Top 5
CVA® Optima® V2 Muzzleloader Stainless Steel/Black with 3-9x40 Konus Scope and Gun Case Combo
Combo includes: Optima V2 with a factory-installed and boresighted KonusPro 275 3-9x40 scope with a DuraSight® Dead-On™ one-piece scope-mount system. Plus a soft, padded gun case.
CVA® Accura® V2/LR Long-Range Muzzleloader with Thumbhole Stock and DuraSight® Dead-On Scope Mount
Traditions™ Buckstalker™ Muzzleloader Combo
Welcome to me. Always on the. Oh destiny. It's the rising sun. I was born. But shot gordon. All right i gotta make this video short. And quick uh I'm tabor i mean i am from. Vermont outdoors and i am doing a review. Since it's almost muzzle loader here up. To here for mom we weren't doing a review on my muscle odor i got the. Traditions of buck stalker uh I'll do. This first and get this first out of the. Way ah i didn't read it so i knew. Whenever i picked up with don i usually know what I'm doing the only thing i. Really looked at as the parts rake down and i guess it's okay but i didn't look. As for that long this gun first thing i. Gotta get out of there it's super light i mean it feels like a toy i don't really want throw it up cuz i wanna break it but super light seems like the. Metals pretty good uh sigh please seem. Like really good um it comes with the. Winter camo on it's not that. Realistic but I'll do i mean the deer. Don't care and neither do i and it's a. 50 cal obviously these little shops here. Did not come with it i bought those. Separately but the screw parts the. Things i actually let you put these in that those they come with it um as the. Traditions of all the logo and stuff. Here it tells you that it's obviously a. Black powder done don't put non. Smokeless powder in it or it'll blow up. Or I'm not sure if it blew up as the. Buck stocker right here and for those of. You who always have to find out what the box look like that's what the box looks like it i think they probably. Spent more time on the box and they down. The gun i think they just put this together and made a really good gun out. Of it because i bet you that they spent. More time work on that logo than they did one camouflage that's why i was. Talking about the camouflage not the actual gun part the gun part is great it. Shoots smoothly it as i said was really. Light easy to clean and really easy load. This when you get this the rod i didn't. Know how to do it but there's a little piece that you unscrew you flip it around you put it back in only one side that's thread so when you flip it around gives it like another inch and a half two inches then you pull obviously put. The powder in and the bullet and then. There's a bucking right here you just. Push it opens up and you put the primer in you close it off talked the hammer. Back and shoot it this also unscrews. With a three full rotations and i think. That's its pretty cool my dad jack yet get a wrench in there you have to undo it my dad does a cv a wolf that one was. Also a pretty chief but polygon he has a. Couple dents and sutphin and still shooting pretty good don't you nearly as. Smooth to this one i had to say but this. One is i think when i looked since i got. For my birthday present i don't i didn't. I really don't really care about the price but had to see what is happy. Because it was such a nice gun and i. Didn't want i don't like well my parents spend a lot of money on me so hard to look it up it's right around in between. 250 and 350 dollars somewhere in that. Range every place is different you go to. The website it's like 315 or something like that you go to like dicks or something it's different. You go to fellas bass pro it's all it's different everywhere owe it. Has a double safety right here has one. Right here as i was always taught ride your dad so it's on safety right now you. Cannot pull the trigger not sure what. The hell has happened you okay so most likely you can't pull. The trigger and you can't pull the hammer back so that's pretty good thing. It's made that way for people who want. It like that like accident can't pull back the trigger and the axe and go off on you i think that's what they're trying to do but I'm a pretty fast shooter like if i see a deer and know. It's legal i just go boom and hope i hit it but make sure that it's a good shot. Usually and i make sure that like if i. Won't like that i saw orange i would merely put my gun now because I'm safe. And i follow the rules um but I'm not. Going to hunt like this but you could pull back the hammer out on. Safety and you could still not and you. Still, not pull the trigger and the hammer still won't go back as you can tell take it all off put that. Back and you're good to go i rank this. Gun out of 10 10 being the best one. Being the worst i rank it at right around 18 halves it's pretty good really. Like she's really smooth and it's pretty good for its price it's the bang for your buck pretty much. From all of us here at Vermont outdoors. Happy hunting and happy shooting in this. Case.
Traditions™ Buckstalker™ Northwest Magnum Muzzleloader in Kanati® Camo
Traditions but stalker is the most value. Packed muzzle loader on the market equipped with a 24-inch barrel the buck. Stalker is great for shots across the field or in the dense brush the buck. Stalker features the speed load system which allows for easy loading and more. Consistent groups as if they I'm. Thrilled is an understatement you can great but the lt1 alloy frame. Keeps this gun light at 6 pounds making. It built to travel and easy to carry with only three full turns the. Accelerator breech plug makes cleaning a. Breeze traditions has also made safety a. Priority by equipping this gun with a dual safety system the buck soccer is. Light maneuverable and packed full of. Features and you can get it in black or camo.
Traditions™ Pursuit™ G4 Ultralight Muzzleloader Combo in TrueTimber Kanati Camo
Talk about lightweight performance the. Pursuit ultralight from traditions is the lightest muzzle-loader coming in at just over 5 pounds this is muzzle loaders. Future premium seracote penis which is 50 times more corrosive resistant than. Stainless steel the premium surcoat finish gives you unparalleled protection. Against black-powder fouling chemical. Cleaning agents and anything that mother. Nature can throw at it. Traditions ultralight barrels are built with the premium grade chromoly steel chromoly is long recognized as the best material for center fire rifles it. Provides superior accuracy at over 200 yards and weighs in at just over 5 pounds with a few rotations you can. Remove the breech plug with ease you can. Leave the tools in the truck it's easier to clean your muzzle-loader or remove the load by simply twisting the breech plug three full rotations it's that easy. Tradition soft touch stocks and pull ends help provide secure comfortable grip with or without gloves in any. Weather condition I've been hunting loved lauder since i was 16 years old i. Can remember being in the field with an old 50 cal and it like to never have loaded and it's been that way for several years but now traditions has taken it to another level you can easily. Load this muzzle-loader i don't care if you're on the ranger you've shot six seven eight nine ten times it's super easy to load and for me it's one of the best things on the market it provides a. Comfortable and secure grip in any weather condition what's really amazing. About this company is they are evolving muzzle technology to the next level all. Traditions firearms are backed with a lifetime limited warranty pick up a traditions pursuit. Ultralight and feel the difference.