Top 16
Bridger Wire Stretchers
- #1 – Designed for stretching muskrats. 21’’L x 7’’W.
- #5 – Designed for stretching fox and raccoon. 48’’L x 10’’W.
- #6 – Designed for stretching bobcat and coyote. 59’’L x 12’’W.
Cavens Quality Animal Lures
For nearly 40 years, Caven's Lures have been the gold standard among many trappers and are top producers on the most demanding trap lines in the country. Only select, premium and fresh ingredients go into every custom lure, maximizing attracting power. Made in USA.Size: 1-oz. glass jar.
- Minnesota Red – Extremely thick and heavy gland lure that's extremely attractive to red and gray fox, raccoon and coyote.
- Canine Force – This food/call lure is a potent mixture of food and calling ingredients that brings various predators into your sets. Its powerful calling properties are ideal for cold-weather trapping.
- Timber – One of the most versatile lures on the market, it's appealing to beaver, bobcat, fox, muskrat, raccoon, mink and coyotes. Thick waterproof base performs well in rainy conditions or at water sets.
- Bread and Butter – A custom blend of food and calling ingredients and oils produce a piercing sweet odor that's a must when trapping muskrats. This lure has also proven its value when targeting raccoons.
- Mink Master – Strong gland lure combined with essential oils and weasel musk appeals to the mink's territorial nature and brings them in. Effective as a change-up predator lure at your flat or post sets.
- Moonshine – Super-sweet food and calling lure that's a combination of select oils in a thick base for effective use in any weather condition. It's an excellent choice when using dogproof traps.
- Yodel Dog – Thick, long-lasting natural gland lure that really stirs up howlers. Called Yodel Dog, it's made of glands aged to perfection. It's the answer to post sets, and really dresses up dirt holes and flat sets.
- Feline Fix – Loaded with bobcat glands for a natural cat odor, this Feline Fix is a thick lure that also works great on fox and raccoon.
- Tree Climber – This Tree Climber lure is a mild, yet sweet, lure. An irresistible blend of natural ingredients bring in marten and fisher. Also, excellent for bobcat, fox and beaver.
- Red Fox Urine – High-quality attractant for all predators, as well as a top-notch cover scent for hunter.
Caven's Minnesota Brand Predator Bait
Premium food/call bait that keeps furbearers such as fox, coyote, raccoon and bobcat working your sets longer. A proprietary blend of food, glands and musk produces a sharp odor that’s detectable from extreme distances.Size: 9-oz. bottle. Apply now
Fleshing Knife
An essential tool for proper preparation of your furbearers for stretching, mounting and tanning. Efficient design reduces hide preparation time.Blade dimensions: 12"L x 1-1/2"W.
Everybody they had a friend asking about the purpose of the burg on a fleshing knife on the sheriff side of the fleshing knife. It there and just what exactly. What it does it work on I'd say just. Any flushing knife you're gonna sharpen your knife as sharp as. You can sharpen it with your diamond file. Whatever you like so. That you've got a bevel like. You don't want to sharpen the backside. Or remove material from the backside of the blade. You just want to sharpen. That like you know. How to do and then the next thing is to roll the burr onto. That knife that burr changes it's exaggerated in. This drawing but so. You get an idea of what direction the burr is pointing and. When you're fleshing your moving. That burr in that direction down the hide to flesh the fat. And tissue off but the way. That burr on just take the back of your skinning knife.
Or your sharpening steel. Something hard and again here's here's the bevel on the back side is the flap. And just taking first. You can hear now I'm pushing. That burr off of this knife. One I'm rolling it one way you're straightening it aligning it. And then you turn the knife over. And on the back side. You start out at a fairly shallow angle push. And then increase the angle. What that's doing is rolling. That burr over so that it's pointing this direction. When my fingers pointing you can feel. That pull your thumb across. It's real subtle but. You can feel that burr. You pull your thumb not like you're sharpening feeling a regular sharp blade. And I'm just pulling my thumb down the bevel. You can feel that little burr there. That does it allow. You to have your angle of attack on the hide like.
This versus like all so prevents. That super sharp edge from cutting through. You can really you can push a little harder without blowing through the hide. Ilearned this from Greg Schrader. It made a huge difference in. You get through your reflection process so hopefully. This helps and pass. You know like it was a big light bulb moment for me. Ilearned about and want to help. This friend of mine out so. He can see what it looks like. What you can do with.
Minnesota Trapline Wolf Fang Cable Stakes and Driver
Rest assured that your traps will stay set and anchored in all soil conditions with the Wolf Fang Cable Stakes. The stakes feature a large surface area and rugged 18" cable that stays in place once you've set it.Available: Stake driver or 18" Cable Stakes – Per 12
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Metal Dirt Sifter
A must-have for land trappers with its diamond-cut screen that gently sifts a fine layer of soil over your set, concealing it from sharp eyes. It can be dyed with your traps for added protection from the elements.Dimensions: 10"L x 8"W x 2-1/4"H.
Bridger Aluminum Body Grip Setter
Length: 24".
Weight: 1.8 lbs. Apply now
18" Gauntlets
Elbow length, 18" trapping gauntlets for situations where you don’t need shoulder length coverage. A must-have for the water trapper.Length: 18".
Bridger Self-Locking Setter
The Bridger Self-Locking Trap Setter is a convenient tool for trappers setting body-grip and long-spring traps of any size. A unique locking mechanism provides a secure hold while traps are being set. Eco-coated black finish protects from both weather and wear. Made in USA.Length: 24".
Minnesota Trapline Products Steel Catch Pole
Wt: 6.15 lbs.
Minnesota Brand Trapping Bait Oils
Fresh oils that deliver a light to strong smell, attracting a variety of furbearers to your sets. Oily consistency maintains its effectiveness and doesn’t easily wash off with water, making it an excellent choice for water sets. Mixing tip: combine these two oils for a strong fish odor that’s thicker in consistency.Available:
- Salmon oil – It’s a universal oil with a fresh-fish smell that attracts most furbearers. Also works great for bear baiting.
Size: 16-oz. plastic bottle. - Shellfish oil – This is an economical, top-quality lure that has a very strong shellfish odor that’s effective on raccoon, otter and mink.
Size: 4-oz. glass bottle.
Minnesota Trapline Glycerin Oil
Used to keep cut or ground baits from decomposing, Minnesota Trapline Glycerin Oil works as a binder, blender, stabilizer and even antifreeze for any trap set. Mix it with urine to prevent evaporation and freezing when the temperature drops, or add it to fish oils, urines, solid or liquid baits to maintain ideal taint preservation when the weather gets hot and humid.Size: 16-oz. bottle.
Minnesota Trapline 14-Gauge Trappers Wire
Indispensible to the water trapper and snareman, this 14-ga. annealed tie wire has dozens of uses on the trap line – staking, tie-offs, snare supports and extensions, to name a few. Imported.Size: 350-ft., 3.5-lb. roll.
Marsyada's Trap Bait
Marsyada’s lures and baits are known for their outstanding performance and ability to attract multiple furbearers. Made with only high-quality ingredients, this bait increases the attraction power of your sets.Size: 6-oz. jar.
- Shellfish Bait - Excellent choice for raccoon, mink, fox and various other predators. Contains strong shellfish oils that pull furbearers from a distance.
- Coon Bait - Raccoons find this sweet-smelling, sticky paste bait irresistible.
Minnesota Trapline Products Standard 22'' Trapping Trowel
Dimensions: 22’’L x 2-7/8’’W (blade).
Odorless Trap Wax
Size: 1-lb. block.