Top 29
Rocky Mountain Calls Bully Bull Extreme Elk Grunt Tube
Primos® Baby Hoochie® Momma
Smaller in size than the Hoochie® Mama but just as effective at producing those authentic sliding notes of a young elk.Primos® Revolver Deer Grunt
Flextone Headhunters Grunter Call
We got right here is new flex tone extractor is a grunt tube. And a snort wheeze all-in-one. You can also move from buck to do to foam so. You can vary your calls also it's nice and pliable so. It doesn't get damaged just a great all-around to.
Primos® BIG Bucks™ Bag
Rattle in those dominant bucks during the rut. Sounds like small bucks sparring or a dominant buck fight. The compact design provides easy carrying and one-handed operation, while the Power-Tines™ and Camonet™ bag increases volume and flexibility. 100% waterproof.Primos® Hardwood™ Grunter
Adjustable to six separate positions, this call creates the various calls deer make. It is made of select hardwood.
Guys on YouTube and since first video. Iguess I'm going to do a premise hardwood printer. Because we're the next wing and up easy I've already lost the earring and my camera good so. You see the ev1 it for actress bleep s bleep. Iused to do from unique. And good and will you put your lip. You put your tongue in there. Iam stupid it makes like. You have to say like nuts movement. What are you sucking for this time. Iwas too much this side. That so that's pretty realistic. It from mom II stopped there for about fourteen dollars. He was 30 I don't care for the exact right foot okay well. It was $1299 it was $13. And a zone cents all with tax. Imean about Delbert six in. Both grunt that extra sweet. It says right here yeah singing you're on no excess bleep. And she's bleep should last about for one to two seconds Carl isle. He urgently in the contour repeat 15 to 10 to 15 minutes I'm not very so. Idon't really care okay let's get to.
Me okay let's get to the EE in what's on. That back some pretty realistic. Iwalking premise on big new doors. And with the weak spot. You don't really need. You need to do is like. What you're out and that's my house. You didn't single truck people yeah but don't come in from New York is big lab. Iwalk inside okay I'm. Imight really need. You to fucking you I need good bow honey butter no pirate their booth next up. And let's do Dogra me who's smoking I suggest. You don't buy one there really. You got reasons he used to bring Jesse for a pack of romances. You need them me right there I'm sure. All really don't care. You just grabbed he took also straw to. You back many, but we're gonna do the check pilgrim the first day at school I've seen. This look I'll take. You to stick them down Ethan. And grow up and stuff. Ididn't know you can take. And just twist it that'd be so.
Ididn't know that aggressive right but in ignorant a shirt. And actress on a moderate like the books make. When calling to extras coming serve. Or attention grip it's. All short about half to a second called. Me but here sit down. This right that's why I've just done. And let's see a young deer. You undo you uh aggressive cry. Iknow I'm just gonna be like a rather drunk for it so. All sound really good realistic. All right I'll see me man cool book put. It ha we're on eyeliner which seems. Me true oh and next. This video might be along might not but just like money cannabis. All the others I've got the power to Steve. You got to like Louis off like. What she's like barley. What are what you're not very got vocal.
And well let's five. Is a little tricky book ah three on. That really why am I phone six. Ibetter take because Gareth took out in the marsh oh. Now I'll probably upload a video. When dirt bike muddying out there in the marsh so a young pioneer baron she's like is throwing money for me like get the sense very like. Because soon the team is the highest thing at school. What well she's all like okay. You know she's done her a little deer call I'm like hey. Igot her formalin I got your phone she's like get her back I'm like good man with your call. Ifuck our hair like. This I've got her phone in my pocket. It back my dear dog. Everybody are home, and she's like cam please had I'm like for about fourteen dollars. Each yeah she's like okay Cassie but your minor.
You got a team S something I don't know but later.
Primos® Bottleneck Grunt Call
Sceery Special Cow Elk Call
This is one of the most effective elk calls ever made. It produces high-pitched cow and calf squeals that elk use to call and locate each other. This call is effective for all stages of the elk hunting season. Lanyard included.Rocky Mountain Calls Matriarch Cow Elk Call
Hey guys James here with black ovis comm. And today I just wanted to talk to. You about some of the different diaphragms. That Rocky Mountain hunting calls offers. Now you can see I've got. Most of the dome top in front of. I and that's because a dome top is. What fits me the best I've got a high end narrow pallet so. Some of these you know the dome top is what's gonna fit. Me best so specifically. Ido want to talk to. You right now about the mistress diaphragm so the mistress is. This pink one here probably. One of the easiest to use. That Rocky Mountain honey calls offers it's a thinner latex doesn't take very much air pressure at. All this is actually. One of my favorite calls to have anytime I'm getting in close to elk. If I feel like I've got to use. Some cow calls and cowl. Or calf chirps this one's pretty hard to screw up which is why I like. It so much it takes very little air pressure like. Isaid very little tongue pressure at. All pretty high-pitched call probably. More designed and better used on cow.
And calf sounds but. You can also bugle on. This and you're not gonna sound like the biggest the baddest Bowl on the mountain but. You can bugle on it I've got plenty of responses bugling with. This Reed really one of my favorites. All around so if you have a narrow. Or a high palate or. Even just a you know general medium palate. Iwould definitely give. This call a try especially. If you're just starting super easy to operate, so we'll let. You hear what some of the sounds are out of. It and for this one I'll use. This Wapiti whacker tube as well, so we'll do. Some cow sounds and then a. Few bugles as well And a couple bugles here so again that's the mistress from Rocky Mountain hunting calls like. Isaid you can do just about. Everything with it which is why it's. One of my favorites so check them out at black ovis comb.
Flextone Buck Rage Plus Deer Call
Hello YouTube this is Jacob Williamson. And this is the flux tone buck rage game call. This has the snorting Lee's so. What you want to do is. That rounded rubber part on the end. You make a sound with your mouth out. It up there and do. This okay so that's. One good thing about. It smartly and then I'm. This sorta like about. It usually on regular deer calls. You have your rubber band up there on your Reed so on. This tree you don't have to do. All that I just on. If you can see that. It says young buck right there. Or Y beam it says be right there. And F stands for fond bleats. And balls and D stands for these stands for doe estrus bleats. And then Y B stands for young buck so just like. This okay so here's the fun. You don't want to do fawn for too long. You want to do it for two to three times around two times for about a second Oh here try. That again I was messing it up so that's bomb leeks. And boughs hey here's dough estrous leeks.
And here's young buck alright like young bucks not much there doesn't work well. You usually have to. That thing out there. You have to slide it back. Because when you press in on. That it's supposed to hit the Reed but on young buck. It doesn't it just hits top plastic punk rock brought right there so. When you do it you have to slide. It back like this and. That doesn't even sound like it's for um but growls. And grunts what you're Iying to do is. And another thing I like about. This it's as volume control right here. Ijust squeeze that. And it makes it a little not as loud so that's. How you do a buck growls. And grunts and here's. That whoops volume control so. That is the flex tone buck rage your call thank. You for watching rate comment subscribe thank you.
Duel Stretchback Deer Grunt Call
Color: Red, Black.
Rocky Mountain Calls Temptress Cow Elk Call
Hey guys james here with black ovis comm. I just wanted to talk to you about a few more of the diaphragms today specifically wanted to talk about the rock star so the rock star is one from the tst lineup little heavier latex on. The rock star so for guys who are just. Getting started this one's going to take a little more air and tongue pressure to operate you're also going to get some deeper tones out of it so as far as. Application if I'm doing more mature cow. Sounds i like the rock star more if I'm. Trying to get a deeper tone bugle that's. A great one as well so good volume on this call really you can push it pretties hard with the volume and the tongue. Pressure that you put on it and like i said the thing that stands out to me when I'm using this call is those deeper. Tones for the cow sounds of the bowl sound so i want to blow it for you a little bit I'll do some generic cow sounds and then a few different types of bugles like allocating bugle challenge. Bugle and a lip ball so you can hear the. Differences there so that's the rock star so i think on those three you can. Hear a little bit of the differences there again that's the rock star good volume a good deep tone a little harder. To control i had a you know a few. Struggles on that even but for guys who put a lot of tongue pressure a lot of volume and want a deeper tone i would. Definitely try that rock star great one so check them out at black Hopis calm.
Flextone® WTF Grunt'R Deer Grunt Call
We got right here is new flex tone extractor is a grunt tube. And a snort wheeze all-in-one. You can also move from buck to do to foam so. You can vary your calls also it's nice and pliable so. It doesn't get damaged just a great all-around to.
Primos® Buck Roar 2 Deer Call
You hey guys this is true welcome back to beyond seclusion gonna do a little bow hunt but today is an awesome day. You know why because. Igot my favorite hunting partner with. Me today yeah Hutton doesn't get. Any better this would. We bring did we bring snacks yes yeah. We brought some cards it's. One of the nice things about. This blind is we can kind of have a little fun. And hopefully she's gonna be my super luck charm. She says yeah we're gonna get a big buck aren't. We mm-hmm yeah all right well we're gonna get. Some snacks and hopefully saw a lot of deer. This morning, so I'm hoping this can be Hey. And okay wow so that buck um hopefully. Ican find him Adrenaline's going really couldn't tell. Where exactly the shot. Iused my Primos buck roar. Igotta say I was kind of skeptical about. This the guys were telling me oh. You know this thing is awesome. This big buck walked off my dam. Icaught him he went down the other side. Igrabbed my buck roar. You heard the rest some grunts man. He came flying up over. That hill and then. He went back in the trees. And I'm not an expert so. You know I didn't want to spook him her. Something so he went back down in the trees. Igave a few grunts. He comes running back up. And then he comes walking along the dam. He goes down the dam. And I'm looking and I'm looking and right to my left. He pops out right at my left so. It was kind of one of those grab the bow.
And burn and get him to stop. It launches he did a little kick. And ran into the trees here so let's see. We can go find him I gotta say I'm sold on. This buck for this pre-post brach roar. It really did it brought him right in. It was the coolest thing and. It on video okay so. Iwas looking to the trees. Ishot him over there. He ran over here that buck was hanging out with him didn't. Even see it drop a blood not a single drop okay so. And changed clothes. Ithought I ran further into my property in the deep trees, so I've been overlooking in the trees. And came back and was looking walking along the fence line here to see. If maybe he had come out. This other buck jumps up. And takes off I look over at him. And that's I spotted him laying out here in the grass.
You know the bad thing about the fix point. You know you look at the blood here coming out his mouth. Iwant to drop a blood no blood trail. It comes to shooting Bo I'm getting rid of my Montague. Nothing against Mon Tech they're great but. They just don't leave a blood trail. That raged that the guest used. That was awesome I need to get. Some rage trip an This is a perfect example of see our s was in such a hurry to get to the stand. Iforgot something you know gettin old is a real son of a bitch.
Rocky Mountain Calls Select A Bull Call
Rocky Mountain Calls Wild Frenzy Bugle Tube
Rocky Mountain Calls Mellow Yellow Momma Diaphragm Elk Call
Hey guys James here with black ovis comm. And today I just wanted to talk to. You about some of the different diaphragms. That Rocky Mountain hunting calls offers. Now you can see I've got. Most of the dome top in front of. I and that's because a dome top is. What fits me the best I've got a high end narrow pallet so. Some of these you know the dome top is what's gonna fit. Me best so specifically. Ido want to talk to. You right now about the mistress diaphragm so the mistress is. This pink one here probably. One of the easiest to use. That Rocky Mountain honey calls offers it's a thinner latex doesn't take very much air pressure at. All this is actually. One of my favorite calls to have anytime I'm getting in close to elk. If I feel like I've got to use. Some cow calls and cowl. Or calf chirps this one's pretty hard to screw up which is why I like. It so much it takes very little air pressure like. Isaid very little tongue pressure at. All pretty high-pitched call probably. More designed and better used on cow.
And calf sounds but. You can also bugle on. This and you're not gonna sound like the biggest the baddest Bowl on the mountain but. You can bugle on it I've got plenty of responses bugling with. This Reed really one of my favorites. All around so if you have a narrow. Or a high palate or. Even just a you know general medium palate. Iwould definitely give. This call a try especially. If you're just starting super easy to operate, so we'll let. You hear what some of the sounds are out of. It and for this one I'll use. This Wapiti whacker tube as well, so we'll do. Some cow sounds and then a. Few bugles as well And a couple bugles here so again that's the mistress from Rocky Mountain hunting calls like. Isaid you can do just about. Everything with it which is why it's. One of my favorites so check them out at black ovis comb.
Primos® Hyper LIP® Double with Tone Converter™
This open double-reed call makes the deeper, louder tones of the matriarch cow. A converter allows subtle, close-range calling.Hello welcome to best reviews at youtube. This item has a rating of 5.0 out of 5. Stars a customer wrote if you hunt in. Idaho like me don't buy this call it's. Terrible will chase the elk away if you hunt in. Any other state this thing is awesome. Highly recommended hunting and non idaho. States is the way to go stay out of idaho especially if our. Input this fall truth be told this is a. Great call i just ward the idaho alcohol to myself last year i drew a desert tag and my. Brother barely called an elk from out of nowhere after rutting season in with this the elk was at 200 yards when i shot it and probably four to five hundred yards away when he first heard the call this year i bow hunted and. Although not successful even a beginner like me was able to get some action using this dot thank you for watching please give the thumbs up.
Primos® Mastering the Art "Mouth Calls Made Easy"
This set includes everything you need to learn to master the language of elk. The instructional CD is loaded with tips that can make you an expert caller. The kit Includes one Mini Sonic Dome Double, a Sonic Dome Single, Imperial Plate™ Double and a mouth call case.Rocky Mountain Calls Black Magic Elk Diaphragm Call
Hey guys James here with black ovis comm. And today I just wanted to talk to. You about some of the different diaphragms. That Rocky Mountain hunting calls offers. Now you can see I've got. Most of the dome top in front of. I and that's because a dome top is. What fits me the best I've got a high end narrow pallet so. Some of these you know the dome top is what's gonna fit. Me best so specifically. Ido want to talk to. You right now about the mistress diaphragm so the mistress is. This pink one here probably. One of the easiest to use. That Rocky Mountain honey calls offers it's a thinner latex doesn't take very much air pressure at. All this is actually. One of my favorite calls to have anytime I'm getting in close to elk. If I feel like I've got to use. Some cow calls and cowl. Or calf chirps this one's pretty hard to screw up which is why I like. It so much it takes very little air pressure like. Isaid very little tongue pressure at. All pretty high-pitched call probably. More designed and better used on cow.
And calf sounds but. You can also bugle on. This and you're not gonna sound like the biggest the baddest Bowl on the mountain but. You can bugle on it I've got plenty of responses bugling with. This Reed really one of my favorites. All around so if you have a narrow. Or a high palate or. Even just a you know general medium palate. Iwould definitely give. This call a try especially. If you're just starting super easy to operate, so we'll let. You hear what some of the sounds are out of. It and for this one I'll use. This Wapiti whacker tube as well, so we'll do. Some cow sounds and then a. Few bugles as well And a couple bugles here so again that's the mistress from Rocky Mountain hunting calls like. Isaid you can do just about. Everything with it which is why it's. One of my favorites so check them out at black ovis comb.
Rocky Mountain Calls Raging Bull Elk Diaphragm Call
Hey guys James here with black ovis comm. And today I just wanted to talk to. You about some of the different diaphragms. That Rocky Mountain hunting calls offers. Now you can see I've got. Most of the dome top in front of. I and that's because a dome top is. What fits me the best I've got a high end narrow pallet so. Some of these you know the dome top is what's gonna fit. Me best so specifically. Ido want to talk to. You right now about the mistress diaphragm so the mistress is. This pink one here probably. One of the easiest to use. That Rocky Mountain honey calls offers it's a thinner latex doesn't take very much air pressure at. All this is actually. One of my favorite calls to have anytime I'm getting in close to elk. If I feel like I've got to use. Some cow calls and cowl. Or calf chirps this one's pretty hard to screw up which is why I like. It so much it takes very little air pressure like. Isaid very little tongue pressure at. All pretty high-pitched call probably. More designed and better used on cow.
And calf sounds but. You can also bugle on. This and you're not gonna sound like the biggest the baddest Bowl on the mountain but. You can bugle on it I've got plenty of responses bugling with. This Reed really one of my favorites. All around so if you have a narrow. Or a high palate or. Even just a you know general medium palate. Iwould definitely give. This call a try especially. If you're just starting super easy to operate, so we'll let. You hear what some of the sounds are out of. It and for this one I'll use. This Wapiti whacker tube as well, so we'll do. Some cow sounds and then a. Few bugles as well And a couple bugles here so again that's the mistress from Rocky Mountain hunting calls like. Isaid you can do just about. Everything with it which is why it's. One of my favorites so check them out at black ovis comb.
Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls Wapiti Whacker Bugle Tube
Length: 20”.
Hey folks i know it's January and you're. Wondering what am i doing with an elk bugle in January well I'm always. Thinking about el that's what I'm doing and a lot of you ask what is that bugle. What are those calls you guys are using when you're outcome well the calls we use are by a company rocky mountain hunting calls based in idaho and you see that we use them you. See cory Jacobson when he's on our show you see cory using them cory's nine-time world champion out call. These things work even with a guy like me but the big news for this year is. Rocky mountain hunting calls is coming out with 11 new calls this year to you. Of them our turkey calls nine of them are out calls, and they're brand-new calls to their whole lineup, and they're. Gonna do the unveiling this week at the archery tradeshow 80 a show we call it if you're their go. To booth 1 1 1 1 and talk to rocky and. Curt and the guys but if you can't be there go online to bugling bolcom look. Around and if you want to see what dealers have these calls it's pretty. Easy just click on the dealer tab type. In your zip code and it's gonna tell you all these great retailers that carry the rocky mountain hunting calls in your neighborhood it's never too early to buy. The best elk hunting calls I'm gonna be. Practicing i practice as often as i can no time like now to do it these new. Calls from rocky mountain hunting calls are gonna be the calls people are talking about this year get you some thanks for watching.
Rocky Mountain Calls Steve Chappell Signature Series Trophy Wife Cow/Calf Elk Call
Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls Reaper Diaphragm Elk Call
Hey guys james here with black ovis comm. I just wanted to talk to you about a few more of the diaphragms today specifically wanted to talk about the rock star so the rock star is one from the tst lineup little heavier latex on. The rock star so for guys who are just. Getting started this one's going to take a little more air and tongue pressure to operate you're also going to get some deeper tones out of it so as far as. Application if I'm doing more mature cow. Sounds i like the rock star more if I'm. Trying to get a deeper tone bugle that's. A great one as well so good volume on this call really you can push it pretties hard with the volume and the tongue. Pressure that you put on it and like i said the thing that stands out to me when I'm using this call is those deeper. Tones for the cow sounds of the bowl sound so i want to blow it for you a little bit I'll do some generic cow sounds and then a few different types of bugles like allocating bugle challenge. Bugle and a lip ball so you can hear the. Differences there so that's the rock star so i think on those three you can. Hear a little bit of the differences there again that's the rock star good volume a good deep tone a little harder. To control i had a you know a few. Struggles on that even but for guys who put a lot of tongue pressure a lot of volume and want a deeper tone i would. Definitely try that rock star great one so check them out at black Hopis calm.
Carlton's Bull Hooker Cow Elk Call
Hook any bulls attention with this lightweight, internal-reed design cow call. To increase the pitch or change the sound, push down on the molded membrane.Rocky Mountain Calls Wild Fury Diaphragm Call
Hey guys James here with black ovis comm. And today I just wanted to talk to. You about some of the different diaphragms. That Rocky Mountain hunting calls offers. Now you can see I've got. Most of the dome top in front of. I and that's because a dome top is. What fits me the best I've got a high end narrow pallet so. Some of these you know the dome top is what's gonna fit. Me best so specifically. Ido want to talk to. You right now about the mistress diaphragm so the mistress is. This pink one here probably. One of the easiest to use. That Rocky Mountain honey calls offers it's a thinner latex doesn't take very much air pressure at. All this is actually. One of my favorite calls to have anytime I'm getting in close to elk. If I feel like I've got to use. Some cow calls and cowl. Or calf chirps this one's pretty hard to screw up which is why I like. It so much it takes very little air pressure like. Isaid very little tongue pressure at. All pretty high-pitched call probably. More designed and better used on cow.
And calf sounds but. You can also bugle on. This and you're not gonna sound like the biggest the baddest Bowl on the mountain but. You can bugle on it I've got plenty of responses bugling with. This Reed really one of my favorites. All around so if you have a narrow. Or a high palate or. Even just a you know general medium palate. Iwould definitely give. This call a try especially. If you're just starting super easy to operate, so we'll let. You hear what some of the sounds are out of. It and for this one I'll use. This Wapiti whacker tube as well, so we'll do. Some cow sounds and then a. Few bugles as well And a couple bugles here so again that's the mistress from Rocky Mountain hunting calls like. Isaid you can do just about. Everything with it which is why it's. One of my favorites so check them out at black ovis comb.
FOXPRO® Elk Call
Available: Young Calf, Head Cow.
Over here Perry Georgia. And down here in the great south the wild hog. And predator extravaganza. Italk to you a little bit day about fox pro firestorm. Some cool features. Ilike to use some of the great things. That FoxPro is doing recently with the firestorm the. One thing I like about is a feature called Fox bang. You can see more information about. This on our website. You get Fox pro com but for right. Now I'm just going to show. This feature real quick. Iturned the firestorm on. If I'm going out calling and. Ihave a rabbit distress sound plane let. Me just get a rabbit going jack rabbit distress. Ihave a chi to come in. You push my skin I dumped. That first guy and Fox bang. What it does it use the gunshot. It automatically goes off. When the gun goes off. And it'll switch to a pup distress. Whatever preset you have on p1. Now what's so nice about. That is they're coming to a sound out of curiosity. You have another Cayenne hanging up over the next hill. That pup the stress goes off a lot of times. You come in and check out. And see what's going on so check. That out on our website at get FoxPro comm. Iwant to show one other product. And that's the Black Jack decoy. And there we are shipping these right. We just got them in. This is just a portable decoy it's great.
Because it's a great price point for 50 bucks. You know you get the Black Jack it's a standalone device. You can connect it to your FoxPro with an auxiliary jack cable. You know a patch cable it's just a little bit of movement. And a decoy adds a great enticer. When you're out there calling for these kites. And bobcats and fox but the black jack it's on our website there're videos there check them out. And the scope box pro com.
Rocky Mountain Calls Rock Star Elk Diaphragm Call
Hey guys james here with black ovis comm. I just wanted to talk to you about a few more of the diaphragms today specifically wanted to talk about the rock star so the rock star is one from the tst lineup little heavier latex on. The rock star so for guys who are just. Getting started this one's going to take a little more air and tongue pressure to operate you're also going to get some deeper tones out of it so as far as. Application if I'm doing more mature cow. Sounds i like the rock star more if I'm. Trying to get a deeper tone bugle that's. A great one as well so good volume on this call really you can push it pretties hard with the volume and the tongue. Pressure that you put on it and like i said the thing that stands out to me when I'm using this call is those deeper. Tones for the cow sounds of the bowl sound so i want to blow it for you a little bit I'll do some generic cow sounds and then a few different types of bugles like allocating bugle challenge. Bugle and a lip ball so you can hear the. Differences there so that's the rock star so i think on those three you can. Hear a little bit of the differences there again that's the rock star good volume a good deep tone a little harder. To control i had a you know a few. Struggles on that even but for guys who put a lot of tongue pressure a lot of volume and want a deeper tone i would. Definitely try that rock star great one so check them out at black Hopis calm.