Top 20
Pietta 1851 Navy .44-Caliber Revolver Spare Cylinder
Triple K Leather Holster for Colt® Style Black Powder Revolvers with 5-1/2" Barrels
Available: Right Hand, Left Hand.
Color: Dark brown.
Cabela's Lubed Black-Powder Revolver Wads – Per 100
Dry-lubricated, high-density 100% woven wool. No grease needed. They safety-seal each chamber and prevent fouling. Per 100.Triple K Leather Belt-Style Cylinder Pouch for Black Powder Revolvers
The Leather Belt-Style Cylinder Pouch is great for keeping track of your spare revolver cylinder. Constructed of heavy full grain leather. Fits the Civil War belt, or any other 2" width belt. Formed leather is open at the bottom.Size: 3-1/8"H x 3-3/16"W x 1-3/8"D.
Available colors: U.S. Black or C.S. Brown.
Triple K Leather Holster for Walker Style Revolvers
Color: Dark brown.
Available: Right hand.
Hi everybody its part-time prepper i have another product review this one is pretty fresh i purchased this just. Recently the last few weeks at the nra 2016 show in Louisville Kentucky i was. Going to this is an everyday gun everyday carry gun this is my lc 9 it's. The hammer version so it's not the sclc. 9 and I'm not reviewing the gun, so we. All know it's got a heavy trigger and it's not a target queen that seat and. Everything I've given to it and it's comfortable it's a good everyday carry this again it is loaded because if this. Gun is always loaded so anyways i was. Looking for a new holster and I've been contemplating alien gear where they're. Version 3 tuck and they were at the nra. Show unfortunately they didn't have any stock and which i found most vendors. Didn't actually have any stock to sell anything so but looking at the holster. It seemed like for this gun it was just too big i mean i think it'd be comfortable but i mean it's got the clips and it's just huge and it's got the you know the it's not i forgot what. The borax or macs or whatever the shell. It's not kydex but anyways is that point. Well they didn't have anything there's the holster is like $43 which. Isn't a bad price for a concealed carry holster well they didn't have anything and i felt that that holster would just be too big that rig would be too big for this gun this is a small gun well as i was walking around i came across vendor. They're called triple k i think leather. Works or gun works, and they're based out of san diego california and i asked him. Hey do you have any in stock you know have any of your holsters and belts in stock, and they did so I'm like well I've. Got a lc9 I'm looking for a good concealed carry holster, and they gave it. To me popped it out of the packaging, so we'll watch you try it on I'm like well i was kind of impressed by that I'm like okay so i popped out my gun real quick because how's that the shell popped it in here and threw it in small. Back and it was really comfortable and. The shell special is about 50 bucks like i say hey I'll pick it up now and this. Is just hi body i mean there's a little bit thread hanging out here but this feels like a very durable ulster the. Spring is very strong and tight i feel. Like the stitching overall is very well. Done it's its its comfortable to wear. First of all I'm gonna put it on like oh wow this feels good it's not super. There's not much retention i mean. Obviously when you're wearing it behind your pants and clipped on your belt it's gonna be a little tighter but obviously that's not a retention holster i was. Looking for a retention holster although the alien gear supposedly is but for appendix carrier behind the back. Or four o'clock or whatever this after. Wearing this every day for one to three weeks i would say you know there's no movement of the gun i mean it's very secure outside of it obviously you're gonna pull it off pretty quick but once. It's tucked in behind the belt inside. The waistband it's not gonna move so. I just want to throw that out there i mean right now this is the only. Holster I'm using inside the waistband. For this gun it's too small to carry outside the waistband to be honest but yeah triple k gun works I'll put a. Link down I've never heard of them i. Just kind of ran it i've run into the owner and a son i think they've been around since the 30 they're 40 so. It's a fit it's a small family business and the holster i mean it's its um it's. Pretty durable i mean you could see where they kind of sewed the seams. Together and there's a little bit of like a reinforcement around the top here. It's been really comfortable so if. You're in the market for inside the waistband holster for a small gun i don't know if this style would work with. Like a 1911 or anything like that but for like a small caltech or a bodyguard. Or you know something like the lc9 i would say check out their website i believe they have a website i have no idea what it is I'll throw it up in the graphic. Once I'm editing so 50 h dollars seems. Like the you know decent quality it's stiff its strong not marking up the gun. And it was really comfortable good. Strong spring i would say you know give. Then a look so thanks for watching and. Until next time stay safe.
Triple K Leather Holster for Remington® Style Black Powder Revolvers
Available: Right Hand, Left Hand.
Color: Dark Brown.
Traditions™ Liquid Blue Steel Finish
Use the Traditions Liquid Blue steel finish to touch up your rifle, finish a build-it-yourself kit or completely reblue your favorite gun. Fast-acting liquid provides a consistent, streak-free blue-black finish on steel. 2.7-oz.Pietta Replacement Black Powder Revolver Parts Kit
The Replacement Revolver Parts Kit contains color case-hardened hammer and trigger, main spring, hand with hand spring, cylinder stop and trigger/bolt stop spring. Kits fit the 1851 Navy/1860 Army and 1858 Army black powder revolvers.How to folks bc here you're watching dulce guns and today we're going to talk about how cheaply you can get started with black-powder revolvers first of all we have a new package i got a new package from cabala's because they're having a sale right now this is the as of taping right now is the last week of. September 2016 and cabala's having a really good sale on many of their black-powder revolvers so i got this in. The mail recently and I'm going to open in front of you guys, and we're going to take a look and see what's inside here. For a short barrel is still pretty heavy got some gravity to it inside the bag is. All greasy of course because you don't want this thing to rust up while it's in. Transit okay we have the tag and all it. Has a just serial number on it come on. There we go let's compare that with my. Eight inch this is a nineteen or a. Nineteen 1851 colt versus the 1860 colt. So octagonal barrel but and it's got a. Brass frame on it too because i wanted to go super cheap with this cabala's right now has this along with the eight. Inch barrel also options for 150 dollars. 150 not bad and here's a close-up of the. Revolver and we have it's nicely blued. Everything seems to work the trigger is. Actually what surprisingly light the. Trigger is actually surprisingly light of course all it is just releasing that hammer so it should be light it's not rotating anything it's not doing anything but just letting go the hammer and the brass is nice and shiny of. Course that will not last very long because the second i shoot it will start dulling up and tarnish up and i. Will not be cleaning now will not be polishing it just keeping it normally cleans here's the loading lever there to. Force in the lead ball of course that's. The 1851 version of course is the. Sheriff's model as well so you have the five-inch barrel versus the eight inch or 12 inch buffalo of course are tagging. All barrel because it is the 18:51 model the trigger and a hammer load case-hardened everything else. Actually no the loading lever there is also case-hardened steel everything else is normal steel and blue let's take. Out that barrel wedge there which is really tight i try to take it out. Usually you can get it with your thumb i kind of get that with my thumb so I'm going to use the little nipple there on the end of the nipple wrench that's where that just screws out there for the cleaning of the nipples but you can as well. Use it on luma because it will not hurt the steel at all and i can get that back. In there and you can use that to hammer. Out the wedge without any worry of. Causing any there we go see you and i just rub it rights off this is aluminum coming off very which comes out oh. Usually not come out all the way come on. Baby oh that's on there we go. Again this is brand-new so this thing has not been apart since the factory and. That barrel is really clean everything. Is really clean on it you can see there is no debris inside sometimes there are some debris inside from the machining. Process but in this case nope. Nice and clean i will run a bore bus. Through there just to make sure that there is no little filings in here I'm not seen and you get the oil out of it before our first fire go back to. Automatic focus take off the cylinder. There and again very clean let's. See if i can get a good shot of that it pulls in a very in there and i will. Clean those up too before i actually shoot this, and then we have the rest of. The frame nice handle it fits pretty. Well for the most part there's a little high edges you can kind of feel some of. The high edges there of the wood coming up over the brass though with not exact. Perfect fit but close enough close. Enough for especially $150. Revolver all right i want to put the. Sucker back together, and we're going to go to the range after it clean of course all right tight that will work. The barrel wide back in their west. Suckers tight okay now i know you're not. Supposed to handle these in because i just adds extra stress but that paul is. Not actually getting over the lip right there which i need that to do so I'm going to hammer it just a little bit if you have an issue with that you can comment below not a big deal there we go. Now the perfect good deal. Go and a ball — they're good. Nice little ring now you see the balls. There we go you can see the balls. Here chris go because we're going old. School and it's just delicious really. Now once you start capping owe you some. Of these cci primers taps whatever going. To call them when start capping me. Ranges hot now you should never put your. Fingers or anything in front of the cylinder because then you have a live round alright caps going on my hands are. So slippery i can't hold on to it the grip is actually the handle is actually smaller than normal this can't get a. Good grip on it then help on targets. Move it around on there in the wind oh. Jesus well that was successful little run there we go. Had a piece of a cap stuck in the mechanism oh there you go. Check this out okay here's one of the. Problems with black-powder revolvers go. Ahead and zoom in on that here that's a. Cap that's a cap stuck up against the. Hammer see right there we go. Well we know she functions. I'm certain losing my light and i got some other things to do so i think I'll call it a day on black powder see you. Back in the bunker observations now keep. In mind i only put 12 shots through this because i was losing the light and some other projects had to get to at the range so only put 12 rounds for this. Sucker and i had a few issues with it not many number one was the first the. First six shots i did have some issues with some of the camps not firing the. Char to powder charge that was mostly my. Fault because i fail to remember to. Clean out the inside of the. Nipples before i actually fired it normally you would take the end of. Your actual nipple wrench and there's a. Little wire there that screws out and you would take that inside the actual. Nipple and just clean it out and make sure there's a free passage for the. Spark to shoot through now normally. That's not an issue but i was trying to use up some of my old cci caps, and they. Are a little bit weaker than the Remington caps it seems like so then have the umph to really push through and ignite the charge anyway once i switch. To every once i shot all six with the cci caps and kind of cleaned it out and changed over to Remington ram like a. Chow the second issue i had with the sheriff's mobile pietà is accuracy now. Some of us with my fault some of its fact I'm just not used to the firearm but these groups are not that good at 10 yards even for black-powder revolvers and one of the issues i had was my greasy hands of course from loading which is to be expected from black-powder firearms but along with that the greasy hands plus the fact that. These sheriffs model the 1851 sheriff's moment has a smaller grip than what I'm used to because I'm used to the 8-inch 1860 and the 12-inch buffalo they have. Much larger grips than the actual. Sheriffs model 1851 as you can see right. There's a close-up you can see that the grip is actually quite a bit bigger on the 1860 versus 1851 sheriffs. Model for really good accuracy the best. Idea is to actually choke up all your. Grip a single a single-handed grip choked up on the grip basically where your hand is almost. Underneath the hammer and that will give. You a pretty good hold on this much better than two hands because it's just. Not there's not enough grip there for a good two-handed hold it's just not there. And the third issue i had was the tiny. Very short loading lever now as you. Can see just a comparison side-by-side the loading lever on the sheriff's model versus the loading lever on the 8-inch 1860 model it's at least twice as. Long giving you twice the leverage to really ram that round that ball into the. Cylinder now if you got a tight cylinder or a slightly oversized ball which they. Should be slightly oversized it should not be easy to do then you're going to. Have a time getting that sucker to actually sat in their so if your first. Time black-powder revolver buyer and you. Really want something on the cheap i would go with the brass frame 8-inch model of the 1851 pietà know what I'd. Really recommend is the this baby right here the eight-inch barrel 1860 model. With the steel frame you can use full. Power charges on this and not worry about the frame and get the very. Accurate and very long life revolver. Here but if you're pinching pennies and. You want to get that $150 special from cabala's get the eight-inch model colt. Pietà 1851 with the brass frame that. Will get you out on a range shooting quicker and cheaper and the eight-inch barrel will give you a little more gravity and a little bit bigger handle. And you'll just have a better time shooting all around now this is just part one in a very long-term testing series that I'm going to do on this particular firearm itself so i bought. This at cabala's for 150 bucks is the cheapest pietà black-powder revolver you. Can get is probably the chiefs of black-powder revolver you can get anywhere so I'm going to go ahead and test this out I'm going to take it to its limits and beyond and i want to bring guys along of course so if you're interested in that go and hit the subscribe button at the end of this video and of course if you have any comments questions or show ideas leave those in comm box below the video and as always you guys have a great day see ya you.
Pietta Black-Powder Revolver Nipples
Purchase these replacement nipples for your spare cylinder or to have some spares on hand. Fits all Pietta black-powder revolvers. Per 6.Available: Stainless Steel, Blued.
Pietta 1860 Army .44-Caliber Revolver Spare Cylinder
This Spare Cylinder allows you to carry Six additional rounds with you so you can reload quickly and easily. Designed to fit only Pietta Black Powder Revolvers.Ted Cash Ratcheting Nipple Wrench
Getting the nipple out of a firearm can sometimes be a tricky task. That’s why investing in a ratchet-style wrench can be a lifesaver. Simply ratchet the nipple on and flip the handle over to ratchet the nipple off. Stainless steel construction.I'd like to demonstrate the cash manufacturing ratcheting nipple wrench. Simply push the head into the wrench. It'll stay there it's tapered to stay in. Place and then you can push it and to. Get a nipple off you simply put it over the nipple turn it off to put it on you. Pop it out spins it pushes it back in and. Then you go in the other direction we also have one that is made for the. Revolvers works in the same way you push. It on the handle and it'll fit right in. On the nipples of a revolver and you can. Turn it on or off whichever way you want. Just by flipping the handle over.
Traditions™ Revolver Nipple Wrench
Triple K Leather Holster for Army/Navy Colt®: Style Black Powder Revolvers
Available: Right Hand, Left Hand.
Color: Dark brown.
Pietta 1858 New Army .44 Caliber Revolver Spare Cylinder
Got any last words oh why are you. Laughing that's because i counted six shots oh. Really well i kind of tier cylinders oh no. No don't do that please oh. Halla one this videos can be primarily. Focused on the 1858 Remington new army. From pietà but not the gun specifically. But more about this now this is a. Converging cylinder which allows you to shoot 45 colts here's a cartridge here's. How a 45 colt looks like if you have never seen one before it's pretty big so let's get into it commercial cylinders were made so that you can shoot cartridges out of your cap and ball revolvers this one specifically is a drop-in cylinder that converts my gun into a 45 colt or 45 long colt or 45. Lc technically i bought this form. Tailors & co for about two hundred fifty-five dollars which includes shipping it is a little pricey considering that i got the gun itself for cheaper than that two hundred dollars and it's just a piece of metal but since they own the rights to this, and they're pretty much the only one that can make a six-shot cylinder then they can pretty much pricing however they want and even then. These are pretty much the cheapest that you could find of course i got the blue steel one because it's cheaper and it matches my gun better but you can also buy stainless steel ones which could be more durable and may look better in your gun or if you have a stainless steel gun the differences between the two cylinders is pretty big of course this. One allows you to shoot cartridges and this one allows you to shoot levels too low the conversions down there all you have to do is take off the cap get your 45 colt cartridges now you can load six. But it's only recommended to load five for safety reasons and I'll get into that and it loads into the cylinder just. Like that so now you have five shots afford a colt and then you put the cap back off now I'm going to be very careful because I'm going to load it into my gun and I'm gonna be putting the empty chamber which you can see there's no brass that you can see in that one while you see brass and other ones I'm going to put that face ring up for safety reasons of course because there's no safety doctors on these and now it's on an empty chamber and you have five. Shots in your gun now I'm going to take it up again for safety reasons while i make this video surprisingly if you weigh both of these cylinders the conversion cylinder is just lighter than. The regular cylinder it doesn't make that big of a difference but once you put everything in to reload it they're gonna be about the same weight anyways when i first got the cylinder the timing. Was perfect but then i did have a problem with it when i pulled the hammer back it would rotate forward and don't worry the gun is empty i checked and i unloaded it and i see five shots over there but when i released a hammer slowly the cylinder would rotate back the place so pretty. Much if you were to shoot it you'd be shooting blanks that's a sad. Story of many people's lives anyways so somehow i fixed it and the. Way i fix it was i loosened the hammer. Spring all the way and then i just dry fired one round and it works for a flue. Fine now it continually rotates with no. Issues now it's not recommended drying fire, but they fix it so technically it. Didn't damage it more than it fix it and. Then now put the hammer spring tension back up to where it was before and the manual says that you should not use anything but cowboy loads but just like. The gun recommends that you shouldn't use any more than like 25 grams of black. Powder we're pretty sure they're just trying to cover the butts but I'm no expert and I'm not responsible for anything that you do personally i don't think you have to stick with cowboy loads but again you can't sue me because i put a disclaimer already alright these are not cowboy lows. They're just regular 45 colt loads but make sure that their lead I've seen people shoot jacket bullets while they may not do instant damage to your gun they might have long-term effects as seeing that people have shot jacketed bullets out of their gun just fine and there hasn't been instant explosions or anything like that then I'm pretty sure you can use lead bullets pretty easily but again don't quote me. On that you i better not get a lawsuit within like the next week but that's. Pretty much it guys i haven't got to shoot this yet and I'm hoping to do it soon but then i have relatives coming over so i won't be able to do it soon enough and school's coming back up. Life's going back to normal i guess. But once i do get some range footage i will definitely share with you guys hey guys thank you so much for watching that video i hope you enjoyed and if you did please leave a like if you want other people to see it you can even share it to your friends and family on like facebook and stuff like that if you guys really want to buy some cool things and help out the channel at the same time you guys should check out my spread shirt you can get hoodies t-shirts mugs. Bandanas and more also if you donate to. My patreon you get access to early videos it's stuff like that and for the last video click over here having you just in my hands and looking at it's a really nice looking guy i really enjoyed the blue on it overall i. Just really like how it looks I've been taking a ton of pictures of it and i posted a couple on Instagram too and of course after the range i.
Pedersoli Colt® Pattern Powder Flask
This all brass antique looking powder flask is the perfect companion to your Colt .44 or .36 caliber revolver. The easy to use spout holds 24 grains of black powder in the .44 version and 15 grains in the .36 caliber version. The flask can hold approximately six ounces of black powder and is ornately decorated with a cannon and two crossed flags on each side.Available: .36 caliber, .44 caliber.
Pietta 1851 Navy .36 Caliber Revolver Spare Cylinder
I turned old boy around taking them. Reins on my teeth i charged them boys fine-tuned 86's they must all been. Married men to love their families because they scattered and run for home. Hey everybody how's it going well if. You're not familiar with that movie quote is from the movie true grit starring john wayne who played marshal rooster cog burn and in that scene he's. Describing to mattie ross how at one time he was on the opposite side of the law, and he was being chased by a posse well thanks to his two navy sixes he was. Able to persuade the posse to turn around go home the duke had two navy. Sixes i only have one.
Ted Cash Gun Hangers
Display your firearm proudly with brass or antiqued black hangers. They handle rifles, shotguns, bows and fishing rods. Comes with screws and liners to prevent scratching and marring. Antique design recreates the tradition of proudly displaying a fine flintlock or caplock rifle over the fireplace. Per 2.Available: Brass Finish, Antique Finish.
Triple K Western-Style Holster
Color: Walnut.
Available: Right hand or Left hand.
CVA In-Line/Sidelock Combo Nipple Pick
Triple K Leather Holster for Pedersoli Howdah Hunter Pistol
Color: Walnut.
Available: Right hand.