Categories: Hunting & Shooting

The 18 Best Reloading – Powders & Primers reviews

Winchester® PrimersWinchester® Primers Remington® PrimersRemington® Primers Winchester® Rifle PrimersWinchester® Rifle Primers Hodgdon® Smokeless PowderHodgdon® Smokeless Powder Winchester® #209 Primers for ShotshellsWinchester® #209 Primers for Shotshells CCI® Primers – Per 1000CCI® Primers – Per 1000 Federal® Centerfire PrimersFederal® Centerfire Primers
Winchester® Primers Remington® Primers Winchester® Rifle Primers Hodgdon® Smokeless Powder Winchester® #209 Primers for Shotshells CCI® Primers – Per 1000 Federal® Centerfire Primers IMR Smokeless Powder – Rifle Winchester® Smokeless Ball Powder Winchester® #209 777 Primers – 100-Pack Alliant Powder® Smokeless Powders IMR Smokeless Powder – Shotshell/Handgun Ramshot Smokeless Powder Accurate® Smokeless Powder Alliant Powder AR-Comp Powder Norma Powder – 1 lb. CCI® 50 BMG Primers – Per 500 CCI® Primers
Rating ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★☆☆
Brand Winchester Alliant Hodgdon Winchester Norma CCI CCI Hodgdon Powder IMR Alliant Remington Accurate Federal Winchester Winchester Western Powders CCI
Model Titewad / CFE Pistol / CFE Black / International / HS6 / HP38 / Lil’ Gun / Tite Group / H322 / H335 / Varget / H414 / H4831SC / Benchmark / Hybrid 100V / Leverevolution 8-1/2 Large Rifle / 6-1/2 Small Rifle / 1-1/2 Small Pistol Mag IMR Red IMR 4166 / IMR 7977 / IMR 4831 / IMR 4350 / IMR 8208 XBR 1-1/2 Small Pistol / 5-1/2 Small Pistol Mag. / 7-1/2 Small Rifle BR Mag Pro / 2230 / No. 7 / No. 5 #150M Large Pistol Match / #215 Large Magnum Rifle Match / #155 Large Magnum Pistol Match / #155 Large Mag. Pistol / #205 Small Rifle / #205M Small Rifle Match / #200M Small Magnum Pistol Match Autocomp / 572 / 231 / WSF / 748 400 / BR4 / 250 / 500 / 300

Winchester® Primers

Winchester primers have a new surface finish for improved sensitivity. Per 1,000.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Remington® Primers

Primer cup dimensions are controlled to four decimal places. The priming mix is specially formulated for consistent ignition with a wide variety of powder types, and tested for reliability over a temperature range of -20°F to +150°F. Individual primer pellet weight is controlled to .01 grams. A unique tripod anvil design creates a larger “sweet spot” with maximum sensitivity – even with off-center firing pin strikes. PER 1000.

Warning: Remington does not recommend use of the 6-1/2 Small Rifle primer for use in the 17 Remington, 222 Remington, 223 Remington, 204 Ruger, 17 Remington Fireball. Use the 7-1/2 Small Rifle Bench Rest primer in these cartridges. The 6-1/2 Small Rifle primer is primarily designed for use in the 22 Hornet.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Winchester® Rifle Primers

  • Deliver dependable ignition
  • Non-corrosive, non-mercuric
  • Consistent in size and quality
  • Maintain stability in extremes of temperature and humidity

Winchester’s non-corrosive, all-weather primers deliver fast, dependable ignition under any shooting condition. Without a good primer, the only thing that happens when your firing pin falls is that trophy of a lifetime walks away. Winchester tests their primers rigorously for consistency and sensitivity at temperatures and conditions far beyond the range of normal usage. Winchester magnum rifle primers maintain stability in extremes of temperature and humidity in both loaded ammunition or stored in boxes on the shelf. Per 100.
Available: Large Rifle, Large Rifle Magnum, Small Rifle.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

how’s it going guys back with. How to reload 243 series today we’re going to talk about primers at the. Most basic there are large rifle primers. And small rifle primers within the large. And small you have Magnum. And standard both Magnum. And standard primers. You will have match. Or standard when choosing a primer the. Most important thing to find out is. If the brass has a large. Or a small primer pocket. All 2:43 will have a large rifle primer pocket. Some six five Creed moor has large. Some has small so you got to do your research just a bit. And figure out exactly. What your primer you need. Ifirst bought primers. Ibought standard small rifle primers.

I bought a thousand of them right out the gate there was a good deal going on. I picked up a bunch of them. That works fine you can work up individual loads with your primers. That you’ve purchased but. You have worked up a load say with a standard small rifle primer. And then you should change your primer to a match primer. It could actually affect your group size. And I’ve done a bit of testing with. And depending on the different types of powders. You shoot the different types of primers will affect them differently so. You have to treat them. All as their own individual load. You have a standard primer. You have match primers the idea behind a match primer is to ignite the powder as consistently as possible basically. These are going to be a little. More affordable because they’re not worried about every little tiny detail. They I’ve had really great luck so far. All of my primers have ignited my charges but with a match primer you’re getting more consistent muzzle velocities.

And they’re just a little bit better but. You will pay a bit more for them. Now the difference between a regular primer. And a magnum primer is the Magnum is gonna create a hotter spark. And will help ignite slower burning powders. Or just powders that don’t want to ignite as easily there’s so. Many types of powders out there you’re gonna have to figure out which ones prefer magnum primers. And which ones take standard primers. If you’re having hang fire’s in. Any of your reloads definitely try out a magnum primer but obviously approach. That with caution you do switch to magnum primers. You have an established load with a regular primer.

Or a match primer you’re going to have to decrease your charge a bit. And work your way back up to your charge with the Magnum primer in fact. Most likely will not shoot the same because of the different pressures going on inside of the case so that’s. Something to look out for now. Some primers especially only small rifle side will have specialty primers. These are a are match primers. And basically that means is the metal cup the primer sits in is a little bit thicker. And it’s a little more resistant to the firing pin as a bolt slams home. And bumps into that firing pin. That the firing pin doesn’t dent the primer. Or possibly ignite it the standard cups will work CCI has.

That are four five six. And it’s the same idea just a thicker metal cup it’s a little. More resistant to denting as far as brands go I’ve shot quite a. Few CCI primers and I’ve shot just a. Few federal premiums CCI for me in my area is a little bit easier to find and I’ve had no issues with them. Iactually like the quality. I get with CCI Federal Premium has a reputation for being a good primer, so I’m kind of feeling the waters there for myself. And seeing if any benefit out of. It the downside to those right. Now is they’re difficult for me to track down. And actually get my hands on. Some other brands that make primers our seller. And Belet winchester makes primers Remington Nix primers. And there’s a few other companies as well but between those with federal. And CCI that’s basically your main manufacturers a primers.

That your you will have available. You choose to shoot Magnum primers do be aware in reloading manuals. You need to go ahead. And read what the manufacturer tested with. All of their load data. These are federal two tens which are just standard large rifle primers so. Istart shooting Magnum primers using their load data their Max charges are. Now hotter what your gun should probably be shooting these are going to increase pressures above. What their data would be so. You could run into pressure signs a little bit. More quickly so definitely be cognizant of. Something even I didn’t know. Ifirst started reloading is Magnum primers are not only for Magnum calibers. Or Magnum pistols just. Because it’s a 44 Magnum pistol does not mean.

You need a Magnum primer in fact in. Most cases you don’t use a Magnum primer including 300 Winchester Magnums. You don’t necessarily have to run a Magnum primer. You gotta do is work up a specific load with. That primer and again pay attention to the load data. Provided to what type of primer. They used in all their testing that’s important to know but in my 243 it’s not a magnum. Ido run Magnum primers. Some of my loads some of them. Iuse match primers just depending on the powder. That I’m shooting and. Even compare them against. Each other and see which. One gives me the better result I’m gonna just basically shoot for group size. You can shoot them over your chronograph to see which. One gives you the lowest standard deviation that’s the variance in muzzle velocity.

Because at the end of the day. If you’re trying to shoot small groups. Or shoot long range consistently. You want the least amount of variation possible. You can get to summarize. This up it’s great to experiment with different primers but. If you’re worried about the type of primer. You should use check the load data. What they’re using with their load data. If it’s a federal standard primer. You can use a CCI standard primer. And expect really similar results. Even Winchester or Remington basically. If it’s a standard primer go with. If it’s a magnum primer. You should probably go with. You can use Magnum or standards. Or match primers pretty much an. Anything you want you just have to work up individual loads for. I appreciate you guys.

This time this was educational. Itried to keep it as simple as possible. Yet go in-depth enough. You can understand a bit. And make an educated decision as far as. What kind of primer. You want to start out with. Iappreciate you guys watching and. We will talk to you guys later

Hodgdon® Smokeless Powder

A favorite of handloaders since 1946, Hodgdon powders have long delivered superior match-grade accuracy.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Winchester® #209 Primers for Shotshells

  • Better sensitivity for more positive firing in all guns
  • Non-corrosive, non-mercuric
  • Weights are carefully controlled
  • Anvil heights are measured to precise tolerances
  • Stable in extremes of temperature and humidity

Winchester’s non-corrosive, non-mercuric #209 Primers for Shotshells provide better sensitivity for more positive firing in all guns. The weight of the primer mixture is carefully controlled delivering consistency in size and quality. Anvil heights are measured to precise tolerances to assure perfect ignition, plus Winchester primers are tested to ensure they maintain stability in extremes of temperature and humidity. Per 100.

WARNING – Winchester primers may explode if subjected to impact, shock, or intense heat. Store in original factory container only. Primers in bulk are capable of mass explosion. Do not use primer feed devices for reloading.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

CCI® Primers – Per 1000

  • CCI primers are known for clean, reliable ignition
  • Even off-center firing pins ignite these primers
  • Enhanced sensitivity and reduced seating force

CCI primers offer the reloader clean, reliable ignition. A larger sweet spot means more reliable ignition in guns that produce off-center hits. The redesigned metal parts improve sensitivity and reduce seating force. These primers are designed for everything from small-caliber rifles and handguns to the large-caliber rifles and magnums.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Federal® Centerfire Primers

When reloading Federal shells, use these reliable primers. They work with either pistols or rifles. Per 1000. (10 packs of 100.)

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

IMR Smokeless Powder – Rifle

This smokeless powder is ideal for your reloading needs.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Winchester® Smokeless Ball Powder

Reliable, clean-burning powder from a name you can trust for quality and optimum performance.

Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Winchester® #209 777 Primers – 100-Pack

  • Clean burning for more accurate shots
  • Designed for Hodgdon Triple Se7en and Pyrodex pellets

Winchester’s #209 777 Primers burn clean and reduce fouling ring buildup for tighter shot stomps. Hot #209 primer. Designed for use with Hodgdon® Triple Se7en® and Pyrodex® pellets. 100 pack.

Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Alliant Powder® Smokeless Powders

  • Technologically superior
  • Burns clean and consistent
  • Built for improved precision

Technologically superior by design, Alliant powders burn clean and consistent for improved precision. These all-around smokeless powders are among the most versatile shotgun/handgun and rifle powders available. Choose the powder that best fits your loading needs.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Hey cock 45 we’re gonna talk to. You a little bit about smokeless powder versus. Both terms this is kind of basics video. It in part a little information I’m not gonna charge extra for it. Ipromise you’ve heard the terms black powder you’ve heard the term smokeless powder black powder is the powder. That is black some poured out here in fact of course. Most powders black-looking or deep gray looking this is black powder right there. And over on the right. Some smokeless powder, so we’re gonna do a little demo to show. You the difference in the burn rate. You know some elephant pulled elephant black powder it’s believed 303 F which has to do with the granule size okay the. More F’s you have like a four F has really small grains. And threes not quite so small two is very popular for large caliber rifles muzzle loaders. And things and then. One F is very large. They use it for cannon things like. That but anyway that’s. What the F mean with black powder so that’s black. Some unique smokeless. Some modern powder you know over there. And we’re gonna do a little demo. Iknow we’ve done a little. That in the past, but we’re going to include. This little demo so in. These cartridges we have black powder. These are some black powder cartridges. These are standard 250 grain 45 colt slugs cartridges I’ve loaded but. They happen to be loaded with black powder just like the old days. This happens to be my old 1884 Colt. That was made in 1884 of. All things and has a black powder frame as. They call and uses black powder cartridges not supposed to use modern smokeless powder.

That gun again it has the black powder frame we’ve done. Some info videos on. That sort of thing -. That in 1884 they called. That a black powder frame right just as. They did not call this black powder in 1884. They called it gun powder. Because that’s what it was referred to as. It was the powder it was gunpowder. I think I’ve discussed. That before around its funny. You catch some b-grade Western. And they’ll have some big keg of powder. And it’ll say black powder on. You know in the years 1870. Something and so that’s interesting that’s the only kind of powder. They add black powder so. It was just gunpowder it’s the way. It should be labeled. And in black powder. This powder gunpowder up until the late 1800s goes back like a thousand years like the Chinese the consensus is. That Chinese came up with.

It like around a thousand years ago. Or Wow so that’s even before my time. It was just powder it was a. While before it was called. Even gunpowder right so. We had to have guns. They call it gunpowder but it’s just gunpowder. You know for hundreds of years. And so a little reason. It blacks powder is the fact. That it’s a differentiate from smoke powder smokeless powder okay it’s kind like wired. And wireless you know. We don’t didn’t talk about. Something being Wireless until. You know we had things. That had to be wired. And things aren’t wired, so we’re gonna do is take a couple shots with black powder will show. You the difference it doesn’t look. That different it is black but. It really produces flight smoke doesn’t.

If that’s ever been confusing to. You let’s look at the smoke black powder. You can tell by the smoke. And the lovely smell of. It’s a primarily. Iguess with sulfur charcoal. And saltpeter and it’s a kind of simple formula been around a long time so again. This is a gun that was made in 1884. It should you know be used with black powder only which is. What we’re going to do. And I’m gonna do something. You appreciate I’m gonna dirty. This thing up and here. We go let’s see it does shoot. Ithink highs I recall. Even shot it a lot will see. Ican hit that 2-litre oops. Idon’t think they shot too. Many two liters with them in 1884 but little try. One right here now watch the smoke nice we’ll take. Another shot it ain’t tank right. Yet try the red one let’s try. This red plate here. This gun oh man what a piece of history saying you see the smoke. II’ve hit a cloud of. It myself this of course is. What you see I shoot the muzzle loaders black powder that’s the slug.

That messes up the brass. It separated and clean. Everything it is a labor of love I’m gonna take a couple. More on what I’m doing it. It really is messy oh boy but. You know that’s part of. And that’s something you should remember. When you’re watching a Western. What they actually had I’ve got five. More in I’m gonna go down here shoot. This cowboy I mean is. That appropriate what Now shoots a little high maybe a little to the left that’s right. Iforgotten about that but that’s that’s. What you get it’s lovely. It smells great it smells great black powder. And again in the interest of history. And your education and mine. What it should look like in the Western. When they’re touching these things off okay black powder gunpowder. Icould go back to 1884 again I’d be talking about.

You know the Gunpowder in my cartridge is not the black powder. All right let’s look at the difference before. We touch that off there. This is a more modern. This is still a first generation colt. One goes to this was 1901. And in the late 1800s is. When smokeless came into its own actually. It was under development in the mid-1800s but then in the 1880s. And especially 1890s that’s. You started seeing smokeless cartridges okay. This is right after the turn of the century 1901. It has a little bit better steel in the gun to withstand the pressures of smokeless powder has a different pressure curve. And that’s why you’re not supposed to use.

These old black powder guns okay. Now notice the difference I’ll shoot the cowboy. More hey let’s smoke. These are hand loads too of course. You know so this is not totally smokeless which is. Another it’s like a suppressor isn’t. It totally silent is. It smokeless powder is not necessarily totally smokeless. This is called it is less smoky general. Someone was pretty smoking and. Ishoot my hand loads sometimes especially with cast bullets. And bullet Lube everything you get fair amount of smoke still considered smokeless powder. That differentiates. It okays so like we got into the 1880s 1890s. This was developed the smokeless powder lots of different kinds of course it’s much. More complex there’s a thousand different smokeless powders.

And then we were also able to take advantage of the semi-automatic technology to with smokeless powder. Where that’s virtually impossible to do successfully with black powder just because of the residue. You know the crud did. It creates all right so that’s the bottom line black powder up until. You know around 1900 essentially think of in terms of. That rough date of 1890s. This black powder okay. It was gun powder that was gun powder up until then. We use smokeless for most things. Igo back into the old days. Iactually do use the real black powder there are. Some subsidies for it that’s. What that’s all about there’s. Some people you will hear. You know I’m aware of. This they’ll take an old goat colt like. And they’ll load smokeless in a really light load. And mess with and that’s not advised experts agree you’ve got to be careful with. That just because it’s a light load not enough.

You get a different pressure curve a lot. More pressure with smokeless powder so just lightening and load is still unsafe. You use black powder. Or black powder substitute. This maybe not so messy okay. Now that’s that’s that’s the beauty of. That okay alright black powder good old colt. Now let’s take a look at the burn rate. You can always tell black-powder before. We light I thought we’d set. These just to demonstrate let’s see the black powder is over here the smokeless is over there. And I’m gonna move over here. And I’m gonna get my light stick. And I’m gonna like and you’re gonna see demonstrated the difference in the burn rate by my lighter die stick. It in the pocket now got a match here okay get to play with fire here Independence Day so let’s see notice my homemade lighter I’m gonna hold. It rights there what we’re gonna watch is the powder is going to burn across. That beam I guess at least okay. And from there to where the cartridge cases is smokeless.

And the rest of it is black. And indicated by the cans there okay no wait a minute no. We ought to move those. Ireckon that’s be safer I’ll bet would okay let’s put those out here away from the fire. And then let’s like. All right so I don’t maybe. This will show you a little bit about. They just have a different characteristic. And a burn rate and there’s really. Nothing we can do here that’s gonna be dangerous at least I’m trying to tell myself. That right okay forget the worst I’ll happen I’ll have to push. That board over mostly. Idon’t want to burn my leather okay, so I’m gonna stand back. You watch okay remember to smoke.

This over to the cartridge case okay. What guess there I think it’ll speed up. What did you nice smoke rings in the woods nice nice so that’s that’s kind of the difference. You get a you get a faster. You know it’s its contradictory. You read about it’ll tell. You the black powder burns slower. Some ways it does but. It eats up a lot faster put. That way but it has a different pressure curve. And it’s safer you can load. You load a case with. It for example with a modern powder you’ve got to measure very carefully depending on what powder you’re using use of five grains 62 grains. That kind of thing and. You can get a really hot load in a hurry good to be careful. You got a lot of space capacity with a 45 colt wears with. When you’re loading black powder. You know this already. It doesn’t matter how much. You put in that case. You can fill you can put half-full doesn’t matter as long as it’s supposed to be compressed a little bit ideally.

You don’t have air space in. It blows got the air space out so. What I do is if I’m gonna load half a case. Or which I don’t I’ll put. Some wadding and that takes care of. It doesn’t really matter. How much you have that other. You want to be consistent. And have the same load in. And have wads whatever. It takes to have no air space in their basically not. It would probably blow up. Anything but that’s just a little tidbit to no extra charge with. This little information here about smokeless versus black powder. You hear me talking about in videos right maybe don’t explain. You know talk about the crag being one of the first smokeless cartridges. And just different things like. That well that just means that’s probably. Some firearm that came about around the 1890s. Most likely he utilized smokeless powder the metal. And the gun was sufficient to withstand. You know the bullet. Everything for example a 303 British. It first came about as a black powder around but then.

It was pretty quickly moved into smokeless. You know that was late 1880s. Something you know in 1880 right their in. That same time period but that’s. You get smoked black powder by. And large like the old 45 seventies. And 45 bowls all those rounds then. You move up into the late 1880s 1890s. You start seeing some smokeless rounds. And in the 1900s okay so. You can’t make a big mistake. That black powder long as. You load it properly. Ican shoot black powder in. One fall into we’ve noted. More modern gun I can shoot. It in a modern gun it’s just is messy okay but. Ican’t go the other way. You don’t want to shoot black powder. And an old gun excuse.

You don’t shoot smokeless powder in an old gun that’s from the black powder era alright so a little primer on black powder versus smokeless hope. You learned a little bit from. That life is good

IMR Smokeless Powder – Shotshell/Handgun

This smokeless powder is ideal for your reloading needs.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Ramshot Smokeless Powder

Ramshot powders feature excellent lot-to-lot consistency and will meet or exceed the requirements of all shooting enthusiasts, from serious competitors to casual shooters.

  • Big Game rifle powder is ideally suited to the .270 and .30-06 cartridge classes. It also performs well in short-action cartridges, especially .22-250, 6mm and 7mm-08 loads. Per 1-lb. bottle.
  • X-Terminator is a double-based, spherical rifle powder for the high-volume .223 varmint hunter. A clean-burning powder, X-Terminator will not bridge going into the small diameter necks of the .22 centerfire calibers and produces excellent velocities. Ideal for .222, .223 and .22 Benchrest. Per 1-lb. bottle.
  • Hunter is the perfect spherical rifle powder for medium-caliber rifles. Hunter meters great, is clean burning and produces outstanding velocities in traditional medium-caliber cartridges and short-magnum cartridges. Performs consistently throughout a wide range of temperatures. Ideal for .270 and Winchester short-magnum calibers. Per 1-lb. bottle.
  • TAC is a versatile rifle powder that performs well in a number of different calibers. TAC attains some of the industry’s highest velocities for 80-grain .223-caliber bullets while maintaining SAAMI pressure guidelines. TAC is a double-based powder with exceptionally consistent metering and charge weights. Ideal for .223 and .308. Per 1-lb. bottle.
  • True Blue is a double-based, spherical pistol powder that performs extremely well in most handgun cases. Load range is from .380 Auto. to .454 Casull weights. The powder’s physical size contributes to excellent metering properties and consistency of charge weights when run through a progressive loader. High-bulk density contributes to a fuller case capacity and more consistent loads. Ideal for 9mm, .38 Special, .357 Mag, and .45 ACP. Per 1-lb. bottle.
  • Silhouette™ is a double-base high-performance spherical powder that’s great for compettive shooters in IPSC, IDPA and USPSA. Low-flash signature, high velocity and clean-burning properties make it perfect for indoor ranges and low-enforcement applications.
 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Accurate® Smokeless Powder

Accurate offers smokeless powders for all handguns, rifles and shotguns. They specialize in the right powder for the right use.

  • No. 2 – Extremely fast-burning, double-base spherical handgun powder suitable for use in a wide range of handgun calibers. Low recoil and low flash make No. 2 well suited for use in short-barrel concealed-carry applications.
  • No. 7 – Intermediate-burning, double-base spherical powder suitable for a wide range of handgun calibers. No. 7 is an excellent choice for high-performance semiautomatic handguns.
  • 1680 – Extremely fast-burning, double-base spherical rifle powder. 1680 is well suited for large-capacity, high-performance handgun cartridges, as well as low-capacity rifle cartridges.
  • 2230  – Fast-burning, double-base spherical rifle propellant. This versatile powder was designed around the .223 Rem., but can be used in many small- and medium-caliber cartridges. 2230 also works well in big straight-wall cartridges. Ideal for progressive loading.
  • 2495 – Single-based, extruded rifle powder developed for the .308 Win. Can be used in a wide range of rifle calibers. 2495 is a popular powder for the .308 Win. shooting disciplines as well as heavy-bullet .223 Rem. target applications.
  • 2520 – Medium-burning, double-base spherical rifle powder designed around the .308 Win. Extremely popular with service shooters. 2520 performs extremely well in .223 Rem. with heavy match bullets. Well within the threshold limit for M14 systems.
  • 4064 – Intermediate-burning, single-base, short-cut extruded rifle powder designed around the .30-06 Spgfld. This versatile 4064 powder works extremely well in calibers such as .22-250, .220 Swift, .243 WSM, 7×57 Mauser and .325 WSM.
  • 4350 – Short-cut, single-base extruded rifle powder in the extremely popular 4350 burn range. A highly versatile powder, 4350 can be used in a wide range of cartridges from the popular .243 Win. to the .338 Win. Mag. with excellent results. 4350 is an excellent choice for 6mm Rem., .270 Win., .280 Rem. and .300 WSM.
  • XMP-5744 – Extremely fast-burning, double-base extruded powder. Low-bulk density and excellent ignition characteristics make it a fine choice for reduced loads in many big rifle calibers and large-capacity black-powder cartridges, like the .45-70, .45-50, .50-90 and .50-120. (Not shown.)
  • LT-32 – Developed for 6mm PPC benchrest competitors, this fine-grain powder offers the shot-to-shot consistency you’re looking for. Also ideal in varmint and tactical cartridges, including the .223 Rem. and .308 Win. Due to the small grain size, it flows like a spherical powder, allowing for precise handloading. Available: 1 lb.
    LT-30 – Developed for the .30 BR cartridge. This fast-burning, double-base fine-grain powder is ideal for smaller-capacity cartridges including the 6.5 Grendal and .222 Rem. Available: 1 lb., 8 lbs. (Not shown.)
  • No. 5® – Fast-burning, double-base spherical handgun propellant. Extremely versatile and can be used in many handgun calibers. No. 5 offers a wide performance range from target and cowboy action applications to full-power defense loads.
  • MagPro® – Slow-burning, double-base spherical rifle powder developed for Winchester® (WSM) and Remington® (SAUM). Excels in the 6.5×284, .270 WSM and 7mm WSM. Excellent choice for belted cartridges such as the .300 Win. Mag.
 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

Alliant Powder AR-Comp Powder

  • Specifically developed for use in AR-style rifles
  • Ideal for reloading heavy .223 and .308 match bullets
  • Produces consistent pressures and velocities

Developed specifically by Alliant Powder for use in AR-style rifles, AR-Comp delivers high-performance and reliable ignition with every shot. It’s ideally suited for reloading cartridges that use heavy .223- and .308-caliber match-grade bullets. Works equally well for high-volume AR and traditional rifle shooting. It delivers consistent pressures and velocities across a wide range of temperature extremes. Made in Sweden.

  • 1-lb. bottle
  • 8-lb. canister

Norma Powder – 1 lb.

  • Smokeless gunpowder
  • Delivers clean-burning, tac-driving accuracy
  • Available for a wide variety of cartridges

Designed specifically for your reloading needs, Norma Powder’s 1-lb. canisters of smokeless gunpowder deliver clean-burning, tac-driving accuracy.

  • Norma 200 – Fast-burning powder for smallbore calibers such as .223 Rem. and large, low-pressure bores like .45-70.
  • Norma 202 – Best for .308 Win. and other medium-capacity cartridges.
  • Norma 204 – Slow-burning for a wide variety of cartridges.
  • Norma MRP – Developed for 1,000-yd. competitions for magnum cartridges.
 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

CCI® 50 BMG Primers – Per 500

  • CCI primers are known for clean, reliable ignition
  • Even off-center firing pins ignite these primers
  • Enhanced sensitivity and reduced seating force
  • Non-mercuric, non-corrosive .50-caliber primers

CCI primers offer the reloader clean, reliable ignition. A larger sweet spot means more reliable ignition in guns that produce off-center hits. The redesigned metal parts improve sensitivity and reduce seating force. These primers are a non-mercuric, non-corrosive .50-caliber primer.

Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

CCI® Primers

  • High-quality components
  • Perfect for the serious shooter
  • Discover premium accuracy
  • Better sensitivity for more positive firing in all guns

For those serious shooters who built their shooting experience from the ground up, CCI’s Primers deliver the consistent performance you deserve. Per 100.

Standard Primers – These proven primers deliver trustworthy performance for home reloaders. Easier to seat than older-style primers, CCI standard primers feed more smoothly in today’s progressive and automated loading equipment. With its clean-burning initiator compound, these non-corrosive, non-mercuric primers deliver a clean burn to leave primer pockets cleaner for greater accuracy and more shots between cleanings. The increased sensitivity design also provides a larger sweet spot for better use with guns that sometimes deliver off-center strikes.

Benchrest Primers – Ideal for benchrest competitions where small groups win matches, or for long range shooting where slight variations in pressure multiply into complete misses. CCI’s most skilled personnel work with their benchrest primers, putting the priming mix into selected cups and anvils. Each primer is marked with a “B” for quick identification on the bench or in the field. Reloaders can use CCI Benchrest Primers with the same data as CCI Standard (non-Magnum) primers to get similar velocities with greater consistency.

 Cancer and Reproductive Harm-

World champion if six-shooter Eric brothel rarely misses a target for one thing that’s never failed him is his CCI primer. Ihave loaded and shot over 2 million rounds. And I never had a misfire with a CCI primer the primer is a critical component. That provides the spark to make the cartridge work. It might be the smallest far to the process but without. It all you’re left with is scrap metal CCI is known as the leader in rim fire ammunition but. When Richard spear founded CCI the first product produced was the primer today the primer CCI produces our highly evolved. They are more sensitive easier to seat. And compatible with. All progressive and automated loading equipment CCI offers the best selection of component primers in the industry including standard rifle pistol. And shot shell primers in addition CCI offers Magnum primers bench rest primers CCI has muzzle-loader enthusiasts covered with a line of percussion caps world champions rely on CCI for primers.

Or competition or for fun trust. That CCI primers will perform perfectly with every pull of the trigger you.

Martin M. King

Hi! Welcome to my review project dedicated to outdoor activity. I have great experience in hiking, camping, and fishing. I'm ready to share it with you. Hope it will be useful for you.

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