Top 14
Hornady® SnapSafe® Portable Lock Box
9.5"L x 6.5"W x 1.75"D.
Color: Black.
Liberty HDX-150 Smart Vault
2.2"H x 12.4"W x 8.5"D.
How's it going guys sheepdog 88 here and. Today we're doing another review and this review is gonna be on the liberty hdx 350 now this is one of the biometric. Safes that liberty offers which are pretty popular nowadays one they allow you to access your safe without having a key and then make it a lot quicker in. Order to get into your safe whether you have a firearm or any other. Valuables locked away but this one is huge this is their 350 this is a part of. Their defender series and i believe this is the biggest one they offer so you have plenty of room on the inside it does have a lot of cool features too which I'm going to talk about but starting off right here as you can see. Is the fingerprint scanner or the. Biometric scanner now the 350 allows you to store up to 30 different types of fingerprints now in the manual or in the. Instructions i do recommend storing the same fingerprints fingerprint more than. Once so what i do is i saved my same. Fingerprint on each finger my left hand. In my right hand i do that three times i enrolled it so that way i don't have to. Worry about it not recognize my fingerprint immediately so i did that so. Let me go out and open here just to show you the inside of it so right now i do have it plugged in it opens in one second it this does have a battery backup so if your power goes out in your. House or anything like that you could still access it with the battery it comes with a nine volt battery and you. Have a key to override it as well comes with two keys let's go ahead in take a. Look at the inside just so i could show you how much space you really have in here. All right so right now i got a pistol a. Spare magazine and a flashlight you noticed when it did open up right away it does have the lead light in orbital in order to light it up in there so right. Here also another cool feature is a drawer i don't have anything in there. Right now but you could put any kind of documents. Ids your passport jewelry anything like. That you do have a small drawer that's really not in the way it's kind of high. Here but it does slide back and forth. But look at the size of this thing i could easily fit two pistols in here right now i like i said you said one sig. P320 it's a medium sized pistol i. Got a spare mag got a flashlight right i. Had this set up for home defense but if you look back here a really cool feature that they added is a usb port with an. Led light on it so I'm able to charge something inside the safe locked away. Also they do give you two usb ports on. The outside to charge your cell phone or anything like that but just showing you. The size of this it's pretty big. And when this safe opens up here open it. Again just listen to how quiet it is so. It doesn't slam down i know there are. 250 oh there's smaller one when that door. Comes open it's pretty loud i mean it opens quick which is nice but if you. Have a break-in and you want to get to your pistol you probably don't want to. Give away your position or make a lot of. Noise you want to be quite so that's a nice feature that they added it still opens very quick but it softly opens and does not slam down showing you the. Outside here so right here you can see. They have the two usb chargers right now. I just got a battery by external battery. Backup charging right now and it's. Plugged in so i like to keep this plugged in this right now it's on my workbench but i keep this on my nightstand right next to my bed so i have quick access to my firearm and it's locked away don't have to worry. About anyone getting to it but this. Thing is awesome it's a nice size it's solid right here. Is the lock for the key override let me. Show you that. So it does come with two of these keys right here real small keys i keep one on. My key chain and i actually have the other one in my big safe for my other. Liberty safe as you can see opens up. Right away don't have anything to worry. About now this battery compartment it's kind. Of hard to see let me see the look at the flashlight on it so it's right up here on top that's where the 9-volt battery sits and then right here that. Yellow button that's what you use to program it if you hold it down for i believe i don't know five to ten seconds all these lights there's already a green. A yellow and a red light walt flicker look at Christmas tree that resets all the memory resets all the fingerprints and then you could register. Each fingerprint one at a time you hold that button down for a few seconds the green and yellow light will come on and then you slowly swipe your finger over about five times and when the green light flickers that means it's registered now this one is cool because. You could either push your finger forward or pull your finger back it's. Either/or which is nice another nice feature this safe and i. Mean this thing is solid if someone were to try to break into this they don't need some tools it's gonna slow them down it's gonna take a while and this will prevent somebody from gaining access to your firearm really quick. Alright so some other features are those. Safe here alright so yeah this liberty. Safe is amazing liberty makes really good quality product products as you can see they're made in the usa now you guys might have seen my other video where i do a review of my liberty centurion 24 gun safe so. I've been extremely happy with the. Quality of liberty i mean they're really. Second to none when it compares to safe makers i know there's a lot of. Other state companies out there that are a little bit less expensive but you get. What you pay for i will gladly pay a. Little bit extra as long as i know I'm getting a really good quality product it's made in the usa that actually means a lot to me so this safe why would. Somebody get this safe now i think this is great for somebody who maybe really. Isn't that big of a gun guy or isn't. Into firearms that much and need something for home defense realizes like hey i need a firearm to protect myself and i don't need a 24 or 25 gun safe i. Don't want a small lockbox i want something a little more secure so this is a great option for that this is something you could hide really close in. A closet next to your bed on the nights and the nice stands where i keep it this also it doesn't come with it but. You could buy a cable to secure it to. Something or you could buy a mounting plate so if you plan on keeping this somewhere secure like me I'm moving pretty soon so I'm not gonna secure it down yet but once i get my new house I'm planned on securing this down that stops. Somebody from just walking away with the entire state but if you don't have mounting options or anywhere to bolt it down the cable is another great option. For that too but this is good for. Somebody anybody really who has a. Handgun and wants it you know access to. It quick someone needs a break-in and you could also get this for stuff other besides firearms es you know documents. Money anything like that you want to keep secure but this is more geared towards storing a firearm especially. With the biometric scanner of quick access but yeah i mean this has a lot of. Room so i don't plan on running out of. Room with this thing i mean it even goes. Back pretty far like i said i could fit at least two pistols lots of money that. Drawers a real nice feature they added up there I'm glad to have the drawer also i love that usb charger so that way. I could charge you know my cell phone. My battery charge or anything like that. I could have charged security my safe. Seeing a lot of these biometric safes on the market and i was happy when liberty. Started making their own because i knew. The quality was just gonna be ten times. Better than what any other company has put on the market a lot of these. Biometric readers makes people nervous you know i don't know if it's gonna read. My fingerprint exactly when i need it and this one has been a hundred percent. Functional it works every time i read my fingerprint like i said i did store each fingerprint three times just to make. Sure even in the manual it says liberty recommend storing it multiple times so i did three times on each index finger on both hands so that way i can access it. With any head and like i said i could. Store up to 30 different fingerprints all right so if you guys are interested. In ordering one of these safes I'm gonna go ahead and put a link in the description if you want to order one and. Like i said these things are just awesome really good quality this gives. Me i mean i know i have my big save to you but for home defense i don't want to. Have to run to my safe buy big safe and. Spend time opening that up to get a gun. This gives you the option of having a. Gun right next to you while you sleep quick access with the biometric fingerprint scanner i mean it is awesome. Like i said i also keep a flashlight here and it's just a really good product. So go ahead and give it a thumbs up if. You liked this video leave a comment down below what you think and if you're not subscribed already please subscribe to the channel it really helps out and. Thanks for watching.
Sentry® Safe Quick-Access Biometric Pistol Safe
3.2"H x 12"W x 10"D.
Wt: 12 lbs.
We've got a sentry safe quick-access pistol safe and it's got the biometric lock option on it and to activate you. Just touch down wait till the lights come on and swipe your finger pops right open with the gas piston.
Bulldog Magnum Biometric Pistol Vaults
- Top Load Pistol Vault – 11.5"L x 9.75"W x 2.5"H. Wt: 7.75 lbs.
- Biometric Pistol Vault – 11.5"L x 8"W x 5.5"H. Wt: 11 lbs. (Not shown).
- Biometric Pistol Vault with Shelf – 11.5"L x 10"W x 8"H. Wt: 17 lbs.
Hey guys this eric from bulldog I've got the bd 44 tb this is the magnum biometric pistol vault the magnum. Biometric pistol vaults feature an industry-leading semiconductor fingerprint reader which allows 360-degree access no more miss reads due. To finger position it has the self learning to feature that allows the fingerprint reader to improve each time the vault is opened the soft doors open quickly and quietly and the led interior. Light turns on when the door is opened it also features a led logo nightlight. So that you can see in low-light situations thanks for checking out this. Product and remember whether you sip it up or lock it down nothing protects your gun like a bulldog.
Liberty HD Quick Vault
- HD-200 – 5.4"H x 8.5"W x 12.4"D. Wt: 9.5 lbs.
- HD-300 – 8.3"H x 10.1"W x 13.9"D. Wt: 13.9 lbs.
Hey there this is matt with defense innovations and this evening i wanted to do a video not like any of the other. Ones we've really done before i really wanted to start doing a set of videos on how to protect your firearms and i. Wanted to start off here with the liberty hd 200 quick vault and i wanted. To get this for a couple reasons but the main reason was is I've got two small children and the last thing i want is. For my kids to get a hold of weapons. That they have no business touching at this age every intention of teaching them when they're older how too safely. Operate and be around firearms but at this point they're just too small to even start that process yet i as well. Wanted a secure environment for my home. Defense handgun in my bedroom and i thought that this would be one of the best setups to go with heard a lot of. Good things about liberty i have family members who owned liberty safes they. Just rave about them good quality good workmanship they're not always the cheapest i will say that but what i tell. People in the firearms industry or in the market who are looking at new items to get sometimes cheapest isn't always the best and some people don't get that. Or they refuse to get it but i always. Say if you buy cheap you buy twice and. That has been my experience in this in. This field of interest in my life so i. Want to go ahead and dive right into it and talk about this hd 200, and we'll go. Ahead and move into it okay so this is. What the liberty hd 200 is going to look. Like when you bring home from the store very simple to use very simple to. Do they actually include a qr code here you can scan your smartphone or tablet it'll take you right to their video online telling you all the features and benefits of as you open it up here to be your. Standard plastic baggie of parts silica. Packed backup keys mounting screws. Instruction this sticker was on the front before i took it off very simple. You know two or three steps to get in there and then it goes into everything else you know that the safe is featured with. Which you will need you will need. Immediately or the keys the backup keys. Here and you'll need that too actually. Get into the vault itself okay so this. Is what it looks like out of the box very similar to the picture it's got a. Nice finish on it's a heavy-duty it. Feels like its powder coated but it's a. Very it just feels rugged okay so it's got a rubberized pad here it's got you. No little physical indicators i don't. Now if this is braille or this is how they do braille but it's its very you can feel it pitch black which numbers which okay very positive feel feedback. There you have four buttons as you can. See with a five combination code system. In here so the baseline code is what's. Plugged in here right now, and we'll go ahead and open it so this. Is the default code okay so this thing. Springs open it's probably hard to see. With the lighting in here but it does have a led light inside and the one. Think that really made me happy about. This vault was the fact that it's padded on the interior all the way around so if. You don't mount this it's just sitting on your nightstand and it gets knocked off the nightstand your guns not gonna be all marred up in it and yeah so. Pretty much it very easy to set up back. Up under here and the instruction manual once you open it with the there's a reset button it beeps you plug in your new custom code and you go from. There's also an option to mute the beeps. Which some people might want if they're. In a smaller home or an apartment, and they don't want someone to hear them necessarily getting into a vault or a. Little safe then you can mute that function as well again this is there. Single model they do make a double that. Actually is a little shelf in it's much taller though and for my application if i can't solve the issue. With a single handgun and there's there's some bigger issues at play so. Really all i needed for the nightstand and it works for me again it's just. Something nice that i can come home after I've been out all day and i need. To go ahead and take my concealed carry off just a good place for me to put it. And not have to worry about the kids or anybody else getting into it and just to give you a concept here of the size of this when you're actually working with it I've gone ahead and put in my carry. Gun and my home defense gun of choice. And i put a glock 19 in here with an. Extra mag and it's got extended mags in. It just so you can see the size at which. It takes up so there's the glock 19 with. The light on it and the extra man so. Again pretty straightforward overall. I've been impressed with it so far it feels and sounds solid this is I'm not. Sure exactly how thick this is it's probably i would imagine in the 10 to 8. Gauge range i would be surprised if it's much thinner than that just due to just. How solid it feels so overall I'm very. Impressed so far with the liberty hd 210. Some more liberty products in the future please subscribe please leave any comments indicated below and thanks. Again for tuning in have a great night as we wrap up this video i did want to. Share some screenshots from amazon cabala's and liberty's website and show you that this vault runs anywhere between 120 and 130 dollars and that there isn't really a price advantage buying from one or the other.
RedHead® 1856 Collection Ultra Fire-Resistant Gun Safe
Wt: 490 lbs.
Apply now
Browning® Hawg 49-Gun Safe
Hornady® Alpha Elite™ Portable Handgun Safe
Apply now
Liberty HDX-250 Smart Vault
7"H x 12"W x 11"D.
Okay now we're going to get on to the bigger boxes ups just dropped this off. Now i know what's in it actually it's. It's got very good ratings this is I'm. Getting scared but all this isis stuff you know what i. Want to do just to make sure that i got. Things right a little veil boy to me if. And when isis comes yeah how's that look. Hdx 250 smart vault made by liberty made. In the usa that's eventually when I'm. Out of this house I'm gonna get a big liberty safe and get rid of the junk. That i currently have this is one of those biometric or whatever they call. The five-year warranty fingerprint boom drop something it's got. Very good reviews its on ebay you get them as cheap as like two hundred and three dollars width shipping of about 17. Bucks or you can he's the most generally. You see them on amazon and everywhere from 229 to 239 with free shipping no. Tax amazon with drudge me tax though so i avoided that i went to ebay pay no tax. So it's something to think of if i open. It up later it looks pretty sealed and stuff i got to run across the street and do a little work than this rental real quick in the meantime it looks like a. Cool device look at the reviews everybody loves it and it's nice about. It doesn't come with a mounting plate but this one you could buy optional for about 25 bucks a metal mounting plate. Which you could secure to the ground or to the wall or something and then secure the box to it's like somebody can't just pick your box up and walk away with $2,000 pistol so something to think. About all right oh my bitch fell on the floor. What happened oh man i gotta go get her all right talk to you a bit.
Hornady® Biometric Handgun Safe
Exterior: 2.9"H x 12.7"W x 8.7"D.
Interior: 2.2"H x 9"W x 7.7"D.
Wt: 9 lbs.
Browning® Sporter Gun Safe
Browning® Vault Door
Colors: Gloss Black, Hunter Green, Black Cherry.
Browning® Heavyweight Safes
Liberty Ammo Can Safe
59-1/2"H x 24-1/4"W x 22"D.
Wt: 270 lbs.