mapping software on them. II don't understand why they don't why these other units don't sync with the Gamin watches.
Ithink that's unfortunate. Iprobably get why I may get. One of the watches at. Some point if they ever figure out. How to sync them with the inReach Explorer plus for now it's my understanding after talking I spoke with. Some folks over at REI who had. Some experience with. This it's only the inReach mini. That syncs with the watches so that's unfortunate not a game-changer for me but in. Any case so like I said there's two-way messaging and so. You can text people who have normal cell phones. You text with people back at home. You know what they have a bunch of preset message. You can send you can send. It through the messaging app on the I'm sorry through the messaging feature on the garment that's a little bit cumbersome. You have to sort of navigate letter by letter thankfully there is. And I'll talk a little bit. More about this later there is an app called the earth may tap which uploads to your phone the being in the mapping is much better on the earth made.
It happened it the two just sync with. You can do all the messaging though from the app which makes. It a heck of a lot easier. Because having to go through. And select individually. Each letter at a time sucks big time there isn't like a keyboard here so. You have the two-way messaging that's totally awesome I'll talk a bit about the messaging subscriptions. And stuff but you can also get weather so. Italked about this GPS navigation. You have the mobile social stuff that's like the SOS. And the messaging and then weather so. You can get weather forecasts which is really nice and then finally the earth made thing it is as. It says a full-featured GPS navigation app. It syncs very easily it's very easy to use. Most cases I'm using the app way. Imean they're linked to. Another so they'll automatically sync up but just for ease of use. Iprefer to use the prefer to use the earth mate app on my iPhone. Than trying to interact with. This clunky thing it's clunky in part.
Because it's really durable right. And that's really good but. It just is so much easier to use the top own app on the yeah in the phone so that's cool. They have a synchronized app an app. That syncs up now let's talk a bit about the plans the subscriptions let's see oh here. These are the ones I use let. Ican increase this size a bit okay. They say they have. These four different plans I'm not. Even going to talk about the professional ones. Idon't use those at. Ihave basically gone between using the safety. And the recreation I just don't generally need unlimited of. Any of these and so let's just start with the safety SOS is always unlimited across plans that's awesome the real limitations come in with text messages so the real question is just. How often do you need to text.
Iwill say that the tracking you know it is a text at intervals. Whatever you want I think five. Or ten minutes is the lowest interval so every five. Or ten minutes it will send a text back. And just say hey where the person is. We will check in send a tracking sort of breadcrumb back to your list of people receiving. That information every 10 minutes hour a day. Whatever the increment is. You want that does not count against your text messages so like today for instance. Iwas out photographing vacant land for about four hours. Ihad my tracking interval set yeah oh here. It is right here ten minutes is the minimum. It set every 10 minutes of ascending this. You know this a tracking message back to my father. And to my wife those do not count against your text messages it's just the sort of normal text messages. Where you're communicating unique messages back. And forth I have switched between safety. And recreation right. Now I'm at recreation.
And I'm usually at recreation during hunting season. Because that's when I'm using this kind of that's sort of the height of the year in which I'm which I'm using this so right. Now I'm set for recreation preset messages. These are messages that are like in the library kind of predetermined messages in the library of the unit those are. All unlimited that's really awesome tracking intervals it's its. It looks like and under the extreme plan. You can do every two minutes. Ihave no need to do. It every two minutes ten is fine usually every half-hour is. Even fine under recreation. You have unlimited tracking points. Iguess under safety. It is ten cents per tracking point I've forgotten about. That basic weather that basically costs. One text message each I'm not certain about location pings to be honest. Ilook at I can't remember exactly. What it might be is. You can send your location back to your back to your to the list of people tracking you.
Ithink might have to look into. That later and then. You have a variety of weather options. And then preemie Marine options. You just get more data. Ihaven't played much with the weather stuff to be perfectly honest. They just typically don't need to use. And there the this is just sort of different pricing structure. And so like I said I'm working right. Now with where it's 2495 per month. You go over then these are the costs for the messages so. Ithink it's very affordable from my perspective. This is definitely a business expense for me but from my perspective $24 a month to be able to text. Anybody in the world anytime. Iwant to get SOS services. Whenever it $24 is. Nothing that's a huge value from my perspective. And built in to have the mapping software so okay that's just kind of rundown of the unit let. Me talk about let me go over my criteria really quickly the criteria I'm using to evaluate.
This item and then after. Igo through after you an overview by criteria. Iwant to talk about. Some competitors. One competitor in particular the spot sort of the variety of spot systems I'll talk about a. Some mapping software. Iuse alongside the Gamin unit. And then I'll kind of provide my. Some of my value a value ativ criteria so for me there are basically eight features. Or eight criteria that are important for me. One is effectiveness of communication. How well does how well can. Icommunicate back and forth through the text system durability. If that's extremely important for me. This thing's kind of banging around. Either in my car you generally have to put.
It up by the dashboard have. It hang up there by the dashboard just so. It has constant kind of visual access to the satellite kind of good connection to the satellite. How is the mapping software that's really important for me. How easy is it to use. Both the unit itself. And then the integrated features. How well does it integrate with the app is. You know is it clunky is. It a smooth you know it's a connection smooth. They integrate well. That kind of stuff a battery life is really important. Because I'm basically using when I'm out hunting or working it's on constantly. And working constantly sending back tracking points. Or integrating with the phone so. How long does the battery last. How effective is it subscription plans is at high value. That kind of stuff and then overall do. That the 374 dollars. Ispent on the unit. And then the 25 dollars a month is.
That a high value to. Me, so I'll go over those I'll go over my own kind of criterion reasons later but let. Me first talk about the main competitor. What I think is probably was in my shopping process was the main competitor. And why I did not choose to go with. You can see what it is its the spot X spot has been doing kind of emergency satellite based sort of rescue technology for a long time. Iin fact I remember. Ibought one of these my siblings. Ibought one of these from my dad who was often out hunting alone. We thought you know. What you the technology is cheap enough. You should have some way to call for help. And in a situation you might not be able to get back to your car.
Something and spot was. You know seemed like the. Most the best option at. That time that was probably 10 years ago. Igot to the point I needed to have. Some kind of satellite based communication for emergencies. Ilooked at spot I had purchased. One before and then. You know quickly realized. That Gamin right the trusted name. And GPS units also had an option. Ichose not to go with a spot for a couple reasons. One is the main reason is. It doesn't have any mapping software. Imean for me that was a really big deal the spot X does provide. However a lot of the same of features. That the inReach Explorer plus does for instance. You can do all the kind of messaging and texting you want. It will do the tracking services. And a message tracking it has a built-in compass. Though not a map right. You can do the SOS rescue similarly. You know sort of link. It to social media I don't care about. That stuff and then. You can do kind of check-ins. And so from a communications perspective.
Everything that the Gamin does. What it lacks is the mapping and for me. That was really important. One advantage though of a spot ice. It does have this built-in keyboard, so I've imagined. That I'm imagining that it's like it's like a ruggedized Blut. Or a blackberry is what it looks like. This Gamin unit doesn't have. You know a keypad there. That probably makes. It a little bit more rugged to be honest. Ithink just the simplicity of the design on the garment probably makes. It superior from a ruggedness. And durability perspective. These little keys you know. Each of those represents a kind of weakness. Ithink probably in the structure of the item structure of the gear.
Ion the one hand they have a keyboard here on the other hand. Ialso recognize it kind of represents a weakness so. One thing I don't know about sort of the SOS feature here is. How easily. It deters accidental activations that's. One thing I like about the Gamin is. You can bang this thing against. Whatever you want it's not going to accidentally activate the SOS I'm not sure. What the spot X is like so spot X is really the main competitor it's a little bit cheaper granted it's about a hundred. Igot mine for 370 for my garment for 370 for this is 249 so significantly less expensive. It doesn't have the mapping software for me that's no-go let's look at. This lets's look at the service prices let's see there. We go right here so. They have a basic plan for 1195 per months. That gives you 20 custom messages SOS unlimited so it's unlimited.
All of them unlimited check-in messages so those are probably just messages like hey everything's fine unlimited predefined messages that's similar to. What we saw with Gamin. And then tracking you know kind of at the similar kinds of intervals, so I'm not sure. What movement alert is I'm guessing. That maybe that has to do with. You aren't moving for a certain period of time maybe. It will send out an alert again I'm not exactly certain. Idon't seem to remember there being activation fee with Gamin let's see personal plans yeah. Idon't think it's just doing quick top user makes. All annual okay annual plans. It looks like our subject to an activation fee but. Idon't think the monthly ones are here. It seems like there's. Some kind of activation fee for all of their plans at least as far as. Ican tell on the spa tech side but in.
Any case they have comparable services. And comparable pricing spot X maybe a little bit less yes definitely a little bit less expensive so maybe. If that's a fact if monthly expenses. That are factored for you then. You know keep that in mind. And but again I was never gonna go. Iwould never go a spot. Or spot X simply it lacks the mapping so there are other spot options for instance let's see. That spot X let's see let's go. What we offer so they have a couple different like. They have the spot trace in the spot gen 3 the spot Gen 3 is like there. Ithink their smallest version. Ithink it's only 99 no it's $149 so. They have the spot Gen 3. And then the spot you know at the spot trace I'm sorry that's their least expensive. One that's 999 999 99, so they're. Most affordable options so. If you're maybe on like a really tight budget but. You still want the ability to track. That stuff then this might be a really good option for you my understanding is. You cannot do any messaging from.
Though so if that's important for you then. You know to be able to kind of send off customized text messages. And whatnot then that may not be the best option for you in. Any case for me the. Most important thing was. You know it didn't have. Any mapping options. And so that's why I didn't go a spot. Iuse in conjunction with the Gamin mapping I also use on X hunt hunting app. And the only reason. Iuse on X is this is kind of remarkable from like a real estate photography perspective onyx mapping will include. Ithink the last names. Ithink that's right. We just check real quick we'll include the names of the owners of the different parcels.
And so from my perspective that's really helpful. Because I'm out there looking you know for specific parcels. That are just dirt right it's there aren't. Even always property stakes. And so but I can know by looking at the Assessors page who the owner of. That property is I can compare the two. And make sure they match up so that's really the only reason why I use onyx. You know other hunting specific features. Ireally like but you know from my real estate photography perspective. Ijust use it in conjunction. It conjunction with the Gamin unit. It lists the parcel owner's name so let's get let's conclude here. And get to the criteria. All right effectiveness of communications.
How effective is the in reach Explorer plus is extremely it's very. It is effective by only so the only reason. It gets a good and not exceptional is. That sometimes there is a pretty significant delay in. You know the messages sometimes. You know 15 minutes long before a message will be sent. Ithink part of that is just connectivity to the satellite there may be weather conditions. That affect I would say it's exceptional. It were instant but. And the other kind of. Iguess critique I have is. You are kind of limited in the length of the messages. You get 160 characters which in general usually is fine. You can always send multiple text messages but. If you're working with. One of the limited plans. That starts to eat into your budget right so. Ido wish you could get a little bit. Then 160 characters as of right. You can only send characters there's no way of sending like images. Anything like that which is just fine.
Idon't really care about. That so the effectiveness of communications is good there it's difficult to do the messaging from the unit itself. If you're going to be efficient with the messaging it's much easier just to use the earth-made app on your phone. It also responds the earth-made app also responds to talk to text. And so that's kind of nice too. You just go into the go into the let's see go into messages. You compose a new message it's very much like sending a text so effectiveness communication. All very good I've never had to use the SOS function thank God hopefully. Inever have to, so I can't really say. You know how responsive is. How effective is the communication there.
Ireally don't know but. Igive it a three which is from in my scale a good durability very durable it's probably difficult to see but. This thing has been beat up. And scratched up pretty good in less. Then under a year so in a in my real estate context. This thing sitting up on the kind of the dash of the truck so. That has easy access to kind of line aside access to the satellites in a hunting context. What I do is this carabiner. And I'll strap one of the Mali attachment points on my backpack. And just let it sort of stay there. It gets banged around quite a bit there. We chose to take my backpack off. Whatever it gets scratched up a little bit on the ground but. It just needs to have kind of clear visibility. You know clear access to the sky into the satellite network so. It outside the pack so. Ican be tracked really easily by loved ones. And other members of the. Ican also receive messages too easily. You know without any hindrance so it's durable.
Ican the things been beat up quite a bit it's got. Some scratches on it never has the effectiveness been. You know none of the functions have been hindered by the fact. That it's been banged around so much but. It does come with a really strong clip on the back side. That I've occasionally used along with. This kind of knife connection point for the carabiner really tough connection points here really tough clip so. All of that's all of that's good the charging port -. You sometimes know these charging ports can be a point of weakness. It is deeply inset which. That does come. Some with some disadvantages. Because there are some cords. That are so big they can't fit in their very well that's not a problem for me I've got the right cords.
And then it has a really good excuse. Me durable rubber flap. That kind of come you can press in there. That has some locking points. It keeps that water really well keeps water out of. That charging area and also keeps. It just well protected. It fits in there so snugly. It doesn't come it's not easy to get. You have to work pretty hard to get. It to accidentally flip out so that's that's really good also from a durability perspective the buttons have proven to be really resilient. They there's no there's no play that's kind of worked itself into the buttons so. You know have a kind of have a good seem to be good. And stable and also shown themselves to be water-resistant I've had. This thing in quite a. Few wet scenarios so that's. All durability I say get a for the thing feels to. Me built like a tank it's very it's not overly heavy but. It just feels like the rubbers very thick in. That it's shock resistant. All of the buttons seem to be holding up very well.
None of them are sort of coming loose. Nothing like that so highly durable I'm really happy with. It the mapping is pretty good it's a little bit limited. You can download different kinds of maps not just. This standard topo you can download different maps to the app in case. You want to just sort of look at. Something other than the typical topo mapping. They include one thing I do like about the mapping the topo map. They include if they kind of list. If they give it a specific name remember okay pre-loaded topo mapping viewable directly from. It okays let's see so. They don't give too much information there but. It is kind of hybrid map it's. It does have most of the roads. That I'm on when they're dirt roads have. Some kind of representation on the topo map so that's actually proven to be pretty useful. It does have on the app a function. And also in what they call a navigation app but.
You shouldn't be confused shouldn't confuse. That with like the kind of navigation you'll get on Google Earth it's not going to tell. When to turn something like. What it's going to do. When you're in the navigation mode is. You will tell it to which Waypoint. You want to navigate. And then it will show. You use a straight kind of as the crow flies line. And arrow it will show. You are on the map with respect to your desired destination but it's just going to show. You sort of directions as the crow flies right not it's not going to tie. You in a turn right here turn right here. Nothing like that so the mapping I'd say is good. Ihave to use occasionally turn to the on X. Because it's mapping its details sent. You seem to be a little bit better. And also I just like the advantage of being able to see the names on the parcel number, so I'd say it's mapping is mediocre it's not amazing actually I'm going to revise.
This it's not mediocre. It really belongs to the good. It is very good it's a hybrid the sort of default map is a hybrid topo map. That includes roads not necessarily road names sometimes it's hit miss but. It includes nice topographical features its clear to see them. And also roads and railroads. And stuff like that so mapping is good. Iwouldn't say it's excellent but it's good integrated features. How well does it integrate with the earth map it's excellent. And there's also you have an in read. Everybody will have an in reach account that's. All your kind of subscription purchasing but that's as well. You things excuse me do your settings privacy settings. You can decide what you want to share with people. If you're going to have them track. That kind of stuff it integrates basically instantaneously.
And very well, so I for instance create a new Waypoint in the phone then. It will almost immediately sync with the Gamin device. When I'm here doing you know looking for kind of setting up my day to go shoot properties. You know go on to the Assessors page to figure out. What the coordinate is. Iusually do mine in decimal degrees. And then I'll plug it into the phone. It will almost immediately sync those coordinates. And the Waypoint with the Gamin device so the integration is really good my only complaint is. They could get the inReach Explorer plus to integrate with the Gamin watches. That could be pretty cool not necessary but just cool ok so high on integration that's really good battery life is awesome. Ican usually use this for so. Ihave an in tracking mode. And it's kind of constantly sending back. These tracking messages two days easily. Ican use it constantly so that's really good the.
It will drain the phone on the battery right especially. If they're linked it does seem to put a kind of battery drain on the phone no big deal but probably two solid days on full tracking mode every ten minutes. That there really isn't too bad. It also charges really fast. You use the factory cord. It charged I mean it'll charge in less. Then 30 minutes from 0 up to 1 yeah maybe less. Then 45 minutes and 0 from 0 up to 100% the subscriptions. Ithink are high value exceptional so battery life exceptional. Ithink the subscriptions are exceptional 25 bucks for 40 messages a month no big deal from my perspective that's a high value for the on the subscription plan so. And then overall value. Ithink it's exceptional. Imean 374 bucks for a highly durable always reliable unit. Iuse probably four days a week. Either in a hunting context.
Or in a real estate photography context. Ihave never had sort of failures. Or technical problems. Either with the app. Or with the unit itself. Both just work every single time I've never had a technical fail at failure a technical glitch the messages always send. It sometimes takes a little bit of time to send. And so from my perspective super high-value right especially. You consider this thing could literally save your life in a whole range of scenarios. Or just get you out of a bad situation maybe your car breaks. Now maybe you run out of resources maybe. You run into a you know problem who knows the nature has a way of coming up with unforeseen circumstances. We didn't prepare for and so that's. What a unit like this is for so. You can call for help. And from my perspective 375 bucks $25 a month small price to pay for. That kind of peace of mind. And for the ability just to communicate.
You don't have cell phone access so. All right everyone thinks. That was a long reviewer at 34 minutes but hopefully. That will give you know prospective buyers. Some much-needed information on a device. That hasn't you know there are. Some good reviews on. It out there and hopefully. This will just contribute a little bit. More data so all right.
Garmin® eTrex® 20x
4”H x 2.1”W x 1.3”D.
Wt: 5 oz. (with batteries)
Garmin® eTrex® Touch 25
4"H x 2.3"W x 1.3"D.
Wt: 5.6 oz. (with battery).
You want to know how to do guesswork the first have to go to the website. You guys this is the website then. You have to go to login account. We have to create a membership. You are not a member. You have to sign up. Ihave to create an account. Ican connect to Facebook. You have an account. You click on connect with facebook. You are in the account. You can find geocaches near. And then jump oh I want to visit a street art in Tara okay. Ican click to send to TPS. Iclick Submit now my GPS is not connected so. Ineed to need I need to connect the TPS to send the kyoki's information to TPS.
Garmin® Montana® 680 GPS
2.9"H x 5.7"W x 1.4"D.
Wt: 10.2 oz.
Hey doing this to show McVeigh which smells outdoor adventures. This video I want to do a quick review on the garmin montana 680 t. Iwant to tell you the three main reasons why I purchased. This particular GPS. And my feedback on it previously. Ihad the Gamin organ for eight 450 T which led to. One of the reasons why I purchased. Because the screen on. This is so much bigger. Than the other Gamin. You know GPS is that was. One of my big challenges like the screen was just too small sometimes. When you're out it for hunting and so. When you're trying to get a good view of the whole area with the screen being as small as. It just wasn't enough so. Ialso got a little bit spooled with the. You know carrying around my smartphone. And in a lot of situations by Parkman's smartphone was big enough okay so for example here is my smartphone. You know as you can see the size of the screen they're pretty much the same okay so size of the screen. And being what you can see was. One key reason another important reason is. This particular model can take pictures. When I'm out scouting and.
Isee a scrape you know. You could go out scouting and see five different scrapes. When I'm putting in waypoints. Ilike to name you know. This area scrape one scrape to scrape three but to have a visual to be able to take a picture of. That scrape and have. That be the actual Waypoint. It is very nice so that was the second reason why I went. And bought this is over six hundred dollar GPS. And I'll just throw. This in real quick what I did was. Iintentionally waited till around Christmas time Cabala's has lots of sales at. That time Black Friday. Isaved up gift cards. You know when people say hey Shawn. You want for your birthday I'd say. Ijust give me a Cabala's a gift card. Iwould save those up which is. What that's what I did.
Ibasically spent about $200 of my own money on. Because the rest are covered in gift cards plus. It was like a hundred 150 dollars off on the sale. They had at that time. Another key reason I bought. This model is it has pre-loaded topo maps in. Me is really important. Iknow there're different ways. You can download topo maps. And put them on there. You can pay for them after the fact but topo is a huge thing for me. Ijust wanted it on there already so those are the reasons. Ipurchased this particular model. Iwill give you feedback as far. It works in my observation. It doesn't always get a signal as well as my organ 452 did so the smaller model actually sometimes sync better there have been a.
Few instances it would not. Even wink perfectly clear day. You know why out in the open. It wouldn't sink to the satellites. And so sometimes it has just sometimes like the hooks up right away but sometimes. It just struggles and there's been a. Little scouting and hunting situations. Iwas depending on it wouldn't work for me so it's very frustrating another thing. That can be very frustrating with. This is the touch screen. It doesn't work that well so like. Iwant to edit and put in a waypoint sometimes I'll be. You know typing stuff in. It won't register or I'll be hitting like let's say. Iwant to hit M it'll it'll register as a different letter. And right now it's working well but part of the reason is. Iconstantly have to re calibrate the screen let. Me go to this function here calibrate screen so. You probably go to have to redo. If you're not super precise. Where you're hitting on. This calibration which I'm not being super precise right.
Now it's going to throw. This thing off and it's going to be it's going to be ugly so bottom line is I'm constantly re calibrating the screen on. This the touch screen is very frustrating with. This thing so I don't know. If it's just my model is a little bit glitchy. If they're all like. That but that's been a big disappointment to. Me obviously there's lots of other functionality with. This particular unit. You can use it for but. Iprimarily use it for scouting and hunting and so that's the feedback I'm giving here's the big question is. It worth the money is. This handheld GPS worth. What they charge this particular model. That I'm holding you know.
Iwould say no I would be happy. If there's another model a step down. That doesn't have the camera. Ihaven't tested that model but. It works better one then. Iwould say forget the camera. And just use that the camera is nice for having. That visual and helping you remember. What you meant on the Waypoint but it's not an absolute necessity so that's my take on the garmin montana 680 t. You know okay I would not say worth the money. You can get I did shave up gift cards. And stuff okay it is nice having the big screen I'll give it. That other that it's oh. You know I forgot to mention. One other thing its accuracy is not as good as my organ 450 T there're times. Where I'll be standing at where. Though it's telling me the Waypoint is. And I'm like this is not the right spot. And then the way pm might.
Where I'm located we'll just start floating around so. Some accuracy trouble at times which. You know I feel as the other. One did not have that there. You have it I'm done blabbing I'm going to go do. Some scouting and hanging trail cameras.
Garmin® Oregon 700
4.5”H x 2.4”W x 1.3”D.
Wt: 7.4 oz.
Spot® X Two-Way Satellite Messenger Personal Tracker
This is Matt from spot. And today we're gonna be taking a look at the spot X we're gonna take. It on a day hike through Louisiana marshes just to demonstrate. Some features. That are available to start off we're just gonna go ahead. And put the spot X in tracking mode to put the spot X in the tracking mode. You would just select tracking from the home screen. And then select start tracking it's really important. That your spot X has a clear open view of the sky. Where I'm holding my spot X. Now it's not the best ideal location, so I'm just gonna go ahead. And strap this thing onto my backpack for the best results okay. We just made camp time to send a checking message let. Everyone know we found a clearing with a clear open view of the sky let's go ahead. And send a check-in message to send a check-in message highlight check-in. And then press select to send an SMS message highlight messages select messages again. And from here you can scroll down to the compose icon on the bottom right in the to field.
You can select your contacts we'll scroll down. And select message scroll down to select done. And at the bottom of the screen. You have the option to include your elevation. And your GPS location in the message select the bottom right-hand icon to send the message we've made. It we've decided to end our day hike here on the lakefront to talk about. One of our most important features on the spot X. Most important feature is the SOS feature. This special messaging mode. When activated will send a distress signal every five minutes with updated GPS coordinates so. You are in a life-threatening emergency go ahead. That button and within 10 minutes emergency search. And rescue and first res ponders will be on route to your location to activate the SOS feature.
You have two ways to do so. You can flip the SOS tab. And press and hold the SOS button. Another way to initiate an SOS distress signal would be to highlight the SOS feature. And then press the select button on the spot X. You have any questions please visit. Us on the web at WWF in my spot comm as well. You can catch us on social media. We have twittered which is at global start. And we're also on facebook so. You have any questions go ahead. And reach out to, and we'll be happy to give.
Garmin® GPSMAP® 66st Multisatellite Handheld GPS Unit with Sensors and Topo Maps
6.4"H x 2.5"W x 1.4"D.
Wt: 8.1 oz.
Garmin® Rino 750
7.9”H x 2.6”W x 1.6”H.
Wt: 12.3 oz.