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HME™ Products Plastic Trail Marker Tacks
Color: White.
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HME™ Products Reflecting Metal Tacks
Color: Brown.
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Hooyman Extendable Tree Saw
Available: 5 ft., 10 ft., Replacement Blade.
Who are drapes are 33 very calmI'm here with andrew the holy man the extension tree saw. You saw just saw dude I'm an extendable tree saw. We have the lightest. Most compact extendable tree so maybe. This is our 5 wood model it's the only saw. You can use as a regular handsaw. And an extension saw. One product so it's just as a regular pooling saw just like. Any other except our teeth are heat-treated is a high-carbon sk5 steal the highest grade scale you're going to find on a softly so. You know you're going to get good fella ting cuffs very well. This isn't just snaps right onto the extension. That clock sound that's going to lock. You to go out there lead right Andrew yes. It locks open and close but reason. That's because we tested saws the past. Or people a lot of people probably out of holding saw. It gets loose down here. You throw in your pack. All of a sudden you give your panic open. You find that your peps couple better your fumble around your path usually bigger on to come. Us have probably been guilty of a balloon in the past so. What happens is it's not in a place. You can press release lever. And open that out a little snap into place so. It on the i-beam it's tightly in place there. You just open up these patches. We call the positive locking extension systems. You can see there's lots there goes into a slot. And will tell that does is make sure. When you're sawing this is never going to collapse in on.
You extension pole will never collapse in like a traditional round full song have a tendency to do. That you'll also notice ours are made out of an IV it's. All moving on all aluminum i-beam so then. That does is makes your saw lot sturdier. And stronger where you're not going to get. That downward flex player would on a round full song so a lot of different teachers but the biggest thing is the fact. These are very lightweight. This five-foot saw it weighs less. Then a pound and a half five but. Now that's the total solo rank so let's assume. All the way early okay put is snapping on that's five foot, so we're six good call ligatures. Me channel 13 14 Greek a. You can reach over 13 feet with. This result will teach out there. And it's all tree branches. You can send you can get up there. Something else that unicycle. And I've used whatever. You go going to do a lot of pressure on the thing doesn't flex like a lot of songs really flex on.
And I've used it using the trailer countries personally. Ithink it's a far superior product / what's out there on the market. You can purchase these products way men saw at Draves our tree merchant calm. You can find me on Twitter. Or via YouTube described by channels. IVI friend thank you.
X-Stand Treestands Blind Kit
- Single – Fits single-person stands like the General, Duke, Onyx and Lookout.
- Double – Fits two-person stands like the Talon, Jayhawk and Outback.
Big Game Multi-Hook Accessory Hanger
Lightweight polyproylene belt with quick-release buckle. Easy and silent access. Four adjustable hooks. Convenient hanger for bow, binoculars and accessories. Holds up to 50 lbs.Summit Treestands Adjustable Gunrest
Camo pattern: Mossy Oak® Break-Up Infinity®.
This is a look at the summit tree stands retractable deer hoist. You know anything about. Or follow my channel. You know I'm a huge fan of the Doyles gear. Ijust hate bow ropes of the passion. This on Amazon it was about half the price of the Doyles. And smaller than the Doyles so that's. What led me to buy. Ihere from Missouri for a 14-day hunt. Ionly did abuse for about ten days. And we'll get into that a little bit later but for me overall it's a pretty decent budget option the clip on the back it's an inch. And a half metal spray. And quarter metal spring clip. Idid a video on how to trim. These down for saddles so. They fit in the webbing on saddles, so I'll link to. That as well the webbing on. This is a little bit thinner. Than the Doyles gear hoist it's actually three-eighths of an inch instead of a half inch not. That big of a deal the method. They use to pull up bows. And things like that is a night eyes gear tie similar to. Something like hawk would use it's a just a piece of wire wrapped in plastic so. You can twist it up wrapped in a rubber material so.
You can twist I actually had an extra two wheels gear cinch lying around. Iadded to this as well. Isimply removed their gear tie on the end of. This cinch on and the reason why I did. It to pull up to things so. Icould use the twist tie to pull up a jacket the gear cinch to pull up a bow so. Ican pull two things at. Once overall it's a pretty decent budget option. You know if you're thinking about getting a toils. And the Doyles is just a little too expensive for you. Or maybe a little too big for your liking you can easily look at the summit for me there were three issues. Ikind of had with one is the noise it's pretty loud. You compared to the Doyles the Doodles has just got a smoother webbing noise. You can really the spring and. It noises to me is not a big issue but it's. Something you guys should be aware of is. That it's a little bit louder. Than the Doyles gear hoist the other issue. Ihad was actually the spring in here after about seven. Or eight days it would stop retracting my gear.
All the way it would stop about. You know a foot. And a half short of. This is swinging around to. Me it's not that big of a deal. You know if the winds blowing every tree around. Me is blowing so to have a string underneath my saddle blowing is not. That big of a deal but just. Something to be aware of. Ithink the spring long term. This won't last as well as the Doyles gear was. That bad at doing this gear hoist for like seven years. It still runs like a top the other thing I'm not a huge fan of their gear tie system it's a little small personally I'd like to see. On a little bit bigger maybe a little bit thicker but overall worked well. Ijust that's why I added the extra Doyle's cinch system on here as well.
And then to me the webbing the last foot of. This webbing after a couple days. Ican actually see through the webbing in the very center of. Idon't know if it's just cheap webbing and it's getting pulled to the side. Ican see through if it's actually wearing through in the center somehow. And causing that issue but it's totally in the first foot of. That big of a deal but was kind of concerning I don't know exactly what's causing it. If it's just cheap webbing so that's why I bailed on. And went back to trusty Doyle's gear hoist after like seven days not a huge fan of. Iwould rather spend the extra 18 15 bucks to get a Doyle gear hoist. Though it's bigger compared to the summit. What I would like to try to do is gut. And swap the internals from the Doyle. Ican put them inside of the summit. Ilike the small size of the summit but. Ilike the thicker webbing and stronger spring in the Doyle is deer hoist so. That might be something I may try. And do is see I can gut the Doyles.
It inside of the summit deer hoist overall decent budget option 18 bucks on Amazon. If you're looking to get a Doyle's built less. That money I recommend giving the summit a try seen. You like and then eventually. You may be able to upgrade to the Doyles key Royce.
Xtreme® Outdoor Products Offset Quick Connect Bracket
Available: Single, 3-Pack.
Hurricane Treestand PowerGRAB™
16"L x 6"W x 2"D.
Wt: 5 lbs.
X-Stand Treestands Universal Lift Cord
X-Stand Treestands Cable Lock
Available: Single, Three-Pack.
This is the extant tree stand. This is the world's lightest two-piece climbing tree stand hi my name is Tony over ball. And I'm here to demonstrate the use of the extant restain. You can see how the x10 packs on your back for easy backpacking it comes with shoulder straps already attached. And the next thing you want to do just take. It off your back I usually lean. It up against the tree. And remove the budging unclip the backpack straps from the clip bubbles. And the two pieces separate easily. How to attach the X stand to the tree first twist the pin to unlock. It pops the cable out pull. It through the loop wrap. It around the tree pull the pin pop the cable in give it a twist to lock. It to attach the bottom platform it's the same as the top twist to unlock pull the pin pop the cable out wrap the cable around the tree put. It back through the loop pull the pin pop. It in place twist it to lock. You would reattach your tether straps like. You easily be adjusted. You connect them for climbing make sure. You take out all the slack. You want as much length as possible be sure to always start your stand with an upward angle.
Because as the tree tapers. It will level out before. You ever leave the ground be sure to be connected with a harness. That has met TMA standards. All right now you're ready to climb. Once your stand has been attached your tethers have been connected. You checked all your pins. Everything is secure the seat is designed to be raised up so. You can put your hands under. And grasp the frame lift the upper part the seat portion lock. It into place placing your elbows on these pads. And grasping the frame put your feet into the foot stirrups spread them apart to take up the slack the X stand tree stand is what's commonly known as a hand climber do not sit on. This rail it as a sit. And climb always grasp the frame get up use your elbows to support your weight going up. Or down never sit on. This rail the foot strap on your X stand designed to be stepped on. And flattened out but. It is also designed for hands-free operation slide your feet through the strap spread them apart take up.
Any slack this will allow. You to comfortably maneuver the bottom platform. While climbing your feet spread apart raise the platform. And lock it into place to come back down is just a reverse of. That process reset the stand supporting your weight on your elbows lower the platform again just repeat the process the tether straps which are also your backpack straps but in. This case we're using them as a tether they're designed to secure the top part of your stand to the bottom. Once you've reached your hunting height to prevent. This top from sliding pull down on the slide buckle taking up. All the slack this will pull tension on the seat to the same on the opposite side pull. All of the slack out of the strap securing it tight. This will prevent the upper seat part from sliding or moving never allow your stand the slope. Or the downward angle. This happens you must return to the ground.
And readjust and then go back up. If it's slightly unlevel. You can pull the stand to. You pull the slack out of the cables drop the lower part. And correct this never ever detach the cable from the locking pin. While you're climbing always try to take your excess strap. And just tuck it in behind the seat so it's not blowing in the wind attracting attention. And pull a little more slack out after. You sit on the seat to make sure it's tight. Once you've done this correctly. This top portion won't move. It locks it rights into place. Many people are curious about. This Flex arm technology. What this does is as weight is applied to the stand it'll the arms will bend inwards just like. Both limbs it will allow the cable to squeeze the tree.
What makes the stand so stable. And also what makes. It so like we're often asked. How much weight will. These flex arms hold so. This is the demonstration show. That the flex arms don't actually support your weight they're only there to allow the cable to flex in. And open the cable loop for easy climbing so. What I'm going to do is take the cable completely out just put. It around the tree without using the Flex arms at. This demonstration to show. These flex arms do not support your weight they're only there to guide the cable. And to open and close the loop for easy climbing as. You can see the stand will easily support my weight without. Even being attached to pack your X stand up for backpacking just unzip your strap remove the sand from the tree same process just in Reverse as.
It on — pack your ex stand-up for backpacking take the seat portion nest. It together with the bottom platform next attach your funding board to hold the two sections together three attach your backpack straps by pulling your clip buffle through the same rung. That your foot strap is attached to clip the buckle in. And pull out the slack do the same on the opposite side pull the buckle through the frame slip them together pull out the slack. You have your backpack strap it's very quick. And easy to do once the stand is on your back. You can pull on these straps using the slide buckles to tighten. It up do not cut away. This excess strap it's needed. These are being used for tethers to climb with just tie. It off in front that you've watched.
This video and you've read. And understood all the instructions. That come with your X tender. And you've attached yourself with an approved fall arrest system you're ready to hunt. This is the extant restain just over twelve pounds it's a rose the lightest two-piece climber
Muddy® Reflective Marking Tape
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Hawk Mega Xtendible™ Tree Arm
X-Stand Treestands Treestand Seat Cover
Hi I'm Travis Macaulay with extant tree stands I'm here at the 2013 ata show just a little history about our company. This is our fourth year at the ata show the first two years. That we came to this place. We were a really small fish in a great big pond. We come and we have. This one product this is the x1 climbing tree stand. It is the world's lightest climbing tree stand. And this model on the best of the best award in field. And stream now being our fourth year we've grown into. This and of course. We have a lot of other stuff out there the first off let. Me tell you a little bit about the tree stand. That made us famous. Now this stand is unique. And different not only is. It the world's lightest but it's got a lot of other really neat features. This one bungee it comes with the stand in the Box hold your two pieces together your seat in your platform so. All you do is whenever. You take the stand-off the trees. You lay your platform down. And take your seat and lay. It on top of it and. This stand was designed for the seat. And the platform to mesh perfectly together.
And then you take out. One bungee and wrap. It around there and you're. All set up another great feature about. This stand it's whatever. You do have it on your back. And you're walking through the woods. Iknow of a lot of climbing tree stands out there. When you're walking through the woods sometimes. You got to reach back. And hold your two pieces together. Because they're clanging around. And making a lot of noise well. This thing when it's on your back. And you tighten it up it's not making any noise. It can be bouncing off your back. And it's not clanging and banging and making all. That racket it's completely silent. You can tie that off. Or do whatever you want. And to loosen it all. You do is push down on these you're completely loose. And you can take your stand-off. Now come on over here. And I'll show you what it looks like on a tree. Some other really neat features about our climbing tree stand is a quick attach system which is spring-loaded with a rubber-coated pin.
It also we also have a sit. And climb model which is. This model right here it's got a bar. You can sit on you can also use. This bar as a shooting rail an armrest a footrest. Or you can put it up out of the way. If you like our backpack straps second is our tether straps which will hook your platform to your seat. Whenever you're climbing and then. Whenever you get to your destiny. Or hike on your tree. You can tighten these up so. That the locks your see in place our whole concept behind. These limbs over here which are fiberglass kind of like your bow limbs — designed to flex so. Whenever I whenever. You put weight on the platform those flex arms will grab the cable.
And pull it tight to the tree which makes for a. More secure better sit. And then whenever you're climbing with the standing you take your weight off to bring your platform up those flex arms will pull the cable away from the tree. Because you got to get around. Some knots or some sawed off limbs. You know your cables not grabbing all. That stuff and it makes them for a lot easier climbing experience. Another great thing about. This tree stand is our seat it's got four pieces of foam. And it's designed for a very comfortable sit so. You can sit in this thing all day with no problem. This tree stands made out of high-grade aluminum so. It cost us a lot more money to manufacture.
These tree stands and. It does all of our competitors but at the end of the day you're getting what you want it's made out of t6 6061 aircraft aluminum that's. Where we get our lightweight but not only do. We get lightweight we get a sturdy tree stand. They don't rust it's practically weatherproofed. Because it's aluminum, so I'm innocent it's an awesome product we're super excited to be able to get. This thing on the market. And get it in the woods it's a great tool it's. You know for a guy that wants to get out there. And kill some big bucks its good to have a next n on your back. Because you can get deep. You can be quiet you can climb easy. And you have a comfortable sit. Now I'm going to tell.
You a little bit about our hang on Stan new for 2013 weighing in at only 10 pounds uses the same high-grade aluminum as our climate stand the t6 6061 aircraft aluminum not only is. It light but it's also super easy to hame utilizing our five-point hitch system for hanging so no matter. If the trees leaning backwards. Or forwards you can still hang your tree stand on the stand. And sit comfortably with our hitch system. Because you can level the sand. Now I'm going to tell. You a little bit about our super lightweight climbing stick it's super easy to attach to the tree. It utilizes a non-slip step the angles out away from the tree as. You can see there making it easy to get your boot on. It you don't have to worry about your boot hitting the back of the tree so it's super easy to hang it's aluminum so it's super lightweight. And it has a non-slip step with. These grooves in it I'm going to show. You how our climbing ladders. And our hang on fit together.
When you're ready to come out of the woods it's got. This one bungee which is attached to the platform of the hang on sand that'll hold your sticks to a platform make them for easy packing out of the woods. This whole system with four sticks. And your hang on weighs less. Than 20 pounds four years ago. We dropped our competitors jaws by coming in. And the tree stand industry with the world's lightest climbing tree stand which. On the best of the best of the ward in Field & Stream magazine. This year we're dropping their jaws with their all-new ladder stand weighing in at only 45 pounds. This ladder stand is the only. One of its kind you completely set. This thing up before. You ever leave the ground making it. One of the safest ladder stands out there. All you do to hook. This thing up is you leaning against the tree. And you have two galvanized aircraft cable. That drape down on both sides of the tree cross those cables behind the tree.
You run the cables through a loop. And hook them to a hook right there. And turn it and you're. All set up before you ever leave the ground. Once you climb up there's no. More doing that climb of death. Where you're climbing to stand. And then strapping a strap around the tree you're completely set up before. You leave the ground. When you climb up there's. Nothing else left to do. It also is weatherproofed. This thing's made out of aluminum. And there's no ratchet straps. That get beat up by the Sun. Or rain and wear and tear. They don't use any ratchet straps it's weatherproof super light. And you hang it and set. It up before you ever leave the ground. Iwas telling you earlier. That it was weatherproofed well. It is uses a plastic seat up there which is a big chair. You talk about a big comfortable seat man. Icould sit up here.
All day know what I'll have right here is our. All new hunting chair super lightweight. It can be great for getting out in them woods. And getting you a couple feet off the ground. You don't have to worry about having a wet seat. All you do to hook. This thing to the tree it's. That strap will run around the tree just like. This and you just pull. It tight and they don't matter. If you're on a hill. Because all you got to do is pull. That ball out a little further. If you're on a hit downhill. Or an uphill it don't matter. And then you have you a good comfortable seat. And that thing is super light.
Now right here we have our hunting blind its pattern. And mossy oak it uses elongated magnetic windows is great for a family of hunters. Or standing shots filming hunts its wheelchair accessible. You can drive a full wheeler up in. It's super roomy. It only weighs 12 pounds.
Big Game Treestands Heavy-Duty 6' Ratchet Strap
Big Game's Heavy-Duty 6' Ratchet Strap secures your treestand. 2"-wide webbing strap includes vinyl-coated steel hooks on both ends.Muddy® Rubber Wire
Length: 25-ft. Apply now
Lone Wolf Shooting Rail
Available: Regular, Wide.
Lone Wolf Wide Flip-Top Seat Kit
Lone Wolf Footrest
Lone Wolf Alpha™ Tech Seat Pad
Fits Lone Wolf Alpha Tech F1 stand and both the Lone Wolf Assault II and Lone Wolf Alpha Hang-On II.
Hi Adam Lewis here with sound barrier. And Sam Berry hunting calm today I'm going to give. You a review of the lone wolf AlphaTech hang on stand so last year lone wolf came out with. This new stand there was a little. More friendly to the wallet. Iliked lone wolf stands. And there's a lot of good things about. This but a few things. Ido not like we'll start with the good things first of. One major improvement for the lone wolf is there the seat. He is actually comfortable it's got a thick pad on. You can sit on it comfortably. Where a lot of the old seats people complained about. They were just uncomfortable. And hard so it's got a nice new comfortable seat. That is an improvement as well. It is cheaper it is noticeably cheaper. Than their other hang-on stands. That is good though it's still well constructed. You can hang it on a tree. That is slightly angled. Now I'm not talking about a 45-degree angle but on the back there is. It hooks onto the tree there is adjustment so. You can hang on a tree that's slightly angled. And still keep the stand straight. It goes hanging the tree. It snuggly it has two pull straps. One at the top one toward the bottom. That really keep it snug on the tree which is good they're easy pull just like.
They have the easy button. It like the other lone wolves do so that's really easy to use as well same thing there. And also you can adjust the angle of the platform itself with an easy up-and-down notches. That really help you for again. If a tree is tilted in. Or out it'll help keep your platform. You know nice and level so that's. Another benefit and nice thing about. This tree stand there are a couple of things. Though about the stand. Ido not like one of them is the platform itself. Now I've never had any issues with slipping on. And I've used it for a year. Now had never issues of slipping with. It but compared to the other lone wolf hangout stands the platform itself is not grippy it's not grippy on your feet the other ones. You felt very secure. And like there's no way. You could slip off it so that's. One thing I do not like about the stand. It is solid and I've never slipped down on myself.
Another negative about. That the stand makes noise. Something that is true of. Most stands there are metal contact points. You fold that really Clank. And make a lot of noise. Where the seat hits the stand itself the platform. And then where those buttons those easy buttons. Icall them where those contact the stand as well. And that's metal on metal contact. It makes a lot of noise so. That is definitely a negative for this stand. You know as sound barrier that's we're about is getting past a deer's ears. That being vitally important to our success so. It takes away from this stand. That noise factor there's an easy fix for. Some of our product on their buck bumper thick. That just creates a soundproof barrier for this contact point so that's. One thing you can do but. That is a negative for the stand you're going to want to take care of to soundproof.
And to just not make. That noise that could really ruin a hunting area. Or a hunt overall it's a pretty solid. And good stand I give it a 4 out of 5 again. One being the slip issue that's a negative. And the other the sound. And noise issue you could fix with. Some of our products so it's a pretty good stand overall. Iwould suggest it thanks for listening in. Iwant to invite you to subscribe to our You Tube page we've got a lot of good information. That will help and your hunting. That has to do with deer hearing and. What we call sound concealment so please check. That out subscribes to our page. And check out our web page as well for our different tips tactics.
You won't find anywhere else. And also products you.
HME Accessory Hooks
A set of HME's Accessory Hooks easily screw into a tree to conveniently hold multiple items while hunting.Available: Single, 3 Pack.
Muddy® Xtreme Crossbow Hanger Combo
Hurricane Treestand Powerstrap
hurricane safety systems is. All about keeping all of. Is safe right and the new power step is pretty incredible huh. It really is what is its great for when you're transitioning from your ladder into your stand. It just makes you feel. More secure Universal fits. One inch tube seal continuous climbing sticks not to be used with rapid rails. Any non continuous sectional climbing system. This device aids in hanging tree stands attach the power step to stand on. While pulling up and hanging your tree stands the larger non-slip surface provides added comfort less fatigue. And a safer experience the power step is adaptable for the right-handed. Or left-handed entry into the tree stand. It can be placed on the right side. Or the left side of the climbing stick four hundred percent. More surface area with no slip serration ensures a safer transition. When moving laterally from climbing sticks onto the tree stand attach the power step. Either parallel or slightly above the tree fan installation super easy with thumb screws. And welded nuts swallow the vertical portion of the continuous climbing sticks with the two C channels of your power step secure the power step in place with. Some screws this holds the power step in place. While threading the bolts into the welded nut tighten bolts. Provided until C channels are squeezed tightly to the vertical portion of the climbing stick re tighten thumb screws using the exact same foot placement for entry. And exit of a tree stand every time avoids indecision. And provides a safer experience hurricane safety systems power step is really helping you feel.
More secure up there on the tree. You know it's really cool as hurricane safety systems is. All about keeping you safe. And secure, and we're proud to be part of them.