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Uncle Mike's® Gun-Tite Tube
Lucas Oil Extreme Duty CLP
Available: 11 oz. aerosole.
This is a viewer-requested review of Lucas extreme duty clp as I've done in. Previous reviews i will test the products ability as a powder solvent and as a corrosion inhibitor. I have prepared the steel plate by. Sanding to 400 grit degreasing with brake cleaner and separating into three. Sections i have a new assistant to help. Burn the powder let's fire it up walleye. Joe. Here are close-ups of the burnt powder. I applied hoppe's number nine to one. Section and the lucas clp to two. Sections. I let the plate soak for five minutes i. Really like that clock i scrub the hoppy. Section with a brass brush and wiped. With a clean patch. After cleaning the brush with brake cleaner i repeated the process with one. Of the lucas sections. I gave the remaining lucas section 25. More minutes of soak time after cleaning the brush i scrubbed and wiped the last section. You. Here are close-ups of each section the. Lucas clp did little to dissolve the burnt powder what powder was removed from the sections was due to the scrubbing and wiping the extra soak time did not seem. To help either irie sanded degreased and. Sectioned the steel plate i mixed one. Teaspoon of kosher salt with one cup of. Water i used a clean patch to apply a. Film of wd-40 to one section and the. Lucas clp to another the middle section. Was left untreated. You. With the plate held vertical i sprayed. Each section with the salt spray here. Are close-ups of each section after spraying i let the plate soak for 24. Hours here are close-ups of each section after. 24 hours i was surprised that the wd-40. Section showed signs of corrosion the. Lucas section was in great shape so i. Found that the lucas extreme duty clp. Performed similar to break free rem oil. And otis 85 all of these products are. Able to prevent corrosion but are not able to dissolve burnt powder as well as. The hoppe's number 9 the lucas clp had a. Thinner consistency compared to break free and the otis 85 i would say it was. More similar to the ram oil i hope this. Review was helpful thanks for watching.
G-96 Synthetic CLP Gun Oil
Approved for use by the U.S. Army for maintaining both large- and small-caliber weapons systems. Effective in temperatures from -74°F to 350°F. CFC- and VOC-free. Biodegradable and nonflammable.Size: 4-oz. bottle.
Hoppe's® Famous No. 9 Powder Solvent
Sizes: 2-oz. jar, 16-oz. jar.
Hoppe's Famous No.9™ Solvent - Quart
Hoppe's No. 9 remains the most widely used remover of powder, lead, metal fouling and rust available. The formula penetrates deep and rapidly for faster, easier cleaning jobs. Ultrapotent, safe and easy to use. A worldwide favorite since 1903. Per quart bottle.Birchwood Casey Synthetic Gun Oil with PTFE Lubricant
A superior lubricant for all climates. Contains PTFE lubricant to greatly reduce the friction between mating surfaces. Will not gum-up or lose its viscosity in extreme temperatures from -55°F to +300°F. The natural solvency of Synthetic Gun Oil cleans as it oils while its low evaporation rate assures protection against rust. Excellent for lubricating and protecting all metal sports equipment and many household items.Size: 10-oz. aerosol can.
Remington® Rem™ Oil Wipes
Remington® Rem™ Oil
Remington® Rem® Oil
Available: Rem Oil, Rem Oil Pro3 MSR, Rem Oil Pro3.
Birchwood Casey Blue & Rust Remover
A safe, reliable solution that removes rust and old blue easily and quickly without damaging base metal. Safe for removing old finish from firearms, muzzleloaders and antiques. Also excellent for removing rust from tools, gauges and precision instruments. Blue and rust removal is necessary before reblueing or browning.Size: 3 oz.
Birchwood Casey Bore Scrubber® 2-in-1 Bore Cleaner
A complete formula for copper and nitro fouling. This 2-in-1 solvent does it all! Attacks, dissolves and removes all types of barrel fouling including: lead, copper, plastic, carbon and powder fouling. Superior rust-preventive additives provide long-term protection after cleaning. Contains no nitrobenzene, butyl cellosolve or other highly toxic ingredients. Safe, fast and easy-to-use. Great for rifles, shotguns and handguns.Sizes: 10-oz. aerosol can.
Birchwood Casey Complete Perma Blue® Paste Gun Blue Kit
Kit includes:
Hoppe's Black Gun Grease
Birchwood Casey Super Blue Liquid Gun Blue
Size: 32 oz.
Following the easy steps of virtual kc's. Perma blue liquid gun blue kit will keep. The mettle of your firearm rust free and protected included in the kit is virtue. Kc's cleaner degreaser blue and rust remover and perma blue also included is. Wet/dry sandpaper a sponge blue and. Gobber's service cloth and barricade wipes after you have disassembled your firearms clean all the metal parts with the included sponge saturated and cleaner degreaser make sure to. Thoroughly clean all metal parts and then rinse with water you can now remove. Rust and/or bluing with the blue and rust remover saturate one of the dobbers in the solution and apply it to the metal parts with a small pad at steel-wool polished the metal lightly to remove rust and old bluing continue this process until the metal is gleaming the. Metal has deep scratches or pitting sand the areas with sandpaper followed by a steel wool polish to smooth it out makes. Sure the metal is completely clean of rust and no bluing before moving to the next step next reapply the cleaner degreaser scrub. With a sponge and rinse again with water. Now this point of the process try to. Avoid touching the metal with your finger tips to prevent markings on the metal when it comes to the bluing process now when it's time to start the bluing process timing is very important. You can work on sections of metal rather than the entire piece using a dawber in. The perma blue apply ot entire surface allow the perma blue to stay on the metal for no more than one minute then. Rinse it with water and wipe dry it's better to leave it on for less time because you can always go back and repeat the process if you would like a darker finish after ordering rinsing. Polish the metal with fine steel wool and look at the coverage of bluing if there is streaking or you want a darker. Finish repeats the bluing process after. You finish the bluing process wipe down all metal parts with barricade wipes and. Allowed curing overnight. For more information on virtual kc's. Perma blue liquid gun blue kid or other gun care products you can go to virtual
Hoppe's® BoreSnake® CLP Gun Oil
Size: 2-oz. bottle.
Well hello friends I'm dave Andres a. Fellow gun enthusiast and your host for. Hobbies here to share a little insight into what. Has been described as the fastest gun cleaner on earth the hoppy's bore snake in fact some folks say this little. Invention has no equal in the world of shooting sports because it performs three primary cleaning functions in one. Simple motion but let's not get ahead of. Ourselves before the bore snake story can have any real meaning to you as a solution it's important to understand the very nature of the problem that is. How exactly do guns get dirty the bad. Guy in the story is carbon the nasty. Pervasive stuff that builds up as a result of normal use carbon does its. Darnedest to cling to the metal inside. Your barrel taking a firm grasp of the pores of the metal and playing heck with the performance and accuracy of your gun oh it's wicked stuff that carbon and it. Never stops building up and it's the nemesis of every scientist who ever tried to come up with something to prevent it if you shoot you get carbon. End of story or is it how about we use. This trusty Remington 870 for purposes. Of demonstration first off though we've. Got to make sure the gun is absolutely. Empty so always take the time to double check in the name of gun safety now if i. Were showing you a traditional gun cleaning process I'd get the gun situated in my copen cyclize gun mount. Which more than earns is keep has a safe. Way to do minor gunsmithing and as a. Shooting tool out on the range but the hoppy's bore snake is meant to be used in a more freehand fashion okay let's. Get acquainted with this bad boy at first glance the bore snake looks like nothing more than a six-foot-long piece. Of synthetic cord with some decorations on it but don't be fooled this ingenious one-piece design. Qualified for a united state patent now. This part right here goes to work first removing large particles from the bore. Then this bronze brush right here gets. After the remaining carbon deposits and then this main floss area comes along to. Finish the job wiping the bore clean and true so here. We go you just drop the breast weight in. Through the breech and feed the cord on. In letting gravity do its thing. Then you go ahead and grab the brass weight what just happens to be stamped. With the gauge or caliber it fits prepare to be amazed you just go ahead. And pull the bore snake on through just like this and don't worry if it feels a. Little snug that's how it's designed and. Then all of a sudden you've got yourself. A clean gun thanks in part to this long. Floss which is 160 times more area than. A conventional cleaning patch man that's. A lot of cleaning power one of the great things about the hoppy's bore snake is that it preserves and protects the. Integrity of your rifles rifling and crown and the chamber and bore of the. Shotgun because there is no exposed metal which explains in part why the. Bore snake has become so popular even. With the old school gun guys like me i had one guy asked me the other day why. The heck this didn't get invented thirty years ago at the end of the day the. Hoppy's bore snake is no substitute for traditional gun maintenance using products like hoppe's number nine or hop easily gun cleaner that kind of cleaning. Will always have its place right here in the gun room where you've got the time. And the energy to spare but what if you're out in the field after a long hard hunt or at the range after long. Hours of practice what if you're just too darn tired to clean your gun the traditional way what if it's too dark to. See what you're doing you can't let your. Gun go unclean especially if it's taken on a little bit of moisture you just be asking for trouble that's where the hoppy's poor. Snake comes in just bust it out of your kit or backpack uncoil it and put it to. Work right then and thereafter all it's lightweight compact and. Fully capable of unfailing even the. Dirtiest of guns no matter what kind of. Mischief you got yourself into yes. Hoppy's bore snake has become the talk of the gun industry it scores high marks with every day gun guys and shooting. Pros alike all of whom appreciate that. This hard-working bore cleaner is also machine washable hack a lot of guys have. More than one which is very useful when you consider that their buddies are always trying to make off with them now. One thing about a good cleaning it tends. To take away some of the protective oil you've applied so an optional final step. With the hoppy's bore snake is to put a few drops of hoppy's elite oil on this. Area right here and then run it through the bore that'll protect your gun. Against friction wear and rust regardless of whether you're preparing for another day in the field or strolling your gun away in the safe by the way it's perfectly okay too as well. Apply a little hoppe's number nine or elite oil to the exterior of your gun. There's no better way to keep rust at. Bay and the oil will not harm your wooden stocks but let's get back to that. Bore snake i tell you it's one of the. The Smartest gun accessories to come along in a while it's fast its effective and. It's a darn good solution for those times when a traditional cleaning just. Isn't in the cards thanks for watching I'm dave andrews for Hafiz You.
Birchwood Casey® RIG Universal Gun Grease
Apply now
Thompson/Center® T17® Firearm Wipes
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Remington® Rem® Oil Pop-Up Wipes
Versatile Remington® gun oil in pre-moistened, disposable wipes packaged in a handy pop-up canister. The patented formula cleans dirt and grime from exposed metal surfaces on guns and other metal equipment. It displaces invisible moisture from metal pores to protect against rust, corrosion and fingerprints. This exclusive Teflon®-enhanced lubricant leaves a durable protective film that will keep moving parts functioning smoothly and reduce metal-on-metal wear. Each wipe is 7" x 8". 60 wipes per canister. Made in USA.Birchwood Casey Perma Blue® Liquid Gun Blue
Size: 32 oz.
Following the easy steps of virtual kc's. Perma blue liquid gun blue kit will keep. The mettle of your firearm rust free and protected included in the kit is virtue. Kc's cleaner degreaser blue and rust remover and perma blue also included is. Wet/dry sandpaper a sponge blue and. Gobber's service cloth and barricade wipes after you have disassembled your firearms clean all the metal parts with the included sponge saturated and cleaner degreaser make sure to. Thoroughly clean all metal parts and then rinse with water you can now remove. Rust and/or bluing with the blue and rust remover saturate one of the dobbers in the solution and apply it to the metal parts with a small pad at steel-wool polished the metal lightly to remove rust and old bluing continue this process until the metal is gleaming the. Metal has deep scratches or pitting sand the areas with sandpaper followed by a steel wool polish to smooth it out makes. Sure the metal is completely clean of rust and no bluing before moving to the next step next reapply the cleaner degreaser scrub. With a sponge and rinse again with water. Now this point of the process try to. Avoid touching the metal with your finger tips to prevent markings on the metal when it comes to the bluing process now when it's time to start the bluing process timing is very important. You can work on sections of metal rather than the entire piece using a dawber in. The perma blue apply ot entire surface allow the perma blue to stay on the metal for no more than one minute then. Rinse it with water and wipe dry it's better to leave it on for less time because you can always go back and repeat the process if you would like a darker finish after ordering rinsing. Polish the metal with fine steel wool and look at the coverage of bluing if there is streaking or you want a darker. Finish repeats the bluing process after. You finish the bluing process wipe down all metal parts with barricade wipes and. Allowed curing overnight. For more information on virtual kc's. Perma blue liquid gun blue kid or other gun care products you can go to virtual
Lucas Oil Gun Metal Polish
Size: 4 fl. oz.