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Primos® Randy Anderson Coyote Mouth Calls – 2-Pack
Color: Red.
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Primos® Squirrel Buster™ Call
The squirrel hunter's secret weapon. This easy-to-use call reproduces vocalizations of everything from young fox squirrels distress to the bark and chatter of wise, old fox squirrels.
Hey cooter how's it going we hunted a. Some pretty woods about 22 degrees Fahrenheit January 3rd supremo's squirrel buster well cooter. We had a good morning hike. This morning of January 3rd it's about. What about 20 degrees 22 degrees. One yeah we hiked probably got a mile. And half or so over 2 ridges. And did a little squirrel hunting now I've taking a little break at lunch. And having a fire and started. That with what kind of tinder. We use for that fire yeah. We did a pretty good job. You did a good job why not. We had torrential rain for a day. And a half or so just maybe first yesterday. It was raining so everything's pretty wet but. You did a good job getting. That going and so we were squirrel hunting do. You try out anything new here today. It works really well attracts squirrels. And hawks gets them to come look out at. You can do the gray squirrel bark fox squirrel bark distress call chatter. And the grand Fox Grove wine surprise so. What was the main call you're doing today for grey squirrels. Another red-tail Hawk responder. This morning — squirrel hunting we're also scouting for year found. Some good sign that's nice try to clean up the broad head sea. We can reuse it looks pretty good maybe sharpen. It but uh it's like the red head black out x5 Envy 400 spines with. This is the green rip Grim Reaper broad head but on yeah so maybe. We can clean and try to use.
It sounds good so. What were you hunting with. This morning 22 Magnums. We have the Simmons 3 to 9 by 32 scope with a bipod on. This thing we and our Fox squirrel hunting video. Ihad to take three shots with. It at about 30 yards. Icouldn't hit the squirrel. And then I find on the third shot. He dropped but so it to the range see. If there is anything wrong with. Some adjustments sided in his shooting about an inch high. And so made some adjustments. Now I'm up and shooting dead on bull's eyes from sixty yards. And 70 yards and then. It out to 110 yards. Iwas shooting about a one-inch grouping so. This thing's real accurate haven't gotten to try. Another squirrel yet hopefully. We can get back to you guys with. More squirrel hunting action but yeah that's pretty amazing. That just to get that gun right out of a box from Ruger. All american-made and shooting MOA right out of the box it's a really nice gun. And I've decided that the Ruger 10/22 we're probably going to consign.
And get a 22 long rifle version of. That Ruger American rim fire just. Because it's such a tack driver. If the 22 long-rifle version she's half as well as the 22 mag it's gonna be pretty impressive the other thing I was thinking is we're probably going to try to get a hold of the new 17 HMR versions. That Ruger American rim fire. And do a review on and taking it. And site it out into the range. And then take it out for a squirrel hunt as well. Than a month left in squirrel season. And then we got about two week hiatus. And then we'll be doing some turkey videos as well is our first year going out so maybe next year that's right sounds good. All right this is Swampert dog outdoors signing out.
Lucky Duck® Rebel Electronic Predator Call
Flextone FLX 500 Electronic Predator Caller
9.75"L x 5.25"W x 8.25"H.
Wt.: 3.95 lbs.
Primos® Lil' Dog™ Predator Call
This is called a kayak. All right what are. You say I'm saying like a it's like. We need to shut your dog's tail but don't worry the cow that's hearing. That they're hearing a fox. And a young cow possibly. Ibe fighting yeah the Fox is getting in a. Few punches so that's. What the deal is it just drives him crazy. And then actually was. One you've seen just behind him but. We shot the first one but explain a little. More about the caveat to. Me in the another Kyle. You can do Chi eyes. And Ollie's you know. Idon't attempt yeah is a call right but you're talking about the chaos sound right the chaos sound can be made in other way yeah but. Ithink makes the best Calle sound I've seen cars communion. How a dog do they'll stop. And you'll do that in a go ready they're just a crisp sound it's just up yeah. What we did here hold. It up there let's look at. That is a little tiny little voice. We actually injection mold with a small Reed. It makes such a great sound. You can use it with the mouthpiece own do.
It with a mathlete sound Sean. What you get well then. You get a distress them just so the Chi guy call out. It on there and blow for them okay it's a distress sound just blow. That would be a jackrabbit right. Now pull and use your teeth. Or lips on top of the reed no matter. What are these you're using it's just a little rake with your teeth right at the end. You can like Ernie alright remember. These slides right on top of the reef yeah towards about probably the last third of. Or so haft with her same way. You know that is the chaos. Iam double injured coyote shut. Me old got it getting caught stomping and no thought in the fans yeah. He ran through the fence. And it's a good sound. We have an o-ring on here. You can slide you want to slide. That already we have different not just a about halfway then it's. More like fawn or a Cottontail people faster so. You can jockey that around but. What was the iteration a woolly. You come up with he started using it.
He slide the o-ring down. And blow it just like. You would the little dog. Or the hot dog mouthpiece like a rabbit call just an opener. Each slide back and forth. One thing about you know. That the metal Reed's been around for a year but. This mile re is so loud. This is a loud call. You want soft you just monthly but. We call him the biggest car we've ever killed we've got a lot of in Canada. And Willie had switched to. This he'd been on the little dog. Both of these the red ant. Or the green and the white. He went to this baby come rolling what do. You think a big cow in Nebraska weighs a big maokai oh but up to forty. What are you shot this big. He can win every round thing. We waited but he was mid forties probably but. They looked big up there so much hitter sold a hare a guard here about three four inches but. You can tell on a wool. They picked him up he's on chest is so deep on him.
Either he's a load yeah Oh. What he's something else. You let's see minute. I132 look at this baby Randy you.