Top 20
Hornady® One Shot™ Clean Gun Parts Sonic Solution
Safe for all firearm finishes. Clean dirt, grease and powder residue from small, steel gun parts. Concentrated formula. 1 gallon bottle.Once my local bass pro shop and. We're gonna see how well this. Cleaner so we're gonna do this and it says that it cleans all gun parts safe for all firearms finishes quickly removes carbon dirt grease and powder. Residue probably do about I'm gonna go. Ahead and run it through one cycle see how it do i got a feeling it's gonna. Take more than that because that one. Shot is probably not designed to work on. Ninety plus year old gunk didn't crap. But we'll see how it goes just a minute. Alright here we are down at where the. Ultrasonic cleaner is i have an eye sonic two point one quart it's supposed. To say that's supposed to hold two point one cords but it's actually a little smaller than that I've got the one shot here we're gonna try it now the direction state let's see here shake. Gently before using protection freezing. Alright dilute is a forty to one ratio. Or a half ounce a solution to twenty. Ounces of distilled water tap water. Can't be used however distilled water will improve cleaning action and reduce water spots when drying rinse cleaning solution from parts after cleaning safe for use with all gun parts all right so. I'm gonna go ahead and do that I've already got my parts in here now. I'm not gonna bore you with watching me fill this thing up with water and trying to figure out how much it's gonna take, but we've got that we got the distilled water, and we're gonna plug it in and get. It go back in a second okay so it. Only ended up taking one ounce of the. Hornady one shot cleaning gun cleaning. Solution and 40 ounces of water let's go. Ahead and put it in there we go. Parts are in there now I'm gonna set. This for thirty minutes the instructions did not say how long to. Do it for so I'm gonna go ahead and do one thirty minute cycle and then also on. Top of that I'm gonna set the heater that way it gives a heating. To help clean it all rights so we will. See you again after 30 minutes okay. So it is coming to the end of the cycle we're gonna see how it looks off here. Oh wow look how nasty that solution is. Wow that's kind of surprising i didn't. Think it was gonna work that well obviously there is a lot of crap in. There oh geez hey look at the sides i really scrubbed. Off a lot of stuff it looks like possibly mm that looks a lot better than. What it was the first time or when it went in now wearing gloves cuz i have no. Idea how caustic this stuff is dad focus. Ding you remember this was like. Totally coated black. A lot more pitting and rust that's kind. Of disappointing it's really hoping. What's gonna be like that thing go ahead. And run it through another 30. Minutes and see how it looks after that. All right so according to the ultrasonic. Cleaner company i got to let it sit for about 20 minutes and then i can go ahead and start it up again and i will be back. After the second cycles get done with the second cycle wow that's its still. Surprising me that's my help i kept it. On frame huh sorry guys all right that. Is definitely a lot cleaner because i. Was looking at this thing earlier and i mean it was just caked on with crap. Definitely good yeah i mean for the most. Part looks like it did pretty good but uh still seen some gunk spots and. But considering what it just went through and how much stuff was on it i. Think it's one shot stuff works right. Extremely well. Hey it does have the tick marks on it. Couldn't tell earlier yeah I'm gonna go. Ahead and set this soak this and hops overnight and then get a brush out to scrub it all down but yeah it's it. Actually really surprised me i mean it got a lot of the crap off of it. Wow not bad at all. All right so that horny one shot stuff. In it seems like it works really good i definitely recommend it especially if you're not trying to do. Something like this you know nine decade old parts and stuff for the mosin nag ant. But well even then i mean it's gonna. Really help your cleaning process time. Go down lot less scrubbing your gonna. Have to do — yeah i totally recommend. This stuff is honest i think this stuff worked fantastic like i said considering how it was. Before okay there you go. Workaday one shot stuff fantastic gun. Parts formula if you got an ultrasonic cleaner definitely recommend it now i. Just have to clean out my clear all. Right take care guys. You.
RCBS® Vibratory Case Polisher
Hi my name is ken sakamoto I'm the. Senior product manager for our cbs and i want to introduce you to the new vibratory case polisher this is a vibratory case polisher features a 14. Pound capacity drum and it also includes. A straining lid there are two models there is a 120 us and canada version and. There's a changeable plug international. Version that will cover the uk europe and australia the vibratory case polisher from our cbs.
Cabela's Model 400 Vibratory Case Tumbler Kit
Case Capacity:
- 9mm: 1000 cases
- 45 Auto: 600 cases
- 223 Remington: 450 cases
- 30-06: 250 cases
Okay so let's open her up using my handy. Dandy kershaw scallion we open the box. And we'll be fine on top is a sippy pan. And then your six pounds of corn cob. Media and under that is one well packed. And inside of the tumbler is your. Metallic brass polish so let's go ahead. And get this puppy set up let's see if we can't polish some brass okay I've. Wiped out the inside there was some residue i don't know if that's from packing or from window during assembly. Because it looks like there's some. Oil there where they assembled via the carriage bolt they're in the washer but. The instructions yes I've read the instructions say to fill the bowl about two-thirds full of your dry corn cob media. Yeah it looks about two-thirds full. I'm guessing yeah i say it's about right. And then set the tumbler on a flat. Concrete surface I'm going to move it from here and move down to the floor. Eventually and it says if you want to. Add your two cupfuls of that brass. Bright polish to each load oops if. Desired so let's do that right now one. Cap full two cupfuls okay not quite as. Clean as i would like it to be but hey it'll work okay add brass c capacity. Chart capacity for two to three is 450 i. Don't know if you can see that right here see if i can get that in focus here. We go a thousand nine millimeters 645. Acp 450 223 or 250 30.6 i have probably. About 150 of them here so you want to. Add your brass. And put the lid on and of course tighten. The lid and let's go ahead and put this. On a concrete surface like it says okay i found a spot on the floor that's close enough to a plug and so i've went ahead. And set it all it plugged it all in made sure that everything's good to go the sheet says if you're just going to clean the brass go with about 30 to 60 minutes but I'm going to polish the brass you want to go more like several hours so that's going to do i put gumby up there to you know give a little ride i know it's not gonna last very long up there but let's go ahead see what happens. No it's like he's swimming oh that's. Awesome go gumby go come to go well I'll come. Back at several hours and see how it turns out okay it's been about i guess. Three hours i guess cops assemble and no company didn't end up staying on their i just put them right back on their see what else he would do. But there seems to be yeah okay. Actually it's pretty quiet well we could. Not hear it from inside the house in the. Garage so it's actually i thought so. Let's go ahead and dump out the media see how clean the brass is ok comes with. This really neat handy-dandy sifter pan this is just a cat litter box container. That we've used it's empty now well be. Have a couple cats so these are actually quite handy for a number of other things as well but let's go ahead and try. Sipping let's see what we come up with i. Guess i could try something yeah all. Right so it's like panning for gold. I worked out really well so next thing. I'm not gonna go ahead and put the clean brass in a separate container just so i. Can separate it kind of figure out when they're doing it next so obviously you still have stuff in the brass but if you look that's actually. Really clean it was actually very dirty around the case mouth obviously because they've been fired the primers are still in them i didn't want to go ahead and. Deep prime and lube dirty cases so I'll. Say they turned out most of these are actually lake city brass because i got these from most of these are my georgia arms ammo box already once fired brass. From georgia arms but like i said it's. All lake city here's a couple this is i believe a winchester so it's a little. But mix but mostly it's going to be the. It's gonna be the lake city brass so I'd. Go through this. All right of course this media is. Reusable it's not like you use it once and you gotta toss it so and save as. Much as oh yeah now as far as the brass polisher it says to add some every time. You do it so i think not really well. There're the media that i have used and i. Think I'm gonna go ahead and do some 45 acp brass cases here my 223 right in. Cases you can see the primers distilling them and let me tell you something this. I think did an amazing job there you. Now if you look really carefully you can see you know some you know spots. Where it's not perfectly clean i guess if i had left them in longer then i think was just a little under three hours it probably would have gotten it but like the case mouths were or. Especially on the neck area they were actually very dark very black. These look great so this is the cabala's. Model 400 vibratory case tumbler i got. The kit so like i said it pretties much came with everything including the media the polish of course the. Tumbler and the sifting basket which is kind of like panning for brass so i. Highly recommend it as far as longevity of course I've only used it once so but initial impressions. Are fantastic so you're thinking your. Getting what i think this was like um almost like 70 bucks i believe at. Cabala's it wasn't it was under a hundred well under 100 i know that much but if you're looking for a brass tumbler and wanted to get a starting kit. Starter kit this actually is very nice so thanks for watching and i think I'm gonna go clean more brass.
Frankford Arsenal® Brass-Cleaning Solution
Available: 32 oz.
Hey guys got an interesting product test today this is the frankfort arsenal brass cleaning solution so i just ran. Out of lemme shine that i was using to clean my brass and this is the last batch that i did with that it works pretty well it's let me shine appliance. Cleaner plus a couple drops of liquid soap like youtube and the internet. Recommends but yeah I'm curious to see. How this compares so I've got another bowl of dirty nine millimeter brass I'm gonna run it for two and a half hours the directions on this say to use distilled water I'm to keep to go out. And buy distilled water so i did run all of this water through the filter on my refrigerator so I'm gonna use that i measured it off to exactly 80 ounces at. The line here and to that I'm going to add two ounces of the liquid which I'm. Going to measure with three ounce cups. I'm gonna say that's about two ounces so. It's half an ounce for every 20 fluid ounces so that should be the correct. Amount. All right so here is the final result i. Have my opinion I'm curious to know what. Do you guys think i can clearly see a. Difference between these two hopefully. The camera will pick it up but i don't. No post a comment down below which do you think is the better looking brass. Have a good one thanks for watching.
Thumler's Tumbler Ultra Vibe 10 Tumbler
The 3-quart capacity bowl will hold as many as 125 rifle or 400 pistol cases. It has a 115-volt thermally protected, sealed ball-bearing motor. It vibrates at 3,000 vpm. Includes 3 pounds of corn cob media.Peer reviews are always a popular topic. On the gun channels here on youtube but. Normally people are reviewing gear which they just recently got and it's. Basically show and tell for the most part and that's fine and dandy but occasionally it's nice to see a review of a product which someone has head for quite a while and that's what this is going to be I'm going to do a little review of this tumblers tumbler ultra. Vibe 18 cartridge case vibratory cleaner and I've owned this for at least 15. Years and actually i purchased this unit. Secondhand so I'm really not sure how old it is it could be as old as 25 years. Old for all i know i believe they've been making these tumblers for about 30. Years so i think I'm pretty well-versed. With this product to be able to speak on it now this is a vibratory case cleaner. As i mentioned and it's very heavy-duty. Construction now there's a lot of. Different case tumblers on the market, and they vary in price quite considerably, and they also vary in their construction and quality quite a bit and I've seen some of the cheaper tumblers. That are out there, and they're quite lightly built and of course the prices. Are quite cheap compared to this one these sell for about a hundred and. Eighty to two hundred dollars depending upon where you purchase them but i think. That's money that's very well spent because I've used this extensively for. As i said about 15 years or so and it saw us before i got it and it has never. Given me any problems at all so that's money that is you know well. Well spent i think i paid $100 for this. Secondhand which at the time seemed like a bit more than you know might have been. Justified but I'm quite happy that i spent that money back then because like i said its given me all those years of service so let's have a closer look at. This machine it's got a capacity of. About a gallon and a half is gallons. Which is 6 pounds of tumbling media they. Rated four and a total capacity of. Eighteen pounds with media and the brass. Added to it and that equates to somewhere between 200 and 700 cartridges. Cases depending upon of course the caliber and the size of cases i would. Probably refrain from putting too. Much in it because it does tend to slow down the cleaning action a little bit but i routinely tumble up to 500. Nine-millimeter cases in it without any particular problem at all know this is of course this is the ultra vibe 18 there. Are a couple of other tumblers in their vibratory cleaning range which are on. Each side of the case capacity wise. There's the model 10 which is smaller of. Course and the model 45 which is larger this is a nice size with a fairly decent. Capacity for cleaning now this unit as well. Has some features that motor is a. Thermally protected ball bearing motor. One thirtieth of a horsepower and it. Seems to run fairly quietly oh get the. Camera set up a little better here we'll have a closer look at some of the features of this tumbler okay the top of. The tumbler is held on with a wing nut on top of this threaded rod remove the. Wing nut take the top off there's a washer below that the washer has a. Backing on it a rubber backing on it and. One thing you'll notice right away when you compare this to most of the other tumblers which are cheaper is how heavy everything is on it quite a substantial. Piece of plastic for a lid and it's as well. Lined inside with a rubber liner to keep noise to a minimum which is a nice feature some of the cheaper tumblers do not have that type of feature they have a very thin plastic lid also the. Thickness of the polyethylene bowl quite a bit more substantial than a lot of those cheaper brands of tumbler now if. We look inside the machine here a little. Closer up here this one a little bit. There you can see that the bowl is held on by this once again by this threaded rod this runs down to the motor and the. Bowl can be removed if you needed to replace it for some reason or another some people will use have a couple of. These bowls though use one for liquid case cleaning and one. For dry case cleaning I've only ever had experience using the dry case cleaning method I'll just turn the machine on here you can see the action of it when it's running you can see the media roles. Around in a kind of cyclonic effect. Comes up from the outside rolls over and. Goes towards the center and carries the cartridge cases with it i got some nine-millimeter in here at the moment being clean and if you overload these. Machines they do not clean the brass but. As quickly so it's best to make sure that you don't put too much in them you want to make sure that there's that rotation of the media inside there to get a good effect. One thing about these machines is there's no on/off switch on them they start immediately when you plug them into the wall so one thing that i like to do is to use an appliance timer like. This is kind of like the lamp timers except it's got a little bit bigger rating and you've got a rating on. The back here that tells you the capacity that this timer will handle you. Want to buy one of these timers which will handle the rating of the motor so i. Basically like to plug the machine into one of these timers and then i can set. The timer up to run when I'm not around so now the list of the machine run although it's not really all that loud but it might as well run while I'm not here listening to it and then you can run it for whatever number hours you'd like to run it for so that's a one thing. That some of the other machines do have a switch on the cord really no big deal. One way or the other in my opinion whether they have that feature or not some people would like that i guess if you're setting these machines up in a place where it's hard to access the wall socket it's nice. To have the switch on the cord you could always put a switch on these cords if you really needed that feature moving down on the tumbler you'll see that it's mounted on top of this the bowl here is mounted on top of this metal stamping and between the metal base plate i guess. You'd call it and the bowl there is a. Foam rubber piece which is sandwiched in. Here that's to hold everything good and firmly and below that the whole thing is. Sitting on top of these springs a little. Closer there with the zoom so the whole. Think sits on top of these springs, and they are in turn on top of rubber like a. Rubber bushing inside that there's the. Rubber bushing underneath there so that. All keeps the vibration from moving down to the surface that you have the tumbler. Sitting on top of will go back out here. A little bit further and you can see that the base itself here is a steel. Stamping and the feet are rubber. Bought and they have a steel screw. Holding those in place so all in all. Really very robust construction and. We'll flip it over here a little bit. That's the cobwebs under there should clean that up before i turn the camera. On and there's the motor underneath so. The motor is a pretty decent-sized motor. For this type of application quite a bit. Bigger than you'll find on some of the smaller capacity cheap tumblers you can. See this is the weight which is clamped to the shaft that is actually what gives you the vibrating motion that that weight is clamped on and that makes the whole thing on ballast which when it spins gives you the shaking action and these are supposed to vibrate at about. 3,000 vibratory cycles per minute so see. If we can look at the can look at the. Motor tag there and it is osco. Industrial incorporated 115 volts. Thermally protected sealed ball bearing. So given lots of good service so far so. There you have it that's my review of my tumblers tumbler ultra vibe a product which is manufactured in the. United states and which has been manufactured there for about 30 years so. A really good reliable product if you're in the market for a cartridge case cleaner for reloading purposes i can. Highly recommend this product and i. Think if you get one you'll be quite happy with it talk to you later guys.
Cabela's Corn Cob Media and Brass Case Polish Combo
Cabela’s Corn Cob Media is inexpensive and works like a charm. Nothing works better for cleaning dirty brass case than ground corn cobs. Includes 8 oz. bottle of brass case and polish additive. With 6 lbs. of media.Hornady® One Shot Corncob Tumbler Media
Specially formulated with Hornady One Shot metal polish to clean and give tarnished cases a high-gloss finish.Size: 76 oz.
Lyman Turbo Sonic Steel and Gun Parts Cleaning Solution –
Special concentrate formulated to get top-notch results from Turbo Sonic and other sonic case cleaners. Use this solution for steel and stainless steel parts such as barrels, cylinders or other parts.Thumler's Tumbler Ultra Vibe 18 Tumbler
The Ultra Vibe 18 boasts a 115-volt thermally protected, sealed ball-bearing motor. Using dry media, it cleans gently with a cyclonic effect. The 1-1/2-gallon polyethylene bowl vibrates at 3,000 VPM with enough room for over 300 .30-06 cases.Peer reviews are always a popular topic. On the gun channels here on youtube but. Normally people are reviewing gear which they just recently got and it's. Basically show and tell for the most part and that's fine and dandy but occasionally it's nice to see a review of a product which someone has head for quite a while and that's what this is going to be I'm going to do a little review of this tumblers tumbler ultra. Vibe 18 cartridge case vibratory cleaner and I've owned this for at least 15. Years and actually i purchased this unit. Secondhand so I'm really not sure how old it is it could be as old as 25 years. Old for all i know i believe they've been making these tumblers for about 30. Years so i think I'm pretty well-versed. With this product to be able to speak on it now this is a vibratory case cleaner. As i mentioned and it's very heavy-duty. Construction now there's a lot of. Different case tumblers on the market, and they vary in price quite considerably, and they also vary in their construction and quality quite a bit and I've seen some of the cheaper tumblers. That are out there, and they're quite lightly built and of course the prices. Are quite cheap compared to this one these sell for about a hundred and. Eighty to two hundred dollars depending upon where you purchase them but i think. That's money that's very well spent because I've used this extensively for. As i said about 15 years or so and it saw us before i got it and it has never. Given me any problems at all so that's money that is you know well. Well spent i think i paid $100 for this. Secondhand which at the time seemed like a bit more than you know might have been. Justified but I'm quite happy that i spent that money back then because like i said its given me all those years of service so let's have a closer look at. This machine it's got a capacity of. About a gallon and a half is gallons. Which is 6 pounds of tumbling media they. Rated four and a total capacity of. Eighteen pounds with media and the brass. Added to it and that equates to somewhere between 200 and 700 cartridges. Cases depending upon of course the caliber and the size of cases i would. Probably refrain from putting too. Much in it because it does tend to slow down the cleaning action a little bit but i routinely tumble up to 500. Nine-millimeter cases in it without any particular problem at all know this is of course this is the ultra vibe 18 there. Are a couple of other tumblers in their vibratory cleaning range which are on. Each side of the case capacity wise. There's the model 10 which is smaller of. Course and the model 45 which is larger this is a nice size with a fairly decent. Capacity for cleaning now this unit as well. Has some features that motor is a. Thermally protected ball bearing motor. One thirtieth of a horsepower and it. Seems to run fairly quietly oh get the. Camera set up a little better here we'll have a closer look at some of the features of this tumbler okay the top of. The tumbler is held on with a wing nut on top of this threaded rod remove the. Wing nut take the top off there's a washer below that the washer has a. Backing on it a rubber backing on it and. One thing you'll notice right away when you compare this to most of the other tumblers which are cheaper is how heavy everything is on it quite a substantial. Piece of plastic for a lid and it's as well. Lined inside with a rubber liner to keep noise to a minimum which is a nice feature some of the cheaper tumblers do not have that type of feature they have a very thin plastic lid also the. Thickness of the polyethylene bowl quite a bit more substantial than a lot of those cheaper brands of tumbler now if. We look inside the machine here a little. Closer up here this one a little bit. There you can see that the bowl is held on by this once again by this threaded rod this runs down to the motor and the. Bowl can be removed if you needed to replace it for some reason or another some people will use have a couple of. These bowls though use one for liquid case cleaning and one. For dry case cleaning I've only ever had experience using the dry case cleaning method I'll just turn the machine on here you can see the action of it when it's running you can see the media roles. Around in a kind of cyclonic effect. Comes up from the outside rolls over and. Goes towards the center and carries the cartridge cases with it i got some nine-millimeter in here at the moment being clean and if you overload these. Machines they do not clean the brass but. As quickly so it's best to make sure that you don't put too much in them you want to make sure that there's that rotation of the media inside there to get a good effect. One thing about these machines is there's no on/off switch on them they start immediately when you plug them into the wall so one thing that i like to do is to use an appliance timer like. This is kind of like the lamp timers except it's got a little bit bigger rating and you've got a rating on. The back here that tells you the capacity that this timer will handle you. Want to buy one of these timers which will handle the rating of the motor so i. Basically like to plug the machine into one of these timers and then i can set. The timer up to run when I'm not around so now the list of the machine run although it's not really all that loud but it might as well run while I'm not here listening to it and then you can run it for whatever number hours you'd like to run it for so that's a one thing. That some of the other machines do have a switch on the cord really no big deal. One way or the other in my opinion whether they have that feature or not some people would like that i guess if you're setting these machines up in a place where it's hard to access the wall socket it's nice. To have the switch on the cord you could always put a switch on these cords if you really needed that feature moving down on the tumbler you'll see that it's mounted on top of this the bowl here is mounted on top of this metal stamping and between the metal base plate i guess. You'd call it and the bowl there is a. Foam rubber piece which is sandwiched in. Here that's to hold everything good and firmly and below that the whole thing is. Sitting on top of these springs a little. Closer there with the zoom so the whole. Think sits on top of these springs, and they are in turn on top of rubber like a. Rubber bushing inside that there's the. Rubber bushing underneath there so that. All keeps the vibration from moving down to the surface that you have the tumbler. Sitting on top of will go back out here. A little bit further and you can see that the base itself here is a steel. Stamping and the feet are rubber. Bought and they have a steel screw. Holding those in place so all in all. Really very robust construction and. We'll flip it over here a little bit. That's the cobwebs under there should clean that up before i turn the camera. On and there's the motor underneath so. The motor is a pretty decent-sized motor. For this type of application quite a bit. Bigger than you'll find on some of the smaller capacity cheap tumblers you can. See this is the weight which is clamped to the shaft that is actually what gives you the vibrating motion that that weight is clamped on and that makes the whole thing on ballast which when it spins gives you the shaking action and these are supposed to vibrate at about. 3,000 vibratory cycles per minute so see. If we can look at the can look at the. Motor tag there and it is osco. Industrial incorporated 115 volts. Thermally protected sealed ball bearing. So given lots of good service so far so. There you have it that's my review of my tumblers tumbler ultra vibe a product which is manufactured in the. United states and which has been manufactured there for about 30 years so. A really good reliable product if you're in the market for a cartridge case cleaner for reloading purposes i can. Highly recommend this product and i. Think if you get one you'll be quite happy with it talk to you later guys.
Lyman Stainless Steel Media – 5 lbs.
Size: 5 lbs.
Lyman® Turbo® Sonic™ TS-2500 Sonic Cleaner
Re loaders will welcome lyman's new turbo. Sonic case cleaner it takes unprimed. Brass from dirty to clean in less than. 15 minutes the turbo sonics heated tank. And lyman's case cleaning solution boost. The ultrasonic action for faster more complete cleaning using lyman's gun. Parts cleaning solution the turbo sonic. Also makes quick work of cleaning steel tools and gun parts lyman products. Brands that perform providing innovative. Products to shooters since 1878. You.
Lyman Turbo® Tufnut™ Plus Case Cleaning Media - 5.5 lb. Easy Pour Container
Tufnut Media is made from rouge-bearing crushed nut shells. A few hours in a Lyman Turbo Tumbler and cases are clean, polished and ready for reloading. Very abrasive material will polish cases faster, and works great on heavily tarnished cases.Size: 5.5 lb. Easy pour container.
Lyman Turbo® Treated Corncob Case Cleaning Media in 6-lb. Easy Pour Container
Sizes: 6 lb. Easy Pour container.
Apply now
Hornady® Lock-N-Load® Sonic Cleaner 2L
An 80-watt ceramic heater enhances this unit’s cleaning action. Set the timer from one to 30 minutes to choose the proper cycle for your application. Holds up to 300 .223-Remington cases or 150 .308-Winchester cases.
Tank capacity: 2.1 quarts.
Hey guys lock and load channel here one. Do a quick review for you today on a product that i just purchased as you know i reload and i'm always looking for a better easier way to clean brats. That's probably the one part of reloading that i really do not enjoy is clean the brats there really isn't a good way of doing it i've been tumbling using a corn cob media for most of my. Brass i've got a line of turbo tumbler. It does okay it takes anywhere from two. To three hours depending on how dirty the brass is i like to tumble it before i run through my dies so i don't scratch. The dies so what i have behind me here is i've got some 40 smith & wesson cases some of them i've already tumbled and then i have some that are dirty that i'm going to run through this this new hornaday lock and load cleaner i got. This from midway usa okay it's a sonic. Cleaner there's different ways of cleaning brass this was on sale so i thought i would try it made it sound. Pretty simple and easy i know there's also a rotary method of wet method we. Put your brass in in a rotary tumbler with steel pins i have a friend of mine. That does that and he said that works real well i don't have one of those but. I thought i would try this i've been. Using this this sauna cleaner now for. About three weeks but i'm not gonna saying it i'll let you see how it does and then i'll give you my impressions and then you can make up your mind what you think but let's go ahead get started here i'll show you what i got going and we'll see how it does okay guys here's. What we got going this is the sonic cleaner alright it's pretty nice little. Unit not as big a hopper who i thought. It would have but not too small either. It does okay stainless steel container and it has this little basket here that. You put your brass in okay and then you. Put your solution inside the cleaner and. Drop that down in there and then what it has is a timer here for how many seconds. You want to want to run it to uh the cleaner is one hundred eighty two eighty three eighty and four eighty. Resolved 90 seconds - okay so it's 90. 180 - 83 80 40 okay and then just has an on/off switch so pretty easy to operate you do have to. Use this cleaner this is a sonic it's. Called one-shot a cartridge case formula. By hornaday calls for a 41 ratio or half. Ounce of solution - 20 ounces of distilled water i have a pre-measured plastic cup i use. But i filter the line it's 20 ounces of water and then i add a basically 2 cap. For this one shot - the cleaner and that. Will do you ok what i have here show you. Up close here is 40 smith & wesson cases. That i've taken to the range if these are once fired okay the one on the left. Here i ran through the corncob media and. That's in the regular tumbler and this. Camera doesn't want to focus but it come. Out pretty good come up pretty clean. Okay that's about two hours of tumbling. And then on the left here you see is the. Dirty breath i haven't done anything with it all okay these have not been d primed or anything these are right from the range and like i said i clean these before i run them through my size or die so i've got 20 or so cases of each so. What i want to do is like i said this has already been tumbled so i'm going to compare after a couple cycles in the. Sonic cleaner here what they look like. Compared to two hours in the in the. Corncob media vibratory tumbler so we'll. Go ahead and we'll get this set up and clean and i'll show you how to how to mix it okay what i have here is a. Remeasured cup this is 20 ounces of distilled water now what i've done is. I've used hot water it doesn't say on. The instructions whether you use hot or cold i just think hot would clean better it seems to anyway so i've actually this. Is a hot tap water and then i put in the. Microwave for a couple minutes just to get it get a good and hot okay so it's. 20 ounces of water. And then this is the cleaner i having. This little pan here this is exactly. Half ounce okay so dump that into the. Water and there's your mixture okay so. Next i want to go ahead and take my basket here and put my dirty brass in it. And again this is a brass right from the. Range right from the ground once fired. We'll go ahead and put that in there put. The lid on and i've tried each setting. Here and i found that the 480 works the. Best and again if it doesn't clean it. You know i've actually gone a couple times so we'll go ahead and run that and. I'm back here in a few minutes when it's. Done okay we're back so that's eight. Minutes of cleaning let's check it out so hot look all right not bad look. Pretty good still some grime on them the. Insides are not too bad but that's. That's just after eight minutes okay now again compared to the tumbled ones. Not quite as clean but definitely. Cleaner and if you can see the water there there's definitely some grime. Laying the bottom of that pan so let's go ahead and run it another cycle up 480. Seconds and we'll come back and check be. Right back. Okay got a couple seconds here and this will be done and we'll check them out this will be the second run-through so. This will be a total of 16 minutes. Looking pretty good inside of cases very. Nice and clean you can see that nice. Outsides looking better still a little. Bit of grime it's not bad overall say. They're not too bad now it's compared to. The tumbled cases the tumble case are a. Little bit a little bit shinier now the big difference is though if you look the inside of the sonic case is much cleaner. Than the inside of the tumbled case but. The outside the tumbled case is cleaner than the outside of the sonic case so what we're going to do is we're going to. Go one more round here we're going to go. Eight more minutes that'll be a total of twenty four minutes and we'll see how it. Looks after that. Okay that's three cycles of eight. Minutes peace 24 minutes and generally. That's what i run and i consider the. Results acceptable as you can see. Outside the case is clean inside the. Case is clean i don't have the primers. Punched out yet but that is the other advantage of this over the vibratory. Media tumbler is that it will clean the primer pockets so is one better than the. Other i don't know but if you compare. We'll do a side by side here and i'll let you be the judge okay i got them all dried off here and. On the right i have the brass that just came out of a 24 minute cleaning cycle. On the corner de sonnet cleaner and this. Is a two hour cleaning in the vibratory. Lime and media tumbler so what do you. Think i would say that they're. Definitely both clean the outside of the cases are definitely clean but the cases. From the tumbler vibratory tumbler or shinier okay now that's not a big deal. To me i just want clean cases it did. Take longer to get this and then if you look at the inside of cases as i showed. You before the sonic cleaner definitely gets the inside the cases cleaner than the vibratory tumbler now once once i do this i punch the. Primers up i have dirty primer pockets. To clean and that's a pain in the ass the vibratory tumbler deterred the. Alignment vibratory tumbler will not clean the primer pockets whereas the. Horner day sonic cleaner will so which. Is better i don't think one's better than the other they both have advantages and they both have disadvantages what i've. Decided to do was use both in combination when i first get my. Range brass back after shooting it first. Thing i do before i do any is i usually just throw it in here for about an hour okay let it tumble it gets it clean. Enough that i can run through my sizing die and that's my main concern i don't want any grit or grime on or to scratch the die so i run it through here first for about an hour okay and it gets it. Clean enough that i can size it i punched the primer out sized then i take. The cases and put it into the sonic. Cleaner and run it three cycles which is. Twenty four minutes and it gets it nice. And clean on the inside and it cleans. The primer pocket so i don't have to take the little brush and clean the primer pockets out which on these ones i do after they tumble two hours i still. Have to punch the primers out and clean the primers pockets so as far as time. Saver i guess it's about a draw because. I'm still using this an hour and about almost a half an hour on that so i'm saving maybe a half an hour okay then. You have cost the media this corncob. Media you can buy five pound bag for. Three bucks at last quite a while months. Whereas you have to buy this sonic. Cleaner for the sonic solution for the. Sonic cleaner okay and this runs about 17 dollars for 32 ounces but it does. Last a while i don't know this was $69 on sale from. 100 this was regular price i think i. Paid $69 for 10 years ago so i don't. Know i just decided to use them both i. Still i still haven't found an optimal. Way one-step process i am looking at the. Rotary cleaning that i mentioned earlier it's a wet cleaning in a rotary drum. That has steel pins friend of mine uses. It as you can throw any kuan and you want in there and you tumble it for. Three hours and take it out they look like brand-new cases inside out and primer pockets the media never wears there is no solution to make send you just used on dish soap and i think they use a lemon shine for to make brass nice. And bright so that may be something i'm. Going to look at down the road i thought i would give this a try the other drawback is you can put up to 150 pistol. Cases in here at a time we're in the. Sonic cleaner here as you can see it's. Quite smaller you know you can only get. Maybe 50 cases okay so capacity is another issue if. You're in a big hurry the sonic cleaner. Would be the way to go but anyway guys i just wanted to show you how that works i've seen these put on midway for a while and i thought i always want to try it see how it worked out. Again you know these cases are clean enough to to resize and reload. Definitely i've saved for me the big. Advantage is it cleans the primer pockets now i don't have to mess around with a brush that's really the biggest thing for me so i still use them both tumblin menhir sonic and sonic them than. Air hour-and-a-half total and i got nice clean cases the only other thing the. Only drawback is they're wet okay so you got to let them sit overnight and dry out put a fan on them or whatever but then you do have nice clean cases so all in all they're both. Okay i guess if they have their drawbacks and their advantages so all. Right guys just want to give you a quick review on that let you know my thoughts and i appreciate you watching later.
Lyman Steel Media Dual-Sifter System
Frankford Arsenal® Quick-N-EZ Case Tumbler Kit
Cabela's Rotary Brass/Media Separator
Lyman Turbo® Media Separator
Lawn tractor wheel as a stand to elevate. It a little bit there are the goodies inside a mixture of various shell. Casings notice the kind of dark gold color the corn company you have used this media for probably a couple of years now and i just keep adding that. Kept full of this every so often if it. Looks like it's even starting to get dry and there is a box that the that's the. Box the tumbler came in and half of a. Minnow trap which I've picked up. Somewhere probably on a fishing trip and. I just closed off the inlet of the. Minnow trap put it in the box. Grab the tub. And there you have that's the easy way. Or the cheap way to separate brass immediate and you just take the box and. Pour the media back in there and there. Yet.
RCBS® Ultrasonic Cleaner II
The rcbs ultrasonic cleaner uses ultrasonic energy to scrub cartridge cases totally clean inside now with a. Three liter capacity the rcbs ultrasonic cleaner can hold hundreds of cases in features five preset temperature settings and a full range timer for 1 to 30 minute cycles the push-button. Controls make it easy to program and use and the digital readout instantly tells you the temperature time and cleaning status the plastic drain basket helps. You quickly remove clean cases from the solution and helps remove excess liquid the cleaner also comes with instructions power cord and drain hose to allow you to easily drain the tank between uses when used with other types of cleaning. Solutions the rcbs ultrasonic cleaner also works great on small gun parts jewelry eyeglass frames and tools cleaning solutions are sold separately like all products sold by brown ells the rcbs ultrasonic case cleaner is backed. By our 100% unconditional forever satisfaction guarantee.
Frankford Arsenal® Brass-Cleaning Packs
Hey guys what's up found you here tonight i want to talk about the. Frankford arsenal tumblr that i bought. So it's called a quick and easy case. Tumbler the whole package comes with the. Tumbler itself comes with brass polish. And then it also comes with bucket with. The media then it comes with the actual. Media separator you basically pour your. Shells into there with the media and. Media folds out and you basically just. Left with the cases it also comes with. Obviously a top for the tumbler with its. Parts and so forth and then a top for. The bucket and then it also comes with. These little shields that you put. On the bucket i guess to prevent media flying out all over which unless you. Like spinning, it like a madman it's really not going to be flying all over. The place and i actually found those just to get in the way so i don't really use them but i used to do ultrasonic. Cleaning for my brass before i would. Load them and ultrasonic cleaning works. Well if you get down your method and you. Know exactly what you're trying to achieve and do i would say that it. Doesn't get as clean as tumbling because. Tumbling you're basically polishing the. Outside of the brass whereas when you do. I'll just sonic cleaning you're basically vibrating everything off of. The metal so it's not as smooth i mean. You get the brass clean but it's not as clean and then the other thing is once. You finish actually i could just say. Using that they'll just on a cleaner then you have to let all the brass. Trolley and that take at least you know elite i would but. It took me more than a day on most among. Because especially if you leave the primer and it's even worse if you leave in the spent primer before you before. You clean them then what happens is once. You pop out those primers when you think you're ready to load there could still be water in there and then it gets your powder wet and then you can end up with rounds that don't even work you know they won't fire because all the powder got messed up so out of i guess i out of. Times sake i went with the tumbler and. The other thing with ultrasonic clean. Though is it does clean the brass and it. Takes like 15 minutes but it like i said. That wait time that you have too actually. Be able to load the brass it's its. Actually longer than if you just tumbled the media that this comes with is. Corn cob and it works pretty good I'll. Show you my brass that i have done her. Just so you could zoom in on. Sometimes the camera doesn't know i like to focus. And there we go so i mean it gets them. Nice and shiny and the other thing is to. This type of level of like i say. Shininess takes only like two hours i. Just i think these i did tumble with the. Primers out you can see they're still there's still some dirt in there. And stuff but it's definitely clean enough for a new primer and yeah I've. Had no issues as far as my loadings concerned and using those you can use. Different media though you can. Use walnut shell and there's even peopled. That use the stainless steel beads the stainless steel beads are expensive though they're about i remember what the. Cost was but it was a lot and i was looking at probably like 100 plus dollars in media in a decent size tumblr. Bigger than this but it was still quite an investment I'm going to look into it again but the other thing too is the stainless steel beads last pretty much. Forever because stainless steel is. Stronger than the brass is but yeah so. Like i said it comes with the polish and the chro-cop media and it does it. Gets the job done i guess that takes about two hours the system is pretty. Quiet for what you're doing i mean I've had other tumblers for other stuff, and they were pretty lad this one has good. Shock absorption on the bottom and it. Doesn't do't it doesn't make too much. Down for what it is and basically what i. Do is i just put it on my reloading bench and just close the door and. Nobody's bothered by to my house i don't i don't hear it outside of the whole way so it's definitely good for my. Use and the other thing that's nice too. Is the ultrasonic cleaner can only hold. I think maybe about two hundred brants. Maybe 250 this one can hold about 500. And i think that's definitely a bonus. Now the only thing that i caution you. With is when you do the brass polish make sure that you put the media in put. The polish in and let it run for a good amount of time because if you don't and. The polish is gummed up on some of the. The media and it sits inside the brass. It literally like fuses itself to the brass and you have to go in there with like a toothpick and start on each and every piece of brass you have to go and pluck out all the little media pieces. You have to push them off and that is just total waste of time so you have to really make sure that it blends in good with the media and that's basically it. If you guys got any questions comments. Or anything you know let me know and. Please rate and subscribe all right. Thanks.