Top 18
Browning® BXD Upland Extra Distance Shotshells – Per Case
Winchester® 15-Round Value-Pack Slugs
Hornady® SST Sabot Slugs
Hey how's it going guys in this video I'm going to do a water jug test with these hornady sst sable slugs and I'm. Going to be using my moss berg 535 with a 24-inch fully right now so this is the. Shall right here and that's actually the. Same exact projectile that's inside the shell the slug weighs 300 grains in its 50 caliber and according to the box they. Have a muzzle velocity of 2,000 feet per second so let me know how many water jugs do you guys think that's sst stable. Slug is going to go through i think we're gonna blow the heck out of the first jug and then our projectile will. Stop in jug number four well let's get started with this test and find out, and we're going to be shooting from about ten yards away. Wow so i can already tell there's a lot. More penetration than i expected there's jug number five still sitting on the board and number six is over there leaking and that must be jug number one completely blown apart and the other. Part of jug number one over there and. Here's a jug number two and then three. And for sos here's jug number one just completely devastated and blown open kind of hard. To tell where the entry hole was since it's just so destroyed I'm assuming it. Was right here so little towards the. Left and yet that's gotta be it because here's the exit also on the left side but wow that's just incredible damage to. Jug number one and there's also a bunch of little fragment holes you can see. There's our main exit and then out. Little fragment exits and it blew the handle clean off so i pretty much just. Exploded jug number one and jug number. Two out entry obviously right here with. A fragment entry as well and obviously. It's not as damaged as jug number one so. By far the majority of our energy was. Deposited in that first jug but it is still broken open pretty good we have. Tearing on the side here i don't know if. That's from fragments it must be i don't know what else would have done that and here's our exit on the back of number two and there's also an exit down here. And here's jug number three looks pretty. Similar to number two just slightly less. Damaged the handle broken open here. That's pretty cool and that was our entry hole also with fragment entries. And our exit at this point it's kind of. Just a small exit and it doesn't look like any fragment exits either and number four looks like we just have one clean entry that's time and even less. Damage still quite a bit though cracked open pretty good here on the side but. That's it and then our exit hole was right here and jug number five is still. Sitting on the bowl, and we have a lead fragment on the board. Also so a piece of that sst slug came. Out of the jugs and is just laying right there by jug number five and here's our entrance hole on jug number five and you. Can hear something floating around in there probably fragments and there's. Pretty much no damage to five except the entry and exit right here that's what. Was inside jug five just a little lead. And a copper fragment and then our slug. Went into jug number six rights here it. Did not go out it almost did though wow look at that there's a bulge right here. With an impression of the slug and it cracked so our slug just barely stopping jug six. And you can see it in the bottom right there wow so i was really wrong i. Thought that slug was gonna stop in jug four and here's the slug recovered from jug six pretty cool so the original. Diameter was half an inch and after. Going through six water jugs that expanded to 0.67 two inches and its. Original weight was 300 grains and just. The slug now is two hundred and twelve. Point seven grains but with the other. Fragments that were recovered 227 grains. And here's what our slug looked like before and after the test so definitely. A pretty awesome slug i really like its performance but anyways that's all for. The warning ss t let me know you guys if. You guys liked this video make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel and if you can check out my. Facebook page also called the ballistic i post short little flips on that page you guys might enjoy so make sure to check it out if you can is there's any other kind of test you guys want to see make sure to let me know and as always thanks for watching.
Winchester® Super-X® Buckshot Shotshells
Proven effective in the field since 1922, Super-X ammo is precision made with high-quality materials for reliable performance you can count on to provide game-dropping results. With a velocity of 1,325 fps, these 2-3/4", 00 buck, nine-pellet shot shells pack awesome knockdown power for deer-sized game.Available:
- Per 5.
- Per 15.
Hey bubba tech here also known as okie. Tools and i'm doing a another buckshot. Patterning video today we're going to be patterning some winchester's super x 12. Gauge 2 and 3/4 thirteen hundred and. Twenty-five feet velocity-9 pellet. Double-aught buckshot and this is going to be just another test of the types of. Buck shots that are available in stores this one's pretty widely available i got. This one i think at academy about 5. Bucks it's a little bit more maybe about. Like 50 cents more expensive than the remington express buckshot that i like. To use but it's still pretty affordable so let's go ahead and see how it does ok. First shots are gonna be from 10 yards using my remington 870 police magnum 20. Inch barrel so real quick before we get. To the targets and how the actual buck. Shot performed in pattern as you saw. From those previous sequence of video i. Want to go ahead and just talk about the round itself real quick here on the tabletop so you know everybody's pretty. Familiar with winchester super axe you. Know red shell and high brass so it's. Just pretty basic there's also another round that i think. I'm going to be testing that's from winchester that is the the mil spec or. The green or the od green or whatever you want to call it from winchester that you know scuttlebutt arounds pretty much basically the same exact thing as this one chester super x and that's why i've kind of put off testing that round but i. Think i'm going to just to kind of prove to myself and such you guys can see too. That it is basically the same thing and. Performs the same way and everything so stay tuned for that just real quick to talk about the round now if you've seen the remington video. That i did recently and the one i had. Done quite a bit ago a couple years back. And i'll put that in stationed in the comments and you know. At the end of the video as well and i. Think you guys should go check that out to kind of see what i'm talking about in. That video i talked about shot cups and had actually recovered some and it's an actual cup that goes around the actual. Shot and as it comes up barrel it opens up with these wings and separates from. The shot and allows the shot to go downrange and it just kind of protects. The shot keeps the shot together as it's moving to the barrel winchester super x. Doesn't actually have anything like that what it basically has is a plastic wad. So this piece right here this end get of. It actually sits over the powder and the. Shot actually sets up against this and. This actually pushes the shot down the. Barrel but it doesn't keep it in place or surround it in any way i guess some. People like it that way i don't know i kind of like a shotgun this is a big. Improvement however over what winchester. Used to use i have actually seen pictures and some videos of winchester buckshot that had been opened up to kind of show what you were getting with that. Round and it was actually cardboard wads. Instead of actually a plastic wad like. This one so you know his cardboard paper. Compressed into a wad and then put over the top of the powder and to help propel. The shot down the barrel and then you know allow the shots continue downrange and it just you know fall off so the. This does the same thing basically but it is plastic and it does give you a little bit more distance than that waugh. Did that cardboard wad did and it's just. It's just a better design then geez using some cheap cardboard but it would. Be nice to see them have a shot of all the much nicer rounds that don't. Actually cost anymore and in some cases. Like i've seen remington express go for. Less than one gesture super x have shot. Cups so as the federal a federal also has. Baffling the little almost like very small styrofoam pieces that actually go in between the shot to actually keep it packed together and protect it as it's. Going down the barrel so i mean there's for the same price basically or maybe. Even a little bit less you get rounds that have a little bit more sustenance. To them a little bit more design features in them but it's nice to see that winchester has gone to using a much. Better wad than they have used in the past would be nice to see them use a. Shot cup though in the future okay we. Got the 10-yard targets here and we're gonna go over it so the reason why i. Shoot three rounds if you hadn't seen my other videos three rounds at the same range is you know at ten fifteen and. Twenty five is to get an idea of how. That round is going to perform over multiple shots if you pattern at once you know shoot at once it gives you a pretty good idea but it really only gave you a good idea of how it performs that singular time it's. Nice to actually have a few targets to. Look at to get an idea of the consistency of that round and how it performs over multiple shots so that's. Why i shoot it a few times here which is a good idea for you guys to do too when you're doing your patterning to get an idea of its consistency and we really do get an idea in this round of its consistency get to that in a moment what. I want to say first off is the first thing that came to my mind when i saw these rounds after i shot them these these patterning after i shot and here. On the table again while i'm looking at them is that this round at 10 yards. Seems to really like to spread out so by. And large when you're at five yards it. Should be just looking like a ragged hole and at ten yards what you're kind of really going for is for it to be basically as much as. Possible within all the shot to be with inside of a six inch circle like that and not just that per se but just you. Know nicely grouped together with inside. Say a six inch circle if you have some fliers here and there you know it's almost unavoidable when you're talking about nine balls of buck shot just going down the barrel and banging into each other like what you're going to get when you don't have a shot cup from like winchester here so you may. Have some fliers that's understandable but you want that to be still fairly. Tight and in this particular case you're. Not really seeing that it that's not terrible though it still looks like a very consistent round getting to consistency so you have three out up. Here and you have three out over here. The difference in variation there's probably just from my hold and my actual. Shot on the target just from my accuracy and whatnot but that's very you know. Similar to each other home you know. Almost identical and the positioning and everything so you know some of the shot. Hang appears some shopping up here some of the shopping up here some shopping down here and then these shots over here basically to the right of a right of the. Circle so i mean it's a very consistent round from what i'm saying you even have wad hits wad strikes on the target at. Very similar positions so i mean it's a. Very consistent round and here we go on. Number three all nine are actually on the target the. Ninth one was right there i drew an arrow to show where it was that and there's another large strike that's a complete pass through on that one in particular but so you know though those. Logs are cooking and going downrange sometimes but very similar here you do. Have four out but you still have the three over here to the right upper right of the circle and you just had another flyer out there but it's patterning. Pretty wide you know spreading out. Pretty good at 10 but it's doing it consistently and that is a positive for. You i do prefer a little bit tighter if. You're like me and you do prefer a little bit tighter than you know you might be looking elsewhere but if a little bit of spread is okay for you you. Could do a lot worse than what this is looking like i mean if you're interested in spread that's looking pretty good and as far as consistency this round is looking pretty good so far so let's go ahead and take a look at the next one okay next shots are from 15 yards so at. 15 yards you're really gonna start seeing as you can see here on the 15-yard targets you're really gonna start seeing a lot of that spread coming. In again and these shots especially on. The number two are very spread out so as. You can see here i wrote there are you know nine pellets in there only eight went on target here so you had one flier i believe because of this deal acceleration right here is probably off to the left there over here. You had seven on one impacted down here. As you can see and then another one as. You can see from this arrow impacted right here to the side that only counts. For eight there is a ninth one that is. Missing that i'm assuming since it was kind of trailing off over here it's over here somewhere off target and then down. Here on the three position all nine were. On but there number nine was probably the very best. Target but still really spread out it. Started intruding onto the number one target up here as you can see and you do. Have four in you also have four in and. Number one and you almost have four in on number two you kind of have this this. Pattern where you get like these four that are in and four that are out and the periphery you also see that number. Two almost four that are in and four that are out on the periphery and then here at the number three position you. See it real well you actually have four in and then four that are out here and then a fifth one up here so i mean it's they're still patterning fairly consistently like each other again watch. Strikes on all the targets and. Definitely in my opinion number three pattern the best out of the three extra. Shots but i mean you're getting a lot of spread still a lot more spread than what. Uh what i'm kind of used to with my. Remington express round that i like so well or some of the other rounds that i've tested but i mean it's it still. It's not terrible i'm not gonna i'm not trying to bad-mouth that or anything it's just pretty spread out but it's. Still looking fairly consistent i mean there's still performing fairly similar. To each other okay the next series of sequence of shooting it's going to be from about 25. Okay so we have the 25 yard targets here. And as you can see the very first thing. Right off the bat there is a very large watch strike right. Here dead center on the number one in the six-inch circle but there are no. Buckshot strikes inside the six-inch. Circle they are all dispersed mostly. There's you know a few over here but they're mostly disbursed up here to top. Of the right of the six-inch circle and. All nine are on this particular target you're really getting a feel here 25. Yards from coming from ten yards what. That spreads looking like out here you're not getting these strikes in the middle other than the wad so this is a little. Too target here it has another watch strike right up here all nine are on if. I'm not mistaken and again you this is. Probably the best one because of those. Two that are actually in the six and circle but the circle good but again it. Is patterning more up here towards you know to the right of the target and up here with you these up here so this is. The best one because you do have three that actually did impact inside the 6s circle and as close to that you know at. 25 yards the shots gonna be opening up pretty a lot you know any manufacturers. Shots gonna be opening up a lot at 25. Yards but you know you're wanting to have it. As dense in the center of the target as. It can be and you're just not really. Seeing that here this is the best one of the three that'll give you the most idea. On a good on you know optimally how. That's going to perform and it's still i. Mean i've seen better out there for sure. So this is the third target it is 8:00. On so one was a flyer as you can see the. Watch strikes over here and there's one that was down there one pellet that hit. Down there you have a one in and one. That almost got in and this one's more. Centered these could be variations on my. Hold on the target my actual shot placement but because they seem to be. Performing very similar to each other striking on the right upper part of the target having either 2n or too close or. None in and with watch strikes on all. Three targets there if anything you're. Seeing some consistency just like you get at 15 just like you did it 10 yards with how they're performing but going. Back to the number two this being the. Best of the three that a second shot. You're looking for it to do a little bit better than that you're getting a lot of spread if spread is your thing then this. May be what you're looking for but you're getting a lot of spread and that's not really what you want and i've. Heard this about winchester super x before it's not the personal round that i like to use or that i've ever really. Used for anything in the past i just. Wanted to test it for you guys so you could see it it is an affordable round i. Think i paid like five bucks for the box. Of five there are some others that are. Out there that are less expensive than slightly less expensive that to perform a little bit better but just want to. Give you guys an idea of how was going to perform across three shots at three different ranges and the one. Thing that you are getting is per round it is performing consistently with the. Rounds that you are firing at that. Particular time so they are performing consistently together but they're. Performing consistently in a big spread and that if you're like me maybe too big. Of a spread but if that's your thing you. Know okay not bad melvin it just showing. How it's performing so this was my video. Showing how winchester super x 12-gauge. 2 and 3/4 1325 feet per second velocity. And or per minute sorry about that at a. Nine pellet double-aught buckshot. Performed thanks for watching.
Winchester® Super-X® Xpert Hi-Velocity™ Game and Target Steel Shotshells
Hevi-Shot® Hevi-Metal® Pheasant Loads – Per Box
Uses the same layering technique of dual-density pellets as Hevi-Metal, combined with premium steel and Hevi-Shot® for all the power-packing punch you need. Hevi-Shot steel no. 4 shot matches the knockdown power and the effective range of lead no. 5 with a better pellet count. Hevi-Metal shell has 14% more pellets than a steel shotshell with the same effective range. Significantly higher pellet counts fill in any possible holes in the pattern. Layering ensures the high-density pellets outrun the steel for maximum patterning consistency. 25 shells per box.Apply now
Winchester® Blind Side Steel Shotshells – Per Box
hello my name is Brad Kriner I'm the Winchester product manager for shot shell and rimfire and what we're going to talk about today is our newest waterfowl product on the market called
Winchester® AA Shotshells – Per Case
The famous Winchester double a shot gel hard shut for tight patterns reloadable high-strength hole clean burning double-a primer. And powder and loads for every shooters needs as the official shot shell of the USA shooting shotgun team to Winchester Double A is ideal for competitive shoots on the range. And super for smaller upland game like dove.
Winchester® Xpert Hi-Velocity Steel Shotshells – Per 10-Box Case
Federal Top Gun Pink Target Loads - Per Box
Support breast cancer research with these limited-edition, pink-hull loads. Federal will donate a portion of the sales of these "Hulls for Healing" shells to support the fight against breast cancer and find a cure. Only available in 12-ga. 2-3/4" No.8 loads, these shells feature clean-burning powder, eight-segment crimps and hard, high-quality shot. 25 shells per box.Another review for you today of the federal target loads but pretty much. Everyone watching these videos is familiar with the number each one an. 8-ounce and you got three for your jab. Equivalent and you got it in 12-gauge and that's what we always pick up before we go to the range, but we read our local. Dick's sporting goods, and we saw this pink box you know i picked it up at first look. The exact same everything was the same, and we picked up we each picked up a. Case of it so me and my buddy so now we. Have a lot of these the holes are pink. And i guess it's for breast cancer, so we thought that it would be a nice thing to. Get a better picture of it and so we. Thought it'd be a nice time again as the normal one, and so we picked it up we go. On out to the range and firing it with. The moss berg 500 went off without a. Hitch it was working beautifully just wasn't noticing any difference then i. Started shooting my browning a 500 g and. I noticed that the shells weren't. Popping out the ejection port as quickly. As normal and I'm thinking to myself. Uh-huh i wonder why that is they're probably exact same why am i even thinking about it and then my friend he. Gets his gun jammed up too and we took a. Closer look at the box the dram on the. Ping clothes is actually two and three quarters so it's got less it's less dram. Than the standard target lowe's which i. Thought was weird i thought they were the exact same thing with just different color turns out they're not and i don't. Now why federal would make this one. Way and this way the other and call it the same thing because it's kind of confusing but i mean like it just really. Was a shock to us because we were like wow that's really weird that they would do that was really messing with my friends gun. But it could have been that it was. Sub-zero temperatures this morning while we were our there and that could have. Had something to do with it he hadn't lubricated in his action in a while so i don't know it was probably a combination of both but i just thought I'd let you guys know that it was these are not the. Same and make sure you knew what you were buying.
Federal Premium® Trophy Copper Sabot Slugs
Enjoy outstanding accuracy, optimal trajectory and devastating terminal performance from a sabot copper slug that incorporates some of the most advanced technology in the ammunition industry. The slug is externally skived and sports a polymer tip, resulting in excellent penetration and lethal expansion across a wide range of velocities. Its sleek profile gives an increased ballistic coefficient for flatter trajectories and longer effective range. Per 5.Okay all right here we go again federal. Premium trophy 275 grain out of the 20. Gauge slug gun when this thing kicks i. Rationally do not enjoy shrimp this thing where every time the scope hits me. In the forehead i don't know what to do. I'm a darn thing kicks like a mule I've. Got my quarter inch stick it's a. Rectangular tubing but the wall. Thickness is like quarter-inch wall here. We go get ready to get smacked in the. Forehead I'm going to try to hold it real tight so it's done it all right. Ready sammy hold your ears.
Hornady® Custom Lite Slugs
With nearly 40% less recoil than standard slugs, Hornady's Custom Lite Shotgun Slugs let you concentrate on your trophy, not your shoulder. FTX® bullets with Flex Tip® technology deliver pinpoint accuracy and devastating ballistics. Hornady's exceptional materials and standards ensure this ammunition performs reliably and consistently. Five rounds per box.Remington® Express Long Range Shotshells
Een sterke terugval. De renovatie de e mail week eerder. Meneer dit is incl. Pechtold verder dinsdagochtend. Maar het einde maken aan. De pers aanwezig 9 voor wat je ook doet. Moet je eens iets huren. Je kunt de verklaring is dat terzijde. Door de knal de woning aan. De kleine man toch waren. Bright thing het bnp Nijmegen zo klinkt het. En ik denk dat is. Shell kan ik het niet doe je ldd. Brunssum. Verbeek hield. Naar de buitenwereld. Gemiddeld miljoen zijde. Hoe het duel. De return. X het kostte hem bijna op.
Lightfield Home-Defense Ammunition
• 12-ga. HV Star Round – 1.25"-dia. star has a relatively high velocity but very low mass. Large flexible design collapses on impact and imparts its available energy across a larger area.
• .410-bore Rubber Buckshot – Four .0406"-dia. balls have a relatively high velocity but very low mass.
Federal® Dove and Target Shotshells – Per Box – Cabela's Exclusive
Winchester® Super Dove Game & Clay Load Shotshells – Per Case
A sure bet for dove and other small game, Winchester's Super Dove Game & Clay Load Shotshells deliver balanced patterns and knockdown power on every shot. An ideal balance of powder charge and shot payload, Super Dove shells deliver high velocities up to 1,350 fps to outpace fast-flying game birds. The one-piece, hinged wad helps deliver tight, consistent patterns and reduced recoil. Finally, Winchester's time-tested 209 primer and clean-burning powder ensure reliable ignition in any conditions and consistent performance from every shell in the box. 25 shells per box. 10 boxes per case. Sold per case.
Length: 2-3/4".
Winchester® USA Target Load Value Pack
Apply now