Top 17
DeLorme State Topographic Atlas
Available: Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina.
Florida does not have contour intervals.
DeLorme State Topographic Atlas and Gazetteer
Available: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut/Rhode Island, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland/Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire/Vermont, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Michigan and Florida do not have contour intervals.
Brunton® 9077 Lensatic Military-Style Compass
3"L x 2.2"W x 1.2"H.
Wt: 3 oz.
Silva Guide™ Explorer 2.0 Compass
4.4"L x 2.2"W x 0.4"H.
Wt.: 2.4 oz.
Brunton® TruArc 3 Base Plate Compass
3.5"L x 2.5"W 0.5"H.
Wt: 1.1 oz.
Hi I'm Kevin from gear to go Outfitters. And today I'm going to show. How to use the Brenton trumpets. This is a bass play style compass. You can adjust it for magnetic declination. It should come zeroed out but. You do know the declination east. You can actually enter. It in so when you're taking a magnetic bearing you're going to be reading a true bearing which is. How your mouth reads so to do. That here to simply squeeze the middle of the vial over here. And you'll see the needle bail move. We can set declination so here in New York which is about thirteen point. One degrees west roughly so. Ican actually use my declination scale thirteen point. One degrees left over here. And then we'll set the compass on reading true bearings but make sure. Ithe way you get the compass in. That it's zeroed out so zero degrees east. We can't really have time for a full line navigation cost right. When basic parts of the compass. You do have your direction of travel arrow your orientating arrow your magnetic needle the vial your declination scale. And your azimuth ring and your rulers on the side so. You don't even know.
How to use a compass just simply know. That the red needle is going to point north. It is affected by mental objects so. We want to keep it away from metal objects could be your car could be a fire tower especially get at your bearing so the very least. You just need know where North is the red nail is going to point to north. We are going to take a bearing we're going to point the direction of travel arrow in front of. Us we're going to hold a comes like a tank turret. And we're going to turn the as math ring until. We get cold red in the shed. This with a magnetic needle inside of the orientating arrow. And then read the bearing on the azimuth ring where. It intersects the direction of travel arrow but that's a quick. And dirty class we offer a full day class on. That but you just need to know. What where north is the magnetic Nia will point to north.
Silva Guide™ 2.0 Compass
3.5"L x 2.2"W x 0.7"H.
Wt.: 3.8 oz.
Silva Starter 1-2-3 Compass
3"L x 2"W x 0.5"H
Wt: 2.4 oz.
This is the Silva field campus it's recommended for camping use not really recommend. It for night use it doesn't have luminescent indicators it's made of really good plastic it's a liquid field. It has absolutely no bubbles. It features rotating bezel. That allows you to compensate for declination the red part of the needle always points to the north magnetic north but depending on your position of on the earth globe the geographic north may be different from the magnetic north so. This campus allows you to compensate for. That difference the difference is called the declination. It features many indicators 50 millimeter rulers. One 250-thousand scale on the right side. One to 25000 scale on the left side also degree indicators. It came with a neck lanyard. You can wear it around your neck by inserting the lanyard through. This loop it's very light. This lanyard comes with a fast detach. Whatever is you know. This is called I really prefer. This to a knot as well. It came with the manual. Many languages. All the major languages. Ithink is harder it's. It describes you the silver 1 2 3 system quick 3 steps for navigating very useful. Ireally like it so far didn't use.
This in the field I just unboxed. Something I don't like about. It I'll make a different video degree it's nice see ya.
Brunton® TruArc™ 15 Compass
4"L x 2.5"W x 0.6"H.
Wt: 3.2 oz.
Oh hello everyone this is Brian with tsimko survival. Idecided to do an update for the Brenton Tarak 20 compasses. And that's going to be very short video. Ialready did I already had a video posted for it but a lot of people kind of got stuck on the lanyard thing and that's not the reason. Iactually consider. This compass to be a failure, so I'm gonna take. That video down and redo. It to better clarify. What issues I have with. It a lot of the issues are very small. You can go ahead and watch my original video for those. Something I found after. That video so I'm gonna go ahead. And just focus on that the kind of better clarify. What I'm talking about here. Now the issue I have is. This compass the hash marks. That go around the outer edge here to mark the degrees are not the same distance apart. They go out at angles. It really looks like a five-year-old drew them let. What I mean you look right down there at the bottom of. That green marker you can see. That not one of those marks between the 190.
Or the 1 160 mark and the 150 mark not. One of them is straight. Or the same distance apart right there at the bottom of. That green line for example. One of those five markers is completely different spacing now a lot of people are going to say well why does. That matter well it matters a lot. It comes to the accuracy of a compass. This needle here is accurate. And pointing in the right direction. These markers are actually your bearing and that's what's going to actually give. You your directions. If these marks are not straight. And are not lined up. And evenly separated then your bearings are going to be off. They aren't going to point the same direction as you're supposed to be going because they're they're going to be different distances as.
You can see you know the difference between. This bearing and that bearing is very little but in essence between. This bearing and this bearing is fairly significant. That difference can throw your compass off accuracy every compass is going to be a little bit off just because of the needle okay not every compass is exactly correct. Because the needles themselves are going to have a little bit of an error. Most range between 05. And 1% okay not a huge deal I'd prefer. More like half a percent but a 1% is better. Most of them but one not only is. That needle going to be off. Ibelieve they state. That it's 05 which is. One of the reasons I wanted. You look at the bottom there those hash marks are also off so as a result.
Idon't know what my actual bearings are like. Somebody gave me a bearing you know to go meet with them. Something like that gave. Me a bearing and I turned. This compass to that bearing I don't know. Many degrees off I'm going to be from. Where I'm supposed to be. All the way around these things are different spacings as. You can see very. Few of them actually match up. And because of that because of. That issue I consider. This compass to be not worth very much. Because it's just if my bearings can't be accurate. Because the distance spacing is off then. Isupposed to know that I'm actually going where I'm supposed to be going and hmm on a side note. One of the things that people were telling me on my last video was to attach the lanyard point instead of on the boot to attach.
It right here on the compass. And that's fine and good that'll work but my concern is. This isn't a metal there's no metal in here at. All in fact you can see there. That it's just two little pieces of plastic. That make up the hinge. And my concern is and the two pieces aren't. Even connected together my concern is. This lanyard through. That hole this bounces around. Anything else you know hits a tree. Anything like that the impact on. This could end up misaligning my hinges. That point this thing becomes a lot harder to use. It may not open properly. It may not lock properly so. Idon't feel comfortable with the fact. That I'm we having to use the hinge itself which is just plastic to put. This on personally I would have much preferred. They actually put a lanyard spot on the compass somewhere other.
Then just there and that's technically not a lanyard spot that's technically your sighting home so you're not really supposed to put a lanyard there it's a it's a fix but it's not meant for. Where the lanyard is meant to go so there. You have this is my update my new update to the button to our compass. That I've clarified things a little bit for everybody so. We don't I don't have. More confusion as far as. What I have a problem with goes my problem isn't with minor stuff like the lanyard point. Or an arrow anything like. That's minor stuff that's. Something I can deal with my issue is with those lines right down there not being evenly spaced. And for those of you who say.
It doesn't matter it does matter. If you're one degree off on a compass like. This that's fifty-two feet for every mile. You walk a 100-mile hike which people do is going to put. You a mile off of your actual destination point so having a compass. That is already going to be about a half a degree off which is. What they advertised for this Brenton. And then combined with the fact. Ihave no idea how far off I'm going to be because of. These lines being off. Idon't know what the actual degrees are but the actual bearing is. These lines are so off so. Ihave no idea this thing could be five percent off for all. And I'm not willing to take. That risk on a piece of equipment. That I'm supposed to be able to rely on especially in a situation like.
Igo camping and get lost. This thing to be able to get. Ican't end up miles off course just. Because the people who made. This couldn't take the time to make the bearing markers properly that's the problem. That problem so I have clarified things for everybody. This is the last video I'm going to be making on the Brenton. Because I'm not going to remake. This again you have a problem with. What I've done here. You want to just like the video. Anything like that go ahead. It but at least watch the video. And kind of talk with. Me about it leave a message. Me know why you're disliking the video so. Ican better understand what's going on but there. You have that is my update thank.
You so much for watching if. You have any questions comments. Or concerns please leave a link below. You like this video please hit the like button. And subscribe thank. You so much and have a great night bye-bye.
Brunton® TruArc™ 10 Compass
5.2"L x 2.8"W x 0.5"H.
Wt: 1.7 oz.
Oh hello everyone this is Brian with tsimko survival. Idecided to do an update for the Brenton Tarak 20 compasses. And that's going to be very short video. Ialready did I already had a video posted for it but a lot of people kind of got stuck on the lanyard thing and that's not the reason. Iactually consider. This compass to be a failure, so I'm gonna take. That video down and redo. It to better clarify. What issues I have with. It a lot of the issues are very small. You can go ahead and watch my original video for those. Something I found after. That video so I'm gonna go ahead. And just focus on that the kind of better clarify. What I'm talking about here. Now the issue I have is. This compass the hash marks. That go around the outer edge here to mark the degrees are not the same distance apart. They go out at angles. It really looks like a five-year-old drew them let. What I mean you look right down there at the bottom of. That green marker you can see. That not one of those marks between the 190.
Or the 1 160 mark and the 150 mark not. One of them is straight. Or the same distance apart right there at the bottom of. That green line for example. One of those five markers is completely different spacing now a lot of people are going to say well why does. That matter well it matters a lot. It comes to the accuracy of a compass. This needle here is accurate. And pointing in the right direction. These markers are actually your bearing and that's what's going to actually give. You your directions. If these marks are not straight. And are not lined up. And evenly separated then your bearings are going to be off. They aren't going to point the same direction as you're supposed to be going because they're they're going to be different distances as.
You can see you know the difference between. This bearing and that bearing is very little but in essence between. This bearing and this bearing is fairly significant. That difference can throw your compass off accuracy every compass is going to be a little bit off just because of the needle okay not every compass is exactly correct. Because the needles themselves are going to have a little bit of an error. Most range between 05. And 1% okay not a huge deal I'd prefer. More like half a percent but a 1% is better. Most of them but one not only is. That needle going to be off. Ibelieve they state. That it's 05 which is. One of the reasons I wanted. You look at the bottom there those hash marks are also off so as a result.
Idon't know what my actual bearings are like. Somebody gave me a bearing you know to go meet with them. Something like that gave. Me a bearing and I turned. This compass to that bearing I don't know. Many degrees off I'm going to be from. Where I'm supposed to be. All the way around these things are different spacings as. You can see very. Few of them actually match up. And because of that because of. That issue I consider. This compass to be not worth very much. Because it's just if my bearings can't be accurate. Because the distance spacing is off then. Isupposed to know that I'm actually going where I'm supposed to be going and hmm on a side note. One of the things that people were telling me on my last video was to attach the lanyard point instead of on the boot to attach.
It right here on the compass. And that's fine and good that'll work but my concern is. This isn't a metal there's no metal in here at. All in fact you can see there. That it's just two little pieces of plastic. That make up the hinge. And my concern is and the two pieces aren't. Even connected together my concern is. This lanyard through. That hole this bounces around. Anything else you know hits a tree. Anything like that the impact on. This could end up misaligning my hinges. That point this thing becomes a lot harder to use. It may not open properly. It may not lock properly so. Idon't feel comfortable with the fact. That I'm we having to use the hinge itself which is just plastic to put. This on personally I would have much preferred. They actually put a lanyard spot on the compass somewhere other.
Then just there and that's technically not a lanyard spot that's technically your sighting home so you're not really supposed to put a lanyard there it's a it's a fix but it's not meant for. Where the lanyard is meant to go so there. You have this is my update my new update to the button to our compass. That I've clarified things a little bit for everybody so. We don't I don't have. More confusion as far as. What I have a problem with goes my problem isn't with minor stuff like the lanyard point. Or an arrow anything like. That's minor stuff that's. Something I can deal with my issue is with those lines right down there not being evenly spaced. And for those of you who say.
It doesn't matter it does matter. If you're one degree off on a compass like. This that's fifty-two feet for every mile. You walk a 100-mile hike which people do is going to put. You a mile off of your actual destination point so having a compass. That is already going to be about a half a degree off which is. What they advertised for this Brenton. And then combined with the fact. Ihave no idea how far off I'm going to be because of. These lines being off. Idon't know what the actual degrees are but the actual bearing is. These lines are so off so. Ihave no idea this thing could be five percent off for all. And I'm not willing to take. That risk on a piece of equipment. That I'm supposed to be able to rely on especially in a situation like.
Igo camping and get lost. This thing to be able to get. Ican't end up miles off course just. Because the people who made. This couldn't take the time to make the bearing markers properly that's the problem. That problem so I have clarified things for everybody. This is the last video I'm going to be making on the Brenton. Because I'm not going to remake. This again you have a problem with. What I've done here. You want to just like the video. Anything like that go ahead. It but at least watch the video. And kind of talk with. Me about it leave a message. Me know why you're disliking the video so. Ican better understand what's going on but there. You have that is my update thank.
You so much for watching if. You have any questions comments. Or concerns please leave a link below. You like this video please hit the like button. And subscribe thank. You so much and have a great night bye-bye.
Brunton Truarc Mirror Compass
3.9"L x 2.9"W x 0.8"D.
Wt: 2.2 oz.
Hello this is Bryan with Zukor survival. Another review for you today. One is of my compass first off let. Me start by saying any person looking at bugging out no matter who. You happen to be you live in a big city. Or in the middle of nowhere. You should have a compass as part of your kit. You should have a map of where you're going and. You should have some basic orienteering skills. You should know how to use a compass. Whether it's on the mat. Or using a sighting compass. Irecommend getting a compass. That does both sighting and map use which is. What I have here one is the Brenton true arc 20 Brenton is a pretty good quality compass manufacturer. Although they kind of missed the mark with. Imean it's a good accurate compass which is the only reason I'm still using it but. It is for the expensive it's fifty dollars. Ithink for the cost.
It doesn't quite stand up to my expectations so let. Me kind of go through. It a little bit and explain. What I mean it has a rubber boot here which. You can take off like. All right it also has a lanyard hole attached to the boot which. Idon't particularly like. Icould live without the boot but. If the compass falls out. While I'm hiking then I'm stuck with a piece of rubber. Ican use I actually put the instruction manual in there but inside of here. You get your little charts. You can see here I'm not actually going to go through. These in detail you know. You know how to use compasses you'll know. What these are if not there are plenty of reviews. And things on YouTube explaining how to go ahead.
That but I'm just going to go ahead. And do a review on the compass for now. This is the actual compass itself okay. It has a hard plastic top to. It could have been metal for fifty dollars. Ikind of would have expected. It to be metal but it's not it's kind of grey hard plastic. It is a siding compass with the mirror so there's a benefit there. Ithink the mirror is a little bit too small the mirror could have probably been a little bit bigger the overall size of the compass is fairly small actually. It comes to a compass a navigational tool like. Idon't think you want to shrink things. You want to put as much information as possible into. And with the kind of tried to shrink. While still putting as much information as possible. It kind of overdid themselves a little bit but basically.
You have the compass. You have your mirror your line to give. You your direction and your sighting hole here the mirror because of the size. You have it in the position. Where you're doing the sighting it's kind of hard to see the top of the compass completely. This right here is your heading so. You can adjust for it's also your input clinometers to them. Ican't say it measures your angle. And I'll demonstrate. That here in a minute but. This is also the reason. Ipurchased it has quite a. Few flaws it's also a map compass so. Ican use it for siding or a map compass let. Me go ahead and flip. It up so you can see. What I mean here you have your map compass. All right a level so. You can make sure you have.
It set down that the compass is perfectly level. You have all your degrees. And measurements on the sides here. It is a 360 degree bevel which is beneficial a lot of the cheaper ones. You don't get the full directionals. Me go ahead and show. What I mean by you measure the hill grade. Ifound the most accurate is right here. Idon't know you can see. You have a um a ring there. That has your degrees. All right you can take. You can put it straight down okay. And there's a little arrow. That turns as I'm doing this. Me see here so something that's not working right see. What I mean anyway there. All right I got working right. You turn you can see the little red arrow right there. That tells you the degrees of the slope. That you're going to be going on. All right that little red arrow. Idon't like the fact. That in order to get a in my opinion a better estimate of the slopes angle.
It also has this little edge right there but. Ipersonally find that to be not quite as accurate as. Iwould like you have to use the lid itself in order to measure. That angle so I like using the. One that's actually in the compass but in order to do. You have to get rid of your bearing and well yes. You should remember. You should write everything else like. You ever forgot to do. That you're gonna completely throw yourself off. That's an issue. That would be an easy thing for them to fix. Ithink should be fixed. If you're going to include. Something like that in the compass itself. You should definitely include. It properly I don't think. It was done quite right here. Ithink the compass itself overall is okay but.
You can definitely see. Some quality issues with the text on the actual compass itself it's kind of blurry. And pix elated that was just being cheap on their part overall. Iwas to rate this compass I'd probably give it a three maybe. And the only reason. Igive it a three is. Because it's accurate. If the compass itself was not accurate then. Idefinitely wouldn't. Even give it you saw with just a minute ago. Istill had issues with. Now on camera and I'm not gonna edit. That out anything I want. You to see the actual problems. You have with this compass. And it'll get you need to go but. You can afford I would definitely buy a better quality. Imyself I'm kind of on a budget so.
Ibuy the best quality stuff. Ican get this was the best compass. Icould buy for the money but as far as kind of disappointments go. It could be a lot better. It is but you have. Any comments on this compass. You happen to own this compass. You have any kind of suggestions. If I'm doing something wrong. You have things you think. Ineed to do another review on. And kind of include. More issues please let. Me know just go ahead. And leave a comment below. And again thank you so much. You like this video please hit the like button. And subscribe thank. You so much and please have a great day bye-bye.
Brunton® Geo Pocket Transit Compass
3.8"L x 2.8"W x 1.3"H.
Wt: 12.8 oz.
- Quad – Quadrant Graduated Circle.
- 360° – Azimuth Graduated Circle.
Brunton® ADC Pro Atmospheric Data Center
Weather conditions can change in an instant. Stay informed on your treks deep into the backcountry or high into the mountains with Brunton's ADC Atmospheric Data Centers. Measures, counts, tracks, interprets, forecasts and logs virtually every aspect of your trip. Each unit measures current temperature, current wind speed, maximum wind speed, average wind speed, wind chill, minimum wind chill and current water speed. Plus, it features a wind-speed alarm and a wind-chill alarm. Convenient 12/24-hour clock, time/date function, chronograph and race/countdown timer keep you on track.4.3”L x 2”W x 0.8”H.
Wt: 2.4 oz.
- Wind – In addition to the basic features mentioned above, this unit is also waterproof, so you can travel into wet conditions with confidence.
- Summit – Weatherproof. Also features current barometric pressure, past 24-hour pressure graph, weather prediction for next 12 hours, storm alarm, current altitude, maximum altitude, altitude alarm, ski run counter, IR data communication and manual and automatic data logging.
- Pro – Weatherproof. Includes all of the features that Summit has as well as current relative humidity, air density, relative air density, heat index, dew point, wet bulb and density altitude.
Brunton® DWB 1894 Gentleman's Pocket Compass
2.4”H x 2”W x 0.6”D.
Wt: 2.2 oz.
Brunton® TruArc™ Compasses
- 3-Base – 3.5"L x 2.5"W x 0.5"H. Wt: 1.1 oz.
- 5-Base – 4.2"L x 2.9"W x 0.6"H. Wt: 1.8 oz.
- 7-Mirror – 3.9"L x 2.9"W x 0.8"H. Wt: 2.2 oz.
- 20-Mirror – 4.1"L x 2.5"W x 1"H. Wt: 3.6 oz.
Oh hello everyone this is Brian with tsimko survival. Idecided to do an update for the Brenton Tarak 20 compasses. And that's going to be very short video. Ialready did I already had a video posted for it but a lot of people kind of got stuck on the lanyard thing and that's not the reason. Iactually consider. This compass to be a failure, so I'm gonna take. That video down and redo. It to better clarify. What issues I have with. It a lot of the issues are very small. You can go ahead and watch my original video for those. Something I found after. That video so I'm gonna go ahead. And just focus on that the kind of better clarify. What I'm talking about here. Now the issue I have is. This compass the hash marks. That go around the outer edge here to mark the degrees are not the same distance apart. They go out at angles. It really looks like a five-year-old drew them let. What I mean you look right down there at the bottom of. That green marker you can see. That not one of those marks between the 190.
Or the 1 160 mark and the 150 mark not. One of them is straight. Or the same distance apart right there at the bottom of. That green line for example. One of those five markers is completely different spacing now a lot of people are going to say well why does. That matter well it matters a lot. It comes to the accuracy of a compass. This needle here is accurate. And pointing in the right direction. These markers are actually your bearing and that's what's going to actually give. You your directions. If these marks are not straight. And are not lined up. And evenly separated then your bearings are going to be off. They aren't going to point the same direction as you're supposed to be going because they're they're going to be different distances as.
You can see you know the difference between. This bearing and that bearing is very little but in essence between. This bearing and this bearing is fairly significant. That difference can throw your compass off accuracy every compass is going to be a little bit off just because of the needle okay not every compass is exactly correct. Because the needles themselves are going to have a little bit of an error. Most range between 05. And 1% okay not a huge deal I'd prefer. More like half a percent but a 1% is better. Most of them but one not only is. That needle going to be off. Ibelieve they state. That it's 05 which is. One of the reasons I wanted. You look at the bottom there those hash marks are also off so as a result.
Idon't know what my actual bearings are like. Somebody gave me a bearing you know to go meet with them. Something like that gave. Me a bearing and I turned. This compass to that bearing I don't know. Many degrees off I'm going to be from. Where I'm supposed to be. All the way around these things are different spacings as. You can see very. Few of them actually match up. And because of that because of. That issue I consider. This compass to be not worth very much. Because it's just if my bearings can't be accurate. Because the distance spacing is off then. Isupposed to know that I'm actually going where I'm supposed to be going and hmm on a side note. One of the things that people were telling me on my last video was to attach the lanyard point instead of on the boot to attach.
It right here on the compass. And that's fine and good that'll work but my concern is. This isn't a metal there's no metal in here at. All in fact you can see there. That it's just two little pieces of plastic. That make up the hinge. And my concern is and the two pieces aren't. Even connected together my concern is. This lanyard through. That hole this bounces around. Anything else you know hits a tree. Anything like that the impact on. This could end up misaligning my hinges. That point this thing becomes a lot harder to use. It may not open properly. It may not lock properly so. Idon't feel comfortable with the fact. That I'm we having to use the hinge itself which is just plastic to put. This on personally I would have much preferred. They actually put a lanyard spot on the compass somewhere other.
Then just there and that's technically not a lanyard spot that's technically your sighting home so you're not really supposed to put a lanyard there it's a it's a fix but it's not meant for. Where the lanyard is meant to go so there. You have this is my update my new update to the button to our compass. That I've clarified things a little bit for everybody so. We don't I don't have. More confusion as far as. What I have a problem with goes my problem isn't with minor stuff like the lanyard point. Or an arrow anything like. That's minor stuff that's. Something I can deal with my issue is with those lines right down there not being evenly spaced. And for those of you who say.
It doesn't matter it does matter. If you're one degree off on a compass like. This that's fifty-two feet for every mile. You walk a 100-mile hike which people do is going to put. You a mile off of your actual destination point so having a compass. That is already going to be about a half a degree off which is. What they advertised for this Brenton. And then combined with the fact. Ihave no idea how far off I'm going to be because of. These lines being off. Idon't know what the actual degrees are but the actual bearing is. These lines are so off so. Ihave no idea this thing could be five percent off for all. And I'm not willing to take. That risk on a piece of equipment. That I'm supposed to be able to rely on especially in a situation like.
Igo camping and get lost. This thing to be able to get. Ican't end up miles off course just. Because the people who made. This couldn't take the time to make the bearing markers properly that's the problem. That problem so I have clarified things for everybody. This is the last video I'm going to be making on the Brenton. Because I'm not going to remake. This again you have a problem with. What I've done here. You want to just like the video. Anything like that go ahead. It but at least watch the video. And kind of talk with. Me about it leave a message. Me know why you're disliking the video so. Ican better understand what's going on but there. You have that is my update thank.
You so much for watching if. You have any questions comments. Or concerns please leave a link below. You like this video please hit the like button. And subscribe thank. You so much and have a great night bye-bye.
Brunton® Non-Magnetic Tripod
Wt: 24 oz.
Brunton® Compass Instructor Kit
Available: 12-Piece Kit, 24-Piece Kit.
The true arc-15 can really be thought of as Big Brother to the truck seven functionally they're really similar in. Both have clinometers. And a sighting mirror but with the inclusion of the ever north rare earth magnet the true arc-15 is built to eliminate interference from outside influences like metal. Or magnetics and can be read close to the body. While moving or not on perfectly balanced terrain the 15 is a great option. When you're in confined spaces. Or around other people. And other gear such as radios. Or transceivers the true arc-15 also has a global balancing needle so. When you're on a pitch. Or moving slowly you can still get accurate readings. And the leveling bubble ensures accurate readings over longer distances the in klonoa has a fully mirrored backing. That protects the dial. And the base plate is sturdy with a mat magnifier.
Even the marks on the dial are magnified so it's easy to read. Where snow safety Pro. Ican't think of a better choice in the true arc 15.