Top 18
W.R. Case & Sons® Navy-Blue Bone XX Folding Knives
Learn more about W.R. Case and Sons®Based in Bradford, Pennsylvania, W.R. Case & Sons has been in the knife-making business since 1889 when four Case brothers began fashioning knives and selling them along a wagon trail in upstate New York. A unique tang-stamp dating system used since the very early days of Case's history has made them one of the world's favorite collectable brands. Each Navy-Blue Bone XX Folding Knife is embellished with the red Case logo and a deep-blue handle. Ultradurable stainless steel blades. Highly-polished bolster contrasts with the navy-blue bone handle. Made in USA.
• CopperLock® – Clip-point blade.
Clip-point-blade length: 4".
OAL: 8.25".
Closed length: 4.25".
Wt: 2.8 oz.
• Trapper – Clip-point and spey blades.
Clip-point-blade length: 3".
Spey-blade length: 3".
OAL: 7.25".
Closed length: 4.125".
Wt: 4 oz.
• Small Texas Toothpick – Clip-point blade.
Clip-point-blade length: 2".
OAL: 5.25".
Closed length: 3".
Wt: 1 oz.
• Tribal Lock – Spear-point blade.
Spear-point-blade length: 3.63".
OAL: 7.755".
Closed length: 4.125".
Wt: 3.3 oz.
• Mini Trapper – Clip-point and pen blades.
Clip-point-blade length: 2.7".
Pen-blade length: 2.75".
OAL: 6.25".
Closed length: 3.5".
Wt: 2.7 oz.
• Mini Copperhead– Wharncliffe and pen blades.
Wharncliffe-blade length: 2".
Pen-blade length: 1.6".
OAL: 5.375".
Closed length: 3.125".
Wt: 1.3 oz.
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CRKT® Ken Onion Hootenanny Folding Knife
Blade length: 3.34".
There's the logo by the way hootenanny can onion. What a cool name right by the way. These does have the ikbs bearing system in the pivot which is fantastic incredibly smooth. And so fast and just flies out. And requires no flick no. Nothing oh man that is so nice. Iwill take a bearing pivot anytime. Ican get it welcome back you're watching the leap boy scout channel. And you've tuned in to my review of the CRKT hootenanny from our friend Ken Onion yeah man. This guy is a classic knife maker. Idon't really need to say. Anything about him you guys know ken onion is the bomb right I'm gonna bring out a couple other Ken onion knives here in a little bit but we're gonna just bask in the hootenanny for a little bit. And enjoy the amazing design here. This is fantastic guys. And I'm gonna show some testing of.
This knife very shortly here in. This video that goodness. Iwas just really impressed with the ergonomics of. This little blade I mean its look at. That here it is in the hand alright it's not. That big alright it doesn't seem like it's not. That thick either so. Where are the ergonomics. Where is the stuff that's gonna help. Me out make this super comfortable in hand for hard work. Idon't know it is but somehow. This thing was extremely comfortable doing all the work. Idid with and we'll get into. You the testing here in a little bit but first we'll just kind of get into the knife. Some of these features. Some materials. It is 8 CR 13 MOV steel a decent steel chinese-made. That works well has to be resharpened fairly frequently. It holds up to just about. Whatever but yeah again it's not the best for edge retention can rust.
That other stuff you guys are probably familiar with. It's an inexpensive steel. That does an alright job. Idon't mind it there's the logo by the way hootenanny Ken onion. What a cool name right by the way. These does have the ikbs bearing system in the pivot which is fantastic. And incredibly smooth. And so fast and just flies out. And requires no flick no. Nothing oh man that is so nice. Iwill take a bearing pivot anytime. Ican get and I'll compare. It to at least one other bearing pivot knife here in a little bit the steel as. Imentioned is ACR 13 MOV the blade length 337 5 good length for EDC. What I would call what he would call a frame lock. This area that looks to be bolstered is really just part of the frame so. Imean there's some really interesting design to. You know that's obviously. That bolstered top part of the frame comes down here then we've got a scale over the top of the frame rounding it.
And giving it some comfort having a nice. That kind of fish scale dragon scale sort of texture. Or appearance anyway it's very nice-looking really attractive doesn't provide a lot of grip provide. Some texture just a little bit but not so much grip. You take these off. It scales off both sides the knife still works yeah still works just fine so. You don't of course. You wouldn't be very comfortable to use but again. These are not structural that's my point pocket clip way back here following the spine of the knife which is a very cool thing helps. It to sort of disappear in pocket. It also adds to the comfort organ ah mcclee.
That is sort of back in the meat of your palm. Than fighting with your pinkie. Any other things as you're kind of dealing with. Some cuts that's something to consider. And I'm glad that can onion considered. And thought that out otherwise the shape of. It works well I did have to take. It off at one point. Some bending to bring it back. It not comes tight enough. Ican't remember to be honest it's good. And tight it works well a little back strap on here. It looks like a type of plastic. This is the type of plastic as well I'm gonna say that's like a FRN ish material. Something like that definitely not carbon fiber. Anything like that is just a simple plastic e material.
And that's what we have here as well again it's kind of FRN type of material. It works well gives. You a nice you know a little bit of a texture there to help. You hold on to it got a little bit of a jumping up here on top of the bolstered area of the frame. These little cutouts just for decoration but aren't. They good-looking and. We have a great-looking pivot there as well that's cool obviously it's just a screw just screws into. That but we've just kind of got a big flared head to. That pivot once again for good looks. And pretty much you know a lot of the features on. This knife it's not expensive materials not expensive construction, but they've given. It a lot of just aesthetics. You know that aesthetic appeal also needs a lot of machining touches which brings the price up to about $45 okay so. You can get eight CR 13 MOV steel blades for around twenty twenty-five dollars. Or less depending on if where. You shop around so if it's just the steel type you're concerned about it's a little high for the four before.
Where you're getting but that's not. All you're getting your also getting just fantastic design. And ergonomics so yeah I'd say it's worth. Ididn't mention however CRKT did send. Me Ben my buddy over there sent. Me for review I did not purchase. Idid I'd be saying the exact same things about. And I'd be happy to purchase. It really alright so we've got. Some chipping up there on the top of the blade as well allowing you to get. Some great kind of controlled cuts there oh man it's just so cool so. What I understand is. This was designed to be wasn't like a fishing knife. Something like I can't remember but Ken Onion had. Some plans for this knife. Or had to use this design for more of an outdoor hunting type application game application. And then CRKT said let. That into an EDC knife. It gave the okay they turn. And it's just fantastic. It really one in my opinion.
You guys might have seen. This in my shot show video. Idid with crkt Ben over there. Iraved about right off the bat. Ineeded to have it's great it's fantastic, so I've done. Some testing with I haven't mentioned. This little bit of jumping up here. You can sort of get your finger up there. And do a little constant. You could kind of do. Something like if your fingers are not big in fact mine kind of are so. They would probably write up a little dangerously close to the edge but. You wanted to you could do. Some cuts like this as well just. Something to point out. And again the liner a frame lock. Ishould say is well done. It comes out just enough. You can push on that very comfortably to open. And close it centering is not perfect. Ihave to point that out not. That bad he doesn't rub against the liner. This frame but it's a real well done. Ithink we've covered.
All the aspects of the knife as far as construction. And materials let's get into. Some tests this knife did a fantastic job. All around sly some paper to start of course. And sliced it like a champ like a boss just went to town there's a little bit of hanging up as. We got going but you know almost. Any knives that I've tried will do. That occasionally especially. Ihave not sharpened. It since have used. It for other things. This being 8 CR 13 MOV yeah it'll get dull in spots. If you're going to be using it. And not be sharpening it frequently so slicing some paper. It did a great job anyway. And yeah I'll give it a pass on. That of course I got into. Some cardboard with. This time some double walled stuff cutting it across the fluting and.
Inoticed right away. Us in a hammer grip. It was not super comfortable. It just wasn't something to do with the sort of horseshoe shape to the handle. That dug into my pinkie. Some other aspects to. That not super comfortable holding it in. That sort of hammer grip. Igot my thumb up on top of the blade made a world of difference in oh my gosh. It was just extremely comfortable sliced extremely well through. That cardboard you know took. It apart like a boss. And was super comfortable. Ichange my grip once again. Ialso of course had. This knife dig into. Some two-by-four and just kind of see. What it could do there. Once again holding it in the hammer grip not so comfortable get your hand on the foam on the back of the spine. All of a sudden it's the. Most comfortable life in the world. Or really close to it just felt great in hand. Iwas able to slice away.
Ikind of dig away at. That 2x4 without a lot of fatigue. And with some pretty nice effective cuts in fact. Iwas getting some really almost paper-thin slices off of. That 2x4 so it was not. You know kind of rough. And tumble just digging in. And pulling chips away. It was slicing stuff off. It was doing a really nice job. Iwouldn't tribute that to the almost paper thin blade on an edge on. It which is hollow ground so. That allows for the very final terminating edge to be very like. Isaid almost paper thin so. That dug into and just kind of sliced at. That two-by-four really aggressively. And very well so big wind there as well. One last point on that ergonomic aspect of. Something to do with the way. This blade kind of dips down like. This getting your thumb.
And writing it up on. Idon't know man whatever is having your thumb in. That position as you're doing some hard cuts. It just feels super comfortable. Ithink you're just kind of supporting the knife in the right place. And taking pressure off of other areas. Something anyway whatever the case. It becomes very comfortable. You hold that way let's compare. This knife to a handful of other great EDC knives there's a hootenanny. And around what did. Isay $45 we've also got here's the bench made 9:43. And around one hundred. And seventy dollars s30v is gonna hold up hold an edge for a lot longer no doubt no dignity then there's also the CRKT what's. One called again the ripple yes the ripple also designed by Ken Onion also featuring ikbs ball bearing pivot system fantastic just so cool love. More can onion design might as well since. It handy Kershaw leek. One of my all-time favorites just love. This as an EDC knife super thin especially on.
This frame lock version of. It carries great very aggressive sharp blade. And great steel 14 C 28. This was a Kudo plus s30v. Ididn't say it maybe. More here just for kicks there's the vg-10 Spyderco delica for full flat ground also fantastic knife at around 60 no not 60. Ithink it's 50 something I don't know I'm just giving you really big ballpark ranges here excellent knives for EDC. Ididn't tell you the hootenanny comes in at around four point eight ounces it's a little bit heavier on for EDC as far as I'm kind of how. Imeasure things and heavier. Any of these actually but. You don't really notice. That weight I don't anyway. It carries really well carries fairly nice and deep. And again the weight is kind of up here the bolster kind of up here the pivot which know. Something about that just feels great in pocket then again. That flipping action. Ikb/s flipper is so amazingly good. Iwill deal with almost.
Any potential drawback to get. That on my knife not a lot of drawbacks on. This knife I could spy. Or spot out the way is a tiny issue from my perspective given. All the other great features well that's. It that's my review of the Ken Onion hootenanny isn't. That fun to say it sure is fun to play with. This knife I Malay Boy Scout thank. You for watching we'll see. All later laser Sun. Ilike to see that definitely like to see I've spent 40 50 bucks on the right. Whatever I'm gonna stick why not have. It comes out razor sharp.
Benchmade® D2 Steel Serrated Blade Mini-Griptilian® Knives
Blade length: 2.91".
Closed length: 3.87".
Weight: 2.91 ounces.
Colors: Black, Olive.
Gerber® Bear Grylls Ultimate Pro Fixed-Blade Knife
Blade length: 4.8".
Overall length: 10".
Weight: 13.7 oz. with sheath.
This is the gerber bear grills model 31 — zero. One nine zero on the bear grill grills ultimate pro fixed blade knife. Now is being in the same kit. You can get a fire starter the sheath for this fixed blade knife. Even an integrated sharpener on the back of. This knife here how it's going to come with the little blade protector. Ihave taken that offer right. Now to show this nice full tang Gerber ultimate got nice hanging grooves textured rubber handles. Now here is this little box here. You can strike this to start the fire right here on your own blade here's the backside. Now the length of this blade is 48 inches. It is made of the 9 c19 MOV steel. It is going to come with the lanyard. This is going to have the whistle on the end of here. This is the fire starter comes with your kit just strike. That to start the fire. Now on the back of your fixed blade sheath again. This just opens up with. Some velcro slide the knife right through. This right here is the integrated sharpener. You would just slide your blade across. That to sharpen that blade up attach. It for your belt clip bear grills survival fixed blade knife comes with. Iwould say it's nylon up here. And then this is your hard Kydex the firestarter is gonna slip right there in there. And your blade is gonna be able just to slip down right inside for a nice feel Bear Grills survivor ultimate Pro fixed blade knife model 31 - 0 0 1 9 0 1.
Leatherman® Rev™ Multitool
Closed length: 3.8”.
Blade length: 2.6”.
Wt: 5.9 oz.
What's up guys ben from living Survival today. Igot a brand-new tool from Weatherman. This is the Weatherman Rev so stick with. Me so today I got a brand-new tool for 2015. This is the Weatherman Rev. This multi-tool has 13 tools on. It's very similar to the wing man. Or the sidekick of those 13 tools. You have a knife blade of course it's a 420hc knife blade similar to what's found on. Most of their multi tools. It does open from the outside which is very nice and it's got. This liner lock which snaps closed so. It does lock open and then. You just press the liner there to retract. It's got a nice deep carry pocket clip on the back that's built in. You could also take. That off you wish that about does. It for the tools on the outside. You can see there it says Phillips. And flat headed screwdriver. However those are on the inside so looking at the inside of the tool here. You have your standard players needle nose pliers up top then standard players with wire cutter below. That non replaceable blades on the wire cutter then on the inside on the. One side you have a flat blade screwdriver. And a Phillips screwdriver. And then on the opposite side of the tool. You have a can opener / bottle opener a file with a ruler on the other side. And then a package opener. These package openers come in pretty dang handy for when. You need to get into those blister packs. Or those plastic packaging that's really hard to open that's. Where those package openers come in really handy so like. Isaid 13 tools it weighs in at five point nine ounces it's very lightweight which.
Ireally like you barely notice it's in your pocket so it'd be great for like a budget EDC multi-tool definitely great for you know survival kits for maybe on the boat in the RV things like. That places you want to just stash a. You know a wallet friendly Weatherman. And still have the quality of the Weatherman. And still have that 25 year warranty which Weatherman puts on their multi-tools, so I'm going to go ahead. And play around with. This a little bit and I'll come back. And tell what I like about. All right so size-wise. Ijust wanted to compare. Few other tools here. We have the Weatherman Wave. Ihave the accessory pocket clip put on. Ilike to have a pocket clip. Ilike to use these without the sheath to slip them on to my bags. You know of course where in my pocket so. That is nice that the Weatherman Rev comes with. That pocket clip and as well. It does have the outside opening blade which is found as well on the Weatherman Wave so definitely like.
That feature about the Rev. And then here it is compared to a rebar. You can see that the rebar is pretty much the same size a little bit smaller. Than the wave so pretty similar in size to. These other to more expensive versions of the Weatherman but the weight on. This is much less definitely a lot less. Then the wave you definitely can feel the difference carrying this in your pocket, so we'll take a look at the size comparison between the blade. You can see that it's a little bit smaller. Then the wave but definitely just as sharp. This thing comes razor-sharp. And it's quite durable — there's no bend in. It really you actually have a little bit.
More Bend in the wave. You do in the Rev but. It is a little bit smaller blade. And then looking at the plier difference between the Rev. And the rebar you can see. That the rebar has the replaceable blades there which the Rev does not so. This little tool it's very lightweight very easy to use. It has the essentials. That you'd expect to find on a budget version of a Weatherman tool. It seems to be built with. You know the same quality as their other multi tools like. Isaid it's very similar to the wing man. Or the sidekick on the sidekick I've got Chris Tanner's bird in the background on the sidekick. You do have spring-loaded players a saw. And in your detachment. You don't have on and on the wing man.
You have a spring-assisted players as well. And then also the scissors. You don't get on this as well but overall. Ithink it's very nice for a budget-friendly Weatherman. It comes in about ten. Or fifteen dollars less. Then the wing man or the sidekick. Ido like how the knife is accessible from the outside of the tool without having to open. It up that's definitely a plus to have. Although they would have configured the knife blade to be similar to the sidekick. Or wing man on the sidekick. And wing man you can really get. It out very easily with. One hand one is the whole is placed quite high. And it's its placed quite low on the tool so. It does take some work to get. This open with one hand. You really can't do. It without moving your hand. Or scooching your hand up so. You know it would have been nice. That was similar to the wing man. Or the sidekick you can flip. One open with one hand there isn't. Any other tools on the outside of.
This which I find is okay. It might be nice if the package opener at least was on the outside. Ido find myself using. That a lot it would be nice. It was accessible from the outside but. That being said this isn't a key chain multi-tool so it's not like you're going to have just on your key chain. And need that very fast access anyway like. Isaid very good for throwing in survival kits bug out bags get home kits in the car to have. This in the glove box of your car maybe the glove box your boat. Or in your RV definitely handy to have with the basic set of tools. And the quality from Weatherman so guys. You enjoyed this video today on the Weatherman Rev. Ithink it's a great multi-tool for an entry level into multi tools maybe as a gift to. That doesn't have one maybe here.
You want to buy a few of them. And put them in all different kits so. Idefinitely like the aspect. And the price point. And the tool set you get on the Weatherman Rev. Isay it's very lightweight that's pretty cool as well so. You guys liked this video please give it a thumbs up make sure. You share all your social media Twitter Google+. And Facebook make sure. You leave some comments below. Ido try to reply to. And every comment and as always guys grab for more videos.
Estwing Fireside Friend® Splitting Tool
Forged, one-piece solid-steel construction eliminates loose heads and broken handles - the demise of many wood-handle axes. The Fireside Friend has a 2-3/8" cutting edge that is ideal for splitting kindling.Length: 14".
W.R. Case & Sons® John Deere Folding Knives
Learn more about W.R. Case and SonW.R. Case & Sons' John Deere Knives feature colors that any John Deere fan will enjoy. Jigged or smooth handles made with bone or synthetic material. Made in USA.
• Trapper – Clip-point and spey blades.
Clip-point-blade length: 3".
Spey-blade length: 3".
OAL: 7.25".
Closed length: 4.125".
Wt: 4 oz.
• Peanut – Clip-point and pen blades.
Clip-point-blade length: 2".
Pen-blade length: 1.375".
OAL: 4.75".
Closed length: 2.875".
Wt: 1.2 oz.
• Medium Stockman 87 – Clip-point, sheep's foot and spey blades.
Clip-point-blade length: 2.375".
Sheep's-foot blade length: 1.625".
Spey-blade length: 1.625".
OAL: 6.125".
Closed length: 3.625".
Wt: 2.5 oz.
• Slimline Trapper – Clip-point blade.
Blade length: 2.875".
OAL: 7.375".
Closed length: 4.125".
Wt: 2.4 oz.
• CopperLock® – Clip-point blade.
Blade length: 2.5".
OAL: 6.375".
Closed length: 4.75".
Wt: 2.8 oz.
• Sod Buster Jr. – Skinner blade.
Blade length: 2.562 ".
OAL: 6.5".
Closed length: 3.625".
Wt: 2.1 oz.
• Lockback – Drop-point blade.
Blade length: 1.875".
OAL: 5.25".
Closed length: 3".
Wt: 1.4 oz.
• Sowbelly – Clip-point, spey and sheep's-foot blades.
Clip-point blade length: 2.562".
Spey blade length: 1.875".
Sheep's-foot blade length: 2".
OAL: 6.125".
Closed length: 3.875".
Wt: 3.5 oz.
• Muskrat – Two clip-point blades (not shown).
Blade length 1: 2.563".
Blade length 2: 2.563".
OAL: 6.75".
Closed length: 3.875".
Wt: 2.6 oz.
• Canoe – Spear and pen blades.
Pen-blade length: 1.75".
Spear-blade length: 2.313".
OAL: 6.25".
Closed length: 3.6275".
Wt: 2.9 oz.
• Large Stockman – Clip-point, sheep's-foot and spey blades.
Clip blade length: 2.875".
Sheep's-foot blade length: 1.875".
Spey-blade length: 1.875".
OAL: 7.625".
Closed length: 4.25".
Wt: 4.1 oz.
• Mini CopperLock – One clip-point blade.
Clip-pointblade length: 2.375".
OAL: 6.375".
Closed length: 3.625".
Wt: 2 oz.
• Medium Stockman 018– Clip-point, pen and spey blades.
Clip-point-blade length: 2.438".
Pen-blade -ength: 1.625".
Spey-blade length: 1.5".
OAL: 5.75".
Closed length: 3.375".
Wt: 1.8 oz.
• Hammerhead – Clip-point blade.
Clip-point blade length: 5.375".
OAL: 8.5".
Closed length: 5".
Wt: 9.5 oz.
SOG® Baton Q2 Multitool
Blade length: 2.5".
OAL: 6.3".
Wt: 3 oz.
What is going on everybody so. Another tool overview. Some slight use with. It so I'm giving my first impressions. And things like you go back. One video I did a video on the SOG baton q2 multi-tool accidentally got. It from the Amazon center. Ibought the q3 from which is. What this video is about. Idecided to keep they gave. Me a discount code for the price difference. Ido intend on getting the q1 in the q4 there's there's only four tools in the SOG baton series. Now have two of them. And they're just they're blowing me away, so I'm probably gonna end up getting the other two so stay tuned for those videos but. One is just so damn cool it's so different. Iabsolutely just fell in love. And Layton loved it can't. Even talk right fell in love with. It I'll be carrying it for like four. Or five days and yesterday. It came in super clutch for me. Iwas replacing my halogen lights on my pop-up camera to. All LED lights it quite a bit during. That process especially. One tool on I definitely didn't expect to use but. Iwas like oh I do have. That so yeah without further ado.
It is SOG Bataan q3 just look at. That sexiness just look at. That it's so modern looking and sleek. And just slides in the pocket so well with. This pocket clip it's just awesome. And it's a completely different take on the multi-tool platform. And I'm so glad I discovered. You can in any way swing buying one of these. Iwould definitely recommend. It I'll put the link down below. Ibought mine on Amazon yes. Ihad a little mishap but the second time around was perfect. And I'm sure your experience will be the same but I'll put a link down below $7999 is. What I got this for prices might go down. This is fairly new series of tools by SOG so just like. Anything prices might go down in the future so keep an eye out for them.
You do like this but just can't really swing it rights. Now alright so it is a full-size multi-tool does not look like. You can see the tools. All there but you might be wondering how the hell does. This thing pack pliers well. It just slides open. And there's your pliers spring-loaded awesome it's got like an internal spring I do believe. You might be able to remove. That pivot and service. It ever needs that I'm not to sure of but yeah just bad ass so quick rundown with. All the tools all right so. You got two sides all outside accessible which. You need tools its very handy. And convenient to have them outside accessible like tools like my Weatherman rebar. And stuff it's not too much of a hassle but. All the tools you have to unfold. It to get to so this is just.
Another way to give. You ease of access to. All your tools so you got two sides here let's get them. All lock with this lock back design here so right. Now they're all locked so first. One little I grew up. Iglass screwdriver very fine point flathead driver there for kids tools. And eyeglasses sunglasses what-have-you. Anything super small like. That so they're not walking because they're. All out but I assure. They do lock I'll show. What the last tool I get to. This is just a little. All punch whatever. It could be used for a lot of things boring a hole in leather. You know feeding thread through just. All kind of stuff it could do. All kind of stuff haha. And then you got eight see. They lost because it's only two out right. You got a wire stripper combo'd with a slightly two-dimensional Phillips screwdrivers.
That appears to be about a p2 size which is a very common size so. That snaps in there. This part I actually used the hell out of. It last night it's a little sharpened chisel scraper thing and. Iwas working on the lights replacing all the lights on my camper. Ipulled off had a they were. All cocked around the edges so. Ihad to pry them up. And then this worked perfectly to scrape. All the double-sided tape. And caulk whatever the previous owner just went nuts with trying to seal those lights up so. This actually worked perfectly. Iwas so glad it was just literally in my pocket so that's. That side this side tools are very easy to come out as. You can see its kind of slammed there so. You could pick and choose. And select which you want. Or just get them all out like. Ijust did there as. Isay it's easy I struggle so. You got a little blade there. Iconsider all blades on. All my multi tools backups.
Inever really use them. Anything were to happen catastrophic failure on my blade. Whatever I always have a multi-tool. And my multi tools always have a blade so. Idon't use these pretty much at. All ever little two-sided file. One side is good for wood. One side is good for metal a little file there. You could probably use. This end as maybe a little flat-head screwdriver. Idon't know if it's meant for. That but then you got a bottle out bottle opener. And then another flathead driver right there it's sort of medium. And then you got your can opener. You could probably do. Something with that little piece there but can opener.
Iwill say with the chisel. Iwill recommend to not ever try to use the chisel as a flathead screwdriver. It does have a sharpened edge so you'll ruin. It as a chisel it comes to a very fine point there so just a little word of caution. You do get this tool. Iwould advise against using this as a large flat head. Because you're just gonna ruin. And roll the edge and it's going to bend. And you're gonna be pissed so that's the two plyer head very nice pretty stout not too long. And slender but it does come to a pretty fine point there. You can see the light through. Both generals do taper. And make contact there into a pretty fine little gripping edge there. And then of course you got the big rounded gripped area for grasping bolts. And things and not heads. And stuff like and then. You have non-replaceable wire cutters in their soft wire. And then it goes to. That little circle area is for harder wire.
And small cables and stuff like. This thing is just so bad ass. How I've been carrying it is let. Me grab keys I was carrying my wallet in my back left pocket. And then this down just like. And clip it to my back left pocket so. It rides more like. And then I always back left pocket. Iclip my keys to the belt loop above. And then I put my keys down in next to my wallet so stuff. They don't jingle and stuff doesn't fly off my keys. And stuff but this is a place. That I've never been able to run a multi-tool. Once with clips everything they're just way too wide. They got the two arms. That fold together I'll just I'll grab the wing man. It nearby so this has a clip as. You can see with it next to the wallet you're doubling your width. And that's just that's just enough wider. Ican't carry this configuration so obviously. You don't carry a flashlight like. II carry mine front left pocket clipped in. You could have your knife on your right side your multi-tool on your left side.
And there you go so definitely opens up. Some different methods. Or ways of caring with. This design and it's just so damn cool it's cool. Imean I'm showing a. Few people so far they're like. What how is this never been a thing before. Ireally don't know so with the slide action. Idon't have enough room here but. One hand open Abul you want to call. It with just force down like. Ihad to do it twice there. We go so you can just fly. It open like that rotate. It around and there. You go yeah I don't know. Idon't know what else to say I'll go to the specs for it. Italked about price. Everything close length is five point eight inches for reference a dollar bill is exactly six inches so.
You don't have a measuring tape nearby. You want to see because you're gonna go run. You can do that with a diode bill. And the origin is China has 13 tools the blade steel which. Ibelieve is just for the blade it's 5 CR 15 MOV I'm not quite sure of the rest of the steel yeah black. And gray anodized tells. All the tools here the weight is awesome the weight of six ounces so. If you're huge about weight. This would be perfect. If you're a backpacker. And you're really concerned about weight. This gives you a lot of function for not a lot of weight. If you're talking weight. Imean six ounces it's. Ican almost guarantee it's in part due to the aluminum construction but six ounces compared to like. This is twelve or fourteen just. Each have their part in the world but. If you're not huge and carrying the giant heavy multi tools like. This isn't that huge.
Or heavy I have the Weatherman surge. That thing is like it feels like two pounds. That thing is huge but obviously different tools different usages but hey full-sized multi-tool for six ounces in. This cool of a form I'm loving it so that's pretty much. All the specs their height weight. Everything steel so yeah. You want to see that I'll put a link down below for this. You want to see the cue to go back. Ido plan to get the q1. And Q for so stay tuned for all. That jazz guys thanks for stopping by thanks for watching like comment subscribe. You so wish and yes stay safe guys have a good. One
Mister Twister® Electric Fillet Knife
Turn on the Mister Twister Electric Fisherman when you've got fish to fillet. Mister Twister has a plastic gear train, and a steel primary worm gear for more power and cutting torque. Serrated, double-action 7" blades are super-sharp stainless steel for precise and easy filleting. You also get quick blade release and a positive safety button. These 110-volt knives have a high-impact motor housing and a handy recoil cord, and the relaxed hand design gives you good control. Knife draws 1.2 amps.Everybody my name is Tony. Iwant to just go over the benefits of. This mr twister electric fillet knife sure does help. You have a lot of fish to fillet I'm in love with. It just came back from a day on the lake got. Some nice walleye in the box it's a simple procedure. You just take one slit on the side. And look how easily. It goes right through there. One side complete you flip. It over to the same thing on the other side to tell. What offs with what is also nice as. This new fish filleting table. That sure does help out matters. You got the fillet you simply just strip. It rights off the skin. You like the skin you can scale. And keep the skin but. You don't it's a simple procedure just hold the tail let. Me spray along the skin. And it's done to fillet less. Than a minute sure do love. These fish lane tables. And the mr twister electric fishing knife.
Silver Horde® KatchKooler II
16"H x 40"W.
Wt: 14.2 oz. Apply now
Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Sharpening System
9.0625"L x 7.875"W x 10.25"H.
Grindstone: 7.87"L x 1.57"W.
Honing wheel: 6.3"L x 1.18"W.
Wt: 13.67 lbs.
Unscrew the left-handed thread EzyLock not Remove the packing sleeve. And the packing washer Put the wheel on to the shaft together with the EzyLock nut Lock the wheel by turning it anti clockwise by hand whilst holding the honing wheel Insert the pointer into the jig so its tip points towards the angle scale Then place the jig on the axis. And secure it gently with the locking screw Set your desired angle For example a knife with a 30° edge angle is set at a 15° sharpening angle Keep the knife-edge parallel to the grinding wheel whilst sharpening Follow the edge profile during the whole sharpening If your knife has been sharpened to the set angle previously 2. Or 3 passes on each side is sufficient Remember to always sharpen with the same number of passes on. Each side Apply approximately the same pressure as. When you cut with the knife When. You feel the burr along the entire edge the first step is completed If. You cannot feel the burr sharpen. Some more Make sure to always hone with the honing wheel rotating away from the edge otherwise the knife will cut into the wheel When. You no longer feel the burr your knife is ready to use Some knives have a wider handle which might get in the way whilst sharpening When. You sharpen such knives move the jig on the axis so. That the full length of the knife’s edge is in contact with the wheel Move the jig in the opposite direction. When sharpening the other side of the knife When. You have moved the jig remember to ensure. That your angle setting is still correct There is a removable magnet attached to the reverse side of the jig which collects the steel particles during sharpening The magnet can be cleaned with a tissue… ….
And then be put back again When you’re done sharpening you can pull the cord around the machine A click function by the cord’s outlet keeps. Everything in place The handle makes. It easy to move the machine. If needed Good luck!.
Kershaw® Oso Sweet Folding Knife
Blade length: 3.1”.
OAL: 7.25”.
Closed length: 4.1".
Wt: 3.2 oz.
The Kershaw oh so sweet a tale of two knives. What are you talking about late Boy Scout those are just two exact duplicates of the same knife. They are they maybe there are. Some differences there let's see let's have a look scales look the same the pocket clip looks the same just in different positions the blade shape looks basically the same is. It really two different knives trust. It is I'll get into the details here in just a second first I'll tell. You an old story actually the first story. Iever told on YouTube was about the Kershaw oh so sweet. And the new version which is. On the updated version. You can see the aligners here. It is hollow ground instead of flat ground. And also it's not ground from as high up. And the vectors as far. That comes is a little different. Iwent into that quite a bit in my first ever video. It was pretty much the reason. Istarted my youtube channel was to address. That with Kershaw and talk about the problems. Iwas having with that knife. Ifeel like they've pretty much ironed out those problems which was basically a centering issue. This one's still not perfect but it's not given the same friction. That old and the deployment is adequately fast. And adequately easy so. Ifeel like they've pretty much ironed out. Whatever problems this knife had it's really just still a little bit of the nostalgia. Iwas missing for that original version.
Ipassed up at a knife shop so long ago but. Ihave in my possession. How does that happen well. Iactually got that in a knife sale. That a fellow youtuber was having I'm lucky enough to grab. It from him it was a bit used slightly beat-up. Some scratches on it's not from. Me that's from the previous owner. It resharpens it works pretty well. Now of course there are downsides to having the old version of the Kershaw oh so sweet. This is the that was initially released. They kind of quickly said no. We need to change a couple things. Because maybe that Aust six a steel isn't quite up to par maybe. You were not getting enough of. Some for somehow for whatever reason we're not getting good supply of.
We need to change while we're changing. That let's change some other stuff like the liners which. You cannot see in this version they're in their yeah it's in there. Ionly get a light out. Iwant to kill you with brightness but maybe. You can see there are liners in there. Ithink the weight also changed a little bit between the two versions not so sure about. That but whatever the case the real difference. Iwas missing out on was. This sweet line right here. That grind and the flat grinding of. That knife which is so cool so attractive it's really just a looks thing for me really just an aesthetic thing frame ergonomically they're pretty much the same carry ability basically the same knife as far as the looks go. Iprefer that old however they've also kind of updated the updated. And they're bringing. That back a little bit. This is actually looking different from the. You saw in my original video, so they're kind of gradually moving maybe back to.
This same grind probably will never go back to a flat grind they're just. Isuppose it's more expensive. Than a hollow grind easier to mass-produce probably. Idon't know I do believe it's still made in yes China. Now with HCR 13 MOV steel as opposed to the aw609 edge. That well okay just. Something to note you are an owner of the original Kershaw oh so sweet. Idon't know you necessarily want to upgrade to the newer version. This deal is fine for everyday carry. If you've got some sort of acceptable decent sharpening system you're gonna be able to resharpen. This as often as you need to just don't thrash. You know one holds an edge a little better but not by a landslide so hang on to the.
You don't need to upgrade to. You want to be a collector. You want to have both knives which. Isort of do as you can tell a tale of two knives. And the other I like them. Both Kershaw oh so sweet I'm late boy scout see.
CRKT® Pilar® Folding Knife
Blade length: 2.4".
OAL: 5.94".
Closed length: 3.53".
Wt: 4.2 oz.
Alright guys today we're taking a look at the CRKT pill are. Another thing I like about. This knife it's a smaller knife but it's really cool. It gives this huge finger choil. Though the handle length is just under three. And a half inches it's like a four finger knife man. Ithink that's totally awesome so overall length is five point nine inches. And the blade length is two point four inches. It is eight CR 13 MOV which is going to keep. That boxing as design at an affordable price point totally cool frame lock. And like I said before the handle length is three. And a half inches it is stainless steel so it's going to be a little heavier four point two ounces. And here's your pocket clip for tip down. Or tip up carry that's. What it'll look like in the pocket. And that's what you'll see in the pocket anyways. If you're carrying it tips up. And that's what you'll see carried tip down. Now for size comparison I'm going to compare. It next to another yes / Vox native design hang on. One second the CRKT amicus so go ahead. And check one out as well. Iplayed HQ comm now guys go ahead. This knife at blade HQ comm. This is the CRKT pill are.
Smith & Wesson® Ceramic Window Punch Folding Knife
Blade length: 3.79".
OAL: 8.94".
Closed length: 5.19".
Wt: 5.92 oz.
Gerber® US-Assist Folding Knife
Blade length: 3".
OAL: 7.25".
Closed length: 4.25".
Wt: 6 oz.
This is the us assist from Gerber the pocketknife just got. Some serious balls stainless steel ones boss Tech offers Gerber smoothest. Most consistent deployment ever reduced friction allows instant access to the blade at a moment's notice. While the case system keeps the balls in place for stable performance over time designed. And built in Portland Oregon. This assisted opening knife features s30v stonewashed blade effectively to play. It with your right or left hand using the dual ramped thumb studs press the plunge lock. When it's time for the blade to go back inside the glass filled nylon handles the cross bolt safety locks the blade in place. These are closed and the scratch resistant removable pocket clip can be carried tipped up. Or tip down intuitively designed painstakingly tested the Gerber US assist is the next generation of everyday carry
W.R. Case & Sons U.S. Army Burnt Walnut Bone Folding Knives
W.R. Case & Sons' U.S. Army Burnt Walnut Bone Folding Knives boast an eye-catching appeal that makes them ideal for your collection as well as compact, lightweight designs that makes them perfect for everyday carry. Mirror-polished Tru-Sharp surgical-steel blades keep their razor-like edge.
Sod Buster Jr. – Single skinner blade.
Blade length: 2.8".
OAL: 6.43".
Closed length: 3.63".
Wt: 2.2 oz. -
Mini Trapper – Dual-blade design.
Clip-point blade length: 2.7".
Wharncliffe blade length: 2.75".
OAL: 6.25".
Closed length: 3.5".
Wt: 2.7 oz.
Apply now
W.R. Case & Sons® NRA Sculpted Bone Trapper Knife
Clip-blade length: 3-1/4".
Spey-blade length: 3-1/4".
OAL: 7-3/8".
Wt.: 4 oz.
TOPS Knives Wild Pig Hunter Fixed-Blade Knife
Blade length: 7.5".
OAL: 13".
Wt: 14.2 oz.