Top 5
SAM® Splint
Size: 36”L x 4”W.
Wt: 4 oz.
Adventure Medical Kit Trauma Kit
Designed with all the essentials required to stop or control bleeding during a medical emergency. Highly porous QuikClot® attracts and absorbs the smaller water molecules leaving the larger clotting and platelet molecules concentrated in the wound. This effectively stops or controls the bleeding in combination with direct pressure until the patient can receive medical attention. QuikClot® is a highly effective temporary traumatic wound treatment for moderate to severe wounds, including venous and arterial bleeding. Kit includes 25g QuikClot® Sport, nitrile gloves, duct tape, trauma pad, triangular bandage, gauze pads, conforming gauze wrap, antiseptic wipes, and re-sealable bag.
Welcome to mr two reviews today I'm going to be reviewing adventure medical kits trauma pack pro previously. Ireviewed condors empty light rip away pouch. And condors ma5 single mag pouch repurposed as a knife at kit I'll leave a link to those reviews in the description below I'll also leave an Amazon link to. All the products you see in. This video on my quest to find a knife act suitable for everyday carry in my bag. Idecided to give a venture medical kits trauma pack pro try as the previous case. That reviewed were still too large for what I was looking for they just take too much space in my bag. You can pause the screen. You would like to see. What comes with the trauma pack Pro here's. What the kit looks like before. All my additions which I'll talk. More about later here are the dimensions here's. What a weighs empty in comparison to my other kits here's.
What it weighs with its original contents compared to my other kids. And here's what it weighs with my additions it's made of a durable nylon. And has — belt loops. That can fit up to two maybe two. And a quarter inch belts the loops feel a bit tight. Though that's a good thing if. You want the kit tied against the belt. Whatever you have it attached to its bad. You want this on a belt as. It could be difficult to get a belt through especially. If there's a buckle like on duty belts. Or tactical belts on the inside. It just has two pockets. It comes with the swati tourniquet a registration card. Some instructions ideally. You should already know. How to do most of these. Because in an emergency situation. You don't want to be reading this. Someone else is writhing in pain but. It could still be good to have in there as a refresher. If you're the one unconscious. Someone else with little.
Or no training comes upon your kit. They could refer to. It to help it also comes with about two feet of a duct tape nitrile gloves a quick clock clotting sponge a five by nine pads. Iput in the bag to protect. It from water some towelettes. These may not be what originally came with the kit. It might have had only. Iprobably added these form. This kit I also don't remember. It came with a disposable bag like. Isaw in another review but. Idon't consider that a big deal. Icould just add on. One myself this bag but in. That review it also came with a bio hazard sticker. That would have been nice to have. Some improvements I would like to see in the future is to make.
These pockets about an inch shorter. Because as it is in a stressful situation. You could struggle a bit to get to the items quickly especially. You have gloves on it requires. Some fine motor skills. Or dexterity to get things out. It was an inch shorter. You could easily pinch. It with your fingers. And pull or instead of. Or in addition to the pockets at an elastic band here to hold two large items. One small one like. This duct tape the option to swap out the duct tape to add a marker pan. Or flush that would be nice and. It would be much faster. And easier to get what you need simply by grabbing it. And inking it out through the side in the meantime. You can use a strip of gift wrapping ribbon to make a pull-tab. Imight modify this in the future by sewing on an elastic band.
Or shock cords in the configuration. Imentioned earlier. Another improvement. That would make this better is to add button snaps the loops so. It could be quickly attached Andy attached to a belt. Or pack here are the items are added to. This kit some of the items are loose but that's okay to attach to a belt. Ijust keep it in my bag but. Iadd an elastic band. Or shock cord it should prevent things from falling out. Ialso use some velcro to attach a softy tourniquet. Ihave to do is pull. This tab I want the tourniquet the trauma impact Pro costs about thirty-four dollars on Amazon right. Now but it's currently out of stock the swathi is like twelve dollars by itself the quick clot is like ten so. You get the pouch everything else for about twelve dollars which is a pretty good deal in my opinion so.
This concludes my review of adventure medical kids trauma pack pro give it a like. And subscribe you found. This information useful next time I'll be reviewing three tourniquets. And talk about which. Iain't use but thanks for watching and I'll see. You next time
Boost Natural Oxygen – Medium
Scent: Natural.
Wt: 3 oz.
Note: Boost Oxygen is not a prescription or a medical device. It is for recreational purposes only. It is not a substitute for individuals who have been prescribed Medical Oxygen (99% purity) for health reasons.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.