Top 6
Hodgdon® Triple Se7en® .50-Cal. Pellets
Who hunt and fish scout look withered. Hodgdon is a company with a rich and. Really interesting history that all started with bruce hodgdon back after. World war two when he bought a bunch of surplus gunpowder from the us government sell the recreational shooters and sportsmen it's really worth taking a. Look at the history of hodgdon at hod gins encom you'll find it pretty interesting yourself i guarantee it but the bottom line is if it weren't for the hod gins and a few other people from that era sportsmen probably would not have. The access that we do to gunpowder for. Our favorite activities if it wouldn't have been for the things that they did in my muzzle loaders I've been using. Hodgins product called triple7 know what that is a black-powder substitute you. Can get it in granular or pellet form and it's super clean burning highly. Efficient it gives you high velocities and also it's very easy to clean up. You can clean it up with water unlike traditional black powder that's not only. Smelly but it's very difficult to clean up it's a pretty volatile substance so. If you're a muzzle loader who really likes to experiment and work up the perfect recipe for your load you're probably going to go with triple seven in the granular form because it's going to allow you to get different volumetric measurements of the powder so you can work up that ideal recipe for your. Bullet and powder combination in your muzzle-loader somebody like me who really likes the convenience of fast. Loading already measured products that's. What you're going to get in the triple seven pellets for the 50 caliber muzzle. Loader you've got 30 grain 50 grain and 60 grand pellets they're each sold on. Their individual own boxes so let's say you wanted to work up a 90 green load for some reason all you have to do is stack 60 green pellets on top of a 30 green pellet they're really easy to load all you have to do is it comes with a little pipe cleaner and stick it in the center of the pellet and you drop it down the muzzle-loader you don't want to touch these because you don't want to get oil or moisture from your hand because again you know these are made for burning and propelling a bullet so you don't want to get any moisture on the pellets if you're a traditionalist. You're probably going to cringe at the idea of using pellets you're going to you're going to want to do your own powder measurements and kind of go more of the old-school way and that's perfectly fine to each their own but. Again if you want that convenience the. Pellets are a really great way to go, and they have not failed me yet in terms of. Pricing your going to be able to get a hundred count box of the pellets for in. The ballpark of $30.00 so you're looking at approximately 30 cents per pellet which i would say is a pretty good deal because it's saving you a lot of time and you're getting the consistency that you want time after time reload after reload with. Your mother lode.
Hodgdon® Triple Se7en® Powder - 1 lb.
Size: 1 lb.
Available: FFG, FFFG.
Thompson/Center Pyrodex and Blackhorn Powder Pour Spout
Makes it easier to pour black powder substitute directly from the container into a powder measure without spilling.CCI® Shotgun Primers
CCI Shotshell Primers achieve optimal ignition power with swirling hot fuel particles which engulf the powder charge. Formulation of modern, noncorrosive and nonmercuric priming compounds ensures excellent sensitivity and sure-fire ignition. The CCI 209M is a true magnum primer for igniting heavy charges with extra-hot fire. Per 1,000.Available: 209, 209M.
Remington® Ultimate Muzzleloader Ignition Source
Remington's Ultimate Muzzleloader Ignition Source features a U.M.L. ignition system, which uses a unique brass case with a Remington 9-1/2 large magnum rifle primer to completely seal the flash hole. This allows the shooter to load up to 200-gr. of powder for increased range, energy and accuracy. For use with the Remington Model 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader only. Per 24.We're out here we got a couple weeks to. My elk cut so getting the muzzle are all dialed in try not a few new loads and get it. Dialed in. That was good babe. Ten rounds to the muzzle 150 dreams of. Blackthorn two or nine powder with a hornady 300 green bullet, and she's. Shooting wild, but we're gonna go ahead and try out the ben parker 300 green. Match hunters and see if that helps. So we just shot our last group of 150. Grain black horn 209 with the bob parker. 300 grain bullet and she's shot pretty. Decent i don't know that's a best group. But still playing with it, and we'll see how it goes until next time well had to call back up my own ones. Armory my saving grace we're gonna. Figure this out what do you get a shoot. First we're gonna shoot three green or. Three pellets of triple seven magnums so. I get 180 beans a powder and the marisha. Wintergreen hornady out of it and see how that shoots so this morning we're. Shooting and we were cleaning it too much if you can believe that. So now we're going to try and clean it less and hope that we get some more. Rifling out of the bread maybe clean it more without solvent so much solvent so. We think the power would get wet when you're watching the videos too don't reference off the hose lines how. It takes a lot oh yeah. Did you jerk it oh hey closer huh. That is what i'ma do today. I mean honestly that what we're gonna do. Now so you want that yeah what we're. Gonna do now is we're gonna let it cool clean it does the exact same thing one more time and then um we're gonna you. Now what i mean and then let's shoot another one, and we know that the heat is the problem so you get to i think that's. All you're getting bigoted — all right. We just left owens army and worked out a. Few kinks in the muzzy shooting pretty good we're shooting. About a to each group and do a little bit more fine-tuning than the more to suit their chrono, and then we're going to get a stretched-out pretty excited hopefully. Next time we shoot it'll be good. You.