Top 22
Cabela's Outfitter Gun Safes by Liberty
Cabela's Magnum 40 Safe with E-Lock by Liberty
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Hornady® SnapSafe® Portable Lock Box
9.5"L x 6.5"W x 1.75"D.
Color: Black.
Liberty HD-100 Quick Vault
10.8"L x 8.3" W x 2.5"H.
Hey there this is matt with defense innovations and this evening i wanted to do a video not like any of the other. Ones we've really done before i really wanted to start doing a set of videos on how to protect your firearms and i. Wanted to start off here with the liberty hd 200 quick vault and i wanted. To get this for a couple reasons but the main reason was is I've got two small children and the last thing i want is. For my kids to get a hold of weapons. That they have no business touching at this age every intention of teaching them when they're older how too safely. Operate and be around firearms but at this point they're just too small to even start that process yet i as well. Wanted a secure environment for my home. Defense handgun in my bedroom and i thought that this would be one of the best setups to go with heard a lot of. Good things about liberty i have family members who owned liberty safes they. Just rave about them good quality good workmanship they're not always the cheapest i will say that but what i tell. People in the firearms industry or in the market who are looking at new items to get sometimes cheapest isn't always the best and some people don't get that. Or they refuse to get it but i always. Say if you buy cheap you buy twice and. That has been my experience in this in. This field of interest in my life so i. Want to go ahead and dive right into it and talk about this hd 200, and we'll go. Ahead and move into it okay so this is. What the liberty hd 200 is going to look. Like when you bring home from the store very simple to use very simple to. Do they actually include a qr code here you can scan your smartphone or tablet it'll take you right to their video online telling you all the features and benefits of as you open it up here to be your. Standard plastic baggie of parts silica. Packed backup keys mounting screws. Instruction this sticker was on the front before i took it off very simple. You know two or three steps to get in there and then it goes into everything else you know that the safe is featured with. Which you will need you will need. Immediately or the keys the backup keys. Here and you'll need that too actually. Get into the vault itself okay so this. Is what it looks like out of the box very similar to the picture it's got a. Nice finish on it's a heavy-duty it. Feels like its powder coated but it's a. Very it just feels rugged okay so it's got a rubberized pad here it's got you. No little physical indicators i don't. Now if this is braille or this is how they do braille but it's its very you can feel it pitch black which numbers which okay very positive feel feedback. There you have four buttons as you can. See with a five combination code system. In here so the baseline code is what's. Plugged in here right now, and we'll go ahead and open it so this. Is the default code okay so this thing. Springs open it's probably hard to see. With the lighting in here but it does have a led light inside and the one. Think that really made me happy about. This vault was the fact that it's padded on the interior all the way around so if. You don't mount this it's just sitting on your nightstand and it gets knocked off the nightstand your guns not gonna be all marred up in it and yeah so. Pretty much it very easy to set up back. Up under here and the instruction manual once you open it with the there's a reset button it beeps you plug in your new custom code and you go from. There's also an option to mute the beeps. Which some people might want if they're. In a smaller home or an apartment, and they don't want someone to hear them necessarily getting into a vault or a. Little safe then you can mute that function as well again this is there. Single model they do make a double that. Actually is a little shelf in it's much taller though and for my application if i can't solve the issue. With a single handgun and there's there's some bigger issues at play so. Really all i needed for the nightstand and it works for me again it's just. Something nice that i can come home after I've been out all day and i need. To go ahead and take my concealed carry off just a good place for me to put it. And not have to worry about the kids or anybody else getting into it and just to give you a concept here of the size of this when you're actually working with it I've gone ahead and put in my carry. Gun and my home defense gun of choice. And i put a glock 19 in here with an. Extra mag and it's got extended mags in. It just so you can see the size at which. It takes up so there's the glock 19 with. The light on it and the extra man so. Again pretty straightforward overall. I've been impressed with it so far it feels and sounds solid this is I'm not. Sure exactly how thick this is it's probably i would imagine in the 10 to 8. Gauge range i would be surprised if it's much thinner than that just due to just. How solid it feels so overall I'm very. Impressed so far with the liberty hd 210. Some more liberty products in the future please subscribe please leave any comments indicated below and thanks. Again for tuning in have a great night as we wrap up this video i did want to. Share some screenshots from amazon cabala's and liberty's website and show you that this vault runs anywhere between 120 and 130 dollars and that there isn't really a price advantage buying from one or the other.
ProVault® Electronic-Lock Gun Safes by Liberty
- 12-Gun Safe – Holds up to 12 long guns. 59"H x 18"W x 16"D. Weight: 247 lbs.
- 18-Gun Safe – Holds up to 18 long guns. 59.5"H x 24.5"W x 22D". Weight: 334 lbs.
Liberty Centurion Gun Safe
Liberty safe today i go to be giving. You a review of my liberty safe made in. The usa mechanical lock handle and this. Is the 18 satori on gun safe what. Happened there we go. Stands 59 point something. Inches tall almost 60 inches i am a 5 7. 5 8 depending on whom you ask i comes up a little bit under my nose so. It's a pretty tall safe you know this is. My arms straight out in front of me so. It's a decent size say the weighs 366. Pounds which you know isn't that much. For you know safe but for entry-level. Safe perfect it was still a bitch to get. Around though i see open in show you. Made in the usa sticker try to focus. There we go. Can stand 30 minutes fire proof. Insulation at 62 btus for you. Scientific people because to me that. Just looks like a big number so it must be hot and this is what i like even. Though it's an entry level safe guarantee lifetime warranty free safe. Replacement if something goes wrong free. Opening or damaged safe or out and free. Delivery or replacement safe so has five. Let me see if i could get a side of you four inch locking plates. According to liberty this is supposed to. Give more surface instead of one little. Bar holding it supposed to give it a. Bigger bar i don't know if that's true or if that's just a selling point but. Either way you've seen videos and I've. Seen videos where they've tried to do this. And it lasts the 5-minute pry test has. Five on this side and five on the back side of the door inside we have two. Little shelves you know with the opening. In the back as you can see that's for if. You have a long rifle or shotgun it can. Come up through the back this is a little removable panel. Let's see this is not a big. Shelf but you know have my 45 1911 here. Usa flag my xd9 by mp. And my raging bull my safe is still. Empty I'm still you know putting it in i. Just put it in like maybe about a hour ago my little mosquito sig 22 but like i. Said you know it's a big shelf you know big as my hand opening in the. Back you know really big opening like I'd say maybe four inches of space back. Behind there but uh like i was saying. This is a shelf that you can switch over. And it gives you all that open space you. Now this wants to secure it on there. You can't move that on this one is just. A piece of a metal you know opening. Spaces here if you had more rifles these. Shelves come out gives you two shelves. You know good to be the door right here. A thick piece of metal here. Um i haven't really seen any videos on. This so i figure you know give you a. View for this one i paid $4.99 plus. Taxes and everything came out to give 36. Or 38 or something like that which is pretty good it was 100 bucks off at a west coast safes in Ontario. California if you go on the website this. One it's supposed to be $5.99 the smaller ones $4.99 then the bigger ones $6.99 but at west coast safes they have. Have it for $100 off so and that goes. Through different levels like the smaller one is 399 this one's $4.99 and. The biggest one is $5.99 so if you live. In california and you want a little entry level safe you know that's the. Place to go you know this big door you. No pretty good. Um don't really know what else to say about it you know like i said before it's an. Entry-level safe you know i don't have. All the money in the world i can't get those two three thousand dollar safes and all that stuff i haven't bolted it. Down yet because I'm planning to move so. Be kind of wasted at the moment but uh. Eighteen guns i don't know oh maybe. Let's see. But on second. Now. As I'm looking to set at this right now i just noticed that the hole in the back doesn't really give you room in the. Front i guess that's only if you're gonna lean. The rifle maybe there maybe huh yeah it. Would just be clearance just so for two. Guns but i guess if you wanted to see if. One would go here two three four fives. Six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve. Thirteen fourteen fifteen maybe they're. Thinking that you probably put one here and just jam the other ones in there but. I count only 15 spots oh wait. Sixteen seventeen eighteen there you go. Once again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 i don't know how accurate. That's true but uh it's its good you. Now it's 24 inches wide so you know. It's a good arm's length deep so you. No simple safe. And there you go.
Bulldog Magnum Biometric Pistol Vaults
- Top Load Pistol Vault – 11.5"L x 9.75"W x 2.5"H. Wt: 7.75 lbs.
- Biometric Pistol Vault – 11.5"L x 8"W x 5.5"H. Wt: 11 lbs. (Not shown).
- Biometric Pistol Vault with Shelf – 11.5"L x 10"W x 8"H. Wt: 17 lbs.
Hey guys this eric from bulldog I've got the bd 44 tb this is the magnum biometric pistol vault the magnum. Biometric pistol vaults feature an industry-leading semiconductor fingerprint reader which allows 360-degree access no more miss reads due. To finger position it has the self learning to feature that allows the fingerprint reader to improve each time the vault is opened the soft doors open quickly and quietly and the led interior. Light turns on when the door is opened it also features a led logo nightlight. So that you can see in low-light situations thanks for checking out this. Product and remember whether you sip it up or lock it down nothing protects your gun like a bulldog.
Browning® Droptine™ E-Lock 23-Gun Safe
58"H x 30"W x 20"D.
Wt: 460 lbs.
Liberty HD Quick Vault
- HD-200 – 5.4"H x 8.5"W x 12.4"D. Wt: 9.5 lbs.
- HD-300 – 8.3"H x 10.1"W x 13.9"D. Wt: 13.9 lbs.
Hey there this is matt with defense innovations and this evening i wanted to do a video not like any of the other. Ones we've really done before i really wanted to start doing a set of videos on how to protect your firearms and i. Wanted to start off here with the liberty hd 200 quick vault and i wanted. To get this for a couple reasons but the main reason was is I've got two small children and the last thing i want is. For my kids to get a hold of weapons. That they have no business touching at this age every intention of teaching them when they're older how too safely. Operate and be around firearms but at this point they're just too small to even start that process yet i as well. Wanted a secure environment for my home. Defense handgun in my bedroom and i thought that this would be one of the best setups to go with heard a lot of. Good things about liberty i have family members who owned liberty safes they. Just rave about them good quality good workmanship they're not always the cheapest i will say that but what i tell. People in the firearms industry or in the market who are looking at new items to get sometimes cheapest isn't always the best and some people don't get that. Or they refuse to get it but i always. Say if you buy cheap you buy twice and. That has been my experience in this in. This field of interest in my life so i. Want to go ahead and dive right into it and talk about this hd 200, and we'll go. Ahead and move into it okay so this is. What the liberty hd 200 is going to look. Like when you bring home from the store very simple to use very simple to. Do they actually include a qr code here you can scan your smartphone or tablet it'll take you right to their video online telling you all the features and benefits of as you open it up here to be your. Standard plastic baggie of parts silica. Packed backup keys mounting screws. Instruction this sticker was on the front before i took it off very simple. You know two or three steps to get in there and then it goes into everything else you know that the safe is featured with. Which you will need you will need. Immediately or the keys the backup keys. Here and you'll need that too actually. Get into the vault itself okay so this. Is what it looks like out of the box very similar to the picture it's got a. Nice finish on it's a heavy-duty it. Feels like its powder coated but it's a. Very it just feels rugged okay so it's got a rubberized pad here it's got you. No little physical indicators i don't. Now if this is braille or this is how they do braille but it's its very you can feel it pitch black which numbers which okay very positive feel feedback. There you have four buttons as you can. See with a five combination code system. In here so the baseline code is what's. Plugged in here right now, and we'll go ahead and open it so this. Is the default code okay so this thing. Springs open it's probably hard to see. With the lighting in here but it does have a led light inside and the one. Think that really made me happy about. This vault was the fact that it's padded on the interior all the way around so if. You don't mount this it's just sitting on your nightstand and it gets knocked off the nightstand your guns not gonna be all marred up in it and yeah so. Pretty much it very easy to set up back. Up under here and the instruction manual once you open it with the there's a reset button it beeps you plug in your new custom code and you go from. There's also an option to mute the beeps. Which some people might want if they're. In a smaller home or an apartment, and they don't want someone to hear them necessarily getting into a vault or a. Little safe then you can mute that function as well again this is there. Single model they do make a double that. Actually is a little shelf in it's much taller though and for my application if i can't solve the issue. With a single handgun and there's there's some bigger issues at play so. Really all i needed for the nightstand and it works for me again it's just. Something nice that i can come home after I've been out all day and i need. To go ahead and take my concealed carry off just a good place for me to put it. And not have to worry about the kids or anybody else getting into it and just to give you a concept here of the size of this when you're actually working with it I've gone ahead and put in my carry. Gun and my home defense gun of choice. And i put a glock 19 in here with an. Extra mag and it's got extended mags in. It just so you can see the size at which. It takes up so there's the glock 19 with. The light on it and the extra man so. Again pretty straightforward overall. I've been impressed with it so far it feels and sounds solid this is I'm not. Sure exactly how thick this is it's probably i would imagine in the 10 to 8. Gauge range i would be surprised if it's much thinner than that just due to just. How solid it feels so overall I'm very. Impressed so far with the liberty hd 210. Some more liberty products in the future please subscribe please leave any comments indicated below and thanks. Again for tuning in have a great night as we wrap up this video i did want to. Share some screenshots from amazon cabala's and liberty's website and show you that this vault runs anywhere between 120 and 130 dollars and that there isn't really a price advantage buying from one or the other.
RedHead® 1856 Collection Ultra Fire-Resistant Gun Safe
Wt: 490 lbs.
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Cabela's Classic Series Safe by Liberty
The Cabela's Classic Series E-Lock 48-Gun by Liberty holds up to 48 long guns, depending on shelving layout, and an interior door panel provides additional handgun and accessory storage. The SecuRam® top-lit, electronic lock and a 3-point chrome handle allow quick and easy access with reliable security. The Classic Series E-Lock 48-Gun Safe is constructed from 12-gauge steel body, and 11 layers of fireboard along with a Palusol® heat-expanding door seal to provide a full 60 minutes of fire protection at 1,200°F. Heavy-duty, 4" locking bars keep thieves out. The black marble powder-coat finish looks great and protects steel. Made in USA.
60.5"H x 42"W x25"D.
Weight: 760 lbs.
Browning® Hawg 49-Gun Safe
Browning® Hell's Canyon 65-Gun Safe
Weight: 1,055 lbs.
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ProVault® Flex 24-Gun Safe by Liberty
59.5"H x 28.5"W x 22"D.
Weight: 370 lbs.
Liberty HDX-250 Smart Vault
7"H x 12"W x 11"D.
Okay now we're going to get on to the bigger boxes ups just dropped this off. Now i know what's in it actually it's. It's got very good ratings this is I'm. Getting scared but all this isis stuff you know what i. Want to do just to make sure that i got. Things right a little veil boy to me if. And when isis comes yeah how's that look. Hdx 250 smart vault made by liberty made. In the usa that's eventually when I'm. Out of this house I'm gonna get a big liberty safe and get rid of the junk. That i currently have this is one of those biometric or whatever they call. The five-year warranty fingerprint boom drop something it's got. Very good reviews its on ebay you get them as cheap as like two hundred and three dollars width shipping of about 17. Bucks or you can he's the most generally. You see them on amazon and everywhere from 229 to 239 with free shipping no. Tax amazon with drudge me tax though so i avoided that i went to ebay pay no tax. So it's something to think of if i open. It up later it looks pretty sealed and stuff i got to run across the street and do a little work than this rental real quick in the meantime it looks like a. Cool device look at the reviews everybody loves it and it's nice about. It doesn't come with a mounting plate but this one you could buy optional for about 25 bucks a metal mounting plate. Which you could secure to the ground or to the wall or something and then secure the box to it's like somebody can't just pick your box up and walk away with $2,000 pistol so something to think. About all right oh my bitch fell on the floor. What happened oh man i gotta go get her all right talk to you a bit.
Hornady® Biometric Handgun Safe
Exterior: 2.9"H x 12.7"W x 8.7"D.
Interior: 2.2"H x 9"W x 7.7"D.
Wt: 9 lbs.
Liberty Centurion Flex Safe
Exterior: 59.5"H x 28.25"W x 22"D.
Interior: 56"H x 26.25"W x 13.5".
Wt: 375 lbs.
There youtube this is just a quick review of my gun safe i just bought i. Don't have a lot of firearms or a lot of stuff i need to store so it works for me it is a liberty centurion twelve gun and. They stay twelve guns and that's optimistic let's give you a quick shot. Of this safe stands about almost six. Feet tall i have bolted to the floor it features. This really excellent this mechanical dial lock and this thing. Is smooth and it's very high quality i mean it's its a really high quality single handle opens it like i said it's. Android level safe it's a basic safe for. The for the money i mean where else are you gonna find a fireproof safe i paid $300 for it at. Lowe's it was the floor model, so they gave it to me with four twenty-five percent off including my lowest card once you have. Your dial once you have your combination set opening is just a matter of using this latch and it opened it swings right. Open it has five locking bars that. Protrude better the flat style bar they. Are not that they're not the round bar i. Mean i feel just too secure with these as with the round bar i mean if i were a burglar i would think that these would be just as tough to get through as a round bar I'm not a thief like i said i. Don't know if they are the hinges on this i mean it could be a bit of a pitfall you got your hinges here on the. Outside if those are cut through i imagine that would probably be the first place i would try there are the interiors. Locking bars and this is just something i wanted to show you they don't have they don't they don't retract these bars. Right here there're these bars it's kind. Of hard to get a good camera angle on it but these bars don't retract these are. Stationary bars and there's five on this. Side as well and they just roll into. This edge right here they fit right behind this edge right here okay so if. Someone were to remove the hinge and try to remove it would this would prevent them from opening it that way and there are five, and they're made of the same material, and they're welded actually. They're welded, and they come through the fan if you were to remove this carpeting. They would be mounted inside here as. Well this door is hollow I'd like to point. Out it's removable it's very handy i. Brought this safe weighs close to 300 pounds i brought it up the stairs. Myself i couldn't bring it up but just that with the door attached it was too heavy and i had a commercial dolly with a 10-inch wheel inflatable wheel on it and i could not yank this thing up to stir it was just too heavy i removed the door my legs were still burning trying to press this thing up the stairs i did give it up by myself. Though but you can remove the door with. These set screws when you want to remove it watches out for these dull one these. Dull and load-bearing washers or. Bushings and they will come out and. There's a solid steel rupp pin that holds them so it's very solidly made and i feel very confident in this safe the. Shelving its adjustable this upper. Shelf here it has a cutaway so you can. Fit your lung guns i have a shotgun right here full-length shotgun a 28 inch. Barrel and it would fit back there but. I'd like to keep that in as close as. Possible okay for home defense needs. There's there's a little roomy i mean I've got room in there for more stuff but there you basically have it yet if. You remove this shelf here removing this. Shelf here if you're to remove it. Here's one for your other six arms right there and this has velcro on the bottom. So it sticks right on there it'll stick. Into place there's room for your other guns i have it covered now use it as a padded as a shelf as a place to put stuff securely it's its a nice safe i. Mean if you felt the density and the thickness of this material you. Would know that it's a really well-made very solid solving made safe. Now the next shelf here I've got I'm. Just using it for like some ammo. Storage this shelf is removable and it. Removes the sley there's some there're pins under here that below here don't. Now if you can see them but it mounts them out there pretty securely this. Is also removable shelf so you have a lot more many more options the bottom. One is basically just goes right to the floor i keep my long guns over on this. Side here i have a 22 inch or 20 inch. Barrel ar and a 18 inch su 16 cal tech. And a full set flint shock and i have a lot of guys without a huge gun collector i do like them this safe is ideal for my. Needs as i said i you know if you have. Like a lot of guns you have 12 guns its optimistic i think honestly look at that. Six guns max i mean the handles the. Pistol grips on this on these arms if they're if they. Protrude if anything but roode's past that point there the door will not close. So i mean they're very optimistic when. They say it'll hold twelve rifles maybe twelve 22 long rifles but the door is. Very thick as you can see this tape is. Fireproof 1200 degrees for thirty. Minutes really good bike and just shuts. Really well and then it's locked close the closet door nobody even knows. You got it thanks you.
Cannon Landmark Series Safe
32"H x 20"W x 18"D.
Door thickness: 3.25".
Wt: 174 lbs.
Color: Hammertone Chocolate Brown.
Browning® Vault Door
Colors: Gloss Black, Hunter Green, Black Cherry.
Cannon 1965 Series 48-Gun Safe
59"H x 40"W x 24"D.
Wt: 845 lbs.
Color: Hammertone Black.
All right finally got something decent. Um and it's not the best safe in the world but it's better than what i used. To have got this can safe two cs 24. Supposed to hold 24 rifles not sure. That's even possible in the safe but. Anyway does the job for me i got this at. Costco they had a deal going on it was uh bleep 5:39 delivered which is not bad. It is bolted down and it is in a closet. Slash kind of like a i guess like a. Little workroom kind of printer computer. Just a range bag and got some ammo cans. Sitting down here so this was originally. This is in my basement this is originally supposed to be a bathroom but anyway here's kind of safe let me let. You guys see the inside here real quick give me a second all right just take a. Look here i try to move back so as you. Can see um so I've got seven long guns. Here obviously i could fit them all on. This side it was just very cluttered and. I'll eventually do that once i start filling this side up but for right now i just kind of want to have quick access to my long guns without having to move. All the ones around or out of the way. I'm not sure what to do with this shelf. Yet just got a bunch of mags got a rail on here that I'm gonna be actually. Putting replacing this nine-inch rail. Right here on one of my hair ar-15s with that 12 inch and well so one thing i did do is i. Ordered this door panel here and it. Actually works great add my doubts but it worked great sorry guys i can't really get a good view on in a corner you're only go up against a wall but comes with this velcro panel and i was. Actually a little surprised that it could hold some of these some of these guns um most of these are all steel. They're quite heavy and i was pleasantly. Surprised got some pockets here we've got. Passports this is a just a hard drive. That i have for my backups and there's. Another pouch down here I'm not sure. What to do with that yet i also have so. I've got these um motion sensing lights in here oh if you guys can see them let's see these are from costco all as. Well they are battery operated I've as well. Got one on this side and see if you can. See it here there it is sensor and this. One's a little busted and then I'm going. To be mounting that one to the. Top here the haven't done that yet. I actually just got this not long ago but anyway this is again advertises a 24. Gun safe you know it's not the best safe in the world it does have these four one. Inch diameter hinges here are not hinges but bolts excuse me right there it is uh. It does have a lifetime warranties your cost repairs your across replace so i. Was pretty happy with that it says is fire safe up to 30 minutes. 1200 degrees again like i said guys this. Is more of a gun cabinet more than anything it's going to keep the bad guys away for i guess for a little bit longer than my old cabinet but it will do the job and i also got. This lot down dry rod here which is. Fantastic yeah it's a little hot to the. Touch but it's plugged in keeps the. Moisture out keeps enough moisture on i guess to prevent any rust from forming here on these guns and that's it. Um this is not a final configuration still trying to figure out I've got some extra shelves might play around. With the shelves and try to get a little. Organized here this looks just it's a fucking mess so but yeah let me know if. You have any questions I'll probably post an updated video once i figure out what to do with this there you go thanks.
Browning® Black Label Mark IV Gun Safe – 29 Long Guns
Colors: Black, Tan.