Top 5
RCBS® AR Series Small Base Two-Die Rifle Set
Dies are the heart of the reloading process. Engineered to the highest standards and manufactured to the tightest tolerances, they’re constructed from case-hardened steel, precision-drilled, reamed, polished and hand-inspected twice before leaving the factory. RCBS dies can be counted on to produce consistent and reliable results for shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their firearm. Includes plastic storage box and loading data table. Full-length sizer dies for bottleneck cases have vents to prevent case damage from trapped air and excessive lubricants. Seater dies have a built-in roll or taper crimper. Large, easy-to-adjust hex-lock rings.Makes reloading easier for AR style or semi-auto shooters. A must for the progressive reloader. This set contains a small-base resizing die and a new taper-crimp bullet seating die. The taper crimp is more forgiving when various case lengths are loaded at the same time, especially in a progressive press.
Lee Pacesetter Rifle Die Sets
Built to last, Lee dies deliver improved reloading with less hassle and consistency that improves accuracy. Features in each die set includes an unbreakable decapper, built-in stuck-case remover, free-floating bullet seater, finger-adjustable locking rings and a fitted storage case. A progressively honed finish eliminates waves and ripples for industry-leading smoothness. Includes a full-length sizer die, a factory-crimp die, a bullet-seating and roll-crimp die, a shell holder, powder dipper, load data and storage box.Note: Select models do not include the factory-crimp die. See chart below.
The li pacesetter to die set is your. First choice for semi-automatic weapons this die set produces factory. Dimensioned ammunition that reliably fits and feeds in any gun full-length. Sizing die is included and is a must if. You are reloading for more than one firearm or reloading mixed range brass. Full-length sizing die features a. Built-in stuck case remover others charged nearly $23 for a kit conventional bullets eating die seats. Your bullet in place and puts on a slight taper crimp or full roll crimp depending on your adjustment depth includes free shell holder some. Manufacturers charge over $14 for this necessary part dye instructions feature. Comprehensive load data that lists virtually all powder company published loads along with suggested starting loads and a free powder dipper be. Assured of the longest case life and best fit in any standard chamber when cases. Are sized with lee dies. You.
Hornady® Cam-Lock Bullet Puller Collets
Eliminate wasted brass, and save time when you're reloading. These collets fit specific calibers to make bullet-pulling fast and efficient.Calibers: .17, .22, .243/6mm, .260, .270, .280/7mm, .30, .32, .35, .375, .41, .44, .45.
Today's video we'll take a look at the hornady cam lock bullet puller it's a. Really handy little device it's biggest. Advantage of speed i your time that. Takes me to put a bullet in i want these. Kinetic pullers and hang it on something. And get the bullet out of there and in the case i can do five or six cartridges. With the cam lock bullet puller so that's. The biggest advantage of speed you're pressed to pull the bullet instead of. You know banging it on something and these things tend to break I've been through a few of these that's why i always keep two on hand in case one of them breaks and i can i have something. To pull bullets with now the cam hawk. Bullet puller comes in three pieces. That's what you have your die body you. Have your and you have your cam lock or your can device which includes this. Little pin here which is the push pin those are two pieces to come with. The cam lock bullet puller then you'll also need the appropriate. Call it for the caliber you're using now. This particular one is number thirteen there's 13 different kaulitz available. For different diameter bullets number thirteen is for forty-five caliber and. You'll notice that it goes on a 45. Cartridge perfectly and stops at the case neck here so that's number thirteen. Is for forty-five number seven here is. For 308 and 312 caliber bullets so what. You do to then just set this up is you take the cam lock assembly off of the. Die body you put the collet in with the openings. Down and then you screw in your. Can lock assembly now the instructions. That come with this thing are confusing. At best and almost impossible to. Accomplish at worst. I had just mine a little bit differently here you can see i at the end here i see. If you can see this on the video if you. See that as i turn the handle the can. The collet in the end there will come forward and compress what that does then. Is it compresses it around me that's in. Focus or not but it compresses the collet then around the bullet and then. When you lower the ram of the press since this is grabbing onto the bullet. It'll pull the case away from the bullet. So the way i adjust it and this is. Totally different than the in the instructions I'll take the kinloch. Bullet puller off the press all together I'll take I'll put the collet in and. I'll take a cartridge that i want to pull and I'll just sit it on there on. The collet and they call it the. Cartridge will be stopped by the collet grabbing on to the case mouth here. So I'll put it on like that and then. I'll work the handle if the handle won't. Turn and I'll unscrew it a little bit or if i can't turn to you know lever the handle I'll turn it a little bit or unscrew it and try again if i can get it. Down to a 90 degree i can check to see if the bullet is being held in place if. It is maybe I'll screw it in just a. Little bit more and see if i can get it to a 90 degree there i can't so I'm. Going to undo it maybe about a quarter. Turn to an eighth of a turn i can get it down to a ninety degree the bullet is held in place that means. I've got my cam lock assembly adjusted. Properly so I'm going to take my locking. Ring here and rock lock it to that in that position okay so next step then is to go. To the press and adjust it okays to. Adjust the die into the press again. I do this entirely differently then hornady does when put my lock and load bushing on there uh what I'll do is I'll. Take cartridge that i want to pull the. Bullet on by the way i swap these cartridges together just for this video you'll notice that some of them are had. A spent primer some don't have a primer. At all so you're wondering why I'm using. Beat-up brass and beat-up bullets because i just put these together for. The video uh what I'll do is I'll take a. Cartridge i want to pull and raise the. Ram all the way and then I'll screw the. Cartridge or the die down over the. Cartridge so it comes in contact with. The neck of the case right there and. Then I'll lock that down now then all. You need to do in order to pull the. Bullet is you bring the ramp up to the top keep this straight up turn the. Handle lower the around and boom and you bring. You handle back up and it'll drop the bullet out for you put the next one in. And boom bullet pull okay raise the. Handle drop the bullet out for you so as you can see i can whip through these pretty quick much faster than a. Kinetic puller in fact I'd still be fiddling with the kinetic puller to get just to get one cartridge done now this only really. Works jacketed bullets cast bullets all you're. Gonna do is squish your bullet i. Don't think it'll work let me go ahead and try a cast bullet here. It shouldn't good yeah. Can't quite grab onto that yeah all I'm. Doing here is scratching the scratch in the lead so won't work with cast. Bullets but it works great with what. Jacketed bullets very simple to use simple to to set up and that works great. Be careful with this handle here if you pull this handle you know to the side. Too much I've heard that they'll break off of there so when you turn the handle. Make sure you're going with the. Rotation of the handle and not not against it just to make sure you don't. Break the handle off they do sell these handles separately which i assume is. That's the reason people tend to break their handles off so just be. Careful with that than that it's a handy. Little device goes real quick that's all. For this video i hope you liked it and so please click the like button maybe even subscribe to my channel thanks for. Watching and happy reloading.