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Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver
The Remington Model 1858 was one of the most powerful and rugged single-action revolvers of its day. Easily removable, replaceable cylinders made reloading extremely fast. The highly realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver delivers that same power with its blued steel construction, polished brass trigger guard, octagonal barrel and walnut grips.Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver
The Remington Model 1858 was one of the most powerful and rugged single-action revolvers of its day. Easily removable, replaceable cylinders made reloading extremely fast. A compact version of the original, the realistic Pietta Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver boasts the same performance with a polished brass trigger guard, blued steel construction, octagonal barrel and walnut grips. The 5-1/2” barrel makes it easier to holster and handle.Pietta Model 1851 Confederate Navy .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver
Although designated as a Navy revolver, the Model 1851 saw heavy use among Army officers who favored .44-caliber firepower. It was constructed of brass because of the South's limited supply of steel. Patterned after the original, the Pietta Model 1851 Confederate Navy .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver features a brass trigger guard and frame, blued octagonal barrel, blued cylinder and walnut grips. Spare cylinder (sold separately) provides quick reloads.All right today whether you're viewing the pieta replica colt 1851 this here's. The brass frame version now first thing. It is not loaded you can see all the. Chambers are empty now in this video I'm. Going to be referring to it as the colt. Now obviously this is a perfect replica. First of all colt didn't make the brass. Frames unison griswold did and they. Didn't make them in 44 and this is a 44. It's the black powder only 44 calibers. And then on the other side piano made in. Italy and then you've got your proof marks now I'll be referencing the other. Piano got my own which is right here. This is the 1851 army there'll be a link. To this gum a quick review of that. In the description and right here so if. You're interested in this one go check it out i will be making some references. To that gun because they're made by the same manufacturer, and they have some. Similarities and some obvious differences i know let's get on to this. One it's going to load similarly to any. Other black-powder handgun you'd fill. The cylinder here fill it with whatever. Powder charge you're using put a lead ball on top rotate it over and then. Compress the chamber the ramrod. Here the functions the same as you know. The Remington army and the other coal. Broncos and that you pull this tab back and then it releases from this notch. Here I've had some problems with this loading system only because it's such a. Short loading rod the barrel is 5 inches it's the. Sheriff's sheriff's model but the. Loading rod is so short that you don't get a lot of leverage making it. Difficult to load especially if you're using an oversized lead ball i use 454. Caliper balls because i like the tight. Seal that they produce they are a bit of. A pain to get in here so don't expect to. Use your bare hand on this rod you're gonna need to use a piece of cloth or. You know wrap your sleeve over your hand. Because this could cut you off pretty badly the machining on this gun is. Actually quite nice for the most part. You know all the edges are nice and clean they're not too sharp there is one really sharp edge though right here for. Whatever reason the recoil shield here has a really sharp edge so I'm. Gonna take that down with some sandpaper just to make it so it's not gonna cut me. Other than that all these edges are real nice real clean the finish is as well. Really very nice the loading mechanism. And hammer as well as the trigger all have a case-hardened finish the bluing. Is deep rich and there aren't any there. Aren't any speckled sponsor any light. Areas the brass is also very nice it has. An almost mirror polish to it when it's new this one has gotten a little bit of. A patina on it which happens with the brass but it can be easily cleaned up with brass oh or any other type of brass. Polish but once again the machining is. Nice the edges are clean and it all. Looks real well put together the grips. Themselves are actually one solid piece. It's not two separate grip panels it's. One piece that goes through the. Brass frame i believe they're made out of walnut it sure looks and feels like walnut but i. Do think they put a little stain on here so it may be a similar hardwood as you. Can see my has some dings and dents on. It i actually purchased this secondhand. But it was on fired and we were just. Collecting these i paid 130 for it but you can still get. These online brand-new from cabala's the. Regular price is right around $199 but. They often go on sale and that's when. You can get them for you know like 150. Around that area now like with the 1851. My grips are not perfectly fitted there. Are some edges that are slightly higher. Then the metal and it creates a bit of a an edge it's especially bad underneath. Here but i plan to modify these grips to. Have a much better fit i do have a video on how to do that once again that'll be in the description if you're interested it's a slightly different process with this type of gun but for the most part the same steps are. Involved this can actually is a really nice ergonomics especially for such an old design the grip feels great in your. Hand and i know pietà enlarges the. Little tail down here but it actually makes the gun feel real nice i have. Pretty average size hands so you know. Those of you who have much bigger hands may not find it quite as comfortable but i certainly like it the nice thing about. This compared to a lot of other single. Action revolvers of the time is that the you don't have to adjust your grip at all to pull the hammer back you know. Right where am i this is where i hold it if i was shooting it the hammers right. Here i don't have to move my grip at all. Whereas on the 1858 i do have to adjust. My grip a little bit to reach the hammer it's all within reaching distance now. This is a little bit more front-heavy it. Actually weighs a little less than the 1858 replica but it is a good amount. More front heavy probably due to the. Fact that the whole barrel assembly is all heavy steel on this there's a big. Chunk of metal here but it's still. Pretty comfortable points very nicely and it just has really good ergonomics. Now let's talk about the action the. Action on this gun is real smooth it's. Nice a much smoother than the 1858 even. Without the adjustable spring tension on. That one you can change the tension of the hammer spring this one you can't but. It's actually a perfect weight. To it's not too hard to activate but. It's not so light that the hammer is bouncing back when it hits the cap the. Reliability however is just not quite. The same since it's an open-top the caps. Are more likely to get back in between. The hammer and the frame which can cause some serious malfunctions the trigger pull is real nice it's a very light. Trigger short trigger pull and a crisp. Crisp trigger break it's a very narrow. Trigger though much like a single action. Army handgun or other cult single actions the trigger is actually also a. Little set to the left it's not perfectly centered in the trigger guard. And you can see here that it is actually. Offset to the left way you use the sights as there are no sights when the. Hammers forward like pulling back the. Hammer and then lining it up with the small post in the front. It's not the most reliable sighting. System but it works mine actually. Shoots about six seven inches high so I'm gonna take down the sights a little bit in the rear to get a better sight. Picture and to bring my shots on. Target now while i will be doing this modification i won't be making a video about it because another youtuber. Duelist has a really good video on how. To take this down essentially what you do is you deepen the knotch with a dremel or small file and then you. Shave off the top with a file and it. Lowers the rear sight. Most of the replicas actually have a. Taller front post but this gun doesn't for whatever reason and i think that's. What kind of contributes to the point of aim being so high I'll be doing a. Separate disassembly video for this gun but essentially what you have to do is punch out this wedge and then the barrel. Will slide off the front and then you. Can take the cylinder off all in all it's a really nice piece i highly recommend these pianos no matter which model you get they're really well-built. They shoot nice and they're just nice to. Look at their good-looking good. Looking designs good-looking weapons if. You'd like to see this gun in action I'll have a video up pretty soon I'll. Post that in the description I'm also going to do a nice comparison video between this and the 1858 kind of. Really in-depth video for those of you. That are debating whether to buy one or the other that'll give you some good information. If you have any other questions just. Leave a comment if you want to see more. Videos just check out my channel i have more videos about these guns and plenty others they do for modifications shooting tests comparison videos things. Of that nature it's all coming up.
Pietta Model 1851 Navy "Yank" .36-Caliber Black Powder Revolver
The original Model 1851 “Yank” single-action revolver was as much a part of the Western trail as the Americans who traveled it. Wild Bill Hickok carried a pair with ivory grips during his lawman days in Abilene. The Pietta Model 1851 Navy “Yank” .36-Caliber Black Powder Revolver with brass backstrap and trigger guard celebrates the wild West. Features a steel frame with case-hardened finish, octagonal barrel and walnut grips.Pietta Model 1851 Confederate Navy .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver with Starter Kit
The Pietta Model 1851 Confederate Navy .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver is patterned after the original with a brass frame to conserve the South's limited supplies of steel. Although designated as a Navy revolver, it saw heavy use among Army officers who favored .44-caliber firepower. It features a blued octagonal barrel, blued cylinder, tough attractive walnut grips and brass trigger guard and frame. Reloads quickly with a spare cylinder (sold separately). Starter Kit includes: nipple wrench, a straight line capper, adjustable powder measure, a powder flask, thirty lead round balls, thirty 3mm-thick lubed wads and thirty 10mm-thick lubed wads.Pietta Model 1858 New Army Target .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver
The Pietta Model 1858 New Army Target .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver is a highly realistic reproduction of the Remington Model 1858 single-action revolver with target sights for increased accuracy, blued steel construction, a polished brass trigger guard, octagonal barrel and walnut grips. Rear sight adjusts for elevation and windage. Easily removable, replaceable cylinders make reloading extremely fast.Pietta Model 1858 New Army "Old Silver" .44-Cal. Black-Powder Revolver
Pietta Model 1851 Confederate Navy .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver
All right today whether you're viewing the pieta replica colt 1851 this here's. The brass frame version now first thing. It is not loaded you can see all the. Chambers are empty now in this video I'm. Going to be referring to it as the colt. Now obviously this is a perfect replica. First of all colt didn't make the brass. Frames unison griswold did and they. Didn't make them in 44 and this is a 44. It's the black powder only 44 calibers. And then on the other side piano made in. Italy and then you've got your proof marks now I'll be referencing the other. Piano got my own which is right here. This is the 1851 army there'll be a link. To this gum a quick review of that. In the description and right here so if. You're interested in this one go check it out i will be making some references. To that gun because they're made by the same manufacturer, and they have some. Similarities and some obvious differences i know let's get on to this. One it's going to load similarly to any. Other black-powder handgun you'd fill. The cylinder here fill it with whatever. Powder charge you're using put a lead ball on top rotate it over and then. Compress the chamber the ramrod. Here the functions the same as you know. The Remington army and the other coal. Broncos and that you pull this tab back and then it releases from this notch. Here I've had some problems with this loading system only because it's such a. Short loading rod the barrel is 5 inches it's the. Sheriff's sheriff's model but the. Loading rod is so short that you don't get a lot of leverage making it. Difficult to load especially if you're using an oversized lead ball i use 454. Caliper balls because i like the tight. Seal that they produce they are a bit of. A pain to get in here so don't expect to. Use your bare hand on this rod you're gonna need to use a piece of cloth or. You know wrap your sleeve over your hand. Because this could cut you off pretty badly the machining on this gun is. Actually quite nice for the most part. You know all the edges are nice and clean they're not too sharp there is one really sharp edge though right here for. Whatever reason the recoil shield here has a really sharp edge so I'm. Gonna take that down with some sandpaper just to make it so it's not gonna cut me. Other than that all these edges are real nice real clean the finish is as well. Really very nice the loading mechanism. And hammer as well as the trigger all have a case-hardened finish the bluing. Is deep rich and there aren't any there. Aren't any speckled sponsor any light. Areas the brass is also very nice it has. An almost mirror polish to it when it's new this one has gotten a little bit of. A patina on it which happens with the brass but it can be easily cleaned up with brass oh or any other type of brass. Polish but once again the machining is. Nice the edges are clean and it all. Looks real well put together the grips. Themselves are actually one solid piece. It's not two separate grip panels it's. One piece that goes through the. Brass frame i believe they're made out of walnut it sure looks and feels like walnut but i. Do think they put a little stain on here so it may be a similar hardwood as you. Can see my has some dings and dents on. It i actually purchased this secondhand. But it was on fired and we were just. Collecting these i paid 130 for it but you can still get. These online brand-new from cabala's the. Regular price is right around $199 but. They often go on sale and that's when. You can get them for you know like 150. Around that area now like with the 1851. My grips are not perfectly fitted there. Are some edges that are slightly higher. Then the metal and it creates a bit of a an edge it's especially bad underneath. Here but i plan to modify these grips to. Have a much better fit i do have a video on how to do that once again that'll be in the description if you're interested it's a slightly different process with this type of gun but for the most part the same steps are. Involved this can actually is a really nice ergonomics especially for such an old design the grip feels great in your. Hand and i know pietà enlarges the. Little tail down here but it actually makes the gun feel real nice i have. Pretty average size hands so you know. Those of you who have much bigger hands may not find it quite as comfortable but i certainly like it the nice thing about. This compared to a lot of other single. Action revolvers of the time is that the you don't have to adjust your grip at all to pull the hammer back you know. Right where am i this is where i hold it if i was shooting it the hammers right. Here i don't have to move my grip at all. Whereas on the 1858 i do have to adjust. My grip a little bit to reach the hammer it's all within reaching distance now. This is a little bit more front-heavy it. Actually weighs a little less than the 1858 replica but it is a good amount. More front heavy probably due to the. Fact that the whole barrel assembly is all heavy steel on this there's a big. Chunk of metal here but it's still. Pretty comfortable points very nicely and it just has really good ergonomics. Now let's talk about the action the. Action on this gun is real smooth it's. Nice a much smoother than the 1858 even. Without the adjustable spring tension on. That one you can change the tension of the hammer spring this one you can't but. It's actually a perfect weight. To it's not too hard to activate but. It's not so light that the hammer is bouncing back when it hits the cap the. Reliability however is just not quite. The same since it's an open-top the caps. Are more likely to get back in between. The hammer and the frame which can cause some serious malfunctions the trigger pull is real nice it's a very light. Trigger short trigger pull and a crisp. Crisp trigger break it's a very narrow. Trigger though much like a single action. Army handgun or other cult single actions the trigger is actually also a. Little set to the left it's not perfectly centered in the trigger guard. And you can see here that it is actually. Offset to the left way you use the sights as there are no sights when the. Hammers forward like pulling back the. Hammer and then lining it up with the small post in the front. It's not the most reliable sighting. System but it works mine actually. Shoots about six seven inches high so I'm gonna take down the sights a little bit in the rear to get a better sight. Picture and to bring my shots on. Target now while i will be doing this modification i won't be making a video about it because another youtuber. Duelist has a really good video on how. To take this down essentially what you do is you deepen the knotch with a dremel or small file and then you. Shave off the top with a file and it. Lowers the rear sight. Most of the replicas actually have a. Taller front post but this gun doesn't for whatever reason and i think that's. What kind of contributes to the point of aim being so high I'll be doing a. Separate disassembly video for this gun but essentially what you have to do is punch out this wedge and then the barrel. Will slide off the front and then you. Can take the cylinder off all in all it's a really nice piece i highly recommend these pianos no matter which model you get they're really well-built. They shoot nice and they're just nice to. Look at their good-looking good. Looking designs good-looking weapons if. You'd like to see this gun in action I'll have a video up pretty soon I'll. Post that in the description I'm also going to do a nice comparison video between this and the 1858 kind of. Really in-depth video for those of you. That are debating whether to buy one or the other that'll give you some good information. If you have any other questions just. Leave a comment if you want to see more. Videos just check out my channel i have more videos about these guns and plenty others they do for modifications shooting tests comparison videos things. Of that nature it's all coming up.