Designed to thrive in harsh terrain, the Fjallraven Bergtagen Eco-Shell Jacket can handle the rough weather Mother Nature throws at you. It’s articulated cut fits comfortably and works well with a helmet. Alpine trekking and Mountaineering are a little less daunting when you have the proper coverage for such an extreme environment.
This is the fjällräven cab echo shell. Jacket it’s a rugged waterproof jacket with some serious durability but it. Doesn’t limit mobility in the mountains it was built for trekking and high mountain pursuits but can be used year-round for adventures in variable conditions the cab echo shell is made of. Interesting materials the shell is made from a mix of material but it’s recycled. And new and it’s treated with a. Fluorocarbon free impregnation they even. Compensate for the emissions during production and transport to offset the. Carbon footprint features on this jacket are fairly minimal but you get enough to manage your goods to vertical breast. Level pockets provide storage and elastic inner mesh pockets help to keep. Your smaller items in place you have two. Way zipper zhan the sides to dump heat. When your body temperature rises you’ve also got a two-way front zipper that’s water-resistant to bolster the protection you’ll have a snug fitting hood that’s also adjustable and can be. Fit it velcros cuffs and a draw cord hem. Help to seal out the worst weather when. Wearing a large and i can tell that a lot of thought was put into how this jacket fits there’s articulation in the arms and it has a nice fit for layering so i. Definitely feel like i have good freedom of movement here and it’s just comfortable overall this is a neat. Hardshell jacket that brings a lot of technical design elements and provides sufficient style to keep you moving and shaking no matter where your trail takes you this is the fjällräven cab echo. Shell jacket thanks for watching if you. Have any additional questions about the gear that you just saw feel free to visit back country edge comm to get in. Touch with me or one of our other gear specialists we have detailed product descriptions and specs and often for a. Lot of our products we have additional bonus videos and if you like what we do here on youtube please subscribe.
Hey guys today it’s time to look at the. Bite organ echo shall I’m out here with albert you want to say hi it would get. Around once, he doesn’t get any food so it will come to it and yeah we’re gonna. Go through the specs a little bit about. The material and yeah just have an. Awesome day in the woods but first we got to get some lunches let’s do it So you can call the. There’s my right Come out for a mr. squivers huh alright. So let’s do a quick run-through of the features starting from the top of the hood it’s pretty far down to be able to. Cover your face really heavy winds even. Good projection from sun you can close it up and you can tighten it up on here. On the back as well it gets really good protection against. The wind and snow or anything blowing towards your face can also adjust it here from the sides so once you’ve done. This when you turn the hood turns with. You which is really nice you can really. You don’t end up looking into the wall. Here on the side so i was pretty good continuing down on the sides here you have the ventilation openings as well easy to grab with the other newer. Kind of sippers or you’ve got gloves on they’re easier to grab on to want it. Close it up i think it’s easier to do it with this kind of zipper look at. The front you got a two-way zipper there. As well so you can open it up from the bottom as well if you need to do that just ventilate you got two chest pockets same. Kind of sipper there as well with a smaller mesh pocket inside on both sides. Or your cell phone with gps or whatever you got there then you got velcro. Tighteners here on the arms as well. That’s pretty much it. There’re no pockets on the inside you can. Also force regulate how tense you want. It to be here in the bottom if you want a more open to be able to ventilate or if you want to keep the hot air inside you can do that as well you’ve got a one. Button down here bottom as well that’s. Pretty much it. For us features and specs scope material. Wise I’m just gonna step to the side here we’re gonna pop it up here you can see how waterproof it is but it’s made from all right on the elbows you can see. That it’s been reinforced with core alone so if you were to bump into rocks or you need to lay down or anything you got reinforcements here she’s pretty nice to have a little bit thicker here. With this softer material which is really nice a little bit longer compared to the previous or the cab version which is pretty nice as well it’s really. Comfortable here on your chin and on your face when you get really cold that’s really nice my favorite. Features with this jacket number one i. Got to say the material i love the echo shell material it went i don’t know if. It saved my life it probably did a couple of times just the fact you’re. Able to stay dry in all kinds of. Environments and all kinds of weathers whether it’s yeah it’s priceless. Second thing beside the material i would. Say the hood really great features well. They really thought it through in a brilliant way the fact you’re they able. To adapt it depending on what situation you’re in and just able to really get in. And close in when it’s really hammering at you just to be able to get like just. Yeah just a little bit away from that it’s really good once you’re in that type of situation you’re just able. To think clearly for a little bit of it. You might not sound that important but once you’re in that situation it’s so important just be able to take a step back and literally inside just light be. Like okay, we’re we’re gonna go what are we gonna do really important and really. Appreciate that feature and the third. Think I’d say is the vents here on the. Sides they’re really good as well you always get warm once you start moving and it’s just so nice to be able to adapt and open up and just you’ve got. To reach in and get something that’s really cool to be able to do that and of course the ventilation itself hope you guys enjoy this video and yeah be sure to subscribe. Let me know if there’s any special feature of this jacket or anything that you’re wondering about that you would like to see just give me a heads up in. The comment section down below like i. Mentioned this jacket is going with me on the next adventure we’re going up north so yeah be sure to tune in to. That adventure if we do make it back this time with better results than. Previous attempts um yeah we’re on. Instagram or on facebook so if you want to follow me there you can do that as well we do minor post there or to post. There every once in a while so you can check us out there as well albert you ready to go you need to go to the. Bathroom good thing i did bring toilet. Paper i guess we’re going home want to say bye no you cannot go to the. Bathroom right now you want to say bye. Yeah well it doesn’t help if you slow. Things down you can just say goodbye. There’s that head off. Alright thank you’re awesome as always great hiking with kids you gotta. Love it alright guys see you in the next one take care. There is a 5000 subscriber giveaway. We’re when i checked before today i. Think we’re like 70 subscribers away so. Yeah with the pace and by the time that. This video comes out we are ready for. The giveaway i think where we should be. So at five thousand subscribers I’m. Giving away the fennekin even sf or the. Forest knife from Swedish brand named even a really cool knife I’ll be sure to. Do a review on this knife on the giveaway video yeah we are. Almost at five thousand which is pretty amazing yeah more about that later. Though just yeah we’re really close so. Stay tuned for that video to see you see. You talk anymore see you there. Take care guys.
Hej. Vi skal snakke lidt om bergtagen eco-shell jakken. På mange måder er det en jakke, der har de samme detaljer som bergtagen jacket, . Der er lavet i g1000 lite. Den er selvfølgelig vandtæt og åndbar. Man bruger den jo fortrinsvis, når det er rigtig koldt vejr. Eller hvis det er snefygning og vandret sne og den slags ting, . Og selvfølgelig også hvis det er regnvejr. Hvis vi skal kigge på detaljerne her, så ser vi igen, at vi har denne her lange ventilationslynlås under armene. Den er placeret på samme sted, som den er på g1000 jakken indenunder, . Sådan så de fungerer sammen og giver ventilation, . Igennem hinanden, hvis man har dem på hen over hinanden. Og igen – så kan man selvfølgelig komme i lommen i fiberjakken indenunder, . Fordi man får en stor åbning derindtil.. Så har man mulighed for at få fat i noget grej man har liggende derinde. Man kan selvfølgelig også lukke godt til igen. Den ene…. …og den anden. Lommeplaceringen på eco-shell jakken fra bergtagen, . Er også lavet på præcis samme måde med 2 højtplacerede lommer, . Som ikke er i vejen for hoftebæltet på rygsækken. De er nemme at komme i, med store skyderhåndtag.. Og igen er der også elastiske inderlommer, . Både i den ene og i den anden. Det er også noget som går igen fra eco-shell jakken. Som også er på bergtagen g1000 lite jakken. På den måde kan man bruge det samme opbevaringssystem til sit grej, . Uanset om det er den ene eller den anden jakke man har på, . Og skal ikke lave et nyt system til en anden jakke. Det synes jeg er ret smart fundet på, at man kopierer det på den måde. Ligesådan er hætten også lavet i samme stil, . Med justering i nakken og her foran. Man kan få den til at passe hen over en hjelm, hvis den skal det, . Og man kan trække den godt til, når man bare skal have den tæt rundt om ansigtet. Vi har forstærkninger på jakkens albuer her, . Hvor vi også har det her corylon materiale, som er forstærket med aramid.. Det her særlig stærke kunstmateriale, som er nærmest umuligt at skære over. Nederst på jakken er der selvfølgelig snoretræk, så man kan trække den til omkring livet. Sådan så den lukker godt til for vinden, der kommer nedefra. Det holder godt på varmen. Materialet er vandtæt og åndbart. Det er fjällrävens eco-shell materiale, . Som de har arbejdet med i nogen år efterhånden. Jeg tror vi er oppe på 7 år. Det som er kendetegnet ved eco-shell materialet, er at det er super høj åndbarhed. På deres 3-lags materiale. Og rigtig god vandtæthed. Materialet er meget fleksibelt, og har en blød yderside, som ikke larmer. Det er rigtig rart at have på. Og så er der også lidt stræk i det, så det giver sig lidt. Det giver en rigtig god fornemmelse når man bruger det. Der er selvfølgelig velcroafslutninger ved ærmerne, som man kan lukke godt til. Det fungerer nemt. Det var bergtagen eco-shell jakken. Go tur!.
Hej. Det er ib fra outdoor rødovre. Vi er taget på tur i norge – skeikampen er vi taget op på. Flotte udsigter og det er blevet rigtig fedt vejr. Jeg har bergtagen g1000 sættet på, som jeg vil fortælle lidt om. Et relativt let g1000 sæt, men meget stærkt. Der er ekstra forstærkninger på hvor det tæller. Det er levet i g1000 lite over det hele, undtagen på skuldre, . Hvor det for ekstra slidstyrke har den klassiske g1000, som er kraftigere. Hen over bunden af ryggen og hen frem på siden her, er der forstærkning, . Som er lavet i et materiale – corylon.. Corylon materialet er 10% aramid.. Aramid er et superkraftigt kunstmateriale, som er nærmest umuligt at skære over. De aramid tråde, er det der gør at der er hvide streger i, som giver et mere gråt look. Det er det, som er det ekstra stærke i forstærkningen. Det giver en god, høj slidstyrke på det område, som tager meget slid fra rygsækken og hoftebæltet. Lidt tekniske detaljer: vi har en ventilationslynlås under armene. Den kan lynes op både den ene vej og den anden vej, så det er nemt altid at få fat. Der er store skyderhåndtag på, sådan så man nemt kan gribe fat med luffer. Ligesådan er skyderhåndtagene på lommerne også store, så det er nemt at få fat i dem, . Åbne op og få fat i hvad man skal bruge i lommen. Indeni lommerne er der et par små strækbare inderlommer. Så man lige kan lægge småting for sig. Og have hue og handsker liggende yderst. Så er det delt lidt op. Det er meget fedt tænkt. Vi har selvfølgelig velcro afslutning på ærmerne. En god, kraftig velcroafslutning, som kan trækkes godt til. Den er ikke for kort, så man kan godt lukke den stramt til om håndleddet, selvom man ikke har så meget tøj på. Hætten er god, stor. Og selvfølgelig med volumenjustering i nakken, så man kan trække den til omkring hovedet. Og ligesådan, trække den til ved ansigtet, med de 2 små håndtag, som hænger ned her. Jakken er tænkt som en del af et lag-på-lag system, som bergtagen jo er. Noget af det, som gør den lidt speciel, er at på indersiden af jakken. Er alle syningerne tapede til, for at gøre dem helt flade. På den måde giver det mindre friktion mod laget indenunder. Den glider lettere. Det sparer også en del på overflødig vægt. Fordi en syning, hvor der er skåret ekstra stof af, vejer ikke noget særligt, . Gør at vægten på jakken bliver minimeret. Det er en ret fed og let fornemmelse man får, med de her syninger, der er tapede på indersiden. Det gør at jakken er meget mere smidig at have på. Ventilationslynlåsene under armene åbner op og passer sammen med lommen på isoleringsjakken indenunder. Så kan man komme direkte i lommen på den. Det er meget praktisk. Det er bergtagen jacket fra fjällrävens nye serie til livet over trægrænsen. Go tur!.
Classic outdoor aesthetic and modern tech and sustainability come together in the Haglöfs Men’s Eco Proof Jacket. This technical shell offers a classic outdoor aesthetic while shielding you from howling winds and heavy rain when you’re out on the trail. However, that’s not all this jacket has going for it. Its Eco Proof fabric is made with partial recycled content to reduce waste, and it’s bluesign-approved, meaning the factory that produces it conforms to best-practice manufacturing methods that are easier on the environment as well as the workers who craft it. Plus, Haglöfs used thoughtful design to ensure that as many parts of the jacket as possible are easily repaired or replaced, so you can enjoy this jacket for many years to come.
Don’t let a few grey clouds ruin your afternoon hike. Your Columbia Men’s Outdry Hybrid Jacket protects you from the elements so you can focus on what you came out here to do in the first place: enjoy the lush smell of pine forests and indulge in that stash of chocolate-covered espresso beans that you stashed in your pockets.
The Omni-Tech shell and Outdry construction put up a solid line of defense against soggy Northwest storms, and the underarm vents let you dump heat quickly when you’re walking up a steep hill. Pull up the attached, adjustable hood when the winds start to howl, and stuff your hands in the zippered pockets to indulge in a chocolaty treat.
Trek across nearby hikes or long-distance alpine adventures with the Mountain Equipment Men’s Ibex Softshell Pant. Its Exolite 210 softshell pairs an abrasion-resistant exterior with a four-way stretch interior for an ideal balance between protection and performance. Mountain Equipment added a DWR treatment to shed rainfall, and it designed the pant with a trim alpine fit for lightweight packability.
Mountain Equipment also constructed the Ibex with a gusseted crotch to ensure full mobility on the trail. The pant’s microfleece-lined waist wicks moisture, while the integrated belt gives a low-profile secure fit. Ankle zips assist with on-and-off, and there are multiple zippered pockets for the well-organized traveler.
Hi there it’s Clyde from the outdoor I’m. In gracie couch and just been walking in. The woods in the forest and I’ve been. Wearing mountain equipment ibex soft. Shall trousers so I’m just going to run. Through the details of them with you. Now these are made from an extra light. 210 stretch double weave soft shell. Fabric there are now pine fit with what. They call regular angle. They’ve got pocket here for your hand. Pocket and then also below there was. Another vent flap carrying on down the. Trousers down here there is another vent. So we get hot you can open it up like. That there’s also a draw cord loop there. But there’s no draw cord in it you have to put your own draw cord in but if you want to you can do now well they got what they call a low volume bottom of. The trousers that is to keep them in. Sort of fairly close and i really like that because as you can see you don’t. Get all cat up with mud up here which is. Often happens you know with your trousers normally when you’re out walking but it helps keep them clean stop some gets away and get some muddy. And if we go up a little bit I’m not. Gonna strip naked it’s a bell and then a. Double popper and the felt lining around the top to. Keep it comfortable the only way for. Five grams so that quite like quiet. Stretchy easy to move in comfortable to. Wear what’s not to like maybe the belts a. Little bit fat for you but apart from that they’re very functional very useful. If you’re scrambling climb in hill. Walking anything like that excellent so its mountain equipment i bet soft shell trousers thanks for. Watching hope you liked it oh yeah by. The way i forgot it’s got a zipped back pocket as well there you go that is it. That’s all of it thanks for watching.
Hi I’m sophie from cops’ll outdoor and. Today I’m out on the hills trying out mountain equipment a chamois soft shell pants the chamois soft shell pants have a. Woman specific alpine fit and the lower. Legs are more tailored than other walking trousers while a zip gusset at the hems is handy if you like a more bootleg fit or if you’re pulling them on over your shoes they’re made from exo. Light fabric which is really light breathable and stretchy, so they provide a great range of movement and a durable water repellent finish gives you a little protection from rain and snow showers these chargers have four zips. Pockets for storage when you’re out and about two hand pockets and two side pockets a great feature is the mesh. Lining of the thigh pockets which can be used for ventilation forgetting to move the waistband has a handy adjustable. Low-profile built in belt with an easy-to-use grass and a micro fleece. Lining which is really comfortable against your skin for long days out on the hills over all these trials is a. Perfect for a range of activities from entry-level hill walking to more demanding trekking and mountaineering.
Hi I’m paul from hike light and this. Video is going to be about the ibex pants from mountain equipment now the ibex pants are a soft shell stretch pant. At a very affordable price and in my opinion once you try to stretch pant and doing outdoor activities you won’t want to go back and the important thing about the ibex pants is the premium you’re paying for stretch pant is really quite small so in my opinion well worth the money so let’s go through some of the features the pens now the first thing i want to talk about is the fabric now this is a proprietary fabric from mountain equipment which is why its possible thing that is sold at a pretty affordable price now my opinion the inevitable is to compare with shala. Which is a very expensive material and the rolls-royce as far as shell pants are concerned and in my opinion these compare very well firstly the stretch is. Superb and much as you could want they’re very good in terms of breath ability and also water resistance and compared to shoulder actually quiet. A hard outer — these almost like a sort. Of an a face fabric which means that they’re far less inclined to get caught by bran blur than things which is something that Charlotte tends to suffer from so compared to shoulder I’d say. These are considering the price difference superb value for money and really very attractive the cut on. The ibex pants is pretty athletic, so they’re quite figured hugging, but they’re. All like tights and not gonna make you feel like you look like a marathon runners they do look quite sensible on the hill, but they are quite close-fitting these are 32 inch waists. And i would say my waist is 31 inches which means i could choose between a 30. And a 32 in my opinion if anything I’d. Go up a size of these because they aren’t quite a figure hugging if i took the 30-inch waist then i tend to find they’re they’re too tight for me, so they are quite a close count now on each side. Of the pants there are two pockets and up one and a lower one now these pockets. Are reasonable size, but they’re not gigantic you’re not going to get a map in anything but then you probably wouldn’t want to and then on the right-hand side there’s also an additional pocket on the rear but that’s only on that song but. The waist fastening is with two poppers which i think works much better than one and then there’s a sensible belt with a. Good clasp ear and also the belt is. Enclosed most of around the waist so you don’t get the problem riding up which can happen with some belts only have a few loops around the edges finally the legs have zips with an. Extension inside to make it realistic for these to fit over almost any types of walking boots that you might have now. It’s always hard to give an indication of water resistance for what I’m going to show you the extent to which the d dogs are on these trousers means that the water disperses very quickly so you. Can see there no hint of the water and being absorbed into the trouser so that. Then is the mounting equipment ibex pants a soft shell pant stretch at. A very affordable price.
When the wind is picking up and you start to get chilly on your hike to the crag, reach for The North Face Men’s Surgent Half Dome Pullover 2.0 Hoodie. Its soft and stretchy fleece fabric keeps you feeling toasty when you go and maintains breathability so you don’t end up wet with sweat when it’s your turn to climb.
The women’s half dome hoody the half. Dome is a longtime favorite from the logo wear collection and perfect for relaxing after a long day on the hill. The women’s half dome hoody by the north. Face.
The men half-dome hoodie a traditional. Favorite amongst the men’s logo wear collection soft comfortable fabric makes us a. Perfect hoodie for after a long day on the hill the men’s half dome hood by the. North wales.
Hi I’m sam with ultra calm nothing says. Relax and hang out like the north face half dome hoodie this classic pullover. Sweatshirts does everything right from the fit to the fabric the north face nails classic style the half dome hoody. Is ready to be your daily driver from post-workout wear to daily classroom comfort the north face uses a midway. Cotton blend that uses 20% polyester fibers for durability and shape. Retention the smooth cotton face is soft and fleece like on the inside the front kangaroo pocket offers shelter for your hands and the drawstring hood. Helps keep in the heat when needed but what really sets this hoodie apart is the full size north face half dome logo. The trademark insignia for the north face is as distinctive as it is cool the. Ribbed knit cuffs help to give the hoodie a finished look you can rest. Assured this versatile hoodie will be part of your wardrobe for years to come all trek comm your source for everything. Outdoors.
Hi I’m lin with ultra calm when you want. To get back to basics and just hang out with an old friend slip into the classic north face women’s half dome hoodie with. An 80/20 cotton poly blend this is about as soft and easy care as it gets like all good hoodies this one has a drawstring closure at the hood a contrasting color logo is screen printed on the chest there’s a soft kangaroo. Pocket and the cuffs and hem have a ribbed knit if one of your old trusted hoodies is getting a little threadbare pull on a new favorite the north face. Women’s half dome hoodie all trek calm. Your source for everything outdoors.
Arc’teryx designed the Men’s Gamma LT Softshell Pant for maximum mobility and breathability while hiking, backpacking, and climbing. With four-way stretch and an articulated construction, the Gamma LT Pant gives you full mobility while resisting wind and light moisture in alpine conditions. A chamois-lined waistband and gusseted crotch provide the utmost comfort with or without a harness.
Another addition to its super light category, the Arc’teryx Men’s Atom SL Vest delivers soft, breathable warmth where you need it most. With just the lightest touch of synthetic insulation, air-permeable fabric, and ventilated side panels, the Atom SL is the ideal layer when you’re moving through cold, blustery weather that doesn’t necessarily demand full waterproof protection. The Coreloft insulation is lightweight, so you won’t overheat during an arduous multi-pitch or spring tour, and it holds its warmth even when wet. The fleece stretch side panels provide ventilation when you’re constantly on the move, and the adjustable hem can be cinched down to seal out wind.
Crisp leaves crunch under your boots, ascending through scrub oak that arcs over the trail, and hues of amber, red, and canary yellow that cast a warm glow on the cool autumn air—fall may just be the most stunning time to explore the outdoors. When the summer heat has lifted its oppressive weight and icy gusts are yet to wiggle their way through to your core, pull on the North Face Gordon Lyons 1/4-Zip fleece pullover for the perfect shoulder season warmth.
Cozy polyester fleece insulates you but lets a bit of air through to keep you from overheating on your expeditions. Pair it with a down vest while you man the Dutch oven chili and babysit the cornbread over the fire or cast a line as the salmon return to their breeding grounds. Regardless of where you take it, this fleece offers classic style and warmth.
Spend here forget out their gear reviews today I’ll warm you up with a look at the north face impulse quarter zip. Long-sleeve shirt this is a technical. Performance pullover that’s lightweight and designed to regulate your body temperature while staying dry with its body map technology mesh ventilation. Panels and vapor wick moisture management over the past few weeks I’ve. Been able to wear this out in all kinds of weather cool temperatures on its own the cooler evenings with a layer underneath and has another layer bundling up with the cold temperatures. Of winter and it’s performed very well in every situation the impulse is part of the flight series which contains. Products that are athlete tested and competition proven they’re built to keep. You run in any weather on any terrain without excuses there’s a lot to. Love about this shirt it’s white it’s stretchy and soft making a very comfortable fit it has a layered venting. System with mesh venting on the back and on the arms and under the pits to keep. You comfortable while you run the quarter zip neck is surprisingly effective at moderating temperature and i was happy to be able to zip it up or down as required on my runs a security. Pocket on the left arm can be used to carry a key or id but likely isn’t big enough to hold your smartphone i love the thumb holes and the extra. Long sleeves to keep the sleeves from riding up making this shirt even better it’s easy to throw on some gloves wear. The shirt over or to pull the sleeves down and cover your whole hand if you just need a warm up without gloves a few. Reflective details here and there are a nice touch that adds some visibility in low-light but you shouldn’t rely on them to be seen in the dark the north faces. Vapor wick technology takes moisture from your skin and transports it to the fabrics outer surface where it can evaporate keeping you more comfortable. The impulse also features upf 50 sun. Protection whether you wear it on its own or one of several layers this performance shirt really is amazing and. It’s no wonder it’s an athlete’s pick on the north face website though the zippers requires some finesse because of the shirts elasticity and more reflective details would be welcome these i need drawbacks are so negligible that they’re barely worth mentioning comfortable lightweight effective and fashionable the impulse quarter zip from the north face is solidly built well-thought-out and should be a part of every runners closet check out the other five colors in all the north faces gear online at the north face comm I’m. Spending forgetting at their magazine keeping warm in the north face impulse quarter zip now get out there and go for a run you’ll be glad you did You.
hey guys and welcome to simply hike today we’re gonna be taking a look at the North Face cordon line fleece just take a closer look now shall we so as you can see it does have a traditional style to it but as I say it’s got really nice little bits of tech
Wear it alone during an early season multi-pitch, or as a midlayer during a backcountry tour, either way the Men’s Black Diamond First Light Hybrid Hooded Jacket blends stretch performance with breathable warmth. Taking its First Light Jacket for a hybrid spin, Black Diamond uses the same Primaloft Silver to keep you warm from windswept ridge to snowy skin track, then adds merino wool blended panels for breathable stretch that lets you work hard without working up a sweat. The low-profile hood can be tucked beneath a helmet if the wind picks up, while a durable water repellent finish sheds light flurries if the weather takes an unexpected turn. And should the change in conditions favor the warm sun, the First Light Hybrid stuffs down into its own chest pocket, where it can be carabinered to your harness or pack till next it’s needed.
And this is dave with him gear montcalm. Today we’re checking out the black diamond first light hoodie this guy right here now we’ve got a shoulder stretch face fabric on the outside on. The inside we have a mesh nylon mesh on. The inside there and the insulation is a 60 gram premium off silver active well. It’s nice about this jacket and bd kind of made it so that would compete with patagonia’s nano-air for breathability. Space face fabric has 40 cfm worth of. Air pumping through it and the insulation itself is also very breathable so what you have here is you have a jacket that you can wear on the way up and on the way down we’ve been taking it out on dawn patrols up at. Jones pass wearing it the entire time you can tell that it breathes very well. Because the back panel about backpack ends up getting really sweaty so that’s good everything’s moving through you can actually feel air moving through the jacket as well now is it as breathable as patagonia’s nano air with the full range insulation it’s tough to tell because well quite frankly we don’t have the capability of measuring it but i can’t tell you that this jacket right here does a great job of managing moisture especially compared to. Insulating layers in the past couple the features here we’ve got alpine helmet. Compatible hood this is not gonna fit over a ski helmet but it will fit over an alpine allen no adjustments on here. So you’re relying entirely on the elastic but we’re going to take care of that normals if were here we’ve got an. Interior napoleon pocket nothing on the. Exterior which keeps it pretty streamlined two hand-warmer pockets here. That go in to find the insulation with. Some nice zippers and flaps that go over and hemme is adjustable it’s got a cord lock. Right here takes care of the adjustment duties and elastic cord inside of there. All in all pretty streamlined jacket. Does a great job of breathing while. You’re out on the spin track the first light hoody is perfect weight for cold. Weather backcountry activities we’ve had it out on the skin track anywhere ranging from about five degrees fahrenheit to 40 degrees fahrenheit it gets a little warm at 40 degrees but five degrees it is absolutely perfect for wearing on the way up you know temperature controls well you’re not. Getting very sweaty but you’re also staying nice nice and warm on the way. Down you can wear it as a sole layer or. You can throw a shell over it and it. Warms things up a little bit but you definitely feel the breathability on this guy and it’s a it’s a nice layer. Head to the link in the description below for the full review on in gehrman. Comm and you will also get links on the. Best places to buy for the best price. Thanks for stopping by this is david and gamma comm stay tuned for more.
Layering used to be the be-all end-all of winter preparedness, and while it still plays a huge role in keeping skiers, mountaineers, and climbers comfortable, new gear like the Rab Paradox Men’s Pull-On Insulated Jacket has made it less of a necessity. Woven from exceedingly breathable high-gauge polyester, the Paradox is mind-blowingly breathable, so you don’t get sweaty when you’re expending a lot of energy, but it’s also filled with highly efficient Polartec Alpha synthetic insulation, so you don’t get cold when you’re hanging at belay stations or grabbing a bite on the skintrack. This versatility means you won’t have to fiddle with your layers so often, so you’ll save time and hassle and spend more time focused on why you’re in the mountains for in the first place.
While the Paradox is highly breathable, warm, and lightweight, it’s also filled with just enough thoughtful features, like an internal storm flap to stop drafts blowing through the zipper and a soft chin guard that prevents skin irritation. The half-length hem drawcord is optimized to work while you’re wearing a pack or harness, and the elastic cuffs keep your sleeves in place without the need for hook-and-loop straps, buttons, or cords, so there’s less bulk, less annoyance, and less fiddling, which should be one of the primary goals of killer alpine gear.
The North Face Men’s Summit L2 FuseForm Grid Fleece Hooded 1/2-Zip Jacket doesn’t shy away from alpine starts and frigid days spent scaling vertical columns of ice. Its breathable, stretchy, and welded construction keeps you free of sweat, mobile, and adequately covered whether you’re booting up a snowy couloir or placing ice screws on a frozen waterfall. Being a part of The North Face’s Summit Series, this fleece jacket has a fit intended for functional wear at high altitudes, meaning it layers comfortably under a shell and efficiently manages moisture from sweat so it’s dry and ready to go the morning after a long, arduous day in the alpine.
Hi I’m kyle with sierra trading post the north faces driver hoodie is a nice. Upgrade over your basic hoodie design instead of your typical kangaroo pocket. In front the tri vert hoodie has on seam. Lined hand pockets on each side plus it has a flipped logo print on the front to switch things up a little bit it’s made of a soft brushed cotton polyester and has a comfy jersey knit. Lining on the inside the north face sch river hoodie get yours today at sierra trading post. You.
Whether you’re catching a sunset hike after work or slowly riding your bike around the neighborhood, the Smartwool Merino Sport 150 1/4-Zip Shirt brings a performance-bound design to your casual wardrobe. This shirt’s merino blend combines the moisture management, temperature regulation, and odor-resistance of merino with the durability and quick-dry time of polyester, keeping up with days that go from relaxing to rip-roaring.
Performance gear has a new standard out. Marino’s sport collection is built for all things active and sweat inducing from trail runs to study new personal records this engineered hybrid fabric is ready to help you unlock your potential our merino sport 150 fabric combines the. Moisture management temperature regulation and odor resistance of merino with the durability and quick dry time of polyester taking comfort and performance to new levels we’ve added mesh tones and key areas to help increase breath ability and comfort during even your most strenuous activities most garments also have reflective elements and details for increased visibility and low-light conditions we offer many styles in this. New sport collection from a tech tee to a polo to our coders it pullover no. Matter if you’re spending your days training or on the trails our marina sport 150 collection will help keep you cool comfortable and temperature regulated all day go far feel good.
For innovative warmth in cold alpine environments, look no further than the Rab Alpha Freak Pull-On Jacket. This body-mapping fleece has the insulation and performance you need for quick ascents up icy walls and frigid summits. The body is made up of temperature-regulating Polartec Alpha insulation, a lightweight, quick-drying, and super durable fleece that ensures breathable warmth during active pursuits, so you won’t be constantly venting or ripping off layers. You’ve also got Polartec Power Grid panels on the waist, sides, and cuffs for enhanced movement and wicking where you most need it. This creative multi-fabric design continues with the under-helmet hood, which is insulated with Power Grid and protected by durable Pertex Quantum shell fabric. Whether you’re rocking it under a helmet or on its own, this hood offers windproof and water-resistant protection from winds and snows, and won’t freeze over thanks to its quick-drying shell.
Offering the ideal blend of warmth, breathability, and movement, the Dynafit Transalper Hybrid Polartec Alpha Jacket is a reliable companion during high-output pursuits in cold weather. Whether you’re running the trails at lower elevations or ski-touring high in the mountains, Polartec Alpha fleece insulation will give you comfortable warmth and high levels of breathability when you start working hard. Developed for intense start-and-stop activities in the cold, this active insulation ensures that you won’t need to be constantly unzipping your jacket to ventilate on your mountain ascents. The sides and underarms of the jacket are made with a lighter and stretchier fabric to ensure free movement when you’re charging uphill, while wind and water resistance give you protection from blustery winds and moderate snowfall.
Reach into your pack and grab the Outdoor Research Guardian Jacket while you hoof it towards a ridge, explore routes at a new crag, or take in a rainy day outdoor concert. The Guardian features Acentshell 3L construction and fully sealed seams that work together to keep weather out, stretch with your movement to help you reach the peak, and breath effectively while also wicking moisture to keep you feeling good the whole time. To further keep you comfortable and prepared for anything this jacket also features all the bells and whistles you expect from Outdoor research including a fully adjustable hood, a drawcord at the hem, harness friendly pockets, and a plethora of pockets.
This is the outdoor research men’s san juan jacket it was inspired by the dry. Snowy climates found up high in the. Colorado rockies this jacket was built to be the layer of defense against those dry snows light winds and rains and harsh uv rays at elevation while not a. Waterproof jacket this thing grants excellent weather resistance and major. Readability it’s great for ski touring climbing and other activities that require high exertion this jackets as well. Not an insulated piece so it’s not meant. To be warm unless you’re really moving and shaken while you’re wearing it’s made with a polyester 75 deniers double. Weave fabric which is simple and really durable without all the extra waterproof. Layers this jacket is truly breathable. It’s got a fully adjustable hood and. It’s helmet compatible it can even fit over ski helmets there are two chests. Pockets and two-zip hand pockets and. Their mesh lines so you can even open them up for more breath ability the. Jacket fits trim so keep that in mind if. You plan to want it for layering it’s meant to be a shell / lightweight layers during those high-output activities it is a trim fit from outdoor research I’m. Wearing a large and i have enough room for a really lightweight puffy underneath but not anything substantial there are lycra cuffs gussets to keep. The wrists snug but mobile there’s also a draw cord at the hem overall this. Jacket is really simple but extremely efficient as a weather shield for those. Dry climates this is the outdoor research men’s san quann jacket call us. With your questions or visit our store at back country edge comm subscribe to. Stay tuned and follow us for the latest in outdoor gear great deals and trail. Knowledge we’re the gear specialists at back country edge awesome gear amazing. Service see you on the trail. you.
This is the outdoor research men’s guardian jacket this is a technical. Waterproof shell that has clean lines and a nice look so it isn’t out of place. In an urban setting it’s also made with quality materials and a tried-and-true. Waterproof technology at a price that’s not outrageous this layer is perfect for. Anyone looking to stay dry in a storm the guardian is made from ors assent. Shall fabric this is a three layer waterproof membrane it’s a 50 denier. Polyester main fabric and a 30 denier. Backer it’s polyester plain weave and. Has some mechanical stretch built in so it doesn’t feel nearly as boarding as some other waterproof jackets it has a. Laminated construction and is fully seam. Taped which guarantees that waterproof performance the guardian has a fully. Adjustable hood it’s got a full length front zip with an external storm flap. There is a zippered chest pocket and there’s an earbud route in there if you. Want to listen to music you have two zippered hand pockets and the left zippered hand pockets as a nice little stuff sack for the jacket for those. Times when your hike starts to heat up you can easily dump that heat with these. Underarm pit zips this is a standard fit. Shall it’s meant to go over layers i am. Wearing a medium and it does feel pretty snug normally i wear a large and that’s what i would want in this jacket in order to get some insulation underneath the medium fits but it’s pretty snug so i don’t have much space to enhance the. Fit you get hook and loop cuff closures and a draw cord hem overall the guardian. Is a really nice jacket reasonably priced proven performance and a sleek. Aesthetic construction this jacket is great for anyone this is the outdoor research men’s guardian jacket for the. Full specs and latest price click the link in the description subscribe to. Stay tuned and follow us for the latest in outdoor gear great deals and trail. Knowledge we’re the gear specialists at back country edge awesome gear a may. Using service see you on the trail.
This is the outdoor research men’s furrow see jack –it this is one of the standout soft shell jackets that I’ve gotten my hands on it’s light pack able. And so functional for so many different adventures you can take this thing up on your favorite summer alpine climb or wear it casually in the big city it’s. Durable stylish functional and even. Reasonable on the wallet the furrow sea jacket is made with a 90/10 eur stretch woven nylon spandex blend this fabric is. So durable and stretchy even if it’s a. Tight fit it moves with you and doesn’t restrict you at all the face fabric has excellent abrasion resistance that’s intended for climbers who scrape up big. Granite cracks in the cascades or elsewhere the fabric also has a upf 50. Plus rating which makes it great protection when you’re in the desert or high above treeline it’s wind and water resistant as well it’ll shed a light misty rain but don’t. Expect it to keep you dry in a downpour there are some pockets on the jacket you. Get a single zippered chest pocket and there are two zippered hand pockets the. Left-hand pocket also doubles as a stuff sack so you can stow this jacket into itself the fit is considered a standard fit I’m wearing a medium and it is tight. I would normally wear a large so i could have some room to layer with the medium I’m wearing just a t-shirt underneath and i don’t really have any more space the cuffs have elastic and the hem has a. Draw cord so you can cinch it up and keep things tight overall this is an. Awesome jacket less technical than the hooded version but still totally mountain worthy this is the outdoor. Research men’s / oç jacket for the full. Specs and latest price click the link in the description subscribe to stay tuned. And follow us for the latest in outdoor gear great deals and trail knowledge. We’re the gear specialists at back country edge awesome gear amazing service see you on. The trail. You.
Hello you two today we’re going to talk about the outdoor research for a jacket. Pants You You. Before a jacket and pants which were. Made by outdoor research is very good. Choice for a waterproof jacket and shell. System for the ultralight pack hiker or. Or somebody who’s just looking for. Something it’s gonna work keep them dry. A warm went out hiking and whatnot want. Something a little more rugged it’s made. Out of gore-tex pack light which is a. 2.5 layer material and as you can see. It’s very flexible. Almost like paper material and unlike. The regular gore-tex it weighs significantly less and packs down. Significantly smaller when i was in the. Military we had the old-school. Old-style gore-tex it was extremely heavy bulky and you couldn’t pack it. Down small to put your rock saved your. Life this is like much better you almost. Don’t even feel on it feels like you’re wearing a tracksuit you know or a parachute material but uh it looks very. Well I’ve been using it now for almost. Year i started out with the jacket like. This so much i went ahead and got the pants had several features one that’s. Got zips i mean the velcro on the. Sleeves so you can think as pit zips. That go from all the way the top down to. The sides that can be open in both directions so you if you’re wearing a. Backpack or something you know getting. The ventilation is easy because if you can’t get up here as you got your rucksack on so many things unzip from the bottom up to pants are doing the. Same way they have. Zip it goes all the way down the side. You can either open it from the bottom and you can open from the top and the bottom has snaps that underneath you can. That you can use it’s very comfortable. They make it in extra lights extra large. Size for the big guys and like me and. The best bang for the buck right now as far as subscribers anything and material. Quality and everything anyways you can get these at uh outdoor researches. Website still they do have a newer model. That they’re calling something else i haven’t tried that yet but if you can. Get one of the for a system set-ups. They work really well the jacket was. About three hundred and fifty dollars the pants was about a hundred and fifty dollars and you know they weren’t pretty. Good i haven’t had any problems with it. Keeps me dry when it’s raining doesn’t. Wet out even if it does soak up a little. Water in the top layer the it doesn’t so. Crew so you know it doesn’t i don’t get. Too hot in it like i would the. Old-school gore-tex so you’re not. Sweating and if you do get hot like i said it has the pit zips and so forth. But here in the south you know we get a. Lot of rain in fact this trip it’s. Rained almost non-stop this first nice day we’ve had and you know I’ve been. Wearing it out and it’s been keeping me dry it acts as a great windbreak you. Now so instead of carrying a windbreaker and rain jacket and you know. Carrying a soft shell and all that this. Is sort of like the all in all three built in one. So it’s its it’s a good jacket anyway. That’s one of the comment let people know about this wonderful system and if. You have any questions leave them in the comments below thank you and this is the. Gore-tex jacket that he was talking about you know military when i was in. The army in the early 90s 91 93 these. Weren’t issued you had to buy your own and in fact mine was a wooden in the. Pattern and like i said they do have a tendency to wet out especially as they get well-worn and used but here it is. Does have a nice hood thank you for. Watching this video you liked it please. Click the like button if you’d like to see more click subscribe and also click. On the bell icon to receive notifications when we upload new videos. If you have questions or suggestions for. New videos please leave a comment down below and also consider supporting us on. Patreon and or you can join us on our. Discord server the links will be in the. Description below.
Having a wool baselayer is great, but having specific wool blends mapped on the body for targeted comfort and performance is even better. The Fjallraven Bergtagen Woolmesh Sweater is an advanced baselayer for all your mountainous adventures. High-loft wool is placed on the chest and shoulders for targeted warmth. A wool and nylon mesh is placed strategically on the sleeves, sides, and lower torso to maximize ventilation and flexibility. And the lower side panels, cuffs, and neck use an elastane blend to give a chafe-free fit in concentrated areas. All this wool is naturally moisture-wicking to help you stay dry while moving, while the polyester and nylon increase mobility and durability.
The Dale of Norway Cortina Basic Masculine Sweater keeps a warm and toasty feel that lasts through the day when out walking the dog or skiing at the resort. Merino wool material is soft as well as naturally moisture wicking to remove sweat or water during active wear, and a slim fit cut hugs the body for a comfortable, warm feel.
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