Top 6
Daiwa® Tanacom 1000 Trolling Reel
boom-boom-boom-boom yeah. That last fish one is a big fish. He could tell You know how husband got a shark oh no seriously yeah it's not moving going out. Though it's not coming their lines going out. Than its coming in how about hand cranking Oh the thing you got charged mean. You got battery a hundred meters out oh that's 300 feet yeah. Whatever it is it's going to be a mystery dude it's going to be a mystery a church here. Iwas probably a Warsaw zoo coming up. Igot a sea monster huh caught a sea monster bro get the gaff ready that's in case it's a sword. You got a dump in this fighting I feel he's just bringing up a better wait doesn't feel like. It so let me switch. It over to this rod 30 feet fighting is going down yo there's a blue on. It sorry okay yours is a shark dude. Isaid the drug for you by Cena Oh.
What I chased. Iwanted made that's a new truck. What else could it be a word just came up. And started running hand crank. It ever — no. That was a already way up might be ammeter yo oh my gosh crank. You wanna swing all. That way I'll get my back I'm getting everything back : got. This 5 feet come on yo. Any gloves in your bag right no there's. Nothing here nothing there go get the knife. And just slice the Oh. That a black tiger shaker. All right are we gonna keep peace. You way that's what we actually keep yeah were. You actually go eat.
It yeah serious, but we're gonna be out here for a. You can't keep are you gonna pull. It can't pull it on from here dude gotta pull. It in front tomorrow today my tile damn gonna grovel that's clear on the floor yeah. We gotta do something with the fish in the cooler. All right you'll have mini flying fish sight take out my phone take a picture mom Oh with. You don't got to record. That already got enough not still quality say no we're gonna watch chop off the lead. And get as much as we can get wants to go back down download. You see that's about a hundred fifty-pound 100 pound at least Sora telecom got. This for you a nigga pure pound swimming like 40 pounds of pressure yeah so. Idon't see why you can't bring up a little sword yeah that's the only reason We gotta get this see. You could reel up where's the boy here crazy well that's. You know I not work for my not gonna sleep. You guys put that on a drag go oh bro.
Igot a little Drago family had caught up on a damn actual big thing we can be sure. You can hold them up that's not. That big I don't bother just almost up go on try to graph. It but to look up how slack on Slugger Legos black. Ican't let go a little bit damn. Iwish had underwater camera no. Idon't have my mount with. Imean to my housing yeah the brew owners right there yes right still sick ain't. It bro it's like we got our own program right here okay. It wasn't it your mother cast net nice II don't know. Nothing landing it yeah a little. One yo there's their tile underneath.
Daiwa Sealine® B Linecounter Reel
Abu Garcia® Ambassadeur® SX Baitcasting Reel
Hey it's Josh over J. And H today we're taking a look at the Abu Garcia ambassador c4 there 6600 round bait casting reels. You might not know this but Abu totally redid the C 3 s. And C for this year much better look to them. Ilike the blue on this reel really nice. You could tell the difference immediately from the handle the new version has the bent handle bent star drag. You can see how that's bent in towards the reel makes a. More ergonomic it brings. Everything closer to the reel the other big change is. They added a booze during ear to gear system which is a. More efficient way of doing a gear system so. That the alignment of the gears give. More power with less with the. More effortless turn of the handle so. You don't have to struggle to turn the handle to get the same amount of power. You would so it's definitely a much smoother reel then last years. You could feel it right away. If you're familiar with the older C fours great reel. You know if you've never seen. This reel you're not familiar with Abu c3s. These are like you know workhorse reels it'll last your lifetime. You take care from great bait caster wheels great casting reel they've got the built-in six pin centrifugal brakes. They really are great for casting great for bottom fishing great for a freshwater saltwater. Anything I mean they're really versatile so great reel to have in your arsenal retail on. It is just about 140 bucks it's totally worth. One of those reels will last. You a lifetime six point three to. One gear ratio gonna hold 320 yards of 12 pound test mono which translates to three hundred.
And little over the range of yards of thirty pound braid. These are made in Sweden so you've. Any quality and a lot of guys are averse to having reels made in overseas. You know in China and other countries in Asia but. One is made in Sweden. They do a really good job of quality control. They make a great product so check. Ihighly recommend it's got the push button right here. You can just push it down to putting your in a free spool turn the handle pops back up engage a nice comfortable thumb bar right there. This thing weighs just ten point nine ounces so it's nice and light fifteen pounds of drag with the carbon matrix drag system which is. You know the drag system. That ably uses in their iron rails it's just it's just a great value great real use. It every day fantastic. Ishould mention it's also got the clicker Clippers right here.
You need you just put. It up like that nice clicker not the clickers not gonna be on the smaller models only on the 60 606 601 so check. It put it's the Abu Garcia ambassador c4 — 6600 round bait casting reels. They are in stock and available at JH com
Daiwa Lexa™ Linecounter Reel
Okuma Coldwater Low Pro Linecounter Reel
This is John pretzel director product development with a kuma fishing tackle here to introduce. You probably the most exciting new product from Akuma in 2014. We call our cold water 350 low profile first thing you'll notice it's a 350 sized baked cast real for the line counter on. You go to the other side of the line counter just like. All newer generation Okuma line counters. What we've done is we've recessed the counter. And moved it aside so. When you're cranking. That reel you don't accidentally bump. And knock it into a zero position so it's a little. More hidden a lot more user-friendly for those. That love to troll you guys are targeting fish like salmon striped bass walleye kokanee trout. This is ultimate reel. We refer to this as a game changer from okuma there's. Nothing like it out there in the market it's a mechanical lion counter which measures off the rotations of spool it's calibrated. What we call 042 millimeter mono filament line so it's going to be.
Most accurate based on a full spool line with. That point four two millimeter lines so. If you're using braided line real thin diameters it'll be. More of a reference point but as. That spool diameter goes down it'll become less accurate so it'll be important for you to understand the reference point in. How the reel is calibrated. One thing that sets. This reel apart from the other cold water line counters. We produce in the regular cold water series is. It the frame and the gear side plate are aluminum we're on the regular cold water. All the side plates in the frame are graphite. This will have a graphite side plate Lumina frame. And aluminum frame so it's extremely rigid extremely strong. And the reason why we did. It puts a tremendous amount of drag pressure 25 pounds of drag so. You hook that trophy salmon. That trophy striped bass you're going to be able to land. This cold water just like the other cold water line counters. We quipped the 350 sighs cold water with our CVT.
Or Clearview technology. That is a lens coating technology. That help prevents the reel from fogging up in cold weather early morning when. You have condensation. If for some reason you do get. Some condensation in there. Some water in there. We also have the drain port here. You do is back that screw out. And it'll help dry out help get. Some airflow in there for those of. That are really die hard trolling fans you're interested in a cold waterline counter check. More on the web a tokuma fishing comm.