Top 6
Lew's® Hyper Mag SLP Speed Spool® Casting Reel
Quantum® Smoke® S3 Casting Reel
Hey guys Adam general efficient here. Another quantum rod-and-reel set up. And let's bear worth to. This is the new smoke s3 from quantum. They put out this year for 2018 just got. These in just got them up opened up. And still have some of the the decals. And stuff on here and the cool thing Quan did. This year is they started. This protection programs. You get your rod know. You can register these rods are had a warranty program on them for at least two years. It goes up to fighters let's double check on. That it's a graphite rod. Though has a Fuji two-piece reel seat. This paired with a quantum speed freak eight point. One to 1 gear ratio reel there it's a smoked edition reel. And the back side here. It tells all the details of the series the length of the rod the action the tip length the line weight. And the lower weight there. And quantum is using new guides. This year for these rods there. They got the keygen guide series here again. Each of the oxalate guide series just a really nice guide their light. All ceramic it's based out evenly. That through the rod tip it's gonna send. All graphite rod this is a rod. This is seven foot six I'll use. This rod for most of my pitching and in flipping situations with. You know with either a creature type bait. Or a beaver type bait. Or a jig and it's just a great rod to have in your hand. All day it's small the real fits on here really well the profiles. Imean I'm not I'm a average-sized man. And my hands the normal size like. Ifit my hand around. This reel and the rod. And your arms like I get fatigued.
All day your hands not gonna get fatigued from holding this. And that's what matters. You know you're holding a broad four seven eight hours a day. It really wears on you for a couple days in a row so. You got a light rod. And a nice reel it fits in your hand. That really makes a big difference. When you're fishing all day. This rod is just an awesome rod it's got a real strong backbone a fast tip it's big enough to get fish out of. Any type of heavy cover you're talking weeds lay downs logs. Anything you're fishing around bushes. This is the right rod for it's a quantum smoke s3 again its new for 2018. Once a house pulled up on a 11 ball bearing smoke. This is their speed freak reel it's an 8 point 1 to 1 gear ratio just an awesome real light. Some braid here this is actually the seed gars flippin braid. This is 65 pound braid. And the braid is actually black we're just a little faded from last year. You can easily fix that I'll go over.
It here in a series here just taking a permanent marker on the end. And just touching that up a little bit but there. You go check it out quantum fishing comm. You can check them out on Facebook. You can check Seaguar out. Isee the WWC guard calm. And thanks for listening.
Bass Pro Shops® Pro Qualifier® II Limited-Edition Baitcast Reel
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Daiwa® Lexa™ 300-WN Baitcast Reel with Winn® Grips
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Abu Garcia® Revo® Ike Baitcast Reel
Bass Pro Shops® Formula Limited Baitcast Reel
What's up guys one episode Kingston lures on. This video I'm doing a review on the Bass Pro Shops formula real first off really like. This real first thing about the price is really good pretty shirt 65. Or $70 oh my bass pro shops same thing like about. It is the big handle on. These um hard foam grips really like. That right there and the other thing I like about is. It holds a good bit of line. You can't just about. Anything of and the braking system of. This is pretty good. It rights you're not gonna get bad flashes at. Or maybe once every couple hundred cast but. It set on seven that works good for me about. Everything I've thrown. What I throw on this is um Texas rigs maybe a shaky head sometimes Carolina rigs crank baits liquids crank baits. That kind of stuff, so I'm not usually casting like stuff with. This that's the one bad thing about. This reel it doesn't do great with light stuff like. Anything under 3/8 of an ounce probably he's not gonna cast to go. This thing you can you might be able to get away with. It with eight or ten pound line in the breaking set really high. You go be the backlash but it's probably gonna be better do a spinning rod. Or a better bait caster um let's see here. You said it is yeah like. Isaid seven that's better. Iwould set and attention knob. You just drop the bait down. You mess with it until. You get the right drops down really slow. Another thing I like about. You call it a line guy but. Idon't know you guys can see.
It but it's the thing right there. That does not it does not chip crack. That stuff anyway to fray the line which. Ilike about it's really strong. You can use just about. Any line of this reel. You want to a pretty girl handle braid I've used a little bit on. This reel and then every kind of fluorocarbon but. Ireally like that about. This reel um this doesn't matter too much but the color on. This reel is really good. That on the grave gold looks good. And the gear ratio I have in. This is a 6 6 to 1 now like. Isaid before I throw warm shaky heads test rigs crank baits lipstick. And stuff that works really well crank baits. You don't want a 8 3 2 1. Or a 7 5 1 that kind of stuff. Because so you'll crank. It too fast or you'll have to just get really slow. This weaning crank at normal speed of crank baits.
And with worms I don't like a super fast real cuz. Most places like she had to slow down but um yeah. That about this reel know the. One thing you have to look at is. You have more expensive reels like a loose custom. Iactually did review on. That I'll put that right there loose custom definitely smoother. Now I'm going to show. You guys some up-close shots that's real senior really good look at. It okay you enjoyed. That video um before. Iend just to say new upload schedule. Now gonna be uploading Monday 6:30 am Fridays at 3:30 pm probably gonna have. One of these type of videos for views tackle tips. That kind of stuff so. You enjoy this video. And yeah see you guys a nice.