Top 7
Traditions™ Vest Pocket Derringer .31 Cal. Percussion Pistol
Pedersoli Continental Duelling .45-Cal. Percussion and Flintlock Pistols
Pedersoli .45-Cal. Kentucky Flintlock Pistol
All right sides 45 here and welcome to. My youtube channel and if you've watched. My intro for my channel you'll see what. Kind of what I'm about as far as the videos that i post but if you haven't i. Post videos that made with my dji phantom 4 drone and i have a little aerial photography business I'm trying to start up and also talk about my other. Passion which is firearms and shooting and collecting and things like that and. So often in my videos i shout out to. Channels that i like and appreciate and what got me into the youtube making youtube videos is from watching youtube really good youtube channels and so Hickok 45 iraq veteran 8888 Douglas. 1954 military arms channel infancy. Just some of the channels that i watched. Got me interested in different firearms maybe i wasn't interested in before or and i said actually inspired me to do. Some of my own videos for what it's worth and i don't expect to garner there the same following i just like to put in this just opportunity for me to put in my two cents and maybe help somebody and some aspect of one or. Another you know so today I'm going to talk about and if you've watched my other videos you may see me wearing the same clothes because I'm doing three or four videos in one day and today I'm. Going to talk about in this video i want to talk about the peter soli Kentucky. Pistol kit and i got this idea from. Watching Douglas 1954 build flintlock rifles and. He goes and visits some of these forts. And historic forts and things like that. And reenact you know where there's a lot of reenactors and manufacturers of modern manufacturers of vintage style. Farms and powder horns and things like that and so i was like well hey you know my brother did this when we were teenagers he built a thing was a thompson center a flintlock or. Percussion rifle kit and so actually it. Was like was a it was a hawking rifle. That he built so i thought well with the. Difficulty of finding primers and and for cut or. Percussion caps then i would I'm sorry. My dog was interrupting me with the difficulty of finding percussion caps for percussion pistols and rifles i. Thought well flintlock sounds like an easier way to go because i could find black powder and you can find flint's but it was harder to find the caps and I've had both rifles but in pistols. Percussion but i decided I'd go with the. Just for looking at reviews and things like that I'd go with the peter solely pistol kit just to start off and see if. I could replicate what other these with these other fire and manufacturers we're. Doing like rust rusting a barrel pinning. The barrel things like that and so here. Is my product this is not excuse me not. The premier kit and I'm kind of looking at my phone to make sure I've got this. The video camera pointed properly and so. This like says the peter sully flintlock. Kentucky pistol kit and it comes with. The brass mostly unfinished so there's a. Lot of parts or especially these son stays for this cleaning rod or these. Guides for the cleaning rod are sand cast brass and so you have to do a lot. Of filing and using a steel wool to. Polish those up and get those smooth and looking like they do now with some tarnishing and then the trigger. Guard i thinks is wax cast but most. Parts like said you spend a lot of time on this kit fussing with the cleaning of. The brass and then of course the finishing of the wood the hookah pistol. Was a hundred i can't i can't remember what i paid for the pistol i got it from dixie gun works so it was really not a review on pricing but i wanted to talk. About how i built this particular pistol and I'm going to zoom in let you see what (differently) than what the manufacturer suggested that i do this is a walnut. Stock it's not maple and it's got a. Hexagonal barrel which six sides and so. You worry about when you're doing these. Fine finishing of the barrel to get it. Ready for rusting or bluing you really. Don't have to worry about the bottom three sides as much and so i worried. More about filing down and preparing the. The top three sides for this barrel the. Sights are deserting it's already. Beveled cut out for the sights and your. Lock which is what i found out was true of even manufacturers in the 18th century as the locks are already finished and built, and they would even. Order them from europe and then build rifles and install locks and stuff like that if i and I've read several things where they talked about doing that and so the lock just comes intact and ready to go and so your concern really is the metal and the wood. Other than the lock and in this. Particular pistol and I'm gonna do a. Little close-up here just let's see here. So this particular pistol the things. That hold the barrel on are this tang screw here in the back there you can see. That and then they have a full display. Near i doubt they have a cap brass cap. Barrel cap at the end which has a screw. Okay and that screws into the barrel. Through the wood and that's all that's. Holding this barrel on well watching. Douglas 1954 building a rifle he was. Showing how he and the it was i think it. Was a it was a it might have been a. Peter so like it could've been something from track of the wolf where he was on installing barrels. Stays I'll call them and then pizza he's. Basically pinning the barrel in and so what I'm going to show you on this pistol is i did this to this just to see if i could do it practicing on this feeder silly kid i know you'll see several pins along here. And you'll see that they correlate with. The cleaning rod guides so there's two. Pins that correlate with those but then i insert ion beveled the bottom of the. Barrel and installed barrel stays a comp. Barrel stays a beveled using Douglas. 19:54 procedures i and I'm not going to. Knock them out to show you but because you can watch his videos but i just so. You'll know i you'll see a pin here and. A pin here where i installed barrel. Stays and pin the barrel down so this barrel is not coming up at all i use actually ten penny nails for my pins and. Just follow them down they gave me pins but i just opted to use my own pin since. I just use nails and it worked out. Pretty good I've shot this pistol and it. Works as far as accuracy goes i had. Found the sweet spot yet but then it. Functions and that's the hardest thing. About building this pistol I'm gonna send back out. Right there first thing my villainous pistol is finishing the wood Douglas 1954. Talks a lot about how to finish the walnut to make it smoother because it's. Very grainy wood i struggled with that. Overdoing the varnish i guess you call. It thins at the sealant so in and so it's. I had a lot of buildups and i had to strip it and do it again and there's some couple inconsistencies. On the handle but for what it is and you. Can see you can see how it really turned. Our pretty well it's i didn't in when i. When i did the hand staining and rubbing. The stain in i didn't do what he suggested which was to get rid of. Some pitting or grain to smooth out some of the grain in here is you use the dust from the sanding and you work. It into the wood i didn't do that so you. See if you see some parking natural. Parking of the wood because it's walnut. And not maple but like it is what it is. And it turned out really well and people that have seen it we're fairly impressed not hard to do so don't be intimidated I'm not a craftsman by anything as far. As rusting the barrel i just followed the directions and took an old trash can. And create and used the lid and i was. Able to hang the barrel in the trash can suspend it with wire with the with. The with a bucket of water in there and yeah you apply the resting inhibit. Or not inhibitor but i guess you'd say. Solution and then rust really fast when. You put it in with some hot water in a closed-in area and then you have to knock off that surface rest do it in yes. And treat it and then do it again and comes out pretty good now it will. Continue to rust on you i ended up getting a slight amount of pitting which makes it a very realistic looking pistol because i was no the lighting is. Quite as good for you to see that then adjusts you really probably can't. You can't really see the pitting not. Sure you can or no I'm just looking at my phone but i continue to rush so i. Would take it out of the case now and then and i would knock that rest down and oil it keeps the barrel oil once when you rest the barrel you oil it keeps them all on it and keep it from. Picking up more moisture and pitting it. Doesn't look bad at all it looks very antique ish that's a word and so i. Highly recommend for your first project to get the peter solely Kentucky pistol. Flintlock version kit and like so i. Bought this one from dixie gun works and then watch Douglas 1954 videos I'm. Building a flintlock rifles and get some. Ideas and there's I'm sure there's other good videos out there but i like to do shoutouts to my favorite channels and watch those videos and you'd be. Surprised and you will it's a labor of love for sure and you really have to be dedicated to it because it takes some time i spent a lot of time just filing on the you know smoothing that brass out but it turns out you can see. Except for some of the varnish you can. See how well that turned out i mean sand. Casting is very crude but it turned out. Really well and then i was surprised. At how easily i was able to you know as all matters about having the right tools how easy it was to bevel the barrel and put those stays in and it's, and he. Covers dual smudging for through work covers that in his video to is about how to line up your pens and your stays. And when you're drilling holes in your stock to pin the barrel because you don't want you know you don't you know. You don't want obviously to drill. Unnecessary holes or drill holes on and. Then have your you know and have your stock kind of loose in the you know have kept too much gap or something like that. And you know between the fit of the barrel and the wood you know it's not free floated by any stretch of the imagination but i suppose you could do that if you. If you chisel out the channel a. Lot more and you just had your your. Pins or you're holding the barrel onto. The stock but still you're going to have some you know i don't i don't know if. That's really going to help you a lot i think the idea is to have that. Barrel well seated within that channel and then pin that in as tightly as possible you don't want a bunch of movement so you get the same barrel harmonics for what it's worth with a. Flintlock pistol or rifle but there you. Go thanks for watching.
Pedersoli Le Page Target .44-Cal. Percussion Pistol Set
Pedersoli Continental Duelling .45-Cal. Percussion and Flintlock Two-Pistol Sets
Pedersoli Le Page Target .45-Cal. Flintlock Pistol
Pedersoli Le Page Target .44-Cal. Percussion Pistol
There is one black-powder gun that always takes me back to the days when i started black powder shooting and it is the pedestal — percussion pistol i. Remember about 15 years ago when i started this whole story i was just after graduation and as a. Yankee story teacher i did not have too much money in fact the only gun i could. Afford was a cheap used Connecticut pistol but since i had seen the better. So — i knew i won one because it was the. Most elegant and most beautiful pistol i ever saw but still my fun and financial capabilities were not in the level for the feather solely gun so i had to wait until the day when a friend of mine a. Hungarian guy living in holland called me and said beau — we have you spayed. Ursula — for you at a bargain price it was about 350 euros you have to buy it. By those times 350 euros was one month's. Salary for me so the price was still too. High for me but i decided to do anything for that gun i decided to jump into this. You slip ashby stood still i had to wait. About half a year to get it after i paid it but then it arrived and it gave me. The best moments of that bugger shooting i ever enjoyed I've been planning to show you two out of box performance of allah — piece off for a long time now so. Let's see now what we have here the pistol comes in the standard cardboard box you receive a very detailed instruction manual. A dvd with tons of interesting stuff a. Steel ramrod with a muzzle protector. And of course your beautiful target pistol the lapage is the faithful repro. Of the target pistols manufactured by our really posh in the mid 19th century this pistol is often advertised as a dueling pistol but i think it was rather a sporting gun the dueling pistols. Usually did not have rifled bores adjustable sights set triggers as the. Basic aim of the duel was not to kill the opponent but to give justice an exceptional and unacceptable offence was needed to allow. Such an effective and accurate arm for the pistol ul but it could happen of. Course the stock is oiled walnut while. The metal parts are chromed with a satin finish the lock and the other metal. Furniture are elegantly engraved the grip is checkered so it is easy to have a secure hold the lip patch is equipped. With a single set trigger system it can be adjusted to extremely light pull with the screw behind the trigger it is offered in 31 36 and 44 calibers the. Twist rate of my pistol is 118 inches. The battle is broach rifled with 10 and. A quarter inch length the rear sight is. Adjustable vertically the dovetail at front sight can be set horizontally the. Price of this pistol is around 700 to 800 euros much cheaper than any other target pistols offering the same quality and service. It is also very cheap to feed this gun as you only need 11 grades of 3f swiss powder for an accurate load i like the. Tight patch and work combination so i use a 0.38 millimeter thick patch. With a 0.3 5-0 inch round ball if i add. Up all the cost of the cap powder and ball caused by me the total cost per one shot is only 10 euro cents now this is something that is hard to beat. The secret in loading your single should be stopped accurately is in doing everything the same way time by time i. Also had some cornmeal on top of the powder this has the powder settle batter in the chamber and it helps to equalize gas pressures. Always use the same force when seating the bullet although the pistol is backed with a steel ramrod i like to use my full breast ramrod for maximum security in saving the rifling and the muscle crown. The recoil of the pistol is minimal and. The hook of the trigger-guard offers a comfortable grip the sight picture is. Clean and sharp. Okay so this is my first ever group shot. With the podesta — miss tortoise Excalibur out of the body that modify anything on this gun you can see i have five shots at that size ring this is a five centimeter circle i can cover them. You'd be small cut i have three shots touching each other. The beautiful group and i have one with. Me it was not the gun this is why i love this other solo passion the metal parts. Are chromed, so they are quite resistible to rust, but they are not stainless so clean the pistol after every shooting session and removing the hog barrel from the stock takes only a few seconds. You. The lapage was the first black powder arm that won't be a gold medal i have. Been holding the national record with the total pass for eight years now while you have many under hammers as well in the firing line so if you are looking for real value for your money i strongly recommend you to buy a lapage you won't regret it I'm sure about it. You.