Top 21
Wheeler Engineering Delta Series Ultra AR-15 Armorer's Kit
Includes: AR Armorer's Vise; AR-15 Combo Tool; Torque Wrench; AR-15 Armorer's Bench Block; AR-15 Roll Pin Install Tool Kit; Upper Vise Block Clamp with Gas Tube Alignment Tool; Maintenance Mat with Exploded View AR-15; Pivot Pin and Roll Pin Installation Tool; AR Front Sight Tool; Delta Ring Tool; Strap Wrench; AR-15 Bore Guide; AR-15 Adjustable Receiver Link; Bore Brush, .22 Cal.; Bolt Carrier Brush Chamber Brush; Magazine/Upper Receiver Brush; Nylon Brush Handle; Double-ended General Cleaning Brush; Cleaning Pick Set; Custom-Fitted Carrying Case.
Alright guys what's going on today i. Just wanted to show y'all a new tool i. Picked up some of you might be interested in this is the wheeler. Engineering ar-15 combo — you got you. Dealt a ring to two-sided because they. Are the pens are in a different spot on. Some of them may come with these little torx bits a couple of islands a flathead. I don't even know why they put that on there and then you've got your for your. Castle nut on your stock and then you've. Got your two places for your flash. Hiders muzzle brake whatever you will call it things not price too bad $29 but. Here in a week or two you guys will find. Out why i bought this i got a little. Surprise coming up with the ar-15 the. M&p; 15 and i think it's going to be a. Awesome addition to it and ar-15s man. They're they're nothing but trouble it's. Like a worse than the drug addiction. You're never going to get done with it you're always thinking about it i always wanted to add something so i had to get. This so i could work on the dang thing so i went for the longest time didn't fool with anything but glocks and pretty. Many pistols but vans ton so i got that. Ar that's all i want to do just put new. Stuff on it and just get it how won't it. Once i buy something put it on their run it for a month i want to take it back off and put something up put something different on but there you go guys. Wheeler engineering delta series ar-15. Combo — thanks for watching.
Cabela's Small AAA Bore Light
Cabela's Magnetic Cleaning Mat
- Rifle Cleaning Mat – 54"L x 15"W.
- Pistol Cleaning Mat – 20"L x 15"W.
Wheeler® AR Armorer's Block
Wheeler® Professional Gunsmithing File Set
Remington® Bolt Disassembly Tool
Hey youtube nc shootist here did a video. A couple weeks back i think it was on. The Remington 760 game master disassemblies. And reassembly and i had a viewer comment hey why don't you show us how the bolt of the 760 comes apart and goes. Back together so i figured i would show that process to you today so getting. Started what we'll need a small hammer you might. Need a big hammer if your vote is stubborn like mine was the first time i. Took it apart a small little computer. Type screwdriver a one-eighth inch punch. It's good to have a magnetic part straight just make sure nothing gets lost a pair of needle nose pliers and of. Course your bolt so let's go ahead and. Get started and when we look at the bolt. You can see that there are two small pins there's a smaller one on this side. And a larger one on the other side that. Hold the actual bolt into the carrier. Alright so if you look there are some. Channels cut into the bolt and we can. See that little pin that sticks through the bolt carrier into the bolt so first. Think we want to do is take our small computer screwdriver okay, and we'll get. In there and push those pins up first. Okay and then we'll take our needle nose pliers, and we'll pull that smaller pin. Out go ahead and set it on our tray well. The pliers won't let go of it okay now. We'll move on to the bigger one on the other side you can see it here take out. Screwdriver again push that one up just. Enough to be able to grab it with the. Pliers okay. We'll take that larger pen and set it aside and now the bolt will come free. From the carrier okay, so we'll go ahead and set the our bolt aside all right now. I'm not going to take the extractor out because there's a focus you can see. There's a small pin in there that holds. The extractor plunger and i don't have a. Punch that's that size, so we'll leave it. In there for now the only part left is. The firing pin okay and you can see focus alright you can. See there's a small little pin that. Holds the firing pin in so the firing pin has a slot cut in it so what we'll. Need to do is chuck this up in a vise. And I'll show you how to drift this pin. Out so it's its hard to do the first time but once you get the hang of it's not too bad so let me get the vise. Set up, and then we'll drift that pin out okay I've got our bolt carrier chucked. Into my vise and what I'll do is use. Some softwood some pine or something. Leave the front lugs of the bolt carrier. Sticking out past the wood blocks. And then chuck where the pin goes. Through make sure that's in contact with the wood blocks so you get a nice. Solid contact alright and I've already. Started this pin a little bit so we'll just drift it the rest of the way out so. Take your punch. And just drift that pin out okay and it. Just dropped on the floor but no big deal well we'll get it later all right. So what we'll do is take the bolt. Carrier back out of the vise okay and. You can see once i take the firing pin. Out there's that notch that lines up. With the hole in the bolt carrier all. Right so the reassembly process is. Just the reverse and one thing to. Mention before we get back to the reassembly you can see in my bolt. Carrier I've got a 760 and it's the. Model a dl which has the chequered. The checkering cut into the stock and. The four in so the later Remington's. Have a firing pin spring that sits down. In the bolt carrier okay if you've got. One of the earlier 760 s i believe they. Do not have a firing pin spring so. That's one thing to notice if you open yours up and you've got an early model of 760 and it doesn't have a firing pin. Spring that's the way it's supposed to. Be so don't panic if you've got an. Early one and you don't see a firing pin spring all right so let's try to get. This guy back down in here okay we've. Got the firing pin spring back into. The bolt carrier and I've already started the pin that retains the. Firing pin and you'll notice this is the. The top of the bolt carrier so the pin. When you drift it out you want to drift. It from top to bottom and when you put it back in you want to go bottom to top okay so it's good to go ahead and get. That pin started you can see it there so. What we want to do is maybe back it out just a little bit. With a punch just enough to get the firing pin lined up okay go ahead and. Put your firing pin in and that notch. Will line up with the hole here let's. See if we can get some daylight through here see if you can see that okay so you. Can see there's that notch in the firing pin, so we'll move it out of the way and. We'll start our pin from the bottom okay and that will at least line everything. Up so we can get it set back in the bolt. Carrier okay so we'll go back to our. Vise all right we'll take our eighth. Inch punch. We'll just drift that pin back in there. Okay so you can see that pin is now set. Back into the bolt carrier the firing. Pin is secure but it's also free to. Move around that's what you want you don't want the firing pin to be stuck forward because if it is once you go to. Close the action you're gonna have a slam fire and that's what you don't want so make sure you're firing pins nice and free okay there's the large hole. That was on the side of the carrier. And you'll notice the actual bolt. You have two different size channels you've got a smaller one and a larger. One okay so obviously the larger one is. Gonna line up with the larger holes okay. So we take our pins that we set aside in. Our tray i will take the larger one. And we'll get it started into the. Bolt carrier body okay we'll line up the channel and. Just push it in with your thumb now if. You have trouble just take your punch and kind of give it an extra little push but it should go in pretty freely so if. It's not going in freely don't force it and try to figure out what's causing it to bind up all right, so we take out. Smaller one just push it in with your. Thumb and there you have it there's your. Disassembled and reassemble bolt for the. 760 game master so i appreciate you. Watching if this video was helpful give it a thumbs up thank you guys for watching god bless we'll see you next time.
Real Avid Smart Bench Block
Wheeler® Anti-Cant Indicator
Available: 30mm, 1". Apply now
A-Zoom Aluminum Snap Caps and Training Rounds
Snap Caps are a safe and effective way of relieving the tension on your gun's firing pin. The CNC-machined construction precisely matches the dimensions of live rounds, and the specially designed Dead Cap lasts 20 times longer than brass caps. The non-corrosive, anodized aluminum finish features excellent oil retention and withstands repeated cyclings in lever action or semiautomatic firearms. A great way to practice trigger pull.See chart below for available calibers.
Training Rounds(not shown) are designed to teach safe firearms handling. They are not snap caps. They may be worked through the actions of any rimfire firearm for function and testing. Dry firing with these training rounds in the chamber will not damage the firing pin. Impact damage will limit their usefulness to four or five firing pin strikes.
Wheeler® Pro Reticle Level System
Unlock your rifles long-range potential with the wheeler professional radical levelling system a precision tool that. Makes it easier than ever to ensure your optics are perfectly level on any rifle the system is composed of two precision. Calibrated bubble levels one for the. Barrel and one for the scope mount bay's following easy step-by-step instructions. You'll be able to mount your scope perfectly level with the guns axis in. One try in just a few short minutes ensuring your optics are on the level. Goes a long way to getting the most out of every shot upgrade your accuracy with. The wheeler professional leveling system today.
Real Avid Gun Tool Pro-AR15
- Carrier scraper
- Nine-function bolt/firing pin/cam pin scraper
- Cotter-pin puller
- Bolt override tool
- A1 and A2 front-sight adjuster
- Pin punch
- 8-32 female thread post
- 2.5" raptor claw-point knife
- 1/4" bit driver
- 1/4" bit wrench
- 11 firearm-specific Torx®, Allen®, Phillips® and flat-driver bits
- Tap hammer
- Metal file
- Removable, magnetic storage compartment
- Lanyard loop
- Nylon sheath
The real avid gun tool pro is loaded. With 30 gun maintenance tools in one compact package no matter the make or model of your gun optics or accessories. The gun tool pros 14 driver bits will handle any screw you'll encounter and the quarter inch bit wrench provides. Torque to handle the most stubborn customers there is even a removable. Magnetic storage container to keep parts and pins from disappearing installing or. Adjusting optics removing stuck choke tubes of any gauge punching or replacing pins smoothing burrs the gun tool pro. Provides the precise mission built tool for these jobs and more the real avid. Gun tool pro this is the gun tool your. Daddy wishes he had. You.
Wheeler® Professional Scope Mounting Kits
A you tubers have here a professional. Scope mounting kit from wheeler engineering this one here is the combo. It also comes in a one inch this one. Here does one inch or 30 millimeter msrp. On the combo right here is one fifty but. I've seen it online for a hundred and twenty or you can just get to one inch. For 100 bucks its pretty sweet kit. Comes with quite a bit of stuff first. Off because of the dvd which i do not have in here anymore and of course instructions has a called. A level level and actually sell this separate for 25 bucks this is for leveling your reticles and I've honestly. Never used this one because i have the deluxe reticle leveling kit so i haven't. Used that one comes with some. Threadlike this here is a handle for. The lapping bar and it comes with ten. Gunsmithing screwdriver bits the lapping. Bar that i just mentioned has two of them here's the 30 millimeter here's the 1 inch and what you do. You put this in your scope rings and. Tighten your scope rings as if this were. The scope and then you take the handle and you screw it in and actually let me. Backtrack for a second first thing you do is put this lapping compound on the rings or you can smear it on here too. And then you screw this in and then as. It's mounted in your scope you go back and forth like this and what that does. It smooths out the inside of the scope. Rings gets rid of any imperfections and. It allows you to get it allows you to. Get the maximum grasp on the. Scope tube so that it doesn't move at all and then it also will make sure it's. Aligned so you don't damage your scope. Through misaligned rings these are. Alignment bars and these you put in your. Scope rings and this is for if you have. A rifle like for example a balkan bolt-action that doesn't have one. Piece scope mount such as a pica tinny. Rail but it has two separate mounts so. You put this in there and you want to touch you tighten the scope rings and you want them to touch perfectly and if they don't it's not aligned properly and. It comes here with this fat wrench this. Is a torque wrench for your scope mounts. And it's pretty nice pretty sweet i like. It this is the only torque wrench i have. I don't own any other torque wrenches and I've actually I've used this for other things besides mounting scopes. Goes up to 60 pounds i have it set i. Believe most scope manufacturers recommend 30 pounds or just under because that's what i haven't said that right here this is a pretty sweet kid if. You do a lot of scope mounting i would. Definitely look into this and if you're. Looking to set up maybe perhaps a professional business and do scope mine. This here this does the kit you're looking for it's extremely durable extremely heavy-duty everything in here. Is heavy-duty and will last your. Lifetime you have any questions let me. No separate fire.
Wheeler® Hammer and Punch Set
You know what is up youtube there's no or 323 coming at you this time it is another product overview this time it is. Of the wheeler hammer and punch set now. This set is a can be purchased off of. Amazon which is where i purchased mine. This is what it looks like I'll give you a real nice closeup of it comes with. Four steel 8 brass and two composite. Punches obviously those are the two composite eight steal your hammer the. Brass end and plastic and your breath. Cute excuse me in your 8 brass punches. That's how it's supposed to come looking and there you go great for gunsmithing. And other projects and that's why i ordered this i ordered just actually I'll be modifying my mosin nag ant i will. Be doing a sports was it called a sport. Sport arising a mosin nag ant series it's. Not going to be too crazy but it's going to be this should look pretty cool when I'm done with it some and I'll be doing videos on it so let's just tear into this because that is the main point for. This video this is the unboxing for this. Alright so let's just open this puppy. Then the tops dig the tops at the top of. The box did come pretty beat i don't know why it just uh just did okay wolf. Will sit that in the background okay make a little bit further bags okay. This we open wheeler oh shoot takes a. Two little tab let's just uh populi each one of those and kind of hard to kind of. Dig nail and do it i bet it'll lighten. Up a bit oh snaps against the. Gangster whoo i have yet to use these. Obviously i mean I'm just opening it now. But i most certainly will hopefully get. Some footage of me using them when. I am modify my mozena ghent and then. I'll be able to give you more in-depth. Personal experience of what it is i have. Been able to accomplish with these all. Right what do we got over here I'm just. Going to run over all the sizes real quick I'm not going to read them off you'll be able to see him pretty clearly. Nice man nice so if you are a gunsmith. That you probably use a more higher-end. Version of these tools but for every. Average day people such as myself or you. Know your self certified gunsmiths this. Is probably a good set for you i want to doubt it and what else we got the. Hammer with the brass end and the. Plastic it's actually a pretty heavy hammer from what i hear i actually pick. That up and all demonstrate or at least. Tell you what i feel 116 yeah that's. Probably what I'll be needing something like that so zoom y'all back out get all. The goods in the photo y'all feel me ok. Coo coo so let's actually pull this. Out actually does have quite a bit of. Wait right here this end the brass in and feels very nice perfect. For gunsmithing, it's for the scale of. Needing to be balanced i guess that's pretty balanced I'm not sure not. A professional i believe this will suit all the needs i need for gunsmithing i believe this will be able to help me. Gunsmith money mosey nag ant if you have glocks this would probably be really good for that because you got all these. Real nice then punches and pop on these. Babbles out for you i mean it looks very. Very straight it doesn't look bent i mean it doesn't like all milled up completely ghetto you know what i mean. So on all in all i definitely say this. Is probably a well-worded punch set and this set cost me it will run you. Probably about let me actually find the. Paperwork real quick this punch set. Randy 25 bucks so for 25 bucks you can. Get a pretty snazzy a punch set comes. With a hammer comes with a nice plastic molded carrying case and you know the. The thing i like most about this whole case is the big warning sign back there. I mean i didn't know you had to be. Careful this is a firearm ladies and. Gentlemen I'm joking but you know i mean i guess safety precautions are always needed regardless what you're doing any who this was new world 323 with the. Unboxing and first thoughts of the. Wheelers hammer and punch set i. Purchased this off amazon and it was 25. Bucks plus whatever shipping was so like. 26 27 all right then you know what i say. Always say everybody take care keep it. Real whatever you're doing safe guys girls bikes cars guns knives punch sets. You never know gunsmithing and most. Importantly pizza. You.
Wheeler® Nine-Piece Roll-Pin Punch Set
Welcome back to our channel I'm lauren with lock hart tactical and today we'll be looking at the wheeler engineering master roll pin punch set well they've. Done it if combines the roll pin starter. Set and the ball profile roll pin punch set with the precision machined. Gunsmithing hammer all into one comprehensive kit both of the sets have. Knurled handles are machined and. Hardened from steel to prevent bending or breaking and start at 1/16 of an inch. And have nine roll pins ending in a 5/16. The ball profile roll pin punch set is. Designed with a ball profile tip to. Provide proper alignment of the roll pin and prevent damage to the firearm or the roll pin the ball tip profile is perfect. For driving set roll pins and recessing. Then into assemblies the ball profile helps prevent the punch from slipping off the roll pin and damaging the finish of your gun the roll pin starter set is. Designed with a counter bored tip to properly align and start the roll pin preventing damage to the firearm by slipping the roll pin into the recessed tip you can gain much-needed purchase for starting the roll pin into the hole this also helps provide alignment on roll pins for hard-to-reach spots the. Small hammer included in the package only weighs six ounces it has one side. Of the head made of nylon for precise. Work and non marring surfaces and one side of the head made of brass for harder strikes that won't deform punches for more information visit us at lock hart tactical comm thanks for. Watching don't forget to like this video comment down below subscribe to our channel and share it with your friends this is them alarm with lock hart tactical over and out. Try saying that sometimes ask all profile roll pin punch set up a ball. Roll but roll pin punch step.
Wheeler® Delta AR-15 Delta Ring Tool
Simple, one-handed removal of mil-spec AR-15 and M-16 handguards. Custom-formed wire fits securely around Delta ring. Vinyl coating to protect the gun’s finish.Dimensions: 16-1/2"H x 4-3/4"W x 1-1/2"D.
Magpul Armorer's Wrench
Features: one USGI barrel nut wrench, free-float tube barrel nut wrench, 1/2” torque wrench/breaker bar interface, armorer's hammer, rifle-length/entry length receiver extension wrench, 3/4” wrench and USGI castle nut wrench, which is usable with after-market end plates like ASAP and ASAP-QD.
The magpul armorer's wrench is an american-made solid steel tool that tackles a number of tough jobs on the air 15 the wrench installs and removes. Rifle receiver extensions and carbine castle nuts and features extended teeth. For use with a set plates it also engages both stock and pin style barrel nuts and fits standard size flash hiders. It can be used alone or in concert with. A half-inch torque wrench and even includes relevant torque specs on the wrench for quick reference the wrench is coated with a grip enhancing phosphate finish and includes a bottle opener to help crack open the refreshment of your choice when the job is done like all products sold by brown ells the magpul armorer's wrench is backed by our 100% unconditional forever satisfaction guarantee. You.
Real Avid 1911 Smart Wrench
This is a real lab in 1911 smart man. Built by 1911 owners for 1911 owners. This sixteen by nineteen inch matt has a. Non-slip backing it protects your work surface and guns while keeping parts organized in close at hand the super tough padded core has an oil and solvent resistant coating making cleanup easy. The work surface is printed with step-by-step take down instructions for your 1911 an exclusive attached parts. Tray ensures pins springs and bolts are. Never lost again the magnetized. Compartment keeps the tiniest pieces locked in place the real avid 1911 smart. Man a little red carpet treatment for. Your 1911. You.
Wheeler® Space Saver Screwdriver Set
A professional-grade set less than half the size of sets containing comparable tools. 26 bits fit most gunsmithing applications. Includes standard, Phillips, hex and torx bits; a 2" No. 2 Phillips bit that's ideal for recoil pads and a hex-to-square conversion bit to use with 1/4" square-drive sockets. Magnetic handle.Wheeler® Delta Series Gas-Block Taper-Pin Removal Tool
Apply now
Birchwood Casey Cleaning Supplies
Since 1948, serious shooters, avid collectors and professional gunsmiths have relied on Birchwood Casey for shooting and gun care products that have stood the test of time. Birchwood Casey has pioneered innovative products with an unwavering dedication for quality.Available:
- Perma Blue® Liquid Gun Blue is the proven way to touch-up scratches and worn spots or to completely reblue most guns. It will give a non-streaky, even blue-black finish to steel (except stainless). Size: 3-oz. bottle.
- The Complete Perma Blue Liquid Gun Blue Kit is easy to use and it's the proven way for touching up or completely reblueing most guns. Fast-acting liquid gives a non-streaky, uniform blue-black finish to steel. Everything you need to do a professional looking job. Kit includes: 3-oz. Perma Blue Liquid Gun Blue, 3-oz. Cleaner Degreaser, 3-oz. Blue and Rust Remover, 00 steel wool pads, blueing applicators, sponge, service cloth, Barricade Rust Protection Gun Wipes and a complete instruction guide.
- Super Black™ Touch-Up Pens are an easy and effective way to touch-up nicks, scratches and worn areas of black anodized aluminum or black painted surfaces. The pen contains a fast drying, lead-free paint with superior adhesion and durability that helps fill in deep scratches or worn areas. These special formulations are for use on highly polished and matte finished alloy gun receivers, trigger guards, scopes, binoculars, cameras, flashlights, fishing reels and other sporting accessories. Use like a marking pen with no mess – simply rub on with chisel-point felt tip. Size: 1/3-oz.
- The Gun and Reel Silicone Cloth leaves a lustrous, lasting, protective film on all metal, wood and plastic surfaces. The double-napped, 100% cotton flannel cloth is impregnated with pure silicone and then packaged in a convenient reclosable poly bag, staying clean and moist after use. Use on firearms, sporting equipment and precision instruments to safely remove dust and corrosive fingerprints. Size: 14-1/2" x 15".
- Complete Tru-Oil® Gun Stock Finish Kit puts the perfect finish on your gun's stock. This is a complete stock finishing kit that gives you everything you need to finish a new stock or to refinish an old stock. It brings out the richness and beauty of fine woods and gives you a tough, long lasting finish. And, it's easy to use. Each kit contains a generous supply of professional-grade finishing materials and complete instructions for use. Kit includes: 3-oz. Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish, 3-oz. walnut stain, 3-oz. Stock Sheen and Conditioner, fine, medium and coarse papers, 00 steel wool pads, service and polish cloths and a complete Instruction Guide.